Conservation Commission - 01/12/2016 APPROVED MINUTES CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY,JANUARY 12, 2016 7:00 P.M., CITY CENTER Prairie Room 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Greg Olson, Chair; Laura Jester, Vice Chair; Prashant Shrikhande; Lori Tritz; Amanda Anderson and Gena Gerard STUDENT REPRESENTATIVES: Emily Corpuz, Rachel Buckland and Jenna Horner CITY STAFF: Tania Mahtani, Planner I, Planning Division; Leslie Stovring, Environmental Coordinator, Engineering Division; and Jodie Fenske, Recording Secretary I. CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL Chair Greg Olson called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. Shrikhande, Anderson and Horner were absent. Buckland arrived late. Olson welcomed a visitor, John Anderson, West Metro Community Coordinator from Conservation Minnesota, which is a non-partisan, non-profit policy advocacy organization throughout the greater Hennepin County area. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Motion: Tritz moved, seconded by Gerard, to amend the agenda to add section V.G. Pollinator Resolution. Motion carried 4-0. Motion: Tritz moved, seconded by Jester, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 4-0. III. APPROVAL OF CONSERVATION MINUTES—DECEMBER 8, 2015 Gerard had the following change to the minutes. Page 4, third paragraph, second sentence should read: "She noted the EPA recently set a lower level of air quality limits. However, Minnesota is not considered ..." Motion: Tritz moved, seconded by Gerard, to approve the meeting minutes as amended. Motion carried 4-0. CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2016 Page 2 IV. PRESENTERS V. REPORTS FROM STAFF A. NOVEMBER 8, 2016 COMMISSION MEETING DATE Mahtani reported since the scheduled November Commission meeting falls on Election Day, the meeting date needs to be rescheduled. After discussion of possible date changes, it was decided she will email options to Commission members to reschedule. B. POWERPOINT PRESENTATION FOR CITY COUNCIL/CITY COMMISSIONS WORKSHOP Mahtani displayed for review a PowerPoint presentation of the 2015 Accomplishments and 2016 Goals to be presented to Council on Tuesday, February 19, 2016. 2015 Accomplishments include helping the City provide input on the Minnesota GreenStep Cities Step 4 Pilot program; providing education on sustainable practices at events; creating a new educational water use graphic for display at future commission booths; and providing recommendations on City initiatives and planning documents. Jester suggested an additional accomplishment of providing recommendations on City's native plant potential code updates, pollinators and organic recycling. 2016 Goals include continuing to support the City's efforts through the 20-40-15 Successor Program; providing recommendations on City initiatives, including the Local Water Management Plan Update and relevant code updates, the brand new sustainability chapter of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan, and the sustainability section of the City's Design Standards and the Water Efficiency Grant; working with City staff to develop ways to expand use of Environmental Learning Center;providing input on potential pollinator protection initiatives; providing education to residents and businesses on sustainability practices; continuing development of educational outreach materials; and conducting a joint meeting with the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission to discuss efforts relevant to both commissions. Mahtani notified Commission Olson is unavailable to attend the meeting and a replacement is needed. Gerard committed to attending and presenting at the meeting. Mahtani stated she will update the PowerPoint presentation and email to Commission for review. CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2016 Page 3 C. UPCOMING EVENTS AND WORKSHOPS Stovring provided an update on the Urban Waters Forum(previously known as Shallow Lakes Forum) which will be held on April 23, 2016, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Focus will be on informing homeowners what they can do on the water and on the land in addition to providing communication tactics, including how to speak with neighbors or who to contact in the community when issues arise. Information provided at the forum will include available volunteer programs and partnerships with watersheds and cities to improve water quality. In addition, rain garden and shore land restoration ideas will be presented to provide homeowners information to make their water body function better. Stovring invited any interested party in the group to join her at the event or to provide additional ideas since there is one additional planning meeting prior to the event. Future projects include updating an exhibit at the Environmental Learning Center (ELC) and a possible additional water-resources related community workshop in the summer or fall. Stovring invited Commission members to share any topics or ideas. Stovring has also spoken with the City Attorney and determined that the City could provide rebates to local schools to bring students to the ELC. This would be tied to water utility customers only, similar to the existing rebate programs. She will be speaking with the Utility Department to see how it could be worked into the next budget cycle. D. 2016 COMMUNICATION PLAN Stovring presented the 2016 Education Plan worksheet she prepares annually which includes timelines for Facebook posts, green newsletters and other long-term communication outlets, as well as future workshop ideas. She noted the Engineering Department was recently restructured. In addition to Stovring, Dave Modrow is Water Resources Engineer and Carol Lundgren is now a permanent Environmental Technician. Carol will take over, if not assist with, most of the educational programming. She noted the Recycling Program and NPDES Program require quarterly posts on Facebook. A Recycling Guide and Annual Drinking Water Report are required annually and are incorporated into Living Green newsletters which are mailed to residents in June and December. After reviewing current schedule and ideas, Stovring solicited other additional ideas for Facebook posts and other Living Green articles. CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2016 Page 4 Gerard suggested the February topic of recycling include information regarding new commercial recycling mandate effective January 1, 2016. In addition, information regarding Hennepin County business grants to upgrade recycling efforts with free technical assistance and supplies would also be a good topic. Gerard also suggested one summer topic could include water conservation recommendations; i.e., keep car washing and lawn watering to a minimum. Another topic could include air quality suggestions; i.e.,reduce emissions by filling gas tank after dark and mowing only when necessary and then during lower temperature times of day. She suggested additional ideas can be found on MPCA website. Stovring would appreciate two weeks advance notice for posts and one month for articles for the Living Green Newsletter. Jester informed the group Commission previously had communications as a standing agenda item and perhaps this topic should be revisited as a monthly reminder. E. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE HOME AND GARDEN EXPO PLANNING Mahtani reported the Chamber of Commerce Home and Garden Expo will be held on Saturday, March 19, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at Grace Church. During December meeting, it was determined the Commission's goal is to focus on water conservation at the Expo by having a graphic on display, in addition to distributing a handout that residents and businesses can use. Tritz was commended on design of the water conservation graphic. She then presented materials for Commission to review and provide feedback. Commission discussed "conservation" versus "renewal." Conservation implies restriction and inconvenience. Renewal creates idea of abundance, referring directly to recharging and replenishing the aquifer. Discussion continued resulting in changes that Tritz will make and distribute to Commission to review prior to printing. She further explained intent to organize a set of handouts based on the brochure's numbering system as part of an integrated message. Stovring advised she has met with Communications to establish a template for a handout so it could be easily updated each year. She gave them a list of ideas with website links for the 2015 handout. Commission members discussed expanding this idea by creating a quiz for patrons to complete. If they finish it and turn it in, they could win a small prize. The handout would be provided to take home. The group concurred a 4- or 5-question quiz would be a beneficial tool in determining a baseline of consumer knowledge in order to measure improvement made in the future. Tritz challenged each CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2016 Page 5 Commission member to create one or two questions for the quiz and email to her within the next two weeks. Tritz is unavailable to attend the Expo due to a prior commitment. Student Representative Buckland arrived at 8:20 p.m. F. WATER EFFICIENCY GRANT—METROPOLITAN COUNCIL Stovring reported she applied and received a$37,500 grant through the Metropolitan Council Clean Water fund for cities. Focus of the grant is maintaining existing residential rebate program and adding non-profit organizations, commercial buildings and apartment complexes for toilet, washing machine and irrigation system upgrades or replacements. She will present the proposal to the Council in February. The Commission commended her efforts in obtaining the grant. G. POLLINATOR RESOLUTION After working with Parks Staff, Stovring presented a draft resolution endorsing pollinator-safe policies and procedures, which focus on neonicotinoids. Systemic herbicides will be limited by time of year or type of project. Resolution fits well with guidelines the City already has in place and will be presented to Council in February. Next step will be to update City code. Motion: Olson moved, seconded by Jester, Conservation Commission offers its support and recommendation for City Council to approve the resolution. Motion carried 4-0. Gerard recently discovered handouts from State Department of Agriculture that could be used in the future as useful information, most likely at no charge to the City, for its residents. VI. REPORTS FROM CHAIR VII. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION VIII. REPORTS FROM STUDENTS Buckland provided an update from previous meeting regarding HRDC anti-human trafficking 5K run in June. Pursuant to her discussion with HRDC they will provide recycling and possibly composting. Buckland will work with HRDC to request recycling bins available from Hennepin County and assist in providing information at the run as to what can be recycled. Gerard advised Hennepin County's Green Partners program provides an online tool to print instructions. CONSERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 12, 2016 Page 6 IX. CONTINUING BUSINESS X. UPCOMING EVENTS Jester informed Commission about Road Salt Symposium hosted by the Freshwater Society on February 4, 2016, at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. General public is invited although most presentations will be geared toward City staff or those managing winter roads. • 2016 Joint City Council/City Commissions Workshop: January 19, 2016, from 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. • Chamber of Commerce Home and Garden Expo: March 19, 2016, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. (Grace Church) • Urban Waters Forum: April 23, 2016, from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. (Minnesota Landscape Arboretum) XI. NEXT MEETING Next Conservation Commission Meeting—Tuesday, February 9, 2016 XII. ADJOURNMENT Motion: Jester moved, seconded by Gerard, to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 4-0. Chair Olson adjourned the meeting at 8:30 p.m.