Planning Commission - 10/03/1967 VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING & ZONING COMMISSION AGENDA Tuesday 3 October, 1967 ITEM PURPOSE 10-1-67 Minutes 8-29-67 Approval 9-5-67 Approval 10-2-67 Neal Slate Co: Special Use Permit Eden Prairie Industrial Center 10-3-67 W. F. Bohrer Special Use Permit Eden Prairie Industrial Center 10-4-67 Alex Dorenkemper Preliminary Plat 10-5-67 Joe Semrad Preliminary Plat 10-6-67 Joe Ruzic Preliminary Plat /-- 10-7-67 Mankato State College Planning Course 10-8-67 Karl Madson Preliminary Plat PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 October, 1967 19 The meeting was called to order at 8:00 p.m. by Chairman Miller. PRESENT WERE: Arthur Miller, Chairman Homer Raguet Cecil Cruse Quentin K. Wood, APW Henry Hauser James C. Brown, Clerk Odmor Skjelbostad �z�e ITEM 10-1-67 MINUTES Motion was made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Henry Hauser to approve the minutes of 8-29-67 as published. The motion carried. Motion was made by David Dale, seconded by Odmor Skjelbostad to approve the minutes of 9-5-67 as published. The motion carried. ITEM 10-2-67 NEAL SLATE CO. They did not appear. It will be removed from the agenda. ITEM 10-3-67 W. F. BOHRER Mr. Bohrer appeared before the Board along with Mr. Morehouse representing Mr. Shultz and Mr. James, the owners of the property. Also present were Mr. Shultz and Mr. Bohrer's general contractor. They had appeared before the Board to request a special use permit to build a building on the property in the Eden Prairie Industrial Center which Mr. Bohrer is purchasing from the owners. The building is to be used as a warehouse distribution center for a beer wholesaler. All of the activities would take place within the building, there would be no outside activities what so ever including the loading and unloading of trucks. They propose to use a break off or molded block for the exterior surface of the building, a block similar to that found on the Chicago Avenue Transfer building on 494, on two buildings on the Edina Industrial Center and also on the west side of the Stewart-In-Fra-Red building in Eden Prairie. Mr. Phillip Hartliep from the Char-Lynn Co. was also present at the meeting and looked over the site and the building plans, etc., and asked if Mr. Bohrer would meet with some officials from Char-Lynn to go over his proposals for this particular area. Mr. Quentin Wood reminded Mr. Hartliep that as long as these people met the requirements of the ordinance, Char-Lynn or any other organization could not act as a deterrent to their building in the area. Mr. Hartliep stated that he understood this, that they would just like to get to know their neighbors. Mr. Bohrer said he was very willing to be a good neighbor and would meet at their convenience. There were some other questions brought up. Mr. Cecil Cruse brought up the PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 2 3 October, 1967 question of the screening plantings along School Road in the Eden Prairie Industrial Center and the question of the finalization of the road through the center. Mr. Quentin Wood stated that from Highway 5 approximately half way back,--.the road alignment was set, that the area next to the school and the proposed 169 was still up in the air and would have to be adjusted when all the parties agreed to their needs. At the present time the school had made some changes in its suggested requirements. The Highway Department and the Village also have to agree on the road alignment in this area and therefore, final approval of that section of the road was not ready at this time. He also stated that because of the lateness of the season, these people would have to be put on a bond on the road so that it would be guaranteed completed. Mr. Shultz stated that they would put in the base and if possible surface the road but, of course, they would have to meet the specifications of the Village for this and if the Village Engineer stated that the weather conditions would not permit surfacing, they would not put it in this fall. Motion was made by David Dale, seconded by Cecil Cruse to continue to the November agenda. Upon a roll call vote, Cecil Cruse voted yes, Odmor Skjelbostad voted no, Homer Raguet voted no, Arthur Miller voted no, Henry Hauser voted no, Ralph Nesbitt voted no, and David Dale voted yes. The motion was defeated. Motion was then made by Odmor Skjelbostad, seconded by Ralph Nesbitt to recommend to the Council providing the party brings in a letter of intent which would basically state what he has verbally stated at the meeting, information from his discussion with Char-Lynn and the finalized plat and building plans. Upon a roll call vote, Cecil Cruse voted yes, Odmor Skjelbostad voted yes, Homer Raguet voted yes, Henry Hauser voted yes, Ralph Nesbitt voted yes, David Dale voted no, and Arthur Miller voted yes. The motion carried. Motion was then made by Cecil Cruse, seconded by Henry Hauser that the property owners of the Eden Prairie Industrial Center start planting the trees and shrubbery, etc., along School Road and have this done by November 15, 1967. The motion carried. ITEM 10-4-67 ALEX DORENKEMPER Mr. Quentin Wood stated that the preliminary plat had not come back from Mr. Dorenkemper's engineers, therefore, no action could be taken on it. ITEM 10-5-67 JOE SEMRAD Mr. Quentin Wood explained that they were still having some problems with the plat and it was not ready for presentation. o PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 3 October, 1967 ITEM 10-6-67 JOE RUZIC Mr. Joe Ruzic appeared with a preliminary plat on which he stated he could not get approval from the engineer but on which he was asking approval from the Board. There was much discussion on this plat. Mr. Ruzic has been trying to get approval of a plat in this particular area where 'he. has been working for some time. There were problems on road access, how the land should be divided, how much should be lowered and so forth. Motion was made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by Odmor Skjelbostad to instruct Mr. Ruzic to bring in a preliminary plat to meet the approval of the engineer and the Board will study it. The motion carried. a W ITEM 10-7-67 MANKATO STATE COLLEGE PLANNING SCHOOL In the discussion. with the Board members, they were advised that the Council had authorized the expenses incurred in attending the school by members of the Planning and Zoning Commission and most of them felt that the courses were good. It was generally agreed on that if the community ordered two complete sessions, two members could attend any one session. This would divide it up among the Board members and also give a good representation at the session. • Mr. Arthur Miller stated that if there was a particular course where a third or fourth party wished to attend, they could pay the individual fee for that �¢ at the time of the course. The Clerk is to order two complete units for the Village Planning Commission. 0 © ITEM 10-8-67 CARL MADSEN Mr. Quentin K. Wood stated that this was not ready. No action was taken on it. ITEM 10-A-67 SPENCER HOLLE Mr. Holle appeared before the Board with a request to consider a special use permit for an addition to the Machine Products Building on County Road #18 which he had built last year. Motion was made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by Homer Raguet to hear Mr. Holle's M/C- request. Mr. Holle stated that they would build a 69 foot addition on the -- north side of the building, the full length of the present building and would build the office addition either this fall or next spring depending on circum- stances involved in the rental of certain space in the present building. This would amount to approximately 14,000 square feet of additional area in the building and would then bring the building to it's full width as far as the lot is concerned. Any ,further expansion would have to be made to the rear of the building. ® Mr. Holle also stated that they were finalizing the road and had blacktopped all except the final approach to County Road #18 as the County had requested w W PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 4 3 October, 1967 some additional land from the property owners for the new interchange area and had asked them not to do a complete driveway job on this particular area until the final road was settled. Motion was made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by Homer Raguet to recommend approval of a special use permit for an addition to the Machine Products building. The motion carried. Mr. Alex Dorenkemper who was in the audience asked that he not be put on the agenda again until they are ready to discuss his particular plat. Mr. David Dale wanted to go on record that he objected to the Council's taking the Nine Mile Creek land alteration permit from the Planning and Zoning Commission to the Council before the Planning and Zoning Commission could act. Mr. Cecil Cruse wanted to know what the planning reports cost. The Clerk stated that most of the reports had been ordered by the Council and that the cost figures could be very easily broken down but had not been broken down at this point. Motion was made by Odmor Skjelbostad, seconded by David Dale to ask the Council for a report on the planning costs t-o- I`a,£e, r..—J) The motion carried. Mr. Quentin Wood asked the Planning and Zoning Commission to consider revising the M-2 ordinance to eliminate some problems which would be inherent with this ordinance and also in the total structure of the village, the M-2 areas as presented by the original zoning map would lead to certain problems if buildings were allowed to develop as they would be under the present M-2 ordinance. He especially was concerned that while the M-2 ordinance now allows outside storage there is no requirement for fencing, screening, or protective devices for the outside storage. The Board will take this under advisement. Motion was made by Henry Hauser, seconded by Ralph Nesbitt that the meeting be adjourned at 10:25 p.m. The motion carried. J-QLAVQL� M"'., J . Brown, Clerk