Planning Commission - 08/04/1959 REGULAR MEETING ZONING & PLANNING COMMISSION TOWN OF EDEN PRAIRIE August 4, I959. Members Present: A.W.Miller chairman. F.G.Holasek A.R.Hirt J.F.Gage Meeting called to order by the chairman at 8:00 pm. Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as read. Mr.Gullickson, 42I5 Woodhill Road, Hppkins appeared before the commission. Chairman Miller read a letter to Gullickson outlining certain conditions, and proposals re- garding serveyor 's plat, suggested by town engineer. Motion made by Hirt; when changes refered to have been made,approval of project be given containing one half acre lots or larger in as much as , application for project was started, prior to changes in Town zoning requirements. Motion Approved. B&R.Rock Products, Shakopee,have taken an option, on the Chermak property; purpose is to excavate sand Sand gravel for fill.Commission suggests the use permit when granted , be made, not less than fifty dollars, to cover engineers supervision, permit for one year, renewable. The town attorney is to further advise this company of its obligation. Attorneys for Edward J.Toohe�r, (in a letter mailed to the torn clerk) _have explained how Toohey proposes to operate a sanitary dwap at the north end of the town. Town clerk answered this letter July 30, refering request to zoning commission. A motion was made by Hirt that a permit for a sanitary dump be denied the applicant; reason for action was the likely seepage and contamination of Pergatory creek; seconded by Holasek and nnamimiously approved. Commission sugested ap .roval of plat presented by Truman Beggs for hoU64 to be erected at a future time. A motion was made, seconded, and approved that George Hols.sek '^^ given a permit to move a house from west 78,St. to his farm Their being no further business the meeting was adjourned. f