Planning Commission - 05/07/1968 VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday, May 7, 1968 5-1-68 Minutes 4-2-68 Approval 5-2-68 Public Hearings 1. Frank Smetana property. 2. Art and George Holasek property. 5-3-68 Approval of sketch plat on property in N 1/2 of Section 3. 5-4-68 Ray Bergin Information on cartway at end of Timber Trail. 5-5-68 Rezoning applications still open. 1. Gene Reilly on Feeders property continued to 5-16-67. No further action. 2. Allan Garrison-Oscar Jones continued from 1966. 5-6-68 Planning information. • 5-7-68 Persons not on the agenda, 5-8-68 Eden Prairie Presbyterian Church requests variance on lot in Topview Acres. 5-9-68 Set Hearing Date for rezoning Block 2, Eden Heights Addition. (George W. Dredge) 5-10-68 Set Hearing Date on Hillcrest Courts 2nd Addn. (Clifford Whitehill) 5-11-68 Gerald Carnes - request permission to build kennel J C, PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 7 May, 1968 These minutes are electronically taped. The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Ralph Nesbitt. PRESENT WERE: Ralph Nesbitt, Chairman Warren Shultz Vernon Emerson Quentin K. Wood, Engineer Henry Hauser James C. Brown, Clerk Homer Raguet Bruce Pladson, Planner Odmor Skjelbostad ITEM 5-1-68 MINUTES 4-2-68 ( Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Vernon Emerson to approve the minutes of 4-2-68 with the correction to show that Odmor Skjelbostad was listed as present. The motion carried. ITEM 5-2-68 PUBLIC HEARINGS d 1. Frank Smetana property. Mr. James Burke, the assistant trust officer from the Richfield Bank who is the guardian for Mr. Smetana's estate, appeared before the Board, also Mr. David Stanley, representing the purchaser of the property, Mr. Gerald Schoenfelder. Notes are in Hearing File #33. . There is a report from Mr. Don Brauer on this property. Motion was made by Odmor Skjelbostad, seconded by Homer Raguet to recommend to the Council to rezone from RA to C-2 as per the petition. Upon a roll call vote, Vernon Emerson voted yes, Odmor Skjelbostad voted yes, Homer Raguet voted yes, Henry Hauser voted no, Warren Shultz voted no, and Ralph Nesbitt voted yes. The motion carried. 2. Art and George Holasek property to rezone from RA and RC to C-2. Mr. George Holasek represented the Holaseks. There is a report from Brauer Associates on this property and the notes are in Hearing File #34. Mr. Holasek stated he realized there were still some things that were being done with the comprehensive plan for the Village. He did want to get this as a matter of record that the rezoning was being considered but did ask that no action be taken immediately on it until a final comprehensive plan had been adopted. As the Board could not give a firm date on this and felt there should be some date when action would have to be taken on this matter, a motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Vernon Emerson to continue the hearing until the adoption of the comprehensive plan has been completed or the first meeting in November of 1968 if the plan has not been adopted prior to then for further action. The motion carried. M a �w 0 V 1�S%J a U_ a PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 2 7 May, 1968 ITEM 5-3-68 SKETCH PLAT NORTH 1/2 SECTION OF SECTION 3 IN THE M-2 AREA EAST = OF THE RAILROAD TRACK Mr. Robert Brenny of Premier Realty appeared before the Board with a sketch plat of this property showing proposals for laying it out, road, buffer, etc. There has been no planners report on this and it was felt that there should be some further action on the entire 4rea before final action is taken. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser to table until the meeting of July 2, 1968. The motion carried. ITEM 5-4-68 RAY BERGIN INFORMATION ON THE CARTWAY AT THE END OF TIMBER TRAIL The Clerk reported that the attorney for the owner of the property, Mr. Williams, had in his possession a copy of a resolution signed by Mr. Elmer E. Clark, clerk of the Town of Eden Prairie, dated back in the early 401s, showing the acceptance of this cartway by the Town of Eden Prairie. Also, the road had been maintained and used as a public road by the community over a period of time and it was fLlt that the cartway did exist, per se, but had not been maintained in the last few years as far as gravel, grading and so on. Any work on the cartway at this point would have to be done by either the present owner, Mr. Williams, or the purchaser, Mr. Bergin, in order to bring it up to village standards. No other action was taken on this matter. . ITEM 5-5-68 REZONING APPLICATIONS STILL OPEN 1. Gene Reilly's request on the Feeders property which was continued to May 16, 1967 and has no further action. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Vernon Emerson to re-open the action on this property at the meeting of June 4, 1968 and to so notify Mr. Reilly. The motion carried. y2. The Allan Garrison-Oscar Jones properties continued from 1968. Again no action has been taken on this item, either. U_ C2 Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Odmor Skjelbostad to open it up —a for the meeting of June 4, 1968 and notify Garrison and Jones. CD �C The motion carried. ITEM 5-8-68 EDEN PRAIRIE PRESBYTERIA14 CHURCH REQUIRES VARIANCE FOR A LOT IN TOPVIEW ACRES. No one appeared from the church and no information was available. No action was taken. ITEM 5-9-68 SET HEARING DATE FOR REZONING BLOCK 2, EDEN HEIGHTS ADDITION OWNED BY MR. DREDGE. Mr. Dredge appeared before the Board to request a hearing on Block 2 of Eden Heights Addition. He stated that he only owned one lot in there which he wanted to rezone but 2 or 3 of the lot holders also had expressed an interest in having their property rezoned. He wanted to rezone from RA to R-1. The Board was advised that Mr. Dredge could not order a hearing on property which he did not either own or represent the owners as an agent. They could accept Mr. Dredge's request on his lot. The Board could initiate rezoning actions on it's own initiative. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 7 May, 1968 Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Warren Shultz to accept Mr. William Dredge's request on the lot he owns in Block 2 and order in the balance of Block 2, Eden Heights for a rezoning hearing. The motion carried. Motion was then made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser to adopt a resolution setting the hearing for June 4, 1968. The motion carried. ITEM 5-10-68 HEARING DATE ON HILLCREST COURT 2ND ADDITION This is on the preliminary plat, the sketch plat having been approved sometime back, the preliminaries having been worked out. Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Henry Hauser to set the Hearing Date on the preliminary plat of Hillcrest Courts, 2nd Addition for June 4, 1968. The motion carried. ITEM 5-11-68 GERALD CARNES Mr. Gerald Carnes appeared before the Board with information to request permission to build a kennel on Plat 56713, Parcel 3020 which is located at the junction of Highway 494 and old State Highway 5 on property presently zoned C-2. He does require a Special Use Permit for the kennel in this area. He stated that he is presently operating a kennel in the City of Bloomington and has so for thirty years without a complaint. He has been operating on 15 acres of ground and the ground has become too expensive to operate as a kennel. He is purchasing land in Eden Prairie and building a home and also wishes to operate his kennel in a-more accessable position. He is 500 feet from the nearest resi- dential area. He stated that he is one of the few professional dog handlers recognized throughout the country and would operate his kennel in a workman and businesslike manner for the training and boarding of dogs. Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Homer Raguet to recommend to the Council that they approve a Special Use Permit for Mr. Gerald Carnes to operate a kennel on Parcel 3020 in the Village of Eden Prairie. The motion carried. ITEM 5-7-68 PERSONS NOT ON THE AGENDA Mr. Hill and Mr. Klingelhutz of Chanhaasen Council appeared before the Board to request information regarding studies on the Purgatory Creek area in cleaning up the lakes in the Purgatory Creek area as far as rough fish were concerned. They were advised that a committee had been appointed by Mayor Osterholt to work with the Chanhassen and Minnetonka people who would be involved in this, that Eden Prairie was anxious to gather more information on this matter at this time. ITEM 5-6-68 PLANNING INFORMATION Mr. Pladson of Don Brauer's office reported that Mr. Brauer had been at a meeting with the State of Minnesota and advised persons that the State was in a position where it had both the funds and the personnel to provide flood plain studies in the communities where these studies should be made. Mr. Brauer recommended that the Village of Eden Prairie take advantage of this on the Purgatory and Riley Creek Watersheds to determine the flood plains as it would cost the Village nothing at this point. This would be a wise investment as the information is required for future planning purposes both from the planner's standpoint and the engineers standpoint. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4 7 May, 1968 Motion was made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser to recommend to the Council that we undertake a flood plain study by the State of Minnesota Depart- ment of Conservation. The motion carried. The group discussed briefly the comprehensive guide plan as prepared by 1.1r. Brauer. It was felt that a meeting should be held with Mr. Brauer and the Council to go over all the aspects of this and it was felt because of the information avail- able that this meeting be held at Mr. Brauer's office at the time of the regular scheduled meeting for planning on May 21st at 8:00 p.m. Motion was then made by Warren Shultz, seconded by Henry Hauser that we adjourn at 10:40 p.m. The motion carried. 4Jes . Brown, Clerk