Parks and Recreation - 04/20/1987 �� rr I 1987 A I�� L 6 ., 20 MINUTES CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE l AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 6, 1987 7:30 P.M. 7600 EXECUTIVE DRIVE COMMISSION MEMBERS: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Raiford Baker, Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services 7:30 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 2, 1987 & MARCH 16, 1987 IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 7:35 A. Cardinal Creek Ridge 8:00 B. Willow Park Development C VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Recreation Supervisor 8:35 NYSCA - National Youth Sports Coaches Association 8:40 B. City Council Meeting Report of March 3 & 17, 1987 VII. OLD BUSINESS 8:45 A. Park Bond Referendum Options 9:15 B. Ordinance Regulating Alcohol in Parks 9:25 C. Maintenance of Baseball Field at CMS VIII. NEW BUSINESS None 9:35 IX. ADJOURNMENT C 1' p', APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Monday, April 6, 1987 7:30 p.m. , 8600 Executive Drive COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Bud Baker (late), Moe Cook, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson (late), Charles Shaw (late) COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Bolinske, Superintendent of Recreation; Lyndell Frye, Recreation Supervisor; Tom Eastman, Supervisor of Operations; Lori Helling, I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson, Pat Breitenstein. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA CMOTION: Cook moved to approve the agenda as printed. Joyer seconded tTie—motion and it passed 4-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MARCH 2, 1987 & MARCH 16, 1987 Cook referred to Page 4, Paragraph 5 of the March 16 minutes. He asked that the word "this" be changed to read "the infield dirt". In the motion on Page 10, Cook asked that it read ". . .charges at the Community Center for both the public and the school." MOTION: Joyer moved to approve the minutes as amended. Cook seconded Me motion and it passed 3-0. Gonyea abstained. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS None V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Cardinal Creek Ridge Refer to staff report dated March 20, 1987. ., APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -2- Arvid Schwartz, President of Countryside Investments, was present at the meeting. Mr. Schwartz said that they have several developments in Eden Prairie, the newest being the Tree Farm Subdivision. Cardinal Creek Ridge is located south of Cardinal Creek, north of the Richard Holasek property, east of 494 and west of Baker Road. The site is located on 24 acres and will, be divided into 40 single family lots. Schwartz said there is a ridge on the site which will be preserved to the greatest degree possible. This site will be developed at the same time as Cardinal Hills because Countryside Investments and New American Homes share a common access. There are a significant number of trees on the site and the developer plans to replace 3500+ caliper inches of trees. The tree replacement will be done in phases during two seasons of the year and as homes are built. Lambert said the major concerns of this commission are grading and tree replacement. Baker Road will be realigned in the near future and an asphalt trail will be added on one side with a sidewalk on the other side. Lambert said he feels the developer has done a good ,job of preserving as many trees as possible and he recommends approval of the proposal. Cook said that the staff report states that 22 feet will be cut off the top of the knoll in order to accommodate development. He asked if there were any other possibilities to consider. Lambert said that when there is a ridge of this type, not less than what is being proposed can be done when homes are being built. Baker asked about the problem the developer was having with access to the Miller property. Schwartz said that Mr. Miller doesn' t want his land to be developed although they have come to an agreement. Per Mr. Miller's request, the developer is moving his existing house to an adjacent lot and adding a double attached garage. MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval of Cardinal Creek Ridge per staff recommendation. Gonyea seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. B. Willow Park Development Refer to memo dated March 12, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services and letter dated March 10, 1987 from Bob Lambert to Willow Park Area Residents. Lambert said since there was not a quorum present at the March 16 meeting, no action was taken on this issue. However, several members of the neighborhood were present so the proposal was explained and discussed. The residents are requesting a tennis court be added. Lambert said soil borings will be performed to determine whether this can be done. Grading and seeding would be done this year with the playstructure constructed next year. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -3- Baker asked what type of playstructure will be constructed in the park. Lambert said the City has a set of standards that are put in neighborhood parks. Baker asked what age group the playstructure is meant for. Lambert said it would be for kids 7-12 years old. MOTION: Baker moved to recommend acceptance of the Willow Park development per staff recommendation. Shaw seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF w ' A. Reports of Recreation Supervisor 1. NYSCA - National Youth Sports Coaches Association Lyndell Frey was present at the meeting to explain what the NYSCA program is and what the program involves. Frey attended a meeting and was certified the same day after a four hour program. The program involves three different video tapes. The first tape which is approximately 20 minutes long explains the NYSCA, the second tape which is about two hours long talks about the psychology of coaching and discusses conditioning, weight training, flexibility and warm-up, nutrition and first aid. Tape 3 is a sports specific tape. Training could be held in two segments, either on Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday evenings. Cost of the training is $15.00 per person and the coaches receive $300,000 liability coverage, a certified coach patch, official membership card, certification of completion, quarterly newsletter, first aid booklet and corporate discounts from Alamo Car Rental and Days Inn. Frey passed around a copy of the newsletter and added that the $2,000 cost of the videos is picked up by the MPRA. The only expense would be the purchase of a VCR since the Community Center is borrowing one at the present time from the police department. Baker asked how this program will be used compared to what is being done now and how it will be offered. Frey said the program can be offered to those associations who don't have a training program and want something of this type. He added that it would be difficult to make this a mandatory program for coaches. Cook asked if Frey would be responsible for teaching the program. Frey said that Lori Helling would also be certified as of Wednesday. (_ APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -4- Frey went on to say that the first tape is generic to all sports and the second tape is sports specific. Coaches can be re-certified every year. The second year is a four hour program with all new materials and after the third year, the coach has lifetime certification. Cook asked if the baseball association is willing to pay the $15.00 per person charge for every coach. Frey said yes. Shaw asked if there is an equipment budget from which to purchase the VCR. Lambert said it is not in the budget, but that a portion could be taken from several different budgets to pay for it. Cook commented that he has a company VCR at home which is a self-contained unit and is easy to transport. He feels staff should look at several units before purchasing one. Joyer said she would be interested in receiving feedback from parents and coaches that took part in the program to see if it made a difference. B. City Council Meeting Reports of March 3 & March 17 At the March 3 meeting, the Council reviewed the proposal to study fees at the Community Center and appointed Chuck Shaw, Dick Anderson and Tom Eastman to serve on the committee. They will be meeting within the next couple of weeks and report their findings to the commission. The Council approved the application for $40,000 from discretionary funds for improvements to the senior center. At the March 17 meeting, the Council discussed the International School. All issues have been resolved with the exception of• the payment of cash park fees. The school does not feel it should pay cash park fees since they say will not be using public recreation facilities. The school is currently dealing with the Hennepin County Park Reserve District on selling the land, but they are asking for almost double of what they paid for it. Lambert added that more staff time has been spent on this development than any other in Eden Prairie's history. VII. OLD BUSINESS A. Park Bond Referendum Options Refer to memo dated March 30, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. ( Co-chairmen of the Park Bond Referendum Committee, Paul Salentine and Pat Richard were present at the meeting. Lambert said the memo i outlines several options that could be considered. The major feeling is that something should be done within one year so the entire planning process does not have to be repeated. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION A14D NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -5- i Lambert introduced Paul Redpath, former Eden Prairie mayor and member of the City Council who wished to address the commission regarding the referendum. Redpath said he agrees there was voter apathy, but he feels that a citizen's only obligation is to vote. Only 16% of eligible voters voted. Redpath added that he thinks the referendum should be tried again immediately and his only suggestion is that the word be spread around in the community better. Ron Holmstead was present at the meeting as a concerned citizen. Holmstead lives across the street from Prairie East Park and said he voted against the referendum and encouraged his neighbors to do the same because of the possibility of a parking lot being located across the street. He would like to keep the park a neighborhood park and feels this would not be the case if a parking lot were constructed. Holmstead said he thinks the park improvements are a good idea, but feels that there is no need for a parking lot. Lambert said he spoke to residents and the reason Prairie East Park was included in the referendum is that residents from the southeast quadrant felt the neighborhood parks in this area were not being developed as they were in other areas of the city. Lambert said the main means of distributing information is the newspapers and flyers. Those that were contacted directly were residents active in community recreation or who have children in athletics or are members of the Community Center. Salentine said he feels the athletic associations didn't do their part, that the committee should have spoken to other groups and that it is evident people don't read their newspaper since the referendum has been discussed for almost a year. He added that many of the phone calls he received were from people who didn't oppose the amount of money for the referendum, but several mentioned that they didn't think a second sheet of ice was necessary. Salentine feels the referendum should be tried again immediately. Cook asked if there should be two questions put on the referendum. Salentine said he feels the question should not be changed, but that more groups should be spoken to individually. Lambert said they will be getting a list of voters from the county. This list should be available one week from Wednesday. Baker said he feels the referendum should be made a part of a major election. Cook asked when the school bond election will be held. Lambert ( said it will be held this fall. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -6- . Mikkelson asked how much time it would take the committee to regroup. Salentine said he didn't know how many of the original committee members will be willing to serve on the committee again. Lambert said he feels the soonest the referendum could be tried again would be June 9 either with the same question or two separate questions. Salentine said the purpose of the committee would be to designate neighborhood captains to speak to people in their homes. Lambert said the question from residents will be, "What has changed?" He said that people who opposed the referendum the first time will group together and oppose it even more if it is tried the second time. Lambert feels we should wait until the school bond referendum or make some changes in the referendum itself. Breitenstein asked if the commission needed to make a recommendation for the Council's consideration tomorrow night. Lambert said no. The item is on the agenda to be discussed. Lori Helling asked if the committee could contact the no voters to find out why they voted this way. Lambert said the only list they will receive are those that voted and from this a random sample survey could be done by an independent company who would study the results. Cook said that the 2500 people that voted show that they are interested in what is happening. The other 80% either haven't experienced problems with a shortage of facilities or just don't care. If they were interested, they would have voted and only care when they experience problems. Cook recommended that we wait to try the referendum again until after a study is done and see what happens then. Baker agreed with Cook0s statement and said that after the study is done, the referendum should be tailored to fit. He thinks February would be a good time for the referendum. Joyer said she also agrees and that the people really need to feel the need. Lambert said that Eden Prairie is trying to do a good job of keeping facilities ahead of the number of people. Holmstead said he feels that there must have been a good reason why the 1200 people voted no. MOTION: Baker moved to recommend that we hire an outside firm to pro l—tEie 2500 voters asking questions to determine what specific issues on the referendum were objectionable and with that information, we tailor a second bond referendum and time it for the spring of 1988. Gonyea seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 6, 1987 -7- B. Ordinance Regulating Alcohol in Parks Lambert said that: a copy of the ordinance was included in the packets. The only change was the word "license" was changed to "permit". Signs are ready to go up in the parks. Breitenstein asked about the use of alcohol in Round Lake Park. Lambert said alcohol is not allowed on the north side of Round Lake and Flying Cloud Fields. MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval of the ordinance. Shaw seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. C. Maintenance of Baseball Field at CMS Refer to letter dated March 9, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services and letter dated March 13, 1987 from Ray Mitchell, Director of Building and Grounds. Lambert said that Cook had recommended a letter be written to the school. The result is that the City will continue to maintain the field this summer. The letter will be forwarded to the baseball association. VIII. NEW BUSINESS None IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Baker moved to adjourn the meting at 9:30 p.m. Shaw seconded tt—lion and it passed 7-0. Respectfully submitted, Lois Boettcher Recording Secretary AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, APRIL 20, 1987 7:30 P.M. 7600 EXECUTIVE DRIVE COMMISSION MEMBERS: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Raiford Baker, Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services 7:30 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA l 7:35 III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - April 6, 1987 IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 7:40 Presentation of Tickets to Eden Prairie Ice Show V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 7:45 A. Lunds Center 7:55 B. Eden Prairie Entertainment Center �. 8:10 C. Bryant Pointe 8:15 D. Alpine Estates 2nd-Addition VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services 8:25 Five Year Capital Improvement Program 1 B. Reports of Superintendent of Recreation 8:45 1. Monthly Community Center Report I 8:55 2. Pool Maintenance During Close Down 9:05 C. City Council Report of April 7, 1987 VII. OLD BUSINESS None VIII. NEW BUSINESS 9:15 Tennis Court Repair at Round Lake Park i 9:30 IX. ADJOURNMENT � , ; . ., .,. ,. ..a....e.,....-... .. APPROVED MINUTES Cl EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION \ Monday, April 20, 1987 7:30 p.m. , 8600 Executive Drive COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Bud Baker, [Caron Joyer (late), Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Bolinske, Superintendent of Recreation I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson, Pat Breitenstein. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Mikkelson moved to approve the agenda as printed. Shaw sec�ed the motion and it passed 4-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - APRIL 6, 1987 MOTION: Mikkelson moved to approve the minutes as mailed. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 4-0. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Presentation of Tickets to Eden Prairie Ice Show Rick Bolinske discussed the figure skating show to be held on May 2 and 3 at the Community Center. He added that income from figure skating has gone up from $1,500 last year to $7,000 this year. Rick distributed flyers and tickets for the event to the members of the commission. V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Lund Center Refer to staff report dated April 10, 1987. Lambert said that the only issue of concern on this proposal is the construction of a sidewalk on Franlo Road and Prairie Center Drive. This has been discussed with the developer and he has agreed. l � • - _. ... .,. rr•r"- .:.y t. ... ..nun . .�,......�. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 20, 1987 -2- Baker asked if the development would be located on the east side of the major center area. Lambert said it will be located on the south side next to the library. Lambert added that it is the City's responsibility to extend the sidewalk up to Highway 169. Shaw asked if the lighting on the building will be difficult because none will be allowed on the south side. Lambert said he is not aware of any problems. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval of Lunds Center per staff recommendation. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. is B. Eden Prairie Entertainment Center Refer to staff report dated April 10, 1987. Lambert said that a movie theater and restaurant are proposed for this site and the only commission concern is parking. The site will be left almost as is with the majority of oak trees saved. An update on trails and sidewalks was done several weeks ago and presented to the City Council on March 10. They asked for more `- information so staff will be looking at the major center area separately from the rest of the City. He recommends that sidewalks be required on both sides of a street because the additional businesses will generate more pedestrian traffic. Baker asked if there are any existing businesses which will be affected. Lambert said that there probably will be and these will be assessed although he does not believe there will be many of them. Baker asked about sidewalks along Hwy. 169. Lambert said there will be an 8' trail on one side eventually running from County Road 1 to Valley View Road. MOTION: Baker moved to recommend approval of the Eden Prairie Entertainment Center per staff recommendation. Mikkelson seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. Shortly after finishing this item, Mr. Norman Brody, representing the Eden Prairie Entertainment Center developer, joined the meeting. He wished to discuss whether sidewalks will be required because they are building a parking ramp. Lambert told him they are doing a study on trails and sidewalks at this time, but will require sidewalks to be located on both sides of the street. He added that the commission has already approved ( the proposal including the construction of sidewalks. Brody said he doesn' t see a problem with this although he is concerned with the timing of constructing the sidewalks since the developer does not want to add additional costs because they are building a parking ramp. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 20, 1987 -3- Brody asked how current businesses are being handled. Lambert said the businesses will probably be assessed for the cost of the sidewalks. Brody asked if it would be possible to assess the developer for the cost of the sidewalks. The motion was amended to read "with the assessment for sidewalks". C. Alpine Estates 2nd Addition Refer to staff report dated April 10, 1987. Lambert said he feels the developer has done a good job on this development. There are no sidewalks or trails involved since the development is located on a dead end cul-de-sac. �• Mikkelson asked how tree inventory is monitored. Lambert said staff usually knows how much vegetation is located on a site, but if there is any question they require the developer to get a forester and then bring in the City forester to determine if certain trees can be saved, etc. Baker asked if the sewer line will be below grade. Lambert said that there will be connections made through the floodplain of Purgatory Creek. These will be visible only by a slightly higher portion of ground in the existing area. Shaw commented on the statement in the staff report which states that no development shall occur until sewer service is available. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval of Alpine Estates 2nd AdTi on per staff recommendation. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. D. Bryant Pointe Refer to staff report dated April 10, 1987. Lambert reviewed this site which is located on the east side of Rowland Road and north of the Carmel Subdivision. This site is difficult to develop because of the terrain. The developer has done a good job although there will be a substantial amount of grading to this prominent ridge. The major issues are grading, tree replacement and the pedestrian system. Lambert indicated that an 8' bituminous walkway is proposed within Bryant Lake Park on the west side of Rowland Road. Bob Carlson representing Jyland Development, Inc. was present at the meeting to answer any questions the commission might have regarding the development. 'S APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 20, 1987 -4- Joyer asked if the recommendation by staff that trees be replaced in areas where trees are not located would be a problem. Carlson said that half of the site is heavily wooded and half has no trees at all so there should be no problem with moving trees into these areas. The developer has already purchased some trees from a nearby tree farm which will be planted on the site. MOTION: Joyer moved to recommend approval of Bryant Pointe per stoma recommendation. Shaw seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services 1. Five Year Capital Improvement Program The proposed five year capital improvement program was included ; in the packets for review. Lambert said that this program will be part of the annual report which the commission should receive at the next meeting. The program is updated on an annual basis and is required in < order to receive grants. The City also has an ongoing amount of revenue which has to be reported. Lambert briefly reviewed the items which are recommended for 1987. Hidden Glen Park should be completed this year in conjunction with road upgrading. The City should begin acquisition of land for the Purgatory Creek Park Recreation Area and softball field complex. The City has a commitment to the school district for $50,000 to continue the project which the school began. This includes moving a softball field, adding four new soccer fields, one new baseball field and parking for both. It will cost approximately $30,000 to fence the baseball and softball fields and to irrigate. At Staring Lake Park, the parking lot near the fishing pier has been expanded and will be paved this year. It is also recommended that underground electricity be added from the existing park shelter around the playground area to the east for a future amphitheater. Homeward Hills Park development should be completed this year. Tennis courts will be added at Eden Valley Park and Willow Park will be graded and seeded. The expanded parking lot will be paved at Hidden Ponds and Hidden Glen will be graded and seeded. This is the park which the City has purchased. Joyer asked the location of Edenbrook Park. Lambert said it is north of 168th St. on the left side of the road. This is a large marsh area and a playstructure, backstop and tennis courts will be constructed at the Woodlawn Heights entry to I , Edenbrook Park. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 20, 1987 -5- Lambert continued the review of the capital improvement program with Edenvale Park where a bridge and trail will be constructed. Lake Eden Park is the new elementary school. They have funds for playground equipment. Joyer asked if there are any trails included in the capital improvement program. Lambert said no. In the past, money for trails was taken out of revenue from cash park fees, but this was found to take more than 50% of the revenue and was { discontinued. Baker noted that nothing regarding Community Center improvements is included in the plan and asked at what point the City is with the lawsuit. Lambert said they are currently under appeals with the architect who, in turn, can appeal so it could take six months to one year to get a court date. However, he feels the majority of the work will be done in 1988. Baker asks what risks the City would take if they went ahead and had the improvements done during the judicial process. Lambert said destroying evidence is the biggest risk. C Shaw asked if there is any point in mentioning the importance of the acquisition of land in the motion. Lambert said there would be no problem with making such a statement. ! MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval of the five year capital improvement program adding that the commission strongly feels that land acquisition is very important for the future. Joyer seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. B. Reports of Superintendent of Recreation 1. Monthly Community Center Report This is an information item only. 2. Pool Maintenance During Close Down a Refer to memo dated April 13, 1987 from Tom Eastman, Supervisor of Operations. This is an information item only. Lambert commented that this is the first time the pool has been completely drained in five years noting that the air temperature has been set cooler and the water temperature set higher. ;� f' APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Apr. 20, 1987 -6- C. City Council Report of April 7, 1987 The City is considering acquisition of a cemetery. The Council also discussed the park bond referendum and approved the commission's recommendation by a vote of 3-2 to wait one year before presenting the referendum again with the same question. Regarding the International School, the park issue was all that was unresolved. The school did not feel it should be required to pay cash park fees, but in order to be a good neighbor they offered to pay $15,000. Since staff and City Council felt this was not adequate, the school doubled their offer to $30,000 and it was approved based on the school's commitment to open space and the recreation facilities they are providing on site. VII. OLD BUSINESS None VIII. NEW BUSINESS A. Tennis Court Repair at Round Lake Park Refer to memo dated April 15, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. It is recommended that all eight tennis courts be covered with a 1" overlay and a new color coat and that all cracks be filled. The total cost for repair will be approximately $35,000, of which the City has an agreement with the School District who pay 50% of all major maintenance and repairs of the courts and the City will pay the other 50%. The low bid was from Plehal Blacktopping at $34,679 and the work should be done in June. Shaw said he thinks that perhaps a change in weather could cause some buckling. MOTION: Mikkelson moved to recommend that the City accept the low UTT-f—rom Plehal Blacktopping to cover the tennis courts at Round Lake with a 1" overlay and new color coat and also fill all cracks. Joyer seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Mikkelson moved to adjourn the meting at 8:55 p.m. Shaw seed the motion and it passed 5-0. 3 Respectfully submitted, '7 Lois Boettcher Recording Secretary