Planning Commission - 06/04/1968 PLAN14ING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4 June 1968 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Nesbitt. PRESENT WERE: Ralph Nesbitt, Chairman Warren Shultz Vernon Emerson James Brown, Clerk Henry Hauser Quentin Wood, Engineer Homer Raguet ITEM 6-1-68 MINUTES OF 5-7-68 W Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser to approve the minutes of 5-7-68 as published. A The motion carried. 12 ITEM 6-2-68 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Rezoning of Block 2, Eden Heights from RA to R-1. Hearing notes are in file #35. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Vernon Emerson to recommend to the Council that this rezoning be denied. The motion carried. The reasons for denial was that the majority of the residents in Block 2 did not favor having their land rezoned. Oct U. 2. Hillcrest Courts. • The necessary publications had not taken place. A motion was made by Vernon Emerson, seconded by Henry Hauser to continue the hearing to 7-2-68. The motion carried. ITEM 6-3-68 OLD ZONING APPLICATIONS 1. Gene Reilly on the Feeders property. Mr. Reilly had called in and stated that he could not make contact with the owners and asked that he be placed on the agenda for July 2, 1968 for an action by the board. Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Warren Shultz to re-open the hearing on the Feeders property for July 2, 1968. The motion carried. 2. The Allan Garrison-Oscar Jones property. Mr. Garrison and Mr. Jones appeared at the Board's request to discuss their property. They said they were still in favor of the rezoning to commercial and industrial, that they would bring in the necessary descriptions to show the two pieces where they proposed to make the division and asked that we have a hearing as soon as possible. Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Henry Hauser to set the hearing for July 2, 1968. W The motion carried. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 2 4 June 1968 ITEM 6-4-68 WILLIAM PEARSON Mr. Pearson appeared representing himself, Mrs. Samway and Mr. Fullerton, applied for a rezoning and asked that we set a hearing date on their property on old County Road #18. There was some discussion and the Zoning Board felt that as long as the hearing was to be held that they should include all of the properties under consideration for the assessments for the improvements on County Road #18 for rezoning. at this time. Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Henry Hauser to set the hearing date for July 2, 1968 and to include the following properties provided the petitions were received from the property owners: All of the east half of Section 12 and 13, north of Highway #494 and South of County Road #39 and the balance of Section 12 lying south- easterly of County Road #39, not presently zoned S-I. This would be provided petitions are received by June loth from Mr. Helle, on his property and the 0 and 0 Realty Company on their property. They would then include the balance of the property in the area. If these people did not wish to have their property considered and asked to be left out of the rezoning; then only that property owned by Mr. Pearson, Mr. Samway, Mr. Fullerton, and Mr. McCarthy would be included in the publication. The motion carried. ITEM 6-5-68 BOB BRENNY Mr. Brenny did not appear. There was no plan to take any action on. This matter is dropped until a request is made. ITEM 6-6-68 DON ;ANDERSON Mr. Anderson was not prepared with the information and this will be placed on a later agenda. ITEM 6-6-68 ANTHONY FIORENTINO Mr. Henry Hauser asked that he be disqualified from acting on the board on this matter as he was a participant in the petitioner's request. He was excused by the Chairman and removed himself from the Commission's work. Mr. Fiorentino asked that a variance be given so that he could build a home on Lot 5 in Edenwood Ridge, the variance would be a granting of 20 feet- from-the requirement of 50 feet from the lot line. He had approval from his neighbors on both sides. It was necessary to do this in order to build a home on the lot and also to allow Mr. Hauser to make the necessary changes in his building in order to comply with the requirement that he remove his driveway from Mr. Fiorentinots lot. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Vernon Emerson to recommend to the Council recommending a twenty foot variance to Anthony Fiorentino for Lot 5, Edenwood Ridge. The motion carried. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 4 June 1968 ITEM 6-8-68 HENRY HAUSER Henry Hauser also then asked that a variance be granted him to allow him to build a building within nine feet within the west lot line of Lot 6 of Edenwood Ridge. He would reconstruct his garage and place it as a ground level garage. At the present time, it is a basement garage under his house and his driveway, to get to the basement garage extends into Mr. Fiorentino's lot. In making a change and putting in a street level garage on his house, he will be within nine feet of the west lot line. He has the approval of Mr. Fiorentino who is building on Lot 6. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Homer Raguet to recommend to the Council granting Mr. Henry Hauser a variance to build within the nine feet of the west lot line of Lot 6 Edenwood Ridge. The motion carried. ITEM 6-9-68 EDEN PRAIRIE PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION Mr. Daniel Boos of the Eden Prairie Park and Recreation Commission appeared before the Planning and Zoning Commission to present them with copies of the Park and Recreation Commission's bond issue brochure and explain the purpose behind the request by the Park Board for a bond approval by the Village of Eden Prairie. He asked for the Zoning Commission's recommendation on the village park plan and there are comments and questions regarding the Park and Recreation Commission's bond request. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser for the Planning and Zoning Commission to go on record to state that the Planning and Zoning Commission is in favor of the park plan for the Village of Eden Prairie as presented by the Eden Prairie Park and Recreation Commission. The motion carried. Motion was made by Henry Hauser, seconded by Vernon Emerson that the meeting be adjourned at 9:46 p.m. The motion carried. r, Ja s C. Brown, Clerk