Planning Commission - 11/01/1966 VILLAGE OF EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING AND ZONING COMMISSION A G E N D A Tuesday, November 1, 1966 ITEM APPROVAL 11-1-66 Minutes 10-4-66 9 10-18-66 Approval 11-2-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Greg Redpath continued from 10-18-66 2. Bren, Gregerson, Kusisto, Dvorak continued from 9-6-66 3. Diversified Realty R, Holasek property west of 494 from RA to C-2. 7-3-66 Mobile Homes Report by Mr. Hawks 10-6-66 Roy Olson Grading Plan & Mining license Report by Q.K,Wood 7-6-66 Disposal Ordinance Report from Committee 11-3-66 Planning PLAIIIIING AID ZONING, C0II11ISSION 1 November, 1966 The meeting was called to order at 3:00 p.m. by Chairman Arthur I'Iiller. PRESEIIT WERL: Arthur hiller, Chairman Albert Picha Anthony Hirt James Brown, Clerk Dr. Jch- S7ri-Ilt Quentin Good, 41-101; Cacil Cruse v Jafies Eawl:es, Planner David Dale ITEII 11-1-6E 'IIZUTES The minutes of 10-4-66. A motion wa+made by David Dale, seconded by Cecil Cruse to delete the sentence in Item 10-4-66 that stated the fee or such services would be established for such work by !Ir. I:awk,es but paid to the Village and then to the N idwest Planner rather then a direct fee being paid b;� the individual to f'ir. Hawkes. With this deletion the minutes were approved as published. The motion carried.. Mr. Ha�Tkes requested that he be recorded as abstaining as he was not present at this meeting. Minutes of 10-15-66. Motion was made by Anthony Hirt, seconded by Albert Picha. to approve the minutes as published. The motion carried. ITECIN 11-2-66 PUBLIC HEARINGS 1. Gre-7 Redpath fir. Hirt asked if any further communWations had been received from Mr. Redpath or any further communciations from the Eden Prairie Park: and Recreation Commission. he was advised that no further communication had been received from i1r. Redpath. The return receipt on the registered letter had been returned to the Village and signed by the Redpaths as having received the letter. No further communccation from the Park: Board has been received at the Village level to pass on to the Zoning Board. Albert Picha stated that the parr roard had had a special meeting on this matter and was prepared to present some additional information at some further date. Ile could not state what they trere planning on loin¢ or when they would present it to the Planning and Zoning Commission. Motion was then made by Anthony Hirt, seconded by Cecil Cruse to terminate the hearing and pass this request on to the Council without recommendation. The motion carried. 2. Bren-' Greguson, Kusisto, Dvorak, Wright property continued from September 6, 1966. Mr. A. E. Goddard represented the petitioners and the notes on this are in Hearin; File 4h16. _ PLAi,lIIING AND ZOITII:G 2 1 November, 1966 There was much discussion pro and con on this matter by many individuals. After everyone had had their say and the Board had made their feelings known, a motion was made by Anthony Hirt, seconded by David Dale to recommend to the Council that at this time this request for rezoning be denied for the follow- in? reasons: 1. Uncertai.nity of the eventual development of the area. 2. Uncertainity as to the size of the eventual development if it developes. 3. All of the development hinges on the final plans of the Highway Depart- ment. Upon a roll call vote, Albert Picha voted yes, Anthony Hirt voted yes, Cecil Cruse voted yes, Johi; iIri?ht abstained, David Dale voted yes, and Arthur Ifiller abstained. The vote was -four yeas and two abstentions. The motion carried. 3. Diversified '_Realty - Rezone the Holaseh roperty nest of 494 from RA to C-2. A letter was read by the Clerk from IIr. Eduard. A. Sieber requestena that the hearin!T be continued_. fir. Sieber also appeared before the Loard stating that the;T did not have final plans on the area that tne_y wanted to present to show the proposed development of the area under the new rezoning as they were re- questing it and asked that the hearin ? be continued to the December meeting. Jec,a.use of the fact that the December meeting would normally he 'yield the first Tuesday in December and this carve on the 6th of December whicb was the municinal election day, it was 'felt that another date should be set up fox, this meeting. It was moved L-y Anthony Hirt, seconded hir Lr. John Wright to chap-e the meeting of 12/6 to 12/5 which is a Iionday ni-_-ht for the first meeting in December. The motion carried. Albert Picha then T;ioved, seconded by Anthony Hirt to continue the he;a.rinr on Uiversi-fied Itealt-'s ri:auest on the Iiolasel: property until Lecei,1er 5, 1966. The motion carried. ITL1i 10-6-66 ROY OLSOif tlr. Olson and Ii-r. .,Iichols appeared Lefore the Loard with a new ffrading plan which fir. T,,Tood had worked out as requested Ly the Loard at the last meeting, giving them a limited area to operate in on the total piece of property and setting the elevations for them to operate under with the contract which they would receive. In order to expand their operation or to -o to a lo*7er elevation they would, af*ain have to cone before the Board for aunew contract. This was in line with trie request from the Board at the last meeting. PLANNING AND ZONING MEETING 3 1 November, 1966 After studying the map as presented by Mr. Wood, Mr. Olson and Mr. Michals and the proposals as made by Mr. Olson for the operation for the mining of the dirt and gravel, it was moved by David Dale, seconded by Cecil Cruse to accept the plan presented to them and to recommend a granting of a mining license for Mr. Olson. The motion carried. ITEM 11-A-66 SPENCER F. HOLLE Par. Holle appeared before the Board representing No-rden Erickson, owner of the machine products company which proposed to put a building in Eden Prairie on County Highway 18 between the Transistor property and the Research property. Mr. H011e requested that the Board recommend waiving certain requirements of the SI Ordinance on his building which he proposed to build as it would reduce the cost to his client. He presented some alternatives and stated that his building should be good but no better than the existing buildings in the area. A motion was made by Dr. John Wright, seconded by Cecil Cruse, that the Council consider this in their grantinl- of the Special Use Permit. Unon a roll call vote, Albert Picha voted yes, Anthony Hirt voter. yes, Cecil Cruse voted yes, Dr. John Wright votes yes, David Dale voted no, and Arthur Miller abstained. The motion carried. He was advised that he would have to apply for a Special Use Permit by sub- m.ittin4 a letter stating the intentions of the oirner of the building and the plan for the building as far as the construction plans showing the outside or exterior plans and the plot plan for the building. 11r. Holle asked if a Special meeting could be held to consider this as he would like to get his footings in before the ground froze. A motion was made by Cecil Cruse, seconded by Anthony Hirt to set a Special rneetin- for November 7, at 12:15 p.m. at the Village hall. The motion carried. ITEM 11-3-66 PLANNING I✓r. Hawkes reported that there were some changes contemplated by the Housing Urban Development Department in the Administration of the 701 program and eliminating one of the parties in the program. He stated that at the present time there was approximately a year's delay from the time that the application was submitted until approval for a 701 planning project. He read a letter to the group which they were sending to the Housing and Urban Development people and he stated that copies would be sent to Mr. Arthur Miller and Mayor David Osterholt. a.s. rM Z PLANNING AND ZONING 4 1 November, 1966 He also presented a report on I4obile homes which he had worked out gathering the information that the Zoning Board had gathered from various communities and adding- to it various information which he had available on his office level. Each member was supplied with a report and asked to comment on it at a later meeting. Hr. Mood presented the Bury and Carlson request for a new mining license stating that the new contract was now being drafted to cover the additional area and that the property would be properly developed by extending the operation south and east from their original property. The motion carried. ITEI1 11-B-66 FULLER PHAR11ACEUTICAL COMPANY 11r. Richard Dren presented a written report and check list for the Planning and Zoning Commission on the Fuller Pharmaceutical property. Also a letter was presented from Fuller Pharmaceutical explaining the business and what w� they intended to do and a plan for the building was shown, showing the final ,i grading and so forth. I0, Motion was made by Dr.- John Wright, seconded by Albert Picha to recommend . to the Council the granting; of a Special Use Permit and approving the site plan for Fuller Pharmaceutical. The motion carried. notion was made by David Dale, seconded by everyone that the meeting_ be adjourned at 12:Ll5 a.m. The motion carried unanimously. aa.. A C3 Z a e C. Brown, Clerk n