Planning Commission - 03/21/1967 VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A G E N D A Tuesday, 21 March, 1967 ITEM PURPOSE 3-9-67Z Minutes 3-1-67Z Approval 2-2-67Z Dick 'Stockstead .O'er Special Use Permit for D-X Service Station on S.W. corner of Eden Prairie Road & W. 78th St. 3-10-67Z Robert Eidem 701 Planning State of Minnesota PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 21 March, 1967 The meeting was called to order at 8:10 p.m. by Chairman Miller. PRESENT WERE: Arthur W. Miller, Chairman David Dale Odmor Skjelbostad Quentin Wood, APW Ralph Nesbitt James Brown, Clerk Homer Raguet Henry Hauser (came in at 9:30 p.m.) Cecil Cruse ITEM 3-9-67 MINUTES OF MARCH 1, 1967. They were approved as published. There was a correction on Item 3-2-67. Change the word east to west in the sentence that reads, the area south of Highway #5, west from Highway 169. Correction on the spelling of Mr. Skjelbostad's first name; it is Odmor. ITEM 2-2-67 DICK STOCKSTEAD Mr. Stockstead appeared to request a Special Use Permit for a service station on the corner of Eden Prairie Road and West 78th Street on the property owned by the George Moran's. He stated that he is a Real Estate Broker representing the George Moran's and the D-X SunRay people in the sale of the property. He also had with him, Mr. John Griffin and Mr. Mel Burns from the D-X SunRay Company. Mr. Stockstead stated that they had revised the plan and gone to the Council and made a presentation and that the Council had asked because of certain revisions that they re-appear before the Planning and Zoning Commission. Mr. Stockstead stated they received a revised clearance from both the State and the County Highway Departments on the road entrances and that the new plan would be part of the file with the Highway Departments for the road access permits. Mr. Wood explained to the Board that both the County and the State look at any re- quest for access from the basis of safety, sight distance, and use and that in making the approval, they would have checked all of these factors. He also stated that it was felt this was a particularly bad corner because of the way it is presently constructed and the fact there is a through stop on #4 and no stop on Highway #5 and no lights to detract from the road or warn anybody that there is something other than a road at this particular point. He stated the placing of a service station at this intersection would have a tendency to reduce the safety hazard presently encountered at the intersection by putting something to attract attention in the area which it does not now have, specially from cars coming along the major highway and it would also in the future give us more leverage with the State in securing arterial stop signs at this intersection. There were several questions asked about the use of this property and the best use for the Village. Mr. Griffin of the D-X people stated that this would be strictly PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 2 21 March, 1967 a service station with no additional sales gimmicks other than the petroleum products which a sales service station normally sells. Motion was made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by Homer Raguet to recommend to the Council that they grant a Special Use Permit to the SunRay D-X people for the construction and operation of a service station on the Southwest corner of Eden Prairie Road and West 78th Street. t Upon a roll call vote, David Dale voted nay, Odmor Skjelbostad voted yes, Henry Raguet voted yes, Ralph Nesbitt voted yes, Cecil Cruse voted no, and Arthur Miller voted yes. The motion carried. Motion was then made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by Homer Rauget that the special requirements for service stations as drawn up by Midwest Planning for the Village in 1966 be included with the Special Use Permit for this particular operation. The motion carried. ITEM 3-10-67Z MR. ROBERT EIDEM Mr. Robert Eidem, State of Minnesota Department of Business Development who is the Metropolitan Area Planning Consultant for the State appeared before the Planning and Zoning Board to talk with them about the proposed 701 Planning Grant for the Village of Eden Prairie. He stated that he had received the initial questionaire form from the Village which he stated was in excellent condition and showed that a lot of thought and work had been put into preparing it. He said the next step was to determine a planner on the approval by the Village of a planner, then the application for the 701 Program would be initiated by his office. He gave the people on the Planning and Zoning Commission ideas to look for in interviewing planners and a list of certified planners operating in the State of Minnesota. He recommended that the Village accomplish the planner selection as rapidly as possible so that he could make an application to the Federal people for 701 funds prior to the first of July. He felt that as soon as the application was sent in, we would have a very good chance to be put on the program as the people from the Housing and Urban Develop- ment Branch of the Federal Government had changed some of their criterion for 701 funds and were no longer processing applications on the basis of first come, first serve, but rather on the basis of those who needed the funds. He did advise that in interviewing the planners that we should interview them on the basis of what we felt was best for Eden Prairie as different planners have different basic orientations and have a tendency to follow their basic orientation and develope a plan in this general direction. A planner would be the individual who would do the basic research, compiling the information required for a part- icular study, but the decisions would have to be made by the Planning and Zoning Commission and the Council. The planner would have to be an individual who could work with both bodies and provide them with the necessary information so that they could make good decisions for the community. PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION 3 21 March, 1967 In order to properly interview the planners, it was felt a special meeting should be used for this rather than a regular Planning and Zoning Meeting. A motion was then made by Ralph Nesbitt, seconded by David Dale to send a letter to each firm setting the interview date for March 30, April 6 and if necessary, April 13, with the first interview being from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. and the second interview being from 10 p.m. to 12 p.m. ; limiting the interview to two hours for each planner. The motion carried. Note to the minutes. The Clerk contacted the individual planners that were recommended for inter- views and the following schedule has been set up. March 30, 1967 8:00 p.m. Nasan-Knight-Wehrman-Chapman 10:00 P.M. Midwest Planning April 6, 1967 8:00 P.M. Thomas Hadne & Associates 10:00 P.M. Wallace-Holland-Kastler & Schmitz ITEM 3-C-67Z M-2 LYING IN THE VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE Mr. Quentin Wood asked the Commission to consider acting on the land presently occupied by the Eden Prairie Golf Course which is zoned M-2 and which the Council has started the procedure for a hearing and,had asked for a planners report be- fore continuing with the hearing on it as there was some activity in the neighbor- hood which could reflect on how this was finally zoned. Motion was then made by Homer Raguet, seconded by Ralph Nesbitt to re-open the hearing on the Golf Course property for the Planning and Zoning Commission meeting on April 4th and to notify the property owners involved. The motion carried. The motion to adjourn was made by David Dale, seconded by Homer Raguet at 11:00 P.M. The motion carried. Jam C. Brown, Clerk