Parks and Recreation - 02/02/1987 f . .. .:... .... �. ,.;:. _. ..'_'....•. _.,....- >w.t.,'...Y •�._.r�::,5. �� ..... ��s...:.. _ _...._l, i, �t�,.:,.Z��. .:'.....';h .1,.� ..... �. � t ..r�.e...1I:M �k_.xaNhm 1: i! 1987 FEBRUARY 2 MINUTES CITY OF EDEN PRAIRIE l ;. ,5 i . AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2 , 1987 7:30 P.M. SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION BUILDING - BOARD ROOM COMMISSION MEMBERS: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Raiford Baker, Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea, Karon Joyer, Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services 7:30 I. ROLL CALL II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 5, 1987 I . IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS 7:35 A. Donation From Eden Prairie Snowdrifters B. Donation From Flagship Athletic Club C. Letter From Pat Solie V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS 7:40 A. Homeward Hills Park 8:00 B. Tree Farm 8:15 C. Carmel 6th and 7th 8:30 D. Edenvale 21st Addition 8:45 E. Cardinal Creek 6th Addition VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services i . 9:00 1. Lower Purgatory Creek Valley Tour 9:05 2. Bond Referendum Committee Minutes B. Reports of Superintendent of Recreation 9:15 Policy Regarding Public Reservation Use of Hockey Rinks C. Reports of Athletic Coordinator 9:00 1. Season Ending Reports ' a. 3-Women Basketball - Fall 1986 b. Table Tennis - Fall 1986 1 i c. Men's Hockey - Fall 1986 d. Racquetball - Fall 1986- e. Co-Rec Volleyball - Fall 1986 VII. OLD BUSINESS None VIII. NEW BUSINESS 9:35 Ordinance Regulating Use Use of Alcohol in Parks 10:00 IX. ADJOURNMENT a I C„ -. ... _. Vim. -.. .......r: ..`. .,.. -.,......,....., .4' .. I APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCES COMMISSION Monday, February 2, 1987 7:30 p.m. , School Board Room COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Pat Breitenstein, chairperson; Bud Baker, Moe Cook, Gary Gonyea (late) Karon Joyer (late), Brian Mikkelson, Charles Shaw COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: None COMMISSION STAFF: Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services OTHERS PRESENT: Rick Bolinske, Superintendent of Recreation; Lyndell Frey, Recreation Supervisor; Barb Cross, Park Planner I. ROLL CALL The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m. by chairperson, Pat Breitenstein. II. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Lambert added A. MRPA Request and B. Bond Referendum Slide Presentation under VIII. New Business. MOTION: Shaw moved to approve the agenda as amended. Cook seconded Me motion and it passed 5-0. III. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - JANUARY 5, 1987 Cook referred to the statement on Page 4, Paragraph 2 and said it sounds like there there will be an open air structure. The sentence will be changed to read, ". . .with the omission of an open air structure-11. MOTION: Mikkelson moved to approve the minutes as amended. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 5-0. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Donation from Eden Prairie Snowdrifters Refer to letter dated January 10, 1987 from Peter Loscheider, President of the Eden Prairie Snowdrifters. APPROVED MINUTES C EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -2- This is an information item only. The $250.00 donation will be put into the park fund. B. Donation from Flagship Athletic Club Refer to letter dated January 8, 1987 from Lori Helling, Athletic Coordinator. This is an information item only. Flagship donated 48 basketballs to the City. C. Letter from Pat Solie Refer to letter dated January 28, 1987 from Pat Solie and letter dated January 29, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. i Pat Solie's letter expressed her dissatisfaction with the higher fees being charged to reserve park facilities. Lambert said that the fee used to be based on the number of people, but since this i was difficult to police the fee was raised from $25.00 to $50.00. Lambert agrees that this is a heavy fee for a family, but this is the first complaint he has received. He asked the Commission to consider a $25.00 deposit and $25.00 fee for a family group and a $50.00 deposit and $50.00 fee for companies. Shaw asked if it isn' t possible to police the number of people attending a function and if the fee couldn't be based on this. Lambert said that is the way it has been done in the past, but it didn't work out since there was no way to follow up on the number of people. Lambert added that we don't want to price families out of using the facilities. Shaw asked who is responsible for liability. Lambert said a liability waiver has to be signed. Gonyea asked if the City hasn't always charged for family use. Lambert said yes. Gonyea agreed with the different charges for families and companies. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend the City begin two tier charging to use park facilities and expand the liability statement on the form to explain it more fully. Gonyea seconded the motion. On call for discussion, Cook asked if the Commission could see a draft of the form before it is printed. Lambert said it is at the printer, but was put on hold after this letter was received so the Commission can see a copy. Gonyea said he feels a notice should be put in the Eden Prairie News for the public's information. Breitenstein suggested that a reply be sent to Pat Solie. Lambert { said she works at City Hall so will be made aware of the decision. The motion passed 7-0. (� APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -3- V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. Ho meward Hills Park Refer to memo dated January 27, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. Lambert reviewed the park's history. It was designated as a park site in 1979. At that time, the developer was working on Bluffs West 2nd Addition and the City acquired the first half of the park in 1980 anticipating the acquisition of the other half with the development of Bluffs West 3rd Addition. When this was put on hold, BFI donated the other portion to the City in 1984. The City received input from nearby residents at that time and later that year graded the ballfields and placed the surcharge on the road and parking areas. The softball and soccer fields will be usable for the first time this spring and the engineers have indicated that the surcharge from the road and development can be completed. The project will include the following: removing the surcharge and paving the parking lot and road; the barn will be moved onto the site and remodeled; two tennis courts, a half basketball court and two sand volleyball courts will be constructed; the playstructure Carea will be expanded, a lighted hockey rink and skating area will be constructed, the area around the park shelter, tennis courts and playstructure will be landscaped and minimal security lighting will be added in the parking area and along the park road. , Lambert introduced Barb Cross, Park Planner, who was present at the meeting to show slides on the proposed development of Homeward Hills Park. The slides included how the park looks at the present time, the barn which will be moved in and used as a shelter, a concept plan of proposed park development and inside plans for the , shelter. Barb noted that there will have to be two exits added from the top story of the building and they are considering adding a deck. Cook asked if the sink in the multi-use area could be enclosed so it is not always available for use. Lambert said that there will always be a warming house supervisor present so this should not be 114 a problem and the building will not be open unless it is reserved. Joyer asked if a fireplace could be added to the multi-purpose room. Lambert said it could be done, but would be extremely expensive because it is a two story building. I Baker said the memo indicates that the cost will be $150,000. Does this include the cost of moving the barn, doing renovations and additions? Lambert said the cost includes all these items plus rocking and paving the driveway. The City has not had bids yet and if this amount is not enough to cover all these items, they will be 1 done in phases. ' i ( APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -4- Cook asked if there is already a bike peith so access to the park will not be a problem. Lambert said yes. Shaw asked if the City has access to a tree remover to move in some trees or if larger trees could be acquired to use in the park. Shaw feels the barn will look rather stark if there aren't some larger trees around it. Lambert said the City has access to a tree spade and two nurseries. MOTION: Baker moved to accept the Homeward Hills Park Plan as presented. Cook seconded the motion. Breitenstein asked if there were any residents present at the meeting that would like to express their feelings about the plan at this time. John Kennedy, who lives on Jack Pine Trail, said he likes the plan and is ready for the park whenever the City is ready. Sue Schultz, who lives on Summer Place, asked if $150,000 has been earmarked for this park. Lambert said the money is received from ( cash park fees. Schultz asked if there is any reason the City Council will not approve the plan. Lambert said he doesn't anticipate any problems. Schultz asked how long the park improvements will take. Lambert said it will take all summer. Steve Knutson, who lives on Huntington Drive, asked if any of the park areas will be lit. Lambert said it is the policy not to light any neighborhod park facilities other than skating areas. The motion passed 7-0. B. Tree Farm Refer to staff reports dated January 9, 1987 and November 21, 1986. Ron Krueger representing Countryside Investments was present at the meeting. Krueger said the property is adjacent to Homeward Hills Park and south of County Road 1. Plans are to develop 72 single family lots on this site. A portion of the area is heavily wooded with pines as high as 30 feet. Some trees will have to be removed in order to complete this project which is planned to begin early next spring. There will be a pathway along County Road 1 with the possibility of grading a path to the park. Krueger asked Lambert what the status is on this. Lambert said the plan was to use land located in the airport active use area, but the Metropolitan Airports Commission is not (. interested at this time. Krueger feels there should be a direct i l connection from this development to the park although the existing sidewalk system does not show this. r `i APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -5- Lambert said he doesn' t feel it is necessary to grade a path, but rather to change the sidewalk system so they are located in areas that are the easiest access to the park. Arvid Schwartz of Countryside Investments said this area has an abundant supply of trees and the City may be able to move some of them into the park. He said access to the park has been discussed and the reason sidewalks were put in the inside was to minimize costs. Schwartz thinks it is a good idea to lead the sidewalk system into the park. Lambert said he is concerned with having sidewalks inside of the roadway since children crossing the road would have to cross on a curve. Schwartz said he doesn' t see a problem with changing this. Cook said he feels it should be explained to potential buyers of these homes that they are located within air space. Krueger said buyers will be informed of this. MOTION: Cook recommended to approve the plan per staff recommendation with a request that the sidewalk be placed on the outside of the loop road with access to the park as an easement between Lots 15 and 16 with a required setback of 15 feet. Gonyea seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. C. Edenvale 21st Addition Refer to staff report dated January 23, 1987 and memo dated January 29, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. Mr. Schumacher was present representing Breco Corporation. Schumacher reviewed the site which is located south of Edenvale Blvd. and west of Woodland Drive. The plan is for an 18 lot subdivision. The original proposal was for a townhouse development which was defeated. Schumacher said he would like the Commission to consider changing the location of the sidewalk. Lambert suggested looking at the feasibility of putting a 5' sidewalk in behind the curb. In the future, the sidewalk will end up along Woodland Drive. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval per staff recommendation pen ng the outcome of the feasibility study on the sidewalk. Mikkelson seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. D. Cardinal Creek 6th Addition Refer to staff report dated January 23, 1987 and memo dated January 29, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -6- Ron Krueger, representing New American Homes, was present at the meeting. Krueger reviewed plans for the site which are 59 single family lots and the continuation of Cardinal Creek Road to Baker Road. The developer will dedicate Outlots A which is 6.65 acres and B which is 3 acres to the City. The sidewalk system will continue to Baker Road and a tree survey will be completed. Krueger said the Planning Commission would like the road to be shifted because of the extensive grading that would be required into the Griffith property. Mikkelson asked what Mr. Miller's feelings are. Krueger said putting the road along the property line wouldn't solve the tree problem and Mr. Miller is not interested in selling his property at w this time. i Cook said he is concerned with the grading on sites 3 and 4 which would require cutting off the knoll severely. He asked if there would be a possibility of restricting grading. Krueger said the knoll does not have any trees on it and staff has no concern with this since it is the only way to get to this piece of property. Lambert said the knoll will have to be cut at one point or another to get the road through and this plan is a vast improvement over previous plans. Staff's major concern is the road alignment and he concurs with the Planning Commission's recommendation to make changes to the road. Baker asked if the Commission's recommendation should be postponed until the developer has spoken with Mr. Miller regarding the realignment of the road. Lambert said he feels the proposal can be approved subject to the decision on alignment of the road since it is to go before the City Council on February 18 and the Parks and Recreation Commission will not have another meeting prior to that date. �I Lambert said the developer will dedicate Outlots A and B and added that generally rear road lines follow flood plain contours. i Lambert asked if the developer anticipates Robin Ridge Road continuing to the north. Krueger said no, but the sidewalk will be extended along the north and east side of Cardinal Creek Road. Cook asked if there would be a problem with shortening Lots 4 thru 11. Krueger said this has been changed on the plan, but the Commission did not receive the revised copy. fix �t. APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -7- Joyer said she is unclear as to where the sidewalk will be located. Lambert said the sidewalk will be along the north and east side of Cardinal Creek Road. MOTION: Shaw moved to recommend approval of the plan per staff recommendations and subject to a decision on road realignment. Joyer seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. E. Carmel 6th and 7th Refer to staff report dated January 9, 1987 and memo dated January 30, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services Lambert said the main issue concerning this proposal is the land trade which is discussed on Attachment B of the January 9 planning staff report. Heavy hash marks indicate existing parkland and ligh hash marks indicate future parkland. The proposed exchange is for .66 acres of existing park property for .91 acres of new parkland. Other changes on the plan are the new road north and east of Thornhill Road which will be a major access to the park. This park will be about 14 acres. / Lambert recommends the land exchange, new access to the -? extension of the sidewalk along Thornhill Road to the newaaccess point. MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval per staff recommendation. Gonyea seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. VI. REPORTS OF COMMISSIONERS, BOARDS AND STAFF A. Reports of Director of Community Services 1. Lower Purgatory Creek Valley Tour Refer to memo dated January 27, 1987 from Bob Lambert, Director of Community Services. After discussion, it was decided to tour this area on Saturday, February 28, 1907. The group will leave City Hall at 9:00 a.m. and should be back by noon. 2. Bond Referendum Committee Minutes i This is an information item only. do I 1, APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -II- B. Reports of Superintendent of Recreation 1. Policy Regarding Public Reservation Use of Hockey Rinks Rick Bolinske and Lyndell Frey were present at the meeting. Frey distributed reports showing skating rink attendance at all rinks for the 1985-86 and 1986-87 season thru January 27. He also reviewed comparisons by year of free skating and hockey use and Staring Lake and the sledding hill. Frey said the only problem he has had are the outside groups wanting to reserve skating rinks. The current policy is that rinks can be reserved for not more than 1-1/2 hour periods on Monday-Thursday from 9:00-10:00 p.m. and on Sunday from 9:00 a.m.-12 noon. The charge is $30.00 per hour and he feels the cost could be reduced to $15.00 per hour which would still cover all expenses. s Baker questioned the difference between open skating and free t skating. Frey said that open skating time can be reserved, but only Eden Prairie groups are allowed to reserve time. ( MOTION: Cook moved to recommend approval of the $15.00 charge to reserve rink time. Baker seconded the motion and it passed { 7-0. 1 Bolinske distributed copies of the Winter Community Education , Program for the Commission's information. Regarding warming house usage, he said people are more likely to go to rinks which have two pens such as Round Lake. Bolinske feels it is important to serve the public in Eden Prairie and that a third pen should be added at Round Lake if possible. i Lambert said he thinks that people draw people so it is better to have more facilities available in one place and it is also more economical. He feels the additional pen should be built with the possibility of having four rinks all together in the future, but he suggests the future softball complex as the location rather than Round Lake Park. Cook asked if this concept is being used at Homeward Hills Park. Bolinske said Homeward Hills Park is a different situation but he feels that ideally pleasure rinks should be separate from hockey rinks. 9 T 3 v E .r : ,,. ... .. a' \. r-.,. ... .. ...-: ,. ..:, ,,.. ''-n ., rat::..., .�.•� « 4- APPROVED MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PARKS, RECREATION AND NATURAL RESOURCE COMMISSION Feb. 2, 1987 -10- B. MRPA Request Lambert said the MRPA Board met recently and are starting a committee for the Board Committee section. They would like one commission member designated to serve on the committee. There will be only one meeting this year on Thursday, February 26 from 7:30- 9:00 a.m. at the Brookview Community Center in Golden Valley. Karon Joyer volunteered to serve on the committee. C. Bond Referendum Slide Presentation The 20 minute slide presentation was reviewed by the Commission. ti . IX. ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Cook moved to adjourn the meeting at 10:15 p.m. Baker seconded the motion and it passed 7-0. Respectfully submitted, Cr�.c a� Lois Boettcher Recording Secretary I