Heritage Preservation - 09/19/2011 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2011 7:00 P.M. CITY CENTER PRAIRIE ROOMS A&B COMMISSION MEMBERS Ann Higgins, Chair; Ed Muehlberg, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Lawler, Mark McPherson, Kay Desmarais, Cindy Cofer Evert STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ian English; Mettie Lee COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Pathfinder CRM, LLC; Lori Creamer, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Higgins called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. McPherson and English were absent, which was excused. Mettie Lee, new student representative for the 2011-2012 school year was also in attendance. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Muehlberg moved, seconded by Evert, to approve agenda. Motion Carried 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. COMMISSION MEETING HELD AUGUST 15, 2011 MOTION: Lawler moved, seconded by Desmarais, to approve the minutes of the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting held on August 15, 2011. Motion carried 5-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. EDEN PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES There were no representatives from the Historical Society present; however, Higgins shared an update on the Feldman family. They have expressed interest in providing an interpretive panel at the Richard T. Anderson conservation area depicting where the house, occupied by them in the 1850's, stood. The original house was moved from the site by Sever Peterson. There will is a meeting scheduled for Monday, October 17th at City hall, lower level to talk with the family and determine how to proceed with this idea. Parks & Recreation staff, Planning Staff, Historical Society staff, Sever Peterson and Jeff Miller, a descendant of the Feldman family, will be in attendance. HERITAG E PRESERVATION CO M MISSION MINUTES September 19, 2011 Page 2 There are similar interpretive panels at the Cummins Grill House, Smith Douglas More house, and several already at the Richard T. Anderson Conservation Area. Evert stated the Historical Society newsletter had a lot of great information and upcoming events. She encouraged the HPC members to become a member of the Historical Society. Higgins commented on the recent fire at a historical building up north and brought up the concern about the historical properties in Eden Prairie. The question was asked, if any of the city's historic properties had working fireplaces, or fireplaces that could be used accidently by people renting the facilities. Higgins contacted City facility staff and raised the concern. Higgins will report back at a later meeting on the findings. V. OLD BUSINESS A. SMITH DOUGLAS-MORE HOUSE WORKSHOP PROJECTS Since A and D under Old Business are the same discussion on the item will take place under item D. B. LOCAL HERITAGE SITE DESIGNATION UPDATE Gertz stated he did not send them the Parks department or any other city offices instead he talked with Mr. Koop at the State Historic Preservation Office regarding the boundary at the Dorenkemper House on the already existing boundary at the Riley Jacques farmstead. Given it is a larger piece of property it should be ok. Gertz has to retrieve the legal description from the city offices which is the last item to finalize the designation. Staring Lake Outdoor Center and the Dorenkemper House designations should go to the Parks and Recreation Department for review and then on to the City Manager. The Glen Lake Children's Camp would go to the City Manager, and then staff can forward it on to Friendship Ventures. Once this process is complete, all three designations would go to the SHPO. The next step would be to the Planning Commission for overlay zoning issues and then onto the City Council for approval. Evert asked if there would be any reason the City Council would not approve these sites. Gertz stated there has been some resistance in the past with the people/companies who occupy the sites. C. ANNUAL MINNESOTA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE HERITAG E PRESERVATION CO M MISSION MINUTES September 19, 2011 Page 3 McPherson will be attending the conference September 22 & 23, 2011 in Faribault, Minnesota. There is still time to sign up if anyone else wanted to attend. D. COA 2011-02-032 SMITH-DOUGLAS-MORE HOUSE UPDATE The commission looked over the plans provided by the architect. Gertz stated the only thing that was not incorporated into the plan was the pervious pavers. The decision came down to cost. The other recommendations have been met. The plant schedule and rain garden was incorporated into the plan. The shed and gazebo were arbitrarily placed on the plan by HTPO — the architect for the parking lot. Lawler asked what the shed was going to be used for and Gertz stated it would be used for garden and lawn care tools, etc. Evert thought the detailed rain garden plan had a better placement of the gazebo and shed. Lawler's only concerns were the placement of the gazebo close to the trash enclosure and asked if there would be curb cuts for the rain garden. He liked the way the plant material was varied and not in a straight line. Desmarais questioned the decorative trim being painted red, it just seemed odd. Gertz stated the cupola was red with decorative trim so maybe the thought was to match the cupola it is going to be on top of the gazebo. Looks like the shingles will match the existing addition on the Smith Douglas More house and will have German siding. It's a pretty simple design. The shed is a simple gable shed with matching shingles, drop siding, and windows to match. The question still remains about the scroll work. Will it be painted red or white? It doesn't necessarily have to match the house. Gertz will follow up with city staff on the scroll work and find out for sure what the color scheme is going to be. This item is scheduled for city council approval on Tuesday, September 20, 2011. E. HISTORIC SITE PLAQUES Evert updated the commission on the progress she had made regarding the historic site plaques. She had been unable to obtain the list from Case and asked if Gertz could locate his list and send it to her. She asked the commission what level of priority they thought this project should have. Her thought was to do it in two phases. Phase I would be to look at all the sites who have already been given a sign and make sure they are in good repair. If they are missing or are damaged, replace those first. Phase 11 would be to contact those who have not been approached yet. Gertz would get the list and e-mail them to Evert. City staff will enter the information into an electronic format for future use. VI. NEW BUSINESS Higgins updated the commission on the schedule for painting the Riley Jacques house, granary, garage and Dorenkemper house. The hope was to have the HERITAG E PRESERVATION CO M MISSION MINUTES September 19, 2011 Page 4 Dorenkemper house repainted prior to Sunbonnet Days; however, that project was not completed. Gertz mentioned it would be a good idea for the Dorenkemper house to have storm windows and doors to protect the wood. Gertz will talk with city facility staff about that project and look into a legacy grant to pay for the updates. He can help getting estimates for the project. VII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Desmarais moved, seconded by Evert to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 5-0. Higgins adjourned the meeting at 8:10 p.m.