Planning Commission - 06/24/1963 June 24, 1963 The Eden Prairie Zoning Commission met in room 308 in the Eden Prairie High School on June 24, 1963 at 8 o'clock P. M. Present were: A. W. Miller, Chairman Al Bruce Tony Hirt Ralph Nesbitt F. G. Holasek Harry Picha Dr. John H. Wright Kenneth Anderson ORDER OF BUSINESS: MINUTES The minutes of the June 4th meeting were read and approved with two corrections: 1. Henry Schutrop attended June 4th meeting. 2. Wording on Pearson sign should be eliminated. not the sign itself. WOODWARD • Re-zoning of the Woodward property was again discussed. Mr. Lee Todd from Edina and Mr. Johnson and Mr. Berryman from Bloomington who attended this meeting as representatives from their respective Planning Commissions talked about their plans for the surrounding areas. Property owners Mr. Todd and Mr. Blacklock voiced their objections to the new proposal of the use of the Woodward property. PURE OIL Mr. Virgil Edwards presented his request for a service station and restaurant at the intersection of #494 and County Road 18 (new) and #18 (old). No decision was made at this time. JOINT MEETING - EDINA, RICHFIELD, BLOOMINGTON, AND EDEN PRAIRIE The Eden Prairie Zoning Commission was invited to a joint meeting with Edina, Richfield, and Bloomington on September 21st at Edina. Meeting adjourned at 10:30 P. M. Elmer E. Clark, Clerk