Heritage Preservation - 10/16/2017 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION AND EDEN PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY JOINT MEETING MONDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2017 7:00 P.M. CUMMINS-GRILL HOUSE 13600 PIONEER TRAIL HPC COMMISSION MEMBERS: Steve Olson-Chair; Tara Kalar-Vice Chair; Pamela Spera; Valerie Ross; Paul Thorp; Meredith Anderson; Shanti Shah EPHS BOARD MEMBERS: Kathie Case-Pres.; Valerie Ross-Vice Pres; Chris Honaas-Wildfang-Treas.; Kati Simons-Sec.; Ann Higgins-Curator; Jeanne DeSanctis-CPG House Co-Chair; Katie Qualey-CPG House Co-Chair; Tracy Hope- Director; Norm Rogers-Director; Jan Lacy- Director STUDENT COMMISSION MEMBERS: Caleb Miller; Inika Shetty; Neha Bhupatiraju; Alyssa Meiners COMMISSION STAFF: Lori Creamer, Staff Liaison Kristin Harley, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Olson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Absent were commission members Anderson, and student member Meiners. A. INTRODUCTIONS Introductions were made. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Spera to approve the agenda with the addition of an update on the National Register Nomination for Smith Douglas More House under Other Items. Motion carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Kalar to approve the minutes with these corrections: change"curve-and-gutter" to "curb-and-gutter" on page 2, first paragraph; EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 2017 Page 2 Olson did not attend the conference and therefore had no summary; and Spera's suggestion of partnering with a theatrical group was a general suggestion, not a specific project. Motion carried 5-0. IV. HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES A. CITY COUNCIL WORKSHOP DISCUSSION UPDATE Case described the joint meeting with the City Council. Creamer and Miller had also attended. At the meeting Case suggested to Jay Lotthammer of the Parks and Recreation Department the entrance to the park and other amenities needed a larger sign to more clearly direct visitors to the Cummins-Grill House. There was a sign on the original plan for the site. Creamer offered to bring it up at the commission's meeting with the Park and Recreation Department in November. Creamer announced the city can also have a brown historic site sign on each side of Pioneer Trail, which is a county road, once the Hennepin County application process is completed. She also checked on this for the Smith Douglas Moore House, but being a private business it could not get such a sign. Case added she suggested to Lotthammer other ways to make the yard at the Cummins-Grill House more inviting, such as an asparagus garden and picnicking areas. B. HERITAGE DAYS UPDATE Ross announced there was a huge turnout at Riley Lake, with over 600 people attending. Discussion followed on the success of the event. Case mentioned the location change from Cummins-Grill House to Dorenkemper House for Sunbonnet Days, and how expectations of the audience today required offering nonhistoric events such as a"bouncy house" for children, and precluding church potluck-type food. She offered to work with the event organizers to include more traditional historic offerings. Creamer replied the Heritage Days were more under the umbrella of the Park and Recreation Department,but a discussion could begin on this. Olson admitted this event had not involved the commission in the past. Discussion followed on possible alternative to a"bouncy house" such as pony rides, horse-drawn carriage, hanging apple contests, apple cider made on the spot, etc. C. HERITAGE PLAQUE PROGRAM UPDATE Case summarized the plaque-and-lawn sign program started in 1990s to recognized historic properties in Eden Prairie. Some of these houses have been lost in the meantime, and others never received either a yard sign or the bronze plaque. Many of the yard signs seem to be gone or looking aged. Case believed many new homeowners might be interested in receiving the plaque and the yard sign, and there being no integrity issue, she wished to revisit this program, and EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 2017 Page 3 drive around to see which structures still exist. Discussion followed on specific properties. Creamer stated she found two lists of properties, and Olson added past commission member Cindy Evert sent out letters to property owners a few years ago. Case stated it was really necessary to go to people's door regarding this. Creamer offered to give the list to Case that had been revised. D. OTHER DeSantis announced the "Ghost Walk" would be held on Saturday, and it was sold out. V. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION UPDATES A. LEGACY GRANT UPDATE-CUMMINS UPSTAIRS AREA/FUTURE GRANTS Creamer announced the 90 percent plans and specs had been submitted to SHPO for review. Creamer had not yet heard back. The next step would be approval, the final report, and consultants recommended next steps. The question would then arise if one large grant or a phased project would be preferable. Olson asked if there was a cost estimate, and Creamer replied it would be available after the final report was issued. Discussion followed on the possible grant. B. NATIONAL REGISTER PLAQUE & INTERPRETIVE SIGN— GLCC Creamer announced the bronze plaque for the Glen Lake Childrens Camp had been ordered and received. Case suggested Creamer could ask Jerry Bahmiller, Co-Site Director/Maintenance, for the best place to mount it. Creamer added the interpretive sign is falling down, so she took a picture and sent it to the Parks and Recreation Department, and would bring it up again at next meeting. Case stated the new signs at Riley and Dorenkemper House are chipping, and asked if they were still covered by Bluestem. Creamer replied the signage company informed her of the signs' condition and were going to work with the parks department to replace them. City staff and True Friends will be working through the details. Creamer distributed the Condition Assessment of Camp Eden Wood requested by the City Council due to a concern with the dining hall. The city consulted with MacDonald & Mack and just received this report. EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 2017 Page 4 C. FLYING CLOUD DRIVE ROAD PROJECT (HENNEPIN COUNTY) Olson thanked the Eden Prairie Historic Society members who joined the presentation on the archeological project. Creamer distributed a printout of the presentation and summarized the project. Discussion followed on the significance of the findings. Case asked if there could be an article in the Eden Prairie News or other publicity about this project. Kalar noted the commission had not taken such an initiative, but could. Thorp added the report has not yet been written. Creamer clarified this was not a city project but a county effort, whose representatives consented to share their finds with the commission. Case urged this story be shared with the community. D. FILM FEST EVENT Creamer described the process of arriving at this idea in lieu of a History Hunt. Kalar summarized the decision to move away from a History Hunt toward the proposal to create a film version of a time capsule of Eden Prairie history: the public submits short videos, the commission develops the criteria, films are chosen, and there is a film festival, concluding with a snippet of what it means to be an Eden Prairie resident in 2018. This could live in the museum, perhaps on a DVD. The event would need organization, pitching, and promotion, and Kalar was confident she could find volunteers. Creamer added the project could be intergenerational, incorporating oral history of especially older residents, and be something to view in 30 years. Kalar added the event would need the use of the city's social media, Eden Prairie Historical Society participation, a judge to review all videos for content and to condense them into one. The plan was to hold the event at the Community Center where there are already concessions, or another place that would not entail a cost and have prohibitions on food. Case suggested the consolidated school gym or the Riley barn as alternative locations, and added she liked idea of getting young people involved. DeSantis asked if this would be a competition. Kalar replied it could,but the commission could not offer a prize. DeSantis asked the students what would motivate young people to take this on. Shetty replied volunteer hours would be an incentive, and Bhupatiraju and Miller concurred. DeSantis asked if extra credit would be an incentive, and Miller replied Eden Prairie schools wanted to deemphasize extra credit by making the requirements especially strict. Ross asked about an alternative idea, the History Happy Hour. Kalar replied the two possibilities were not mutually exclusive. Creamer stated the logistics could be complicated for the commission. Kalar suggested the idea might be more EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 2017 Page 5 appropriate for the Eden Prairie Historical Society. Case replied the Historical Society,being entirely volunteer-run, was in a good place with its current slate of events,but would be willing to work with the commission on other projects and events in the future. Discussion followed on the Historical Society's oral history project. Creamer stated she would add the film festival to the commission's 2018 Work Plan and set a timetable. E. ARCHEOLOGY GRANT-TOWN OF HENNEPIN Thorp stated he met with the archeologist, who was excited and interested but may not have work completed before snowfall. Thorp listed locations of concern: the Minnesota Valley Trail, the road to the landing, the warehouse site, the blacksmith shop site, the tavern site on River View Road, and the hotel foundation on the Heuler property. Hopefully the archeologist would walk the site before fall. Creamer and Thorp briefly described the process of choosing the consultant for the benefit of Case. Case stated this was another good story worthy of publication and promotion. F. 2018 HERITAGE PRESERVATION AWARD CANDIDATES Olson announced the 4th preservation award ceremony would be held this spring and wondered if there was a homeowner who would be deserving of the award. He asked for thoughts on candidates. Case suggestion Sever Peterson, who was farmer presently living in his grandfather's Severin's home. It was the original house with additions, with the barns still standing on the property. She also suggested the Pauly's house on Highway 5 near Heritage Road past Kowalski's, which was recently sold to young couple who are restoring the entire property. This 1879 house was sold for considerably less than what the seller could receive for it because of the assurance of restoration. G. OTHER Creamer submitted the National Register Nomination for Smith Douglas More House to the Historical Society and received a response which included more questions. A meeting was set to go through them with the consultant on Wednesday. Case offered to help answer or add anything to help Creamer answer the questions. Olson suggested this may perhaps push back the review to the March meeting. EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION October 16, 2017 Page 6 IV. OLD BUSINESS VII. FYI ITEMS Case asked for an update on the condition and mounting of the Flying Red Horse sign. Thorp replied it was in the custody of the city. Creamer replied the suggestion was to restore and display it and perhaps use the street sign funds to assist with the restoration. VIII. NEXT MEETING The next meeting will be held Monday, November 6, 2017 at 7:00 p.m. (note location change) at the Art Center, 7650 Equitable Drive. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Spera moved, seconded by Kalar to adjourn. Motion carried 5-0. The meeting was adjourned at 8:28 p.m.