Heritage Preservation - 12/18/2017 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY, DECEMBER 18, 2017 7:00 P.M. CITY CENTER 8080 MITCHELL RD HPC COMMISSION MEMBERS: Steve Olson-Chair; Tara Kalar-Vice Chair; Pamela Spera; Valerie Ross; Paul Thorp; Meredith Anderson; Shanti Shah STUDENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Caleb Miller; Inika Shetty; Neha Bhupatiraju; Alyssa Meiners COMMISSION STAFF: Lori Creamer, Staff Liaison Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Olson called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. Absent were commission members Anderson and Shah, and student members Bhupatiraju, Meiners, and Shetty. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Ross to approve the agenda. Motion carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Thorp to approve the November 6, 2018, minutes with Creamer's changes. Motion carried 4-0 with one abstention (Spera) due to absence. IV. REPORTS OF STUDENTS V. OLD BUSINESS A. DETAILS OF CUMMINS GRILL HOUSE UPSTAIRS PLAN & SPECS Creamer gave an update on the yearlong project to repair the upstairs. A consultant was hired to look at the upper level,redoing floors and windows, plaster repair, ceiling, etc., and put together a plan to move forward: to solicit grants, hire consultants, and determine whether or not this would be one project or a series of smaller projects. The project may require more than a$10,000.00 grant. The consultant put together an overview and best methods to update and repair the upper level. Creamer has not yet started work on grants because the milestone reports were not yet approved by the Minnesota Historical Society (MHS). The final report is due January after which Creamer would sit down with Case and the facilities manager to plan next steps. Ross asked for and received EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION December 18, 2017 Page 2 clarification that the report was being reviewed by MHS and has 30 days to do so. Olson asked if a Certificate of Appropriateness (COA) should be done, and Creamer replied it should. Ross asked for and received clarification that this COA was an internal City process and would come before this commission. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. LASER SCAN PROJECT UPDATE Olson presented his video of the Frederick Miller Spring laser scan, and displayed the TruView files which allow a 360-degree image of the site. He demonstrated how the TruView files yield height, width, and depth by clicking and dragging points on the image, and explained this was a good way to document a particular site at one particular point in time. Olson suggested at least one laser scan a year could be beneficial to planners. There was no special software needed; the program was an add-on to Internet Explorer. Kalar asked if the software utilized infrared (which could reveal delamination) and Olson replied it did not. Ross expressed interest in scanning some of the historical houses in Eden Prairie. VII. REPORTS OF HISTORICAL SOCIETY Ross announced Santa was wrapping up his visit at the Cummins House, with his last day being the day before Christmas Eve. There would be an open house in late January, 2018 to make valentine cards. Otherwise, the Historical Society has wrapped up its work for the year. The Ghost Walk was very successful, with two trolleys of visitors. The cataloging and photographing of artefacts was ongoing, with Thorp's help, and the project would start up again in late January or early February, 2018. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES WEBSITE RESEARCH PROJECT Creamer explained one of the items on the work plan was enhancements to the website, and she and Olson had discussed this as a way to get the student members involved. The idea was to have the student members review Eden Prairie's website and other historical websites, gather ideas and formulate suggestions, and bring them back to the commission. Creamer reminded the commission members the students' last meeting was in May, 2018, and suggested having this feedback in February or March, so the commission could follow up in April. She offered to email this information to all student members. B. REVIEW CONSULTANT PROPOSALS AND MAKE RECOMMENDATION FOR PHASE 2 OF THE RILEY-JACOUES FARMSTEAD INTERPRETIVE SIGNS GRANT PROJECT Olson displayed each consultant proposal in turn and the commission members and Creamer discussed the merits of each. Creamer explained the timeline: the EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION December 18, 2017 Page 3 grant work deadline was December, 2018. After the commission's decision tonight, there would be follow-up communication and contract work with the chosen consultant that could delay the actual work until February or March, 2018. MOTION: Kalar moved, seconded by Ross to recommend Cat Eye Design as the consultant to complete the design for the six remaining sign panels and Gopher Sign Company for the fabrication of the six remaining signs for the Riley-Jacques Farmstead/Park grant project based on proposal dated March 20, 2017 and March 27, 2017. This would cost$4,000.00 + $3,756.00 = $7756.00. Motion carried 5-0. IX. ONGOING TRAINING X. FYI ITEMS A. 2017 ANNUAL REVIEW & 2018 WORK PLAN PRESENTATION AT CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP,JANUARY 16 The event would begin at 5:00 p.m. and would include catering. Olson displayed the 2017 Annual Report and 2018 Work Plan Draft and the commission members discussed final revisions. MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Ross to recommend the revised 2017 Annual Report and 2018 Work Plan. Motion carried 5-0. XI. NEXT MEETING A. JANUARY AND FEBRUARY HPC MEETINGS FALL ON GOVERNMENT OBSERVED HOLIDAYS. 1. Options for January are 8"or 22"d or Meet After Council Workshop January 1611 The next meeting will be held Tuesday, January 16, 2018, at 7:00 p.m. in Prairie Rooms A & B, after the City Council Workshop. 2. Options for February are 12"or 26" The February meeting will be held Monday, February 12, 2018 at 7:00 p.m. in Prairie Rooms A & B. XII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Thorp to adjourn. Motion carried 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.