Parks and Recreation - 04/21/1980 1980 APRIL 2 , 71 14, 17, 21 MINUTES CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE April 2, 1980 7:00 P.M. PRESENT: Bob Lambert, Mas Matsumoto, Gary Nyberg, Joe Doleis, Jerry Wigen, Lyle Shaw, Carrie Tietz (substitute secretary for Marlys Dahl). ABSENT: Dick Anderson, Arne Johnson, Dick Buretta Gary Nyberg and Mae Matsumoto, representing Smiley Glotter Architects, called this meeting for the purpose of clarifying several details on the building "program" for the Community Center. The following questions were asked by the architect, and the Committee responded as follows: POOL AREA 1. What is the configuration of the pool to be? Lambert will further consult with Committee member Arne Johnson, but after much discussion the eoneensue of this group is to build an 8 lane, 25 yard pool with an "L" for diving with no future gool expansion planned. This differs from the architects' plan of a 25 yard 25 meter, 6 lane, L shaped pool. AAU competition could change from yard to meter events in the future, but all high school events are yards and this is not anticipated to change for at least 10-15 years. Since the school will be the major user of the pool, the Committe feels it far too expensive to build an 8 lane meter/yard square pool to accommodate the possibility of future meter competition. If, in 10 years or so, a meter pool is needed, the growing population of Eden Prairie could be such to justify a meter pool in another location within the City. Lambert will discuss the Committee's decision of an 8 lane, 25 yard "L" shaped pool with Arne Johnson as soon as possible, and inform the architects if there are any changes. Arne Johnson will also be consulted on how much space should be allowed around the pool (deck area). 2. What building materials and mechanical equipment will be used in the pool area? a) The plan to date includes a tile pool, finished concrete surrounding the pool, and block walls. Doleis said an alternative to the the pool might be a I'marlitell finish which is less expensive than the and just as durable. The Committee should see this option before making a final decision. This issue will be roviewed by the architects with their structural engineers. b) The pool mechanical room should be built large enough to accommodate a sand pool filter. This type of filter is the preferred choice of the Committee as it requires the least amount of maintenance, but is '• among the most expensive types of filters initially. Because of the expense factor, this type of filter could be an alternate. The other two types of filters suggested by Doleis are a diatomaoeous earth filter, and a cartridge filter. CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE — COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING April 2, 1980 Page 2 3. How many and what type of lockers in the pool looker rooms? 100 half lockers should be planned for eacli men and women. 4. How many spectator seats in the swimming area? 100 seats should be planned. 5. Should the outside deck be planned? The outside deck and access from the pool area should be planned. 6. Will there be a wading pool? An outdoor wading pool of approximately 301 diameter by 21 deep should be planned. ICE ARENA 1. What size will the rink be? A minimum 200' (preferred 2051) by 85' standard size rink should be planned. 2. What will the floor surface be? A concrete floor surface for the rink area should be planned but cost will be the determining factor. The City must determine how multi use this facility will be--if year round ice use is projected, then a sand surface would be adequate. As concrete is more eostl.y than sand, cost will be a major consideration, but present plans should be for concrete. 3. Should an actual running track around the rink be planned? A specific "running track" per Be should not be planned. There will be adequate space outside the dasher boards for someone to run around, but a formal track should not be planned. 4. How many spectator seats in the ice arena? 1200 spectator seats in the ice arena should be planned. The type of seating would be folding to gain the area beneath the seating for multi-purpose uses. 5. Location of the zamboni room? The Committee requests the architects to check out the possibility of j moving the zamboni room closer to the"common area" rather than putting it at the northeast end of the hockey rink as it is now planned. CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE — COMMUNITY CF/NTER COMMITTEE MEETING April 2, 1980 Page 2 COMMON AREA 1. The architects pointed out that over the center of the entry area there is room for a possible second story to be built; or the roof could be dropped over this area if the Committee feels this extra space would not be a consideration. The Committee felt the roof should be left high over this area, so a second story for storage or other use could be planned. The Committee requested that the architects figure out the exact dimensions this space could be which would determine whether the space is only large enough for storage or could be an activity area warranting two user accesses i.e. a ramp for handicapped persons. 2. Will there be another entrance to the facility? The existing planned entrance should be the only main entrance planned. 3. Are the existing planned 4 team rooms satisfactory? The existing planned 4 team rooms should include one of the rooms having one end that can be locked for equipment storage. 4. The Committee requests that outside access through a window or door should be planned for the concession area. GENERAL ITEMS 1. The Committee confirmed that the existing planned parking lot be planned for 300 cars. 2. The architect will pull out as many things as possible from the plan which could be possible alternate items, 3• The architect will move ahead with. the floor plan and contact the City when this is accomplished (about 2 weeks or less) so that a Committee Meeting can be called. Lambert would like at least 4 days notice to call a meeting. CMT y . 1 I . AGENDA L RESOURCES COMMISSION EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURA Y HALL 7:30 P.M. , CITY MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1980 Richard Anderson, Chairperson; David Anderson COMMISSION MEMBERS: pat Breitenstein, Robert VanMeter Gloria Pond, Dr. George Tangen, Larry Robert A. Lambert, Director of Community COMMISSION STAFF: Services Approx. Time to Begin Item 7:30 I. ROLL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III, MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 1980 IV. PETITIONS, RE UESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 7.35 A Letter to Council from Beth Kirtland Re: Swedlund Pro ert V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Re orts of Commissioners derson 7:40 1, Communit Center Committee Re ort - R• � B. Reports of Staff 1, Development Proposals a, Gon ea PUD (cont from March 17 7:50 b. Cam Frontier 8:10 c, Car-darell and Associates, Inc. Office 8:30 8:50 2. 1979 Annual Report 8:55 3. Comprehensive Park Plan coat. from March 17 VI. OLD BUSINESS 9:05 A. Creekwood Park 9:15 B. Homeward Hills Park Gradin /Ownershi /Bids se for Flying Cloud Ballfields 9:25 C. MAC Lea 9:30 D. Restoration of the Grill House - Feasibility Stud ,^ 1 Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commission -2- April 7, 1980 C � 9:40 E. Hidden Ponds Park Negotiations 9:45 F. Council Report 4-1-80 VII. NEW BUSINESS 9:55 A. Community Center Site 10:00 B. Adult Slow Pitch Softball 10:05 C. Community Gardens 10:10 D. Beach Operations 10:20 E. Spring Programs 10:30 F. Meeting for Topview Mini Park 10:35 VIII. ADJOURNMENT r APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 7, 1980 7:30 P.M., CITY HALL COMMISSION bMMERS PRESENT: Richard Anderson, Chairperson; David Anderson, Pat Breitenstein, Robert Johnson, Gloria Pond, Dr. George Tangen (arrived 7:40 P.M.) i COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Larry VanMeter COMMISSION STAFF PRESENT: Robert Lambert, Director of Community Services Sandy Werts, Recreation Supervisor OTHERS PRESENT: John Uban, Howard Dahlgren Associates Thomas Bergquist, McCombs-Knutson Associates l Frank Cardarelle, Cardarelle and Associates Dick Dahl, Eden Prairie News I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:35 P•m• , by Chairperson, Richard Anderson. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Additions: IV.B. Letter from Robert Gartner Regarding Fish Management Program - Lambert V.A.1. Community Center Committee Report, Smiley Glotter Letter - Lambert VII.G. Starring Lake Park/Flying Cloud Grading Bids - Lambert MOTION: D. Anderson mnv:sd and Breitenstein seconded. the motion to approve the agenda as published with the additions. The motion carried unanimously. y ' III. MINUTES OF MARCH 17, 1980 y p.2, MOTION - Change "sustained" to "abstained". +� p.3,.#2. - Entire MOTION should be changed to read: "Tangen moved to table this to the next meeting. D. Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously." p MOTION: Breitenstein moved and Johnson seconded to approve the March 17, 1980 F , Minutes as published, with changes. Motion carried unanimously. j• IV. PETITIONS REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Letter to Council from Betty Kirtland Re: Swedlund Proper_ Lambert reported that this letter was sent to the Council, and he felt it would be of interest to the Commission. He further said that thgre is so much misinformation in the letter it is difficult to comment on or respond to. Johnson feels if others in the community or the paper hear of this it would be bad publicity and perhaps a response is called for with that in mind. Lambert said that when the Swedlund Property is onthe Council agenda Mrs. Kirtland will be notified and she can be present and ask t� questions at that time. r Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -2- R. Anderson asked whether the City has a policy where before action is taken on purchasing property, a public hearing must be held. Anderson thought this was the case in the past on property purchased along the river bluffs and Bryant Lake. Lambert said he was not aware of a policy like that. Public hearings are often held for development of property but not purchase. He further remarked that there is a special policy requiring public hearing on lands purchased along Purgatory Creek, but only in that case. Pond asked if this is the first negative notification the City has re- ceived regarding the Swedlund purchase. Lambert replied yes there were some people upset when the original Riley Lake Park was purchased because prior to that time there was no public access to Riley Lake. The people living on the lake don't appreciate more public access. R. Anderson remarked that there is a Riley Lake Homeowners Association and he is aware that it has met and discussed the Swedlund purchase. r B. Letter from Robert Gartner Re: Fish Management Program Lambert reported that Robert Gartner called to request more City effort in the area of Fish Management. He calls almost every spring expressing his views. This letter was received April 7, 1980, and basically states that he disagrees with the City's Fish Management Program on Round Lake. He feels the problem with Round Lake and Red Rook Lake is too many weeds (the DNR says there is no weed problem that they Care aware of). Gartner feels white amur (Chinese variety of carp) should be put in these lakes. The DNR does not want to introduce any species into the environment until they are sure of the effect it would have on the environment. The DNR is experimenting on trying to cross breed certain fish with a fish that cannot reproduce which would enable them to Put 50 or so in a lake, see if they are detrimental, and if so know that all 50 can be taken out. Gartner proposes a volunteer program for Starring Lake for trapping and a fish contest. The DNR's comments on trapping are that it has been tried before and drawbacks are; 1) trapping is only somewhat effective while going on and when it is stopped the fish are back to full population. Clubs, etc. , loose interest in a project like this because it gets tedious; and 2) DNR requires a special permit for trapping and then there is the problem of disposing of the fish. Lambert also had a meeting with Mr. Bren and he feels it a waster of money to do anything with Round Lake in terms of fish management. He feels all this would do is attract people from other communities to fish in Eden Prairie lakes. V. P.ECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Reports of Commissioners 1. Community Center Committee Report, Smiley Clotter Letter R. Anderson was not present at the meeting so Lambert reported. Lambert passed out Smiley Glotter's summary letter of the meeting held April 2, 1980. Rather than going over it now, Lambert asked Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 7, 1980 ��-- Natural Resources Commission -3- t Commission members to read and comment at the next meeting. The schematic plan will be complete in a couple weeks and then a joint meeting of the Council, School Board and Community Center Committee will be held. Tangen felt the 100 spectator seats in the pool area is quite a small number compared to 1200 for hockey. R. Anderson felt the Center being 500' - 8001 from the present high school is too far a distance. Lambert said the rationale of the school district on the distance, is that the high school will be the smallest user as far as education classes goes. Probably only the first two grades would have swimming in the curriculum and that would only be for two or three months each year. The school feels those months could be scheduled in September/October or April/May. The grade school and middle school children would be bused to the facility. B. Reports of Staff 1. Development Proposals a. Gonyea PUD (cont. from March 17) Lambert reported that under good recommendation from the Commission, the Gonyea PUD was tabled at the last meeting to allow the Staff to meet with the developer on a trail linkage. John Uban was present to report on this. Uban pointed out the proposed trail on a map as it runs from tCounty Road 4 easterly through the development along the northern side of the pond and continues eastward to link up with the side- walk to Valley View Road just west of Edenvale Boulevard. r The pond will have an outflow structure built and will be attractively bermed on the north side. The developer will put islands in the pond to attract wildlife habitat and will plant natural grasses and shrubs such as dogwood, elder and willow along the pond whioh will make the 61 asphalt trail most desireable. Also 4 benches will be provided. Uban feels, as far as timing is concerned, the entire trail should be built at one time when the City can connect to this segment. The developer will grade for the berm and pond proteotion-but the trail will actually be built after a certain amount of development has occurred—perhaps one to two years. Uban also said the pond size has increased from 8 acres to 9 acres due to the trail. Lambert said, after meeting with the developer, he is comfortable waiving the entire PUDts cash park fee if the trail area is built as planned. Tangen asked what the cost of constructing the trail would be (the developers segment). Lambert replied around $7,500, however together with the increased pond size, addition of islands in the pond, and proposed landscaping, this entire amenity would cost the City considerably more. Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -4- R. Anderson asked what the water depth of the pond would be. Uban gave the following depths: Normal outflow m 854 ft- Bottom of pond 850 ft. High water level 859 ft- Trailway at 861 ft. R. Anderson also asked who is responsible for control of water depth. Uban said the pond would control itself naturally due in part to the proposed outflow structixre. Tangen said he is very excited about this trail, commends the developer, and feels it will be a real amenity to the City. MOTION: Tangen moved to recommend to the Council approval of the Gonyea PUD and waive cash park fees in lieu of park dedication which includes the trail system. Pond seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. b. Camp Frontier (R)marland Camp) Thomas Bergquist, representing proponent Milt Ruam, was present to request rezoning and preliminary platting of 42 lots and 1 outlot. He explained that the Outlot A is 1 acres, a recreational area with a pool and tennis courts, which the developer wants to be inthe Homeowners Assooiation. The neighbors to the north want the outlot purchased by the City for public use. Lambert had two comments to suggest to the Commission on this project: (1) Staff does recommend accepting Outlot B which is a proposed trail along the abandoned railroad bed leading into Hidden Ponds Park. (2) Staff would not recommend Outlot A for City park property. This * acres is ideal Homeowners Association property as the pool is only big enough for 40-50 homes and the tennis courts would need repairs for public use. Also, Hidden Ponds Park is only a few hundred feet away. MOTION: D. Anderson moved to recommend the Council approve the Rymarland Camp 2nd Addition rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 and preliminary platting of 42 lots based upon the following: 1) All lots should be brought up to ordinance minimum lot size of 13,500 square feet. 2) The utility plans should be modified to meet all recommendations by the Engineering Department. 3) The developer must apply to the Riley-Purgatory Creek Watershed District for a land alteration permit. 4) The developer must apply for an access permit from the State Highway Department and install all necessary related { improvements. Minutes — Parks, Recreation & approved 1.pril 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -5- 5) All lots shall be subject to payment of the cash park fee. 6) The City and Watershed District must be notified 48 hours in advance of any grading or site work. 7) Outlot B be dedicated as public trail. Breitenstein seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: Bergquist asked for clarification on cash park fee. Lambert said $325 per single family unit or whatever the fee is at the time the building permit is issued. R. Anderson asked who owns the railroad land? Lambert replied the adjacent property owners own to the center of the former railroad R.O.W. c. Cardarelle and Associates, Inc. Office Frank Carda.relle-was present to request rezoning of approximately 3/4 acre from Rural to Office District with setback variances. He plans to build approximately an 8,000 sq. ft., 2 story building to house his own office and lease to others. Easements will be provided for walkways. Tangen asked if and when the City would oonstruot walkways on this site. Lambert replied that the easements are there but no walkways will be built until the City knows more what other types of development will be in that area. MOTION: Tangen moved to recommend that the Council approve the rezoning from Rural to Office District with setback variances as recommended in Planning Staff Report dated March 20, 1980. D. Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. 2. 1979 Annual Report Lambert presented the report for the Commission's information. 3. Comprehensive Park Plan (oont. from March 17) Lambert pointed out that the Comprehensive Park Plan is part of a "guide plan"--nothing is concrete but the purpose is to give direction. This should be updated every year to be accurate. Lambert remarked that he has the master copy, makes notes when additions, changes or deletions occur, so at the end of the year the Staff will update from -that information. MOTION: Tangen moved to recommend that the Comprehensive Park Plan be reviewed annually, the first meeting in December. Breitenstein seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: R. Anderson said it would help, when a developer comes in with a trail proposal or whatever, if the Commission could see how it would affect other trails and the community as a whole. It would be helpful to have a permanent map in the chamber for this purpose. A 5 minute recess was called at 8:55 p.m. Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -6- VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Creekwood Park Lambert reported that initial contacts have been made with property owners for proposed park. The north parcel is owned by a party living in Brownsville, Texas, the south parcel is owned by The Preserve. Tangen asked if at present there is no other access to the site until the proposed road is built. Lambert pointed out a City outlot is there for access and there will be an easement on the south side of the creek for a road which will have to be bridged, probably with a couple box culverts. This will be presented to the Commission when it is designed. R. Anderson felt a bridge rather than culverts should be oonsidered for -the road. Lambert said if landscaped properly, culverts can be very attrac- tive and this would be less expensive than bridging. Tangen asked when the park would be built. Lambert replied, assuming bonds sell, the City would hope to acquire these properties in 1980. If that is the case, building would start in 1981 , but all will depend on how fast the acquisition occurs. Lambert wrote to the owner in Texas April 7, 1980 regarding purchase of his land by the City. MOTION: Tangen moved to recommend to the Council to negotiate one year options on the two properties in the Creekwood Park proposal. D. Anderson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. B. Homeward Hills Park Grading/Ownership/Bids Lambert reviewed Staff report dated March 28, 1980, reporting that the City received bids March 28, 1980 for this park. There were numerous bidders and the City chose not to open the bids. If Bluffs West 3rd is not to be final platted in the near future, the City will have to cancel plans for development of that park for the Spring of 1980. Staff feels the developer is going to have to provide an adequate storm water holding system that will serve the southern portion of the park (Bluffs West 2nd) and the northern portion (Bluffs West 3rd) and the lands must be graded simultaneously. Lambert said, due to the above circumstances, it is doubtful that this park will be built this year. C. MAC Lease for Flying Cloud Ballfields Lambert said the Council is concerned with the 90 day termination notice in the lease with MAC for Flying Cloud Ballfield. However, all other communities have the same arrangement (except Richfield Golf Course), the Council approved the lease now but will go before MAC (next meeting April 21, 1980) to try and change the lease to a year to year lease and waive the $225 per year rental cost. Eden Prairie is required to pay this fee as fair return for the use of property because it is the only governmental agency using land purchased from federal funds for recreation purposes. Minutes — Parks, Recreation & approved April 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission —7— (^ D. Restoration of the Grill House — Feasibility Study Lambert reported that the Council reviewed the Feasibility Study and the following actions were taken: 1) requested Staff to contact staff person from State Historical Preservation Office (they recommend projects to State Historical Review Board) on what needs to be done with the property before funds are granted. 2) If the Grill house is recommended to be placed on the National Register of Historic Places, it will be approved so eligible for Federal funds. 3) Contact the Moores on their home. They have expressed interest in selling the house to the City if they can get life estate and then it would become a museum. It would cost in excess of $100,000 to get the Grill house in the same shape the Moore house is in today. D. Anderson asked where the $140,000 to restore the Grill house would come from. Werts said if the house is on the Register, 25% from State, 50°A federal matching funds. Lambert said the Historical/Cultural Commission sees the Moore house as the City musetim rather than the Grill house. The Historical/Cultural Commission feels Eden Prairie may have more than these 2 houses that could be restored. E. Hidden Ponds Park Negotiations Already covered (see Section V, B.1.b.). F. Council Report April 1, 1980 Already covered much of the report. Lambert said they also approved the Viking Property and Tudor Oaks. VII. NEW BUSINESS A. Community Center Site Lambert referred to Staff memo dated March 27, 1980, as to why the site was moved to "Option C" as the preferred site. 6 B. Adult Slow Pitch Softball Sandy Werts referred to the Staff memo of April 4, 1980, stating the new rule added to the Player Code of Conduct which is: "There shall be no consumption of alcoholic beverages by playing teams during the games." R. Anderson feels the alcohol rule is a good one as there has been too much verbal abuse of the officials. Anderson would like to hear a report on abusive language as residents have complained. Minutes - Parks, Recreation & .approved April 7, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -8- `• R. Anderson asked what the progress on the Park Ordinance is. Lambert said the City attorney is reviewing it and rewriting some sections that were repetitive. It will be presented to the Commission when back from attorney. C. Community Gardens Warts reported that the garden area at Round Lake will be extended further west this year. The site used previously at the Preserve is now owned by Hartford Real Estate and the City is waiting for a garden site to be approved on this property. If Hartford does not approve, the City will have to look elsewhere. D. Beach Operations Warts referred to the Staff memo dated April 4, 1980 regarding the operating policies, dates and hours of operation for Bryant, Riley and Round Lake Park. E. Spring Programs Warts referred to Staff memo dated April 4, 1980. The programs have been mailed out but there has been trouble with 3rd class mailings-- sometimes it takes up to 2 weeks for delivery. F. Meeting for Topview Mini Park Lambert referred to Staff memo dated April 4, 1980 announcing a neighbor- hood meeting for Topview Park on April 9, 1980. G. Starring Lake/Flying Cloud Grading Bids Lambert reported the City reo6ived a nice turn out on bidding the parks, ranging from approximately $74,000 to $165,000. The range is attributed to slow work and companies wanting to keep their employees working until business pioks up so they are willing to bid projects at cost. VIII. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Respectively submitted, Carrie Tietz Recording Secretary r COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE April 14, 1980 PRESENT: Dick Buretta, Jerry Wigens, Bob Lambert, Arne Johnson, Gary Nyberg, Mas Matsumoto, Carrie Tietz (substitute secretary for Marlys Dahl) ABSENT: Lyle Shaw, Dick Anderson, Joe Dolejs Corrections in April 2, 1980 Committee Meeting Minutes: 1) Pool Area, #3 , change 100 full length half lookers to 100 half lookers. 2) Arena, #4, folding type bleechers were decided upon. 3) General, #2, omit last three words of sentence "such as equipment". End sentence at "items". Correction in Architects memo: Section C, Arena, #8 — A source for the zamboni is not secured as yet. The following items were discussed and reviewed as the architect presented the schematic drawings to the Committee: A. POOL AREA 1. The wading pool should be planned in terms of a basic design only (not as far as detailed working drawings) with pipes stubbed in to proposed pool area and mechanical room. The wading pool and deck will be an alternate and built later but the basic plan should be included at this point. The proposed dimensions of wading pool are 301 diameter, 811 water depth around perimeter to 21 deep in the center. (The 2' depth will be checked. ) 2. Nyberg showed 112 permanent bleecher seats with a 3 foot high wall separating wet area (pool deck) from dry area (spectator seats). The Committee felt additional seating should be planned as 112 is not sufficient (Buretta and Johnson would like to see 250+). Nyberg suggested adding lengthwise to existing planned seating to achieve a total of 200. The architects will also try to work in additional seating (possibly portable) by changing the pool deck dimensions to 71 (instead of 101 at diving end), 101 (this is no change at seating end), 71 (instead of 101 at north end), and 151 (this is no change at locker room end). The second floor observation gallery was suggested as possible overflow seating but Nyberg pointed out anyone sitting beyond the first row would have difficulty seeing. 3. The new pool configuration came out to allow for an 8 lane, 25 yard and 6 lane, 24 meter pool with diving well in the 6 lane portion. 4. Natural lighting in the pool area is planned. 5. No storage is planned in pool area, but Johnson mentioned there is a type of deck bench that provides storage under the seat (manufactured by Kieffer i of Northfield, IL). 6. Nyberg said concrete trusses will be constructed 16, from floor in pool area. COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING Page 2 APRIL 14, 1980 C B. ARENA 1. Wigen suggested moving the team boxes and press box from the north side of the rink to the speotator seating side. This would out into some seating space but would enable 4' by 200' to be taken off the north side of the rink thus making a considerable savings in square footage. All were very much in favor of this suggestion. 2. The architects are not sure natural lighting can be worked into area area but will further investigate the possibility. 3. Team rooms -- As the varsity and junior varsity teams practice together, Wigens asked if additional storage space for equipment could be worked into another team room. The architects will look at the possibility of moving janitor space into the mechanical room, thus freeing up the existing planned janitor closet for team storage space. b 4. Steel trusses will be used in construction 25' above the ice. C. COMMUNITY SPACES 1. The office (approximately 17' x 17' x 241) is central to all ' use areas. 2. The concession area has good outside access (window) but this window would disappear with future expansion as planned. Matsumoto suggested moving the concession area to an outside wall if expansion occurs. C_ D. GENERAL 1. All major openings in the building occur on the south side. 2. The parking lot will a000mmodate 355 oars, with a service drive to the back of the building and 6 spaces of parking there. Lambert asked for additional sidewalk to ooncession area. 3. Lambert expressed concern as to where the zamboni will dump ice. Nyberg said dumping will be in a pit provided for that purpose so the parking lot will not be affected. 4. Matsumoto asked for a copy of the topographical survey which Lambert will provide. 5. The architects structural engineer requests 7 soil borings. Matsumoto will send a request for this to the City and specify Soil Exploration to do the tests. 6. Lambert said the runoff from the building will go into the storm sewer system into Valley View Road. The next step will be Council approval of the schematic plan and then the architects can move on to the design development phase. The changes discussed at this meeting will be made to the schematic plan. If Council approves the plan, a joint meeting /. will be arranged in a week to 10 days with the Council, Community Center Committee €y l and the School Board. 1 COMMUNITY CENTER COMMITTEE MEETING Page 3 APRIL 14, 1980 The architects estimated time schedule for the project is as follows: 1 month = schematic design (almost oomplete) 1 month = design development (could reduce this because of good overall understanding of the project) 3 months= working drawings C_ CHIT C APPROVED MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING - EDEN PRAIRIE CITY COUNCIL Following meeting with School Board at 7:00 P.M. THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1980 EDEN .PRAIRIE HIGH SCHOOL COUNCIL PRESENT: Mayor Penzel, David Osterholt, Dean Edstrom, Paul Redpath OTHERS PRESENT: Bob Lambert, Director of Cbmmunity Services; Mas Matsumoto & Gary Nyberg, Smiley Glotter Architects; Dave Anderson, Jerry Wigen, Don Opheiin . i Mayor Penzel called the meeting to order at 8:05 'P.M. Penzel commended the Community Center Committee and the architects for their work. Penzel and Lambert expressed their concerns over the school using the back entrance for their Physical Education Program, as this would limit staff control of who is i in the facility. Osterholt suggested that this be addressed if it becomes a problem. Penzel expressed concern about the size of the deck area. Buretta reported that the 7' width had been discussed by the committee and is adequate. MOTION: Redpath moved to authorize the architect to proceed to the design and development stage. Seconded by Osterholt, motion passed unanimously. MOTION: Redpath moved to amend `•,the contract and authorize the architect to include the design for wading pool and deck, community meeting room and racquetball courts to complete the concept, and proceed with the design development stage. Seconded by Edstrom, motion passed unanimously. Meeting adjourned at 8:15 P.M. Respectfully Submitted, Marlys Dahl Recording Secretary AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 21, 1980 7:30 P.M. , CITY HALL COMMISSION MEMBERS: Richard Anderson, Chairperson; David Anderson, Pat Breitenstein, Robert Johnson, Gloria Pond, Dr. George Tangen, Larry VanMeter COMMISSION STAFF: Robert A. Lambert, Director of Community Services Approx. Time to Begin Item 7:30 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1980 IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None C V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Reports of Commissioners None B. Reports of Staff 7:40 1. Summer Youth Programs 8:00 2. Summer Skill Development Brochure 8:10 3. Council Report VI. OLD BUSINESS 8:20 A. Swedlund Property Appraisal 8:30 B. Fish Management Program 8:45 C. Hidden Ponds Park 8:50 D. Summary of Winter Trails at Bryant Lake Park 9:00 E. Janke Appraisal i i i 3 Parks, Recreation & Natural -2- April 21, 1980 Resources Commission l� VII. NEW BUSINESS 9:10 A. Topview Mini Park Plan 9:20 B. Grill Property Clean-Up 9:30 VIII. ADJOURNMENT b I C i 3 I 1 APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 21 , 1980 7:30 P.M. , CITY HALL COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Richard Anderson, Chairperson; David Anderson, Pat Breitenstein, Robert Johnson (late), Gloria Pond (late), Dr. George Tangen (late), Larry VanMeter COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None COMMISSION STAFF PRESENT: Robert A. Lambert, Director of Community Services Sandy Werts, Recreation Supervisor OTHERS PRESENT: Dick Dahl, Eden Prairie News Betty Ann Kirtland, Lake Riley homeowner Wally Anderson, Lake Riley homeowner I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:32 -p.m., by Chairperson, Richard Anderson. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Addition: Section VII.C. Trail System to High School - Round Lake (R. Anderson) MOTION: D. Anderson moved and Breitenstein seconded the motion to approve the agenda as published with the addition. The motion carried unanimously. III. MINUTES OF APRIL 7, 1980 D. Anderson said VanMeter should be advised that he was elected, in his absence at the April 7th meeting, to the Adult Slow Pitch Rules and Protests Committee. D. Anderson will also serve on that Committee. MOTION: Breitenstein moved and D. Anderson seconded to approve the April 7, 1980, Minutes as published, noting the above. Motion carried with VanMeter abstaining. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None V. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Reports of Commissioners None B. Reports of Staff 1. Summer Youth Programs Sandy Werts referred to Staff Memo of April 17, 1980, summarizing the Youth Programs lined up for Summer 180. The programs are: (a) SUMMER FUN - grades 1-4, 2 clays per week from 1-4 P.M. at each of 6 playground sites. $2.50/child with a $S.00/family maximum. (b) MUNCHKINS - age 42 to Kindergarten, 2 days/week from 9:30-11:30 A.M. , �, at the same Summer Fun sites. Fees same as Summer Fun. r Minutes - Parks, Recreation & .approved April 21 , 1980 Natural Resources Commission -2- r (c) New this year - KIDS KORNER - ages 3-4, 1 day/week for * hours in 8 week segments. Held at Assembly of God Church, limited to 12. Fee is $10.00 per child (self-supporting program). (d) PLAYGROUND ON WHEELS - 2 trailers visiting 8 neighborhoods one day a week. Also visits each site twice a day for Munchkins and Summer Fun. No fee. (a) LEISURE CHALLENGE - 5th grade and up. Morning session 9-Noon, Monday - Friday, and afternoon session 1-4 P.M. (f) DAY CAMP AND OVERNIGHT CAMPING TRIP - Day Camp - ages 7 and over, one week from 9 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. daily. Bryant Lake, Aug. 11-15. Fee is $12.00. Overnight - at a location outside Eden Prairie (last year Lake Rebecoa). Fee is $9.00 (primarily covering transportation). 2. Summer Skill Development Brochure Warts referred to Staff Memo dated April 18, 1980 regarding the Summer Program Brochure to be mailed around May 15, 1980. The Teen Center Program will have its own brochure which Warts will present to the Council the first meeting in May. The Summer Program Brochure includes information on the various play- ground programs and Summer Trips, Day Camp, Co-Rec Softball, and the Leisure Skill Development Programs. C This years Water Safety Program will include the Munohkin Swim Program of three levels ranging in age 2 to 6 years, eight -i hour sessions 4 days per week for 2 weeks. There will be Red Cross programs at all levels. Fees for the swim program have not been set (last year $6.00 Munchkins, $8.00 Red Cross lessons). All swimming lessons are offered at Round Lake Park. The Red Cross Programs will be taught by Certified WSI, and Munohkins by WSI's or Life Guards. Tennis for youth and adults is offered at Round Lake Park. Golf for juniors and adults will be taught at 'Edenvale. Warts estimates the fee at $12.00. 3. Council Report Lambert reported the following items acted on by the Council at the April 15, 1980 meeting: (a) Approved sale of bonds for $15,020,000 (includes $3,500,000 bond issue) at 8.29% interest rate, maturing in the year 2003. (b) Homeward Hills grading bids were rejected without opening them because of delay in development proposal for Bluffs West 3rd. (c) Accepted bid from Brown & Chris for grading of. Flying Cloud Ballfields and Starring Lake Park. Work on Flying Cloud will start immediately and Starring Lake will wait for satisfactory title to be reached. 4 s i I Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 21, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -3- i C (d) Reviewed and rejected purchase of Janke Property because the appraisal was too high at $117,500. Council advised Janke that he can counter, put his property on the market, or wait until Hennepin County takes over the park and approach them .for purchase. (e) Arrived at purchase price of $150,000 for Hidden Ponds Park property, 15 acres. City will enter into a purchase agreement when bond sale is approved. (f) Reviewed and approved schematic phase of architects drawings for Community Center at a meeting April 17, 1980. Approved architect to move into design development phase. Council also authorized the architect to draw plans and specs on the deck and wading pool, tennis and raquetball courts, which all are to be bid as alternates. D. Anderson asked if the park building at Round Lake would be designed by the Community Center architect as previously discussed. Lambert said yes, but the architect wants to get well into the design develop- ment of the Center before starting the park building design. VI. OLD BUSINESS A. Swedlund Property Appraisal Lambert referred to Staff Memo dated April 17, 1980, outlining the appraisals of existing Riley Lake property (also known as Schaitberger property) at $130,000, and the Swedlund property at $324,000. The Staff feels the Swedlund property would be better for the City than the Schaitberger property. Staff would request the Council consider funds from Metro Council refund for Bryant Lake and Anderson Lakes Parks (Metro recently approved take over) for acquisition of the Swedlund property. Lambert suggested (1) the Commission tour the site; and (2) suggest the planning staff draft a schematic plan showing possible boat launching, beach area, eta. R. Johnson asked if, for security purposes, someone would live on the site? Lambert replied that security would be a problem for a few years and it would make sense to rent the home on the site with the agreement the renters would act as security managers. Wally Anderson, summer resident of Riley Lake and neighbor to Swedlunds, was present to express concern that the proposed park would increase boat traffic on the lake and in his opinion this would be very detrimental from a safety standpoint. He said weekend boat traffic amounts to 70-75A of the total useage and most of the traffic is from non Eden Prairie residents. He further felt there was no adequate parking area or beach area on the site. Lambert responded that Riley Lake is the largest lake in the City and he didn't feel a 14 acre park would change the use of the lake too much. He noted that most of the boaters now are not using the existing park. / Werts noted from her records, 1078 total launches over June, July & August last year (804 of which were 20 h.p. or over). She estimated 50% useage on weekends from her own observations. Minutes — Parks, Recreation & .approved April 21, 1980 Natural Resources Commission -4- Lambert feels one way to limit boat traffic is, know the residents useage and the carrying capacity of the lake, then supply only enough parking to accommodate that number. Betty Ann Kirtland, 9010 Riley Lake Road, was resent and stated she talked to Lambert since her letter (April 7th meeting and is concerned with the issue of parking as it is now a problem on the Schaitberger site. People park in the street which is not designed for it, and the area is not patrolled therefore no enforcement. Tangen asked when a schematic plan could be ready and Lambert said by the first May meeting (May 5, 1980). MOTION: Tangen moved to continue this to the May 5, 1980 meeting where this item should be #1 on the agenda. The May 5th meeting will start at 7:00 P.M. where the Commissioners will go out to tour the Swedlund property, followed by review of the schematic plan and a recommendation could be made then. In case of rain the meeting will begin at regular 17:30 P.M. time. The Motion was seconded by D. Anderson and carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: R. Anderson felt the Commission should set up a special meeting to tour all park sites. This has been discussed in the past and should be carried out soon. Lambert said this is something the Commission should decide themselves. Wally Anderson asked how the homeowners could go about lowering the horsepower of boats on weekends on Lake Riley? Lambert said if the majority of homeowners are in agreement, for example, they could establish on Sundays no one (includes homeowners and outsiders) could go out with more than 20 horsepower. Wally Anderson asked if this couldn't be limited to non residents only, as residents should have some ownership privileges. S Lambert said it would not be fair unless everyone abided by the restriction. Werts said at Bryant Lake there is a Sunday restriction of this :nature and the homeowners seem happy with the arrangement. R. Anderson said he spent 4 weekends out on Riley Lake and felt it was not nearly as crowded as Lake Minnetonka. Perhaps at some point certain areas could be marked off for fishing and swimming. k Tangen asked who has jurisdiction of policing Lake Riley? Lambert said both Carver and Hennepin Counties, but more Hennepin because the public access lies there. Lambert was not aware of how often the lake is patrolled. r B. Fish Management Program Lambert referred to Staff Memo dated April 17, 1980. In a recent conver— sation with Duane Shodeen of the DNR, Shodeen explained that in order to justify his expenditure of funds for treating Round Lake, he would like to see a minimum monitoring program providing information that would indicate any improvements made to the lake through the treatment program. Lambert contacted Dr. Joseph Shapiro at 'the University of Minnesota, and he said for $1000, a student could do the job. If an agreement is reached, Shapiro said they would request to be allowed to use the data and to publish it in the open literature. Minutes - Parks, Recreation & approved April 21 , 1980 Natural Resources Commission -5- R. Anderson asked if the Watershed District could be approached to split the cost? Lambert said this would be a possibility. MOTION: Tangen moved to recommend to the Council approval of Staffs recommendation to authorize up to $1,000 for a monitoring program for Round Lake, -through Dr. Shapiro at the University of Minnesota. Also recommend the Watershed Distriot be asked to share the cost. The motion was seconded by Breitenstein and carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: D. Anderson referred to the $500 maximum for monitoring as previously discussed. Lambert said $500 was an arbitrary figure for having a high school student do the job, and since this is not a possibility the figure is modified accordingly. C. Hidden Ponds Park Already discussed (see Section V.B.3.e.) D. Summary of Winter Trails at Bryant Lake Park Lambert referred to Staff Memo dated March 28, 1980 from Stuart Fox. There is a problem with snowmobiles on the cross country ski trails, and even though Hennepin County will be taking over the park, Lambert feels the City should take action against the snowmobiles thus informing Hennepin County of the situation. Tangen said he also saw horses (with riders) on the ski trails. Lambert said the riding trails are not clearly marked. MOTION: VanMeter moved to recommend to the Council that snowmobiles and 4 wheel drive vehicles be eliminated from Bryant Lake Park in 1980-81, and horseback riding be allowed on a controlled basis. The Commission suggests this be recommended to Hennepin County when they take over Bryant Lake Park. Pond seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. DISCUSSION: R. Anderson asked if the City will be running the park next winter? Lambert said yes as no time has been set up for the take over. There are many deeds involved in the transaction, so it will be at least a 6 month process. The County may begin operating the park while the City still owns it. E. Janke Appraisal Lambert referred to Staff Memo dated April 10, 1980, and gave a brief background as -to how Janke approached the City for acquisition of his property. Lambert wrote a letter, in July of 1978, to each of the remaining 5 property owners within the proposed boundaries of Anderson Lakes Park. The letter stated the City was interested in acquiring the property sometime, and if they consider selling to contact the City first. Janke called in February 1980 saying he was ready to sell and needs the money 'by May 1, 1980. Lambert explained the process the City would have to follow before making an offer. Minutes - Parks, Recreation & ap8roved April 21, 1980 Natural Resources Commission The property was appraised at $117,500 which the Council felt was too much. Lambert has talked with Janke's attorney since this action. VII. NMI BUSINESS A. Topview Mini Park Plan Lambert had a meeting with some Topview neighbors on April 14, 1980, and presented a park plan. The neighbors want only a flat play area with no nature area, etc., as the plan showed. Lambert said the site will need approximately 1700 cu. yds. of fill, rough, grading could occur in early May and finish grading as soon as "free fill" can be acquired. Final grading and seeding are projected before August 15, 1980, and the park would be available for use in 1981. The park is budgeted at $5,000 and Lambert said this should be adequate. MOTION: Breitenstein moved to recommend that the Council approve Topview Mini Park Plan per Staff recommendation. Johnson seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. B. Grill Property Clean-UP Lambert referred to Staff memo of April 18, 1980, outlining clean-yap required on Grill property. Now that the City has the house and is using the property as a park, the site should be cleaned up of trash, etc. Cost of clean-up is estimated at $3,000 - $4,000. C_ MOTION: D. Anderson moved to recommend that the Council approve Staff recommendation to olean-up the Grill property. Tangen seconded the motion and it carried unanimously. C. Trail System to High School - Round Lake R. Anderson asked with the completion of fihe high school for March 1981, has the trail system leading up to it been carefully considered? Lambert said the trails leading from the school will be in before the school is finished. The trail on Valley View Road going west of 4 will go in this summer as a 5t concrete sidewalk on the north side of the road and a separate 81 asphalt path on the south side. This will also be t carried from Valley View Road down to County Road 1 eventually. R. Anderson requested a map of the City trail system including the new school site and the shopping area. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Tangen moved and Johnson seconded to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Carrie Tietz Recording Secretary