Conservation Commission - 09/13/2011 APPROVED MINUTES CONSERVATION COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2011 7:00 P.M., CITY CENTER Prairie Room 8080 Mitchell Road COMMISSION MEMBERS: Laura Jester(Chair), Greg Olson (Vice Chair), Sue Brown, Ray Daniels, Prashant Shrikhande, Anthony Pini, Kurt Lawton COMMISSION STAFF: Regina Rojas, Planning Division Jan Curielli, Recording Secretary STUDENT MEMBERS: McKenna Campbell-Potter, Rebecca Ebert Kelly Hallowell I. CALL TO ORDER AND ROLL CALL Chair Jester called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. Shrikhande and Lawton were absent. Olson arrived late. II. WELCOME TO NEW STUDENTS AND INTRODUCTIONS The new student representatives introduced themselves. III. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Pini added Item VII.A. Recap of Tree City Conference. Daniels added Item X.F. Birch Island Woods. MOTION: Pini moved, seconded by Brown, to approve the agenda as amended. Motion carried 4-0. IV. MINUTES A. Approval of Minutes for the August 9, 2011 Joint Workshop MOTION: Daniels moved, seconded by Pini, to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2011 joint workshop meeting with the Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission as published. Motion carried 4-0. B. Approval of Minutes for the August 9, 2011 Regular Meeting CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2011 Page 2 Curielli said the header should be changed to reflect the correct date. Jester said the word "legislation" should be changed to "ordinance" in Sentence 1, Paragraph 1, Page 3. MOTION: Daniels moved, seconded by Brown, to approve the minutes of the August 9, 2011 regular meeting as amended. Motion carried 4-0. V. REPORTS FROM STAFF VI. REPORTS FROM CHAIR VII. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION A. Recap of Tree City Conference--Anthony Pini Pini said he attended the Tree City conference at the Arboretum last week. It was very well attended. There was a lot of talk about how stormwater management and trees fit together, and they heard about people who are trying to figure out how to give storm water credits for tree preservation or tree planting. There was also a lot of talk about the emerald ash borer. Rojas asked if there is a model for the stormwater/tree discussion. Pini said there are not any cities that are doing it right now,but Rochester is looking into it. Jester said there is talk about how trees can be incorporated into the complete green streets concept. Pini said there was a lot of talk about the St. Paul LRT line where they are putting in tree trenches that direct storm water to the trees. Olson arrived at 7:15 PM. Jester asked if any Eden Prairie staff attended the event. Rojas said she was not aware of any. Jester asked Pini to let her know of anything from the conference he thought City staff should look at. VIII. REPORTS FROM STUDENTS Ebert said the Tree Huggers group are trying to get recycling bins in the big stadium. They also want to get reusable silverware in the cafeteria and are trying to eliminate use of plastic bottles. Jester noted the recycling containers need to be next to the garbage cans, and it is important to "babysit" the bins to tell people what they are for and make sure they aren't being used for trash. Brown noted Suburban Waste Services had a really nice type of bin available at the Edina Art Fair. Jester noted the Commission asks for volunteers from time to time, and it is helpful if the student representatives are able to help with the Home and Garden Expo in March. IX. NEW BUSINESS CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2011 Page 3 A. City Council Workshop--Discussion Items Jester said we will have about 50 minutes to talk with the Council at the workshop. Rojas said one of the things we have discussed at a number of meetings is the non-reusable bags, and it would be good to bring up that subject to see if they are interested. Brown explained we have been talking about having a non-reusable bag fee to encourage people to bring their own bags to stores. Jester said we talked about that being on the workshop agenda so we could gauge their interest and level of support. Jester thought we should spend a few minutes reviewing our mission and work plan. We could remind them of the ordinance changes we have been involved in. It would also be good to spend ten minutes or so on the GreenStep Cities program. She thought we could also touch base with them on recycling in the parks to find out what they think about that. Daniels suggested discussing the PACE program. Rojas said we had a presentation at the last meeting from New Horizon Energy, and they said they are working with Edina on the PACE program. Ms Jeremiah brought it to the directors' meeting the morning after our meeting. Their decision was to do more research and investigate the program in other cities to see if we want to do it. She said she has not yet received a copy of a model ordinance from New Horizon or Edina. She included copies of the State legislation that allows PACE in tonight's agenda packet. Olson thought this is something that is of interest to us, and we want to understand the possibilities. Jester said we should touch base with New Horizon again to get the model ordinance. Jester asked if we have to provide materials for the workshop ahead of time. Rojas said we could do a PowerPoint,but we don't have to provide them with anything except for an agenda. Pini thought we should have bullet points on the agenda. Brown said she could create a presentation on non-reusable bags and preview it to the Commission at the October meeting. She would show the letters of support and the legislation and would lay out some of the topics. Jester thought it would be good to keep it as simple as possible. We will need the extra material if they tell us to go ahead. She thought we have enough information to show it isn't a crazy idea and other cities are putting in ordinances. Brown thought we should give them enough information to understand it because we are asking them for a decision on going ahead. She thought we could have the documentation available as to what retailers are saying about this. Daniels asked where we are with recycling other types of plastic. Jester said nothing other than 1's and 2's is picked up,but that is a question for the waste haulers. Daniels said we talked about needing to publicize it if it has happened. CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2011 Page 4 Jester said she did not think the one licensed compost hauler is being utilized,but that is more of a question for Ms Stovring. The Commission agreed that Ms Jester will present our mission and an update on GreenStep Cities; Olson will present on PACE; Brown will present non-reusable bags; and Pini and Daniels will present recycling in the parks. Jester noted we will hold our November meeting after our workshop with the Council on November 15, and we will have one more meeting before the workshop. B. Environmental Times Article Submitted Rojas said Ms Stovring has received permission to do another Environmental Times that will go out in the water bills. She is asking for suggestions for articles and would like a Commission member to write an article. She will work with that person to edit it. She needs the article in 1-1/2 weeks. Brown suggested an article on the Federal legislation on light bulbs that starts January 1. She thought there is some confusion with regard to light bulbs, and it would be good to put the facts out there. Jester asked Ms Rojas to email Mr. Lawton and ask him to write the article. C. Home and Garden Expo Rojas said it is time to start thinking about whether we want to have an exhibit at the Expo. Ms Stovring is also asking for suggestions on speakers or workshops. Brown asked what kind of speakers she is looking for. Rojas said it would be somebody who could talk about subjects such as managing yard waste, fertilizing, handling compost and rainwater gardens. Jester thought we could see what was popular in previous years. Brown said a workshop on how to make your own household cleaners might be of interest. Jester asked if we will have two booths. Daniels thought we should. Jester thought having a rain barrel would be good. The table display with rainwater was very popular last year. Rojas said Ms Stovring has funds to buy reusable bags. Brown said we also have the water posters. Daniels suggested having something for kids. Rojas said she will keep this item on the agenda. X. CONTINUING BUSINESS A. GreenStep Cities Program CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2011 Page 5 Rojas said she has added in a few more action items. Jester asked if we have heard from the PCA about whether they accepted our input. Rojas said she will contact them. Pini asked who the primary person is for this program. Rojas said she is. She enters items using a check-off list that another staff member developed. The program requires information to back up the input, so she often has to do research for each item. Jester asked if she would have most of the input completed by the November workshop. Rojas said she will. B. PACE Legislation Olson said he will do some more research on this. Jester said we need to see what Edina has and get a copy of their ordinance. Olson and Rojas will coordinate this. C. Non-Reusable Bay Research Brown said she will contact people in Washington D.C. to see how they implemented their program. She said other cities have proposed legislation, but they will not have outright bans. She will present more information at the next meeting. Jester thought the Council would like to know what other cities in the area are doing, and the group Ms Brown met with about Zero Waste would be a good reference. D. Communication Stratesies--Website,Life in the Prairie, Facebook, etc. Jester said Ms. Rojas sent out a link asking for comments on the website. She thought it makes sense to have a subcommittee that works on this,but at this point we will leave it in Mr. Lawton's hands. E. Upcoming City Projects and Development--Project Profile Rojas said the United Health Group project is moving forward. It is a big project on the northeast side of Eden Prairie near the Minnetonka border. The plans were approved years ago for a Guide Plan change, and they are now going through the process for a Zoning change and site plan review. The proposal is for all office. A portion of the site will be dedicated for Light Rail Transit on the north side of the property. Jester asked if they will preserve the knoll of trees. Rojas said they will. Jester asked if they are avoiding the wetlands or mitigating. Rojas said they are avoiding most of them, but they may fill two that are very low quality. They are working with Ms Stovring and the Watershed District. Brown asked if we have talked to them about commercial recycling and waste management. Jester said they will be under the new ordinance. F. Birch Island Woods--Ray Daniels CONSERVATION COMMISSION September 13, 2011 Page 6 Daniels said Jeff Strate has not pursued this issue. It has gone through the permitting stage with the Watershed District, and the final say will be with the City Council. Jester said she spoke with the Administrator for the Watershed District, and he does not feel there is a threat to the groundwater. Daniels said Mr. Strate was concerned whether permeable pavers are of any benefit in that location. Daniels asked about the proposed Dunn Bros. parking lot expansion. Rojas said they are planning that along with a new rainwater garden and removal of the shed. XI. INFORMATIONAL MATERIALS/HANDOUTS XII. UPCOMING EVENTS City Council Workshop--November 15, 2011 Home and Garden Expo--March 17, 2012--9:00 AM to 3:00 PM XIII. NEXT MEETING October 11, 2011 XIV. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Olson moved, seconded by Pini. Motion carried 5-0. Chair Jester adjourned the meeting at 8:10 PM.