Planning Commission - 05/18/1965 Zoning & Planning Commission Meeting May 18, 1965 Me Zoning & Planning Commission met on May 18, 1965 in the Village Hall at 8 P. M. Present were: A. W. Miller, Chairman Dr. John H. Wright Anthony Hirt Cecil C. Cruse James C. Brown David W. Dale Quentin K. Wood ORDER OF BUSINESS: MINUTES The minutes of May 8th and May llth were approved as read. FO TO MARK INC. It was moved by David Dale and seconded by Anthony'Hirt that the hearing published for May 17, 1965 be adjourned to May 18, 1965.. Yeas: A. W. Miller, Anthony Hirt, James C. Brown.,- David W. Dale Motion carried. FO TO MARK INC. Foto Mark Inc. has requested rezoning their property from RC to SI. It was moved by David Dale and seconded by Anthony Hirt to adjourn the hearing on all except Foto Mark until June 1, 1965. Motion carried. It was moved by Anthony Hart and seconded by David Dale to recommend to the Council to rezone to SI for Foto Mark Inc. Motion carried. HERB MASON It was moved by Anthony Hirt and seconded by David Dale to recommend approval of the proposed ordinance changes to read as follows: Ordinance 8 Change 5.11 (1) Mining which shall be the extraction of sand, gravel, or other material from the sand and the moving and removal thereof from the site without processing other than crushing and blending for grading shall be per- mitted in all districts. The conduct of mining shall comply with all terms of Ordinance 36. Motion carried. The meeting adjourned at 1 A. M. ,James 03. RF-6-Wnl, Cleric MAY 17, 1965 Report from Northwestern Bells Southwest Area Manager, Mr. P. W. Ringgenberg N W Bell has new rates to go into effect December 1, 1965 for the area they serve in Eden Prairie. They will call each subscriber to determine any changes in the type service the person desires and will advise on rates, etc. at that time on an individual basis. Should a subscriber desire to change to a higher type of service, this change will be made at once and the subscriber will pay the rate he is presently paying up to December 1, 1965 even though he has a more expensive service. They will also be adding the Touch-Tone System to the 941 exchange. There are basically two zones for rates in Eden Prairie and you can find your zone by the rate. ZONE I Type of Service Present Proposed Reduction Private Line 9.20 7.20 2.00 2-Party 7.00 5.50 1.50 4-Party 4.75 4.50 .25 No 8-Party Service in this zone. ZONE II Type of Service Present Proposed Reduction Private Line 11.70 9.20 2.5o 2-Party 9.00 7.00 2.00 4-Party 5.25 4.75 .5o 8-Party 4.95 Eliminate -- COr24ERC IAL - ZONE I Present - "20.25 Proposed - "l8.25 Reduction - ;)2.00 COkMRCIAL - ZONE II Present - )22.75 Proposed - >20.25 Reduction - -")2.50 All of the ra tes are monthly rates. If you want information on an individual phone, call the Telephone Business Office direct. - ;,'�:-ems,-:n;•' - - • .. • . . . �, ;, ., . . .i � ' _• ' ._ ti •t r �'. �. i j; � � ... _. ,_ •. ` p r ..,1 M.. .r�