Planning Commission - 06/18/1968 PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 18 June 1968 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Nesbitt. PRESENT WERE: Ralph Nesbitt, Chairman Odmor Skjelbostad Henry Hauser James Brown, Clerk Homer Raguet Warren Shultz A motion was made by Henry Hauser, seconded by Warren Shultz-'that the published agenda for the Planning and Zoning Commission be changed from a Saturday publication to published on Wednesday of the week before the meeting date, with distribution that day if possible. The agenda is to go into the mail no later than the Wednesday mail pick up. The motion carried. Rosemount Engineering presented a letter to the board. The board took the letter under advisement and will act on it at its next regular meeting. -Jamy C. Brown, Clerk � ROSEMOUNT ' 4900 West 78th Street Minneapolis, Minnesota 55435 mr ENGINEERING COMPANY Phone: 612-927-7711 TWX: 612-292-47 36 TELEX: 029-692 CABLE:ROSEMOUNT Village Co ii of Eden Prairie Eden Prairie Village Hall Eden Prairie, MUMMOenla Re; Compagr Property located adjaoat to and southerly af State A10way No. S to d!w N-1/2 d NW-1/4 of ` tl*n 14, Tawmtbip 114, Range 2 iia u result of a reomA u-seti with 'Mr. Don Brauer of Brauer a d Associates, the Village Planning Coesnitantr, and represestathres of Pmon oumt Englaeering Company, Rorauomt wins made aware of a proWninary gndde plan and acoompanyiag report which will be presented to pear Planning Commissions on Tuesday,, Jum 1$, 1968. A review of Ws guide pUa„ irr) od" tint the Plo mount Engiuesring Company propmay above des- orlbed, wnioh is cow zoned a epeolal industrial zoning, is included in an area designated for ocmmeraial zoning mid use in the guides plan, map, except for a portion of ,and around the lake at tba Northeast enser ext Ow Ro"motmt property wnich is included In a quest public or open cateb'MY- RosemomA Engineering Company aequired this property approximately tour years ago, sad as a nwoess"y step in the"visition of the property, the trae,t of land was rozooed by the Village Council to the present special industrial usage. First, we understand that no rezoning of our property is Immediately**atom#& plated by d►e Village, or " a matter of feat, no rezoning of the entire Village is eram- plated ^t tuts ti>::ee. we also undteratmA that if the guide plans and report is adapted, that it Will form a gelieral basis for action by the Council in the future on matters at zonnft. It is also ow uadersta Wtug that there is no d ought of reso®isg properties at this time =dam the parcp iy owner the Village shwAd bolt decide that such reaaoeuing in dew sirable and satWaotory. It is also our uoderstaading that the Village Planning reprremen-t tatirm at ttds time, do not U4 that the vpezatlans belag ocadoeted unpoe the above des- oribed premises by Rwemomt Enginefting Comp usy are detrimental to yowr proposed guile plan, *Yea tbovgt the pr"eorly is be ft used for otftoe and maWaoturing or Indus- trial purposes as Opposed to a strietly omnaxeacow use. �- - .4 tart{._ ri��_�� 3 _ .. � - . v + r , Villapt Counon Of Eden Prairie - 2 - 1$ Junt, less It Is ow Ya11arstamding, der, that you desire to heave an oweprearnlon from army CoympoW of Its reedtte s to No asw'gdde ph*sad report" It wnordd aailoot our pantie iyl* It was also tsd oeted deaf dw Vfllap wtadd Iiko to hstre from our Coampamry an than d its "mull tawsasarst te the pdde plan aria! report aaad also as wxtwrtsaidag or oommftmat to bo prided by naee st UoW bdldiag oodes and regalatfaaw in oouneUon wit► wsy f>rstnaro expuwW et frsedMw on dlsr site in aMee to asswe tics Vil *p boat at soak timer as fire prapwty mist be deeeaed reed,}►tear as aatissl reralaoaatag te oamnaeraial by be*tiwa Company mad tk*Villap, It w►"M be imparow iaa awk a mawr so that the Liam tudsdiag bd'k w taw dw yrr"w ty*add rs dUy be adapted to oomm+aaroiol osapr. our eirmapany bus ghes o ardt ao aides aat[t,ae to do rtsgtiest, but for a amber of reasons, don not feel dot it is abls at We t1mo to gt"to As VM&p this "o of unqualified two seam. In dko first plane, ow Company moved ba I*tbs Vglap 4 C Rdes Prairie alter a oareaial review at otber a1►ailablo looetions in tsar Twin Mike am and decided upon the pardodar die in,quesUm ot'tear oaard d stdy and aaalysfs at a namber of faaoiors, aaaust being ready m o o in WMtr to a rai'w specialbW labor force w1doh add ad in the immediate area, a ndbar befsrg tin pe rdedas lesaatim of floe t met with rap w I to planned Idghwaay Impeavewswis in floe area, and it tbW brim tee availability of a ratfaear large trat of law as yet w,ado i doped, for use by fife CompaW tea►expaunks of tts faailfttes on,the site in Mon man CompoW pvodwdm requiromaRs wwAd e4and In Ow fwdasaro. Before aaagairft Ow sit,o the Campsay took pairs to naehar eo rtfr float flee semigg at flat wbole aura it Was yosrelwi was parGM is aal!l wets;sole with tlsae faotors in mind, with primary empUsix . tpos the **a d=po ostbtlithw aavaatlsNo. The Company rewopdaaes the need for long ramp piasaatag amd omnwab the Map is its epetris to parowulSalo a long romp patde plan for tote wbde Vtilap. Rew ,ww, As Coempasl ellss fads, that the Village shoald dire spwW at tea,sad a aridigrati4nsa I*SO"eemmpaaates, Bice Roessumo st, whtok baars taakeaa p"tpst pats to abtails a efts, have it re Bawd to sdt its neoft pad those at the Villaags at to limo of rem and tba bus p meesdod to hwest a ooasricitrrarbde aamnovat of atapital In impim w►emeets, wbAch were dedp ed sot only for paresso t sad bsi also for e3qpanrtaaer posri- bilitteas. In developing ow rite, osaral'nt Govot sad piamaing wears employed to provide each opeeaa aepsoo and Company Park am as fire zest wMe at dw same thus prw►ldiag for e3 paa- mic as am an file hlA grovad Unwaurd*a Woeterrly tend at ttae sits. Out Company foils that the site baas bow improved is&a,aa3traot#ve acwmw so tar as the Village is oworned mW also te a imae,#iosaal mam wrr bwater as fife ComwW is eons maed. The,Company la s every fnteatfa►of ooisUedug to be a peed aitiat,a is any emepanionaa aotivities an the property, but at the mama time fools,, that it has poreb ased aaa iarddaslrial site wrtth ''tillage"lrswreeraoo and apprrwd Md abodd aoulim s I*haws firs rWht to make nso d property aand Impnwe flat aaaamo with No indwbl4 pa rpess is adw. Bather tiara to a hate Batt at this tfine to wheat may well be rwdeflued Ural.- %dew sad restrWl bP9% ss oft fle w*emspassiera, it is tlae feeltug of we Ca►mnpaasy that it is am I,sMw of a latsp eraoasdi►target at lased is aloe area area►asaad the Iatear-hoop to eaatftfo it, mad olbear ooamapaaia► w►dah bare,leaoated la dist area to bit dtre a tsp+rsiat a#waoa ta the grdde j Village Coua►fl of Eden Prairie d - is June M$ pica to be adopted. We tMa*serious a a should be gives to revising A* Stride pica to reaaoga�se the svbstaadlai i>trdaesttci#1 Zoning sou tkWest of the lake and the intersection of County Road 5 and 404. We bdis" dw guide plan should rdleot a speold lWa strial asosd>Irg is that area idesdiaal to So seWft of the Rosemount'bract. If is tact, the economic pressures at the other three quadraaefs of fiat intersection which now appareatly will be shawa as commercial at your guide pies Infect materialirsr attar doe appcnr#zaxi#y for derdopment, it appears that as a peraoded mattear, our Company would, out of self interest, sot wish to r4wdop its law in such a maarer to odrersdy affect the futuane value of its own r 'glren eaapaanded oamnmearoial usage aurauad it. in suammary thee, while not wishing to be ute000psrative, Ros mount Engineering Company f ds that it bias daa eweryrtMag it can do to ooampiy►with all existing ordinances at the Villap. We have completed our first pbtse of property impnwomea# in a manner widole is bath piessiang to the eyes and(sectional with rmpeot to Compaaay operatiow. Given the reliance of our Coampww won the Village oardin now whon we purchased ased and our good prerfe raoame wader tb m, we would iaenits The Village cad its of locals io►consider a revisim of its preliminary guide plan to provide for indurstrial usage of our parcel and other stintlarly r*I&W patrads in the So%thwest quadrant at 'the intersection. V #his is not fvmrably re- selved by the Village, them we feel that the Villages obould r+eoopke specifically the aompati- W tjr of our resat of the IWO as it now exists and tha expansion of pyre mily existing ants with the commercial we desipatfou w►htoh is appa"ady codswy[MW is ** preliminary guide plan. 'ate then feel that the Vtf1a►ge►should permit a.certain flexibility for future use by fir CompmW within the special industrial zoning classificadoa the land now enjoys. It is our epbioa,that arts tdd limitation and restrictions will not enhance the value of the land. We will always be aware of r1evelopmenats sad will rdjwst our long range plamubg accordingly. Thask you for your ocesideratles+d thbs matter. Rospeottdly yours, ROSEMOUNT ENCINEENNG COMPANY sr. its "Vice President# WLMssg#