Heritage Preservation - 05/21/2012 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY, MAY 21, 2012 7:00 P.M. CITY CENTER PRAIRIE ROOMS A&B COMMISSION MEMBERS Ed Muehlberg, Chair; Cindy Cofer Evert, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Lawler, Mark McPherson, Kay Desmarais, JoAnn McGuire, Steve Olson STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ian English; Metadel Lee COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Pathfinder CRM, LLC Lori Creamer, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Muehlberg called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Desmarais and McPherson were excused. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Muehlberg asked to add two items under new business. Item B. Feltman Family Interpretive Panel at Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area. Item C. City Council Presentation. MOTION: Evert moved, seconded by Lawler, to approve the amended agenda. Motion Carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. COMMISSION MEETING HELD APRIL 16, 2012 MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by Olson, to approve the minutes of the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting held on April 16, 2012. Motion carried 5-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. UPDATE ON EPHS LEGACY GRANT APPLICATION FOR CUMMINS HOUSE FIRE SUPPRESSION SYSTEM Gertz gave a brief update to the Commission on the Eden Prairie Historical Society's fire Suppression system installation project at the Cummins Grill House. There has been little change in the project status since the COA was approved. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES May 21, 2012 Page 2 B. UPDATE ON THE CUMMINS HOUSE FOUNDATION REPAIR Gertz updated the Commission on the Cummins House foundation movement repair project. A trench was dug deeper than necessary, and beyond the depth recommended by the pathfinder architect, Christian Hendrie. The result, based on engineer Joshua Herzog's inspection is the foundation was compromised and will need complete underpinning. This would also include the removal of the historic cistern located along the foundation. Removal of the cistern will require an archaeology permit from the state and documentation prior to demolition. A Phase I summary was prepared by Gertz for Sticha, the city's facility manager, to provide an updated scope of work and cost estimates. Phases II and III will include the removal of the cistern. Lawler asked if all the rain we have had will have an adverse effect on the foundation and the work that has been done. Gertz stated it shouldn't and if the work is done this summer, it shouldn't compromise the condition of the house. Gertz stated once the underpinning is complete, there would have to be work done to correct the grade and complete gutter work. Gertz stated the Historical Society is considering applying for a grant to help pay for some of the repairs. The concern is the time it will take to receive the grant and then get bids before the work begins. Gertz stated they will wait for the reports indicating the cost and scheduling to move forward. He will update the commission on the process at the June meeting. V. OLD BUSINESS A. CITY WEBSITE UPDATE Lori Creamer provided a demonstration of the City's new website and showed the Commission the navigation features,pages of interest and discussed how the HPC might add points of public interest to the appropriate page(s) of the site. The Commission showed enthusiasm with the opportunity to provide historical site data and other similar items within areas of the website. Lawler will prepare some suggestions for the historic site map and bring those ideas to the June meeting. B. HISTORIC PROPERTIES ANNUAL CONDITION ASSESSMENT A field inspection of historic properties is scheduled for June 6. Lawler volunteered to assist Gertz on that day to document the current conditions,repair needs and maintenance issues for all Eden Prairie owned properties. The findings will be forwarded to Sticha, City facilities manager. VI. NEW BUSINESS HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES May 21, 2012 Page 3 A. CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT FOR CUMMINS PROPERTY The Commission reviewed the Conditional Use Permit for the Cummins House. Commission members were asked to review the request from the Historical Society for requested uses at the property. The Commissions role is to recommend any modifications to the list and make a motion to approve the request prior to the City Council approval. Evert asked who was responsible for managing the details of the proposed events. Gertz stated that would be the responsibility of the Historical Society to rent the space and coordinate the event calendar. MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by Evert, to accept the Conditional Use Permit for the Cummins Grill property located at 13600 Pioneer Trail pending confirmation that stated criteria as amended have been addressed. Condition 2 should read "any changes to the use of the building or site from those established in these conditions shall require an amended Conditional Use Permit" and Condition 8 should state shared parking shall be provided at the site. No parking on the landscaped area around the house. Motion carried 5-0. B. FELTMAN FAMILY INTERPRETIVE PANEL AT RICHARD T. ANDERSON CONSERVATION AREA Muehlberg received an e-mail from Higgins, the former HPC chair regarding the request Jeff Miller brought forth to a prior meeting. Mr. Miller was wondering what the status of the project was. At the original meeting when Mr. Miller presented his request to the Commission, he had asked if the City could help fund the project. Gertz indicated it might be advantageous for the Historical Society to apply for a grant which could help fund this project. Gertz stated this project was not on the 2012 work plan and scope of his work. He said he would assist the Historical Society in a consulting manner if they would assume the grant writing and administration role. Gertz will contact the Historical Society and discuss the process with them and report back to the commission at the June 18, 2012 meeting. C. CITY COUNCIL PRESENTATION Muehlberg asked for clarification on the date he would be presenting a short PowerPoint to the City Council on the work the commission accomplished in 2011. The date is June 19, 2012. Gertz stated he would work on the presentation and send a draft copy to Muehlberg and City Staff for final touches. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES May 21, 2012 Page 4 VII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by McGuire to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. There being no further business, Muehlberg adjourned the meeting at 8:40 p.m.