Planning Commission - 01/02/1963 Jan. end — 1963 The REGULAR MEETING OF THE ZONING & PLANNING COI21ISSION The REGULAR METING of the Zoning & Planning Commission was held in the American Legion Hall on Jan. 2nd 1963at 8 o'clock P. M. : Present; Tony Hirt Acting Chairman Fred Holasek Albert Picha Dr. John Wright Ralph Nesbitt Act Secy Thopmson & Scroggins appeared before the Commission with a Plan for there property on the North West side of Bryant's Lake. There was an informal disscussion on the matter but no definite action was taken. The people representing the Cemetery Beautiful Assn. appeared but no action was taken. The matter was reffered to Air. Schatuck and Mr. Carter for an opinion. There being no further business the meeting adjourned. Ralph Nesbitt Acting S.Aeting Secy.