Heritage Preservation - 07/16/2018 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY,JULY 16, 2018 6:30 P.M. SMITH DOUGLAS MORE HOUSE 8107 EDEN PRAIRIE RD HPC COMMISSION MEMBERS: Steve Olson-Chair; Tara Kalar-Vice Chair; Pamela Spera; Valerie Ross; Paul Thorp; Richard Smith; Shanti Shah COMMISSION STAFF: Lori Creamer, Staff Liaison Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Olson called the meeting to order at 6:37 p.m. absent was commission member Smith. Commission Member Shah arrived at 7:01 p.m. and Spera arrived at 7:04 p.m. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Kalar to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4- 0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Kalar to approve the minutes with the correction of Severin Peterson's name and removal of"for the trail" regarding the timeline panel for the Smith Douglas More House, item IX, Reports of Historical Society. Motion carried 4-0. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. ANNUAL HERITAGE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE Creamer stated she reached out to Michael Koop, from the State Historic Preservation Office, but could not promise scholarships for people to attend. She would reach out to Shah and Smith if no one else wished to attend; Creamer planned to attend. B. CITY WIDE OPEN HOUSE—OCTOBER 6,2018 EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 16, 2018 Page 2 The City Wide Open House would be held on October 6 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Creamer, Thorp and Spera would represent the HPC at the event with a booth selling street signs. C. FALL HARVEST CELEBRATION - OCTOBER 6, 2018 The Fall Harvest Celebration would be held on October 6 from 2:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. Since this and the City Wide Open House fell on the same day, Creamer asked if the commission wished to split duties. Ross replied the Dorenkemper House would be open and the Historical Society would have a table with items for sale. The commission could collaborate with the Society. Kalar suggested commission members think of ways to participate to discuss at the August meeting. Due to scheduling conflicts, Kalar and Olson would be unable to volunteer at either event. D. NATIVE AMERICAN HERITAGE MONTH—NOVEMBER Olson suggested this was an item to keep in mind for now, with ideas to be brainstormed later. Creamer would continue to check back with the 106 Group to see if the artifacts discovered in the County Rd 61 Hwy project would be available. V. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. APPRECIATION FOR THE PAST Olson displayed the original documents when the HPC was formed in the 1990s. Planning sessions resulted in a five-year plan and a mission statement. The current commission's education piece was more pronounced today but much of the content had not changed. Olson asked if the comments on the Aspire 2040 Plan were completed, and Creamer replied this was ongoing. The Plan did include heritage preservation descriptions with a map of designated sites and Creamer offered to email these to the commission members. In addition, the draft chapters were available at the City's website. Thorp asked if the City was going to request the commission to look at the Plan. Creamer replied it probably would not,but now was the time for the commission members to review on their own time and suggest changes. Olson noted the Planning Session Documents included information that had not been updated in perhaps twenty years. He drew the commission members' attention to the Youth Historian Program, scholarships, the Historic Preservation Fund, and the "Awareness of committee in high school" language. The HPC was created by ordinance in 1990, and certified in 1991. Discussion followed on the differences and similarities between this founding document and current practices. B. FINAL PREVIEW OF COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT PROJECT EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 16, 2018 Page 3 Kalar display a three-minute clip of the"Humans of Eden Prairie, History Edition" video. Creamer asked if the plan would one video to show at all the events or three separate clips- a different one for each of the three movie nights; Kalar replied she hoped to have them. Spera and Shah had reviewed them in advance of the meeting. Discussion followed on existing clips to be included. Creamer reminded the commission that this group is familiar with this project as they have been working on it for several months, and asked if the audience would understand what the commission was trying to portray with this project. Kalar replied this was an attempt to follow the Humans of New York format and the Humans of Eden Prairie project of the Human Rights and Diversity commission. Thorp replied he found the video self-explanatory. Creamer suggested some titles such as "Past to Present" or"History in the Making." Shah replied the emphasis was on changes in Eden Prairie as a part of growth and the City's current residents. Creamer suggested incorporating the concept of"change" in the titles, and Kalar suggested something like "Then and Now." Spera suggested an introduction. Discussion followed on design and intertitle suggestions. Creamer replied she would share the video with the City Manager along with the comments from the commission members. Kalar and Shah turned in their signed waivers to Creamer. C. HENNEPIN COUNTY SIGN FOR CUMMINS HOUSE Creamer stated she had previously e-mailed the two designs to the commission members and the majority preferred the largest sign. The City Engineer is working with Hennepin County on the sign design and final location. Hopefully they would be installed yet this year. IX. REPORTS OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ross reported the inventory and cataloging was ongoing. Historical Society artifacts were discovered in the Riley garage. Thorp stated this was supposed to be the Society's garage, but the City did use it for storage and donations. X. ONGOING TRAINING XI. NEW BUSINESS A. YORKVILLE AND BLOOMINGTON ROAD—NEXT STEPS Thorp stated he had no real updates. Creamer replied Bob Mack, the City's UPC consultant, sent a proposal for the National Register nomination of the Yorkville and Bloomington Rd discovery. Olson asked if there was still a question of engaging private owners, and Creamer replied the first step would be deciding how and when to communicate with the effected neighbors of the findings. Thorp EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION July 16, 2018 Page 4 replied participants were more likely to attend a meeting when they had some idea what the issue to be discussed was. Thorp suggested communications should come through the City Manager. Creamer offered to speak to the City Manager about next steps. Thorp replied placing the site on the National Register would result in a restriction on owners' lands. Creamer clarified that would be the case if there were federal/state dollars used for the portion of the trail that is on private property. The designation alone does not restrict the use. Discussion followed on possible owners' concerns (trail use, etc.). Shah asked if there was a precedent for communication, and Olson replied this differed from previous similar situations (burial mounds) in that the site was known up front,rather than discovered during the investigation. Olson suggested 1) asking the City Manager how to approach the land owners, and 2) deciding what content to deliver when. Thorp suggested asking for the City Manager's feedback. Ross asked if the land the property owners' would cede control was useable, and Thorp replied it was a protected bluff, unable to be paved or built on,but owners often resent any restrictions on their land. Ross asked if there were to be many objections, would that prevent the commission's mission. Olson suggested the site be seen as a public resource, with the privately-held parcels seen as contributing. Spera asked if there were laws. Kalar replied while she was not the City Attorney, but it was a Constitutional issue. Discussion followed on the intersection of preservation mandates with private use. Olson suggested focusing on the park land for now; the boundaries could be expanded later. Thorp suggested holding an informational meeting and see what the turnout would be. XII. FYI ITEMS XIII. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held Monday, August 20, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. at a site to be determined. XIV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Kalar to adjourn. Motion carried 6-0. The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 p.m.