Planning Commission - 05/07/1963 ` May 7, 1963 The Eden Prairie Zoning Commission met in room 308 in the Eden Prairie High School on May 7, 1963 at 8 o'clock P. M. Present were: A. W. Miller, Chairman Albert Picha F. G. Holasek Ralph Nesbitt Al Bruce Dr. Wright Tony Hirt Elmer E. Clark, Clerk EARL GERARD b A motion was duly made and seconded that the Zoning Commission recom^_ mend that the revised plat of Top View Acres be referred to the Village Council for adoption at the May 14th meeting. This plat was revised on account of State Highway #494 passing through this addition. Motion carried. KOCOUREK A motion was duly made and seconded that the application for re-zoning of 15 acres of Mr. Kocourek's be tabled until consideration be given as to whether or not the industrial part of the property should be rolled back or the whole property should be put into residential. This matter is to be considered at the June 4th meeting. Motion carried. SHZDLA A motion was duly made and seconded that the re-zoning of the Shidla prop- erty at the junction of Highway #5 and County Road #4 be tabled until the June 4th meeting. Motion carried. GARRISON A motion was made by Tony Hirt and seconded by Ralph Nesbitt that the Zoning Commission recommend that Allen Garrison be given a special use permit for the business being operated at the present time in the building on Highway #169 and Shady Oak Road. Motion carried. GARRISON A motion was duly made and seconded that the Zoning Commission accept the application for re-zoning of his property located on State Highway #169 from commercial to light industrial. A check for $85.00 has been received. The legal description is on the application Motion carried. �a MaY 7, 1963 (Page 2) RICKIE & RICKIE A motion was made and seconded that the Building Inspector, Trutna and Commission member, Albert Pieha be appointed to inspect a building at Lilac Lanes which the Rickie Bros. wish to move into Eden Prairie on the N. E. corner of Highway #169 and County Road A and report the condition of the building to the Village Council. The building is to be used for a Drive-In Restaurant. Motion carried. WOODWARD Mr. Woodward appeared in regard to re-zoning his property for the purpose of a bowling alley. The property is on Highway #494 and #5 near the new telephone building. He was advised to make formal application for re-zoning. Since this meeting he has applied and furnished #85.00 check to cover expense. PETERSON A motion was amde and seconded that the Zoning Commission recommend that w Sever Peterson change the advertising on a sign on his property. The present lease has not expired. a Motion carried. ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS The Commission recommends that the Village Council investigate the following ordinance violations and take action to have them corrected: = � McPheters on Highway #5 Wier Shenk on County Road #4 Schmid's on Townline Road �'- F. Smisek on State Highway #5 cn < Harry Connly on State Highway #5 Paradise Valley Addition Other Junk Yards CD Meeting adjourned. Elmer E. Clark, Clerk c;