Planning Commission - 05/01/1962 ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION EDEN PRAIRIE TOWNSHIP Members present: A.W.Miller chairman F.G.Holasek J.F.Gage Regular meeting held at the American Legion Hall :--M&T Z.1962. Meeting was called to order by the chairman at 8:IOpm Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Open hearing of requests by Messers Keith James, Schultz, and Linner, for approval or rejection of re-zoning from •RI, to MI. , was successful, there being no objection from any sourde. Motion made ky Hirt that we recommend re-zoning„and its acceptance by the Town Board, seconded by Holasek, motion carried. Mr.Remus appeared relative to re-zoning approx... twenty five acres, motion made by Holasek, that re-zoning of the property be recommended to the Town Board,and also reconstruction of the residence for a private supper club, seconded by Hirt, motion carried. Mr.Johnson, foreman for Louver Mfg.Co. ,appeared for approval of purchase of one acre of the property owned by Mr.Merland C.Belden (approx. 20 acres) on #169, between the quonset house and Roderick&s place. Mr,Johnsonts acre would abut the old Truman Beggs farm. Mr.Miller recommendedto Johnson that he have Mr.Belden produce a preliminary drawing of his twenty acres with provision for a road paralleling adjoining property; Motion made by Holasek that we OK the plat for passage, and that escrow accounts agreed upon by lvr.Kelley and the Town Board for combletion of roads, seconded by Gage, motion carried. Stan Reiget, Paddon Downs, moved a tool shed into Eden Prairie without a permit or approval. Says he will issue a bond or check for one and one half times the cost of vompleted construction. No action was taken. Dan Husten, Western Const. Co., lot I5, block#I, Eden School Addition, advised to get consent in writing from adjoining property owner before applying for permit to construct a garage 23 feet back of his home and I5 feet from north property line. Mr.H.B.Gribble, Box I67, Rt. I,Starring Lane, and Henn.Co. #I, applying applying for addition to garage, motion by Holasek, that we recommend to the Town Board that a permit be granted, seconded by Gage, motion carried. Mr.and Mrs.Robert Jarett appeared to issue a complaint against Mason and Gardner, Lee and Herb Mason have left a large hole next to Jarettts lot; which backs up considerable water on their lot; and Mason refuses to do anything about it. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by the chairman at I2:I5am. acting secretary.