Heritage Preservation - 08/15/2016 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY,AUGUST 15, 2016 6:30 P.M. TOWN OF HENNEPIN AREA TOUR MEETING resumes following tour, City Center Prairie Rooms A & B, 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Steve Olson (Chair), Tara Kalar (Vice Chair), Cindy Cofer Evert, Pamela Spera, Valerie Ross, Paul Thorp, Ed Muehlberg STAFF: Lori Creamer, Staff Liaison Robert Vogel, Pathfinder CRM, LLC Heidi Wojahn, Recording Secretary GUEST: Ken Ross I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Olson called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Vogel, Muehlberg, and Cofer Evert were absent. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Kalar moved, seconded by Ross, to approve the agenda. Motion carried 4-0. III. COMMISSION TOUR OF TOWN OF HENNEPIN SITE Thorp led Commissioners on a tour of the Town of Hennepin site pointing out features along the way. IV. OLD BUSINESS A. UPDATE ON TOWN OF HENNEPIN AND MURPHY'S FERRY RESEARCH—Thorp/Olson Thorp reported he spoke to and plans to follow up with Seaver Peterson regarding permission to put a stake in the ground at the Murphy's Ferry site. He and Olson are also scheduled to meet with David Mathers, archaeologist for the Minnesota Historical Society, next week to share Thorp's finding on the Town of Hennepin site and possibly pursue a grant to fund more formal investigation. V. APPROVAL OF MINUTES Thorp had several minor clarification and spelling changes to section V.A. Update on Town ofHennepin &Murphy's Ferry Research. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 15, 2016 Page 2 MOTION: Thorp moved, seconded by Ross, to approve the July 18, 2016 minutes as amended. Motion carried 5-0. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. ACTION PLAN REGARDING OVERLOOK SITE —Kalar Kalar reported work on this is in progress. B. GRANT PROJECT SUBCOMMITTEE MEETING UPDATE - Spera Bluestem Heritage Group (BHG) presented draft text and potential areas being considered for additional signage to the subcommittee at its August 4 meeting. The next subcommittee meeting will be the end of August. Creamer said she and Parks and Natural Resources Manager Matt Bourne met with BHG recently and a few additional changes were made based on Parks staff input. Location and size of the signs were discussed as well as avoiding duplication of content on an existing sign by the boat launch. Subcommittee members should be receiving a revised document to review prior to the next meeting. C. SMITH DOUGLAS MORE HOUSE PROJECT UDPATE—Creamer The bocce ball court has been installed, and a contract has been signed for the roof project. The next step is to assemble bid documents for construction contractors. The project should be completed before winter. D. 50"ANNIVERSARY OF NATIONAL HISTORIC PRESERVATION ACT COMMITTEE UPDATE— Kalar, Evert, Ross Kalar suggested creating a postcard of photos of Eden Prairie historic sites and adding a hashtag to use for promotional purposes. It would be a great way to bring awareness of historic preservation to all audiences. Olson suggested incorporating Pokemon Go gems to further entice people. Spera suggested the HPC consider creating a booklet in the future of all the sites with more detailed information than what is available online. Discussion of logistics including budget, photographer, social media, and distribution for Kalar's idea followed. VII. FYI ITEMS - Creamer A. SPIRIT OF EDEN PRAIRIE AWARD Creamer distributed flyers seeking nominees for the Spirit of Eden Prairie Award due August 31. Winners in each of three different categories may be granted the HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES August 15, 2016 Page 3 award: single family, multi-family, and commercial. Commissioners were asked to spread the word. B. ANNUAL STATEWIDE PRESERVATION CONFERENCE The Annual Statewide Preservation Conference will be held September 8 and 9 in Hastings, MN. Kalar and Creamer are registered to attend. Olson will be presenting on rehabilitating historic bridges into community assets. Creamer stated progress on the partnership grant training manuals continues. C. CITYWIDE OPEN HOUSE The Citywide Open House is scheduled for Saturday, October 8, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. This is a family event at City Center with freebie giveaways. Creamer suggested the HPC distribute something at the event related to the 50th Anniversary of the National Historic Preservation Act such as the postcard Kalar previously mentioned. They could also promote the street sign sales and give them to buyers that day as opposed to shipping them. Olson recommended using this opportunity to highlight the City Center photo display as well. Ross said the Eden Prairie Historical Society will plan to be open and staff its museum during the event. Creamer proposed selling Eden Prairie prints and books, too. Discussion ensued about reducing the prices of lesser-demand items as well as those which are abundant in quantity. Thorp and Spera volunteered to staff the table. VIII. FUTURE MEETINGS/EVENTS The next HPC meeting will be Monday, September 19, 2016, 7 p.m. at City Center, Prairie Rooms A & B. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Ross moved, seconded by Thorp, to adjourn. Motion carried 5-0. Chair Olson adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m.