Heritage Preservation - 07/18/2011 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MONDAY,JULY 18, 2011 7:00 P.M., CITY CENTER PRAIRIE ROOMS A&B COMMISSION MEMBERS Ann Higgins, Chair; Ed Muehlberg, Vice Chair; Jeffrey Lawler, Mark McPherson, Kay Desmarais, Cindy Cofer Evert STUDENT REPRESENTATIVE Ian English COMMISSION STAFF John Gertz, Pathfinder CRM, LLC Lori Creamer, Recorder I. ROLL CALL Higgins called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. English was absent, which was excused. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Evert moved, seconded by Desmarais, to approve the agenda. Motion Carried 6-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES A. COMMISSION MEETING HELD JUNE 20, 2011 MOTION: Muehlberg moved, seconded by McPherson, to approve the minutes as amended of the Heritage Preservation Commission meeting held on June 20, 2011. Motion carried 6-0. IV. REPORTS OF COMMISSION AND STAFF A. EDEN PRAIRIE HISTORICAL SOCIETY UPDATES There were no representatives from the Historical Society present. V. OLD BUSINESS A. SMITH DOUGLAS-MORE HOUSE WORKSHOP DEMOLITION Gertz stated the demolition of the workshop is scheduled for August 2 & 3 and August 4h would be reserved as an alternative date. On August 2nd the demolition will occur and August 3 the site restoration would take place. HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 18, 2011 Page 2 Gertz stated he may be out of town August 2-4 so if any of the commission members had questions they should contact either Scott Kipp or Paul Sticha for date changes Gertz stated a day was set aside for some Historical Society members, City Staff and Dunn Brothers staff to go through the contents of the shed before the demolition to determine if the items should go to the Historical Society, City, Dunn Brothers or garbage. There were many items which were salvageable including 3 doors that belonged to the Smith Douglas More House. The doors will be stored in the house and possibly use one on the upstairs closet. There was also some custom made wood trim which matched perfectly to what is in the Smith Douglas More House. Some bricks were moved to the Cummins Grill pump house. Nothing went to the Dorenkemper or Riley homes. The siding from the west side was recovered which will be used for making frames and other artwork. Windows and doors were also recovered. A construction crew will remove the cupola, cover and store it on the Smith Douglas More property for future use in the gazebo which is planned to be built. A few plants were removed-day lilies and hostas to be replanted in an existing garden. The remaining plants which are salvaged will be for sale at the Smith Douglas More house. Income from the sale of the property and plants will go back into the upkeep of the house. Evert asked if the commission would be involved with the new garbage enclosure. Gertz stated it had already been dealt with on the COA the commission reviewed back in May. Any future shed or workshop designs would come back to the commission for review. B. LOCAL HERITAGE SITE DESIGNATION UPDATE Gertz reported the Dorenkemper site is not quite 100% complete, however, between now and the August meeting,he hopes to have the three sites completed and have comments back from State Historical Preservation Office. The other sites being considered are the Staring Lake Outdoor Center and Glen Lake Children's Camp. Once he has received comments, he will bring the final version to the HPC meeting and then it can be scheduled for City Council approval. His goal is to have it ready for Council review and approval by September 2011. MOTION: Higgins moved, seconded by Desmarais, to add item C. Letter from MN Historical Society re: Schussler Barn under Old Business. Motion carried 6-0. C. LETTER FROM MN HISTORICAL SOCIETY RE: GOODRICH RAMUS BARN HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 18, 2011 Page 3 McPherson mentioned the letter was a little disturbing in that there was no disciplinary action for the action that has already been taken on the barn without consent. Desmarais asked for clarification, when Mr. Schussler came to a previous HPC meeting what was he going to St. Paul to discuss? Gertz stated it was to address the work which had already been done and to get approvals. Schussler stated he needed to make repairs to the silo, shingles, windows, and wanted to spray some insulation. He was told by SHPO the spray insulation would be non-reversible and therefore unacceptable. SHPO asked Mr. Schussler to provide plans and pictures of what he wanted to do from this point on to receive approval before making the changes. SHPO probably would not have approved the improvements had they reviewed the plans prior to the improvements;however, the windows in particular resemble the historic look. Desmarais asked if the HPC is responsible for what changes are made at the barn. Gertz responded it is SHPO's responsibility since the barn is not locally designated. If and when the barn is locally designated, the HPC would review any proposed changes as well as the SHPO. McPherson stated if the SHPO needed additional information, we could possibly have provided that to them. There is really no incentive for Mr. Schussler to perform to the standards. Gertz commented the face to face meeting with Mr. Schussler was beneficial in that going forward, he would he held to the standards. Desmarais asked if SHPO periodically checks or inspects such properties when work is being done. McPherson stated staff is limited so chances are they would not come out to Eden Prairie to check on a property. Evert commented she is happy he saved the barn. Muehlberg commented the main thing is to make sure anything can be un-done that has already been done to the barn. Gertz stated he would like to see the inside of the barn. Maybe the HPC could schedule something for the fall to take a tour and visit the site and possibly present Mr. Schussler with a historic plaque. VI. NEW BUSINESS A. ANNUAL MINNESOTA PRESERVATION CONFERENCE The Annual MN Preservation Conference is September 22 and 23rd in Faribault, Minnesota. Higgins stated she has been to several conferences and they are well worth the time. McPherson stated he had an interest in going. Higgins stated it is important to make a decision sooner rather than later. Send your completed registration forms to Scott Kipp at City hall. There are scholarships available for those who commit to attend both days and require a one to one match. Attendance and travel time can be counted in the match. One person is required to attend. Higgins also mentioned the Preservation Alliance Statewide celebration will be held September 29, 2011 at Fort Snelling. There will be a reception and HERITAGE PRESERVATION COMMISSION MINUTES July 18, 2011 Page 4 presentation to the Boy Scouts of America for their rehabilitation of the site. Go to the Preservation Alliance website for more details and to register. B. HISTORIC SITE PLAQUES Evert asked about how the commission goes about completing the project which Kathie Case from the Historical Society talked about at a previous meeting. Gertz stated Case has a list of property owners who were contacted in previous years and it would be a good project to work on jointly with the Historical Society. These properties do not have to be designated to receive these plaques. How the process worked in the past was Case contacted each person on the list to see if they were interested in displaying one of these plaques on their property to bring awareness of how many original properties there are in Eden Prairie. Evert expressed interest in helping Case contact the people on the list. She will report on this project's progress at a future meeting. VII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Muehlberg moved, seconded by Evert to adjourn the meeting. Motion carried 6-0. Higgins adjourned the meeting at 7:53 p.m.