Heritage Preservation - 01/23/2012 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY,JANUARY 23, 2012 7:00 P.M. CITY CENTER PRAIRIE ROOMS A&B COMMISSION MEMBERS Ann Higgins, Chair; Ed Muehlberg, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Lawler, Mark McPherson, Kay Desmarais, Cindy Cofer Evert STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ian English; Mettie Lee COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Pathfinder CRM, LLC Lori Creamer, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Higgins called the meeting to order at 6:57 p.m. English and Evert were excused. Higgins asked to make an addition to the agenda tonight adding Item B. under section VI. New Business Reappointments to HPC. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Desmarais moved, seconded by McPherson, to approve the amended agenda. Motion Carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. COMMISSION MEETING HELD DECEMBER 19, 2011 MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by Muehlberg, to approve the minutes of the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting held on December 19, 2011. Motion carried 5-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. NEW FORMS FOR COA APPLICATION PROCESS Gertz presented some sample COA forms which are currently used by the City of San Antonio for the HPC's review and comment. He presented two application forms; one for Administrative Review and one for projects which would be reviewed by the HPC and require City Council approval. In addition Gertz passed out another handout which would help to guide the direction of the review for a project. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 23, 2012 Page 2 The commission liked the examples and agreed it would hopefully make the COA process simpler. They also discussed how this process would help eliminate non- permitted work and streamline the review process. They would like to have time to review the forms and make comments/suggestions at the next meeting. Gertz will bring templates to the next meeting with Eden Prairie's information. Gertz also talked about a brochure which the City of San Antonio which briefly outlines what historic preservation means in terms of home ownership, review, etc. Something similar would also be a good idea for Eden Prairie. Gertz found some additional information from the San Antonio site relating to citizen requests for monuments, displays, etc. Since the HPC had recently had a request such as this and was not sure how to proceed, Gertz handed out the document he had found. The Commission saw value in having such a policy and will recommend City staff to review San Antonio's policy and consider adopting something similar for Eden Prairie. V. OLD BUSINESS A. CUMMINS HOUSE PROJECTS UPDATE Gertz updated the Commission on the recent meeting at the Cummins House to review the sprinkler plans with Midwest Sprinkler, Kathie Case, Paul Sticha, Christian Hendrie, Pathfinder Architect and myself. There were minor suggested changes and discussed the grant application revisions with Leanne Brown (Eden Prairie Historical Society grant writer). The meeting went well and should make re-application of the grant successful. While at the meeting it was noted work had commenced in the room above the kitchen to remove ceiling plaster. While this project was discussed several months ago, no formal scope of work was submitted to the City for approval. There was a concern to the HPC when I reported the work. Future work should be reviewed by the HPC or Gertz himself and the proper form filed with the City before the work is started. The topic of adding a door to the upper level of the Cummins House was also discussed. A COA is required for this work. A meeting at the Cummins house in the near future will be scheduled with City staff to consider the project and code requirements. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. REVISED 2012 HPC WORK PLAN The 2012 HPC work plan was discussed with no further changes or addition for the upcoming year. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES January 23, 2012 Page 3 B. MEMBER REAPPOINTMENTS Higgins informed the Commission she will not seek re-appointment to the HPC when her term ends in March 2012. There are no other terms that will expire in 2012. Higgins said the commissioners should take some time to think about if they are interested in applying for the Chair position. Higgins term expires in March 2012. VII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Desmarais moved, seconded by Muehlberg to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Higgins adjourned the meeting at 8:15 p.m.