Planning Commission - 07/07/1959 REGULAR MEETING ZONING AND PLANNING COMMISSION TOWN OF EDEN PRAIRIE Members present: July 7, I959. A.W.Miller, chairman F.G.Halosek A.H.Hirt R.q.Nesbitt J.F.Gage Meeting called to order by the chairman at 8:00 pm. , Myer 's Sign Co. Mr.Myers protested why he was stopped, from further erection of sign, locatedEat highway 169 and #5. This commission, recommended he be denied, a permit at ameeting Oct. 7, I958. After some discussion, a motion was made, by A.J.Hirt, and seconded by R.J.Nesbitt, the matter be refered to the Town Board. Andy Justus, of Justus Lbr. Co.,appeared re- questing a parcel of land, rezoned from, R-2, to general • industrial. Request to take proper procedure relating to re- zoning. Waldo V.Solomanson applied for permit,to move brick venier house on highway #5, to Leona Addition; a motion by R.J.Nesbitt, recommending permit be granted, was seconded and approved. John Bloomberg requested permit,to erect a resturant building on present motel location.Motion by R.TNesbitt, that he be given a permit, was seconded and Approved. John Turnbull, Kings Forest Addition, complained of the soil run off from recent rains, causing damage to his property. It would appear Mrs.Streeds property .is involved. W.J.Sime contemplating building a golfcourse on some of his average, now zoned commercial. It was moved and seconded, to recommend he be given a special use permit ffor the project and a directional sign. Karl Krahl Excavatin Co.,again requesting permit to proceed with the Chermak property. B&R Rock Products gox. I30-C, Shakopee, Minn. , is also dickering with Chermak for the same purpose. We feel Krahl should have first con- sideration from the Town, as long as he is in the picture. Motion made by R.J.Nesbitt and seconded by F.G.Halosek that Tom Plehalls request for permit be granted Request explained in minutes of June 2, meeting. There being no further business.$meeting Adjourned I0:30 pm. J.F.Gage. Sec.