Parks and Recreation - 10/19/1987 1987 OCTO"B" ER1 9 MINUTES CITY OF EDEN pRA1113INI E AGENDA C. . EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1987 7:30 P.M. CITY HALL - 7600 EXECUTIVE DRIVE COMMISSION MEMBERS: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Raiford Baker, Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION STAFF• Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services 7:30 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. None V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 7:35 A. American Family Insurance 7:50 B. Marriott Courtyard C8:05 C. Ravenwood VI . REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS & STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services 8:15 Report on Picnic Reservation Use i 8:20 A. Reports of Athletic Coordinator a. Doubles Bocee League - 1987 Ending Season Report b. Doubles Horseshoe League - 1987 Season Ending Report c. AAdult Tennis - Summer 1981 Season En ing Report 8:25 B. City Council Meeting Report of October 6, 1987 VII. OLD BUSINESS 8:30 Review Updated 5 Year CIP (con't from September 19) I VIII. NEW BUSINESS i 8:35 A. Hikeway/Bikeway Standards 8:40 B. Request Authorization to Hire Appraiser for Riley Lake Park Acquisition 8:45 IX. ADJOURNMENT 4PPROVED MINUTES / EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION C Monday, October 19, 1987 7:30 p.m. , 7600 Executive Drive COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Bud Baker, Moe Cook, Charles Shaw COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Gary Gonyea, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:25 p.m. by chairperson, Pat Breitenstein. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Cook moved to approve the agenda as mailed. Shaw seconded the mot on and it passed 4-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - SEPTEMBER 21, 1987 MOTION: Baker moved to approve the minutes as mailed. Cook seconded t�Lion and it passed 4-0. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS i None V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. American Family Insurance Refer to staff report dated September 25, 1987. Lambert said the reason this development is being brought before the Commission is the wooded hill located on the site. The PUD which was approved in 1978 was for three phases. Phases I and II have been completed and this is Phase III. i Cook said it looks like the sidewalk ends on the property next to this site and asked if the sidewalk will be extended through this area. Lambert said this development is part of Opus and it will he connected with their trail system. MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval of Phase III of the iAm rican Family Insurance development including the extension of the sidewalk to the property line to the west of the site. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Y B. Marriott Courtyard Refer to staff report dated October 9, 1987. Lambert said this development will consist of a three story 149 room hotel and will be located across from Southwest Crossing on Viking Drive. A drawing of the proposed plan has been .APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Oct. 19, 1987 -2- shown in the Eden Prairie News. Lambert said the site has already been graded and there are no parks and recreation issues involved. The floor ratio- issues have been agreed upon. Staff recommends approval per Alternative #1 of the planning staff report. i Baker asked about a trail system. Lambert said there are trails located along Prairie Center Drive only with a sidewalk on one side and an asphalt trail on the other side from Suburban National Bank south and west up to Valley View Road with a sidewalk on one side of Valley View only. Cook suggested that a sidewalk be added on the side of Viking Drive west of Prairie Center Drive so there will be access for people working in these offices to get to restaurants without using the parking lots and street. Lambert concurred with this suggestion. Baker asked if the planning staff was happy with the landscaping plan. Lambert said he believes they and the developer have come to an agreement. Breitenstein asked when a stoplight would be put at the intersection C of Prairie Center Drive and Viking Drive. Lambert said he is not sure of the timing. At this time, the Commission discussed how the current road systems in Eden Prairie will be able to handle all the new businesses in the area and the possibility of an ordinance restricting the height of buildings within the City. MU11UN: IsaKer movea to recommend approval of the Marriott Court yard per the planning staff report with the addition of requiring the developer to construct a 5' sidewalk along the west side of Prairie Center Drive and the south side of Viking Drive. Cook seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. C. Ravenwood Refer to staff report dated September 25, 1987. Lambert said the only parks and recreation issue involved with this development is whether to require a trail system. Staff does not feel a trail system is necessary since there is already access to the neighborhood park. MOTION: A motion was made by Shaw to recommend approval of Raven d per staff recommendation. Baker seconded the motion. On call for discussion, Cook asked if there is a cash park fee involved with this development. Lambert said this development is included with Edenvale whose cash park fees were waived because of their donation of parkland to the City. The motion passed 4-0. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Oct. 19, 1987 C -3- VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services I. Report on Picnic Reservation Use Refer to memo dated October 8, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. Lambert said the reservation process was changed last year.. There has been a decrease in the amount of fees and the amount of usage. The City does not allow outside companies to reserve the .parks and this could be the reason for the decrease. He recommends continuing with the existing policy and added that he will report back to the Commission r on an annual basis. MOTION: Cook moved to recommend that the existing park reservation policy be continued. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. B. Reports of Athletic Coordinator 1. Doubles Bocee League - 1987 Season Ending Report 2. Doubles Horseshoe League - 1987 Season Ending Report 3. Adult Tennis - _Summer 1987 Season Ending Report Lambert said that these reports were included with the packets along with some recommendations for next year which the Commission need to approve. MOTION• Baker moved to recommend acceptance of the season enning reports and recommendations contained therein. Cook seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. C. City Council Meeting Report of October 6, 1987 Lambert reported that the City Council approved the low bid for renovation of the lower level of the old City Hall for a new senior center. The renovations should begin either this week or next week and be completed within 45 days. The Council also discussed the bond referendum survey and took the recommendation of the Commission to-continue the matter until a group petitions for action. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Review Updated 5 Year CIP (Cont. from September 19) Refer to memo dated October 8, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Oct. 19, 1987 -4- Changes discussed at the .last meeting have been made including figures on cash park fees, the LAWCON grant, acquisition of Riley Lake Park and Miller Park construction. Acquisition of Riley Lake Park and Miller Park construction would require a bond referendum. Cook asked why there are estimates shown for 1986 softball fields and interest. Lambert said interest accrual should be shown as estimates and the other figures should be actual. Cook asked what constitutes other listed under grants and donations. Lambert said this figure includes litigation from the Community Center lawsuit. Cook said he feels that since this is such a large dollar amount it should be listed as funds from litigation. Lambert reviewed briefly the projects, costs of acquisition and park development planned for 1988. These figures assume $250,000 revenue from cash park fees. MOTION: A motion was made by Cook to recommend approval of the five year CIP as presented. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Hikeway/Bikeway Standards Refer to memo dated October 8, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. Lambert said these standards will be followed on all future hikeways and bikeways and existing trails will be corrected if possible. Two particular areas that will be noted are steepness and sharpness of turns. Baker asked what super elevation refers to. Lambert said this is another word for banking. Cook recommended that the statement referring to recommended curves be ended after the statement "An increased rate of travel due to downhill slope requires a longer radius of curvature." Lambert will check the last statement on Page 1 in the manual to verify that it is correct. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval of the hikeway/bikeway standards as presented with the addition of the correct formula shown at the bottom of Page 1. Cook seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. B. Request Authorization to Hire Appraiser for Riley Lake Park Acguis t on Refer to memo dated October 8, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. a I 4PPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Oct. 19, 1987 MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval of the request for autFiorTzation to hire an appraiser for Riley Lake Park acquisition. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Cook moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:35 p.m. Shaw seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. Respectfully sub-m�-iitted, Lois Boettcher Recording Secretary r i ' t