Planning Commission - 09/05/1972 416 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1972 7:30 P.fl., EDEN PRAIRIE VILLAGE HALL INVOCATION - - PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - - ROLL CALL COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Norma Schee, Chairman Pro-Tem Herb Fosnocht, Secretary Wayne Brown, Roger Boerger, Ralph Nesbitt, Don Sorenson, Patrick Casey, Jammie Mikelson. COMMISSION STAFF: Robert Heinrich, Village flanager; Dick Putnam, Village Planner I. MINUTES OF AUGUST 15, 1972 MEETING. II. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. A. Elliason Builders, Inc., Round Lake Estates proposed single family development located west and south of Round Lake Park. Requesting P.U.O. concept plan approval , rezoning to RI-13.5 • and preliminary plat approval of the single family areas. Staff review and recommendations. B. Jonathon Housing Corporation, 30 unit townhouse project located north of Neill Lake in The Preserve. Requesting rezoning to RM-6.5 on the 5 acre site and preliminary plat approval for the 30 proposed units. Prelimiaary staff review and report. III. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Mark Z. Jones Associates, Shadow Green a proposed rental apartment, and convience center located in Edenvale on Valley View Road. First presentation to Commission by developer. B. Edenvale 5th Addition: Single family plat located west of Edenvale Blvd. adjacent to Purgatory Creek in the Edenvale P.0'.D. Request preliminary plat approval and rezoning to RM-6.5 based upon the single family detached plat submitted. Developers presentationaand preliminary staff review. C. Preserve Addition Two, of its Highpoint Single Family Plat located near Neill Lake in The Preserve. Request rezoning to RM-6.5 and preliminary plat approval of the 15 lots and two outlots in Addition Two. Developers presentation. • FRINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSIO►J Tuesday, September 5, 1972 7:30 P.M. , Village Hail INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ilembers present were: Chairwoman, Norma Shee; Chairman Pro-Tem, Herb Fosnochty Ralph Nesbitt, Roger Qoerger, Jammie t-likelson. Also present was Dick Putnam, Planner. I. Minutes of August 15, 1972. Minutes were approved as submitted. I I. REPORTS AND RECOVi(IENDATIONS A. Elliason Builders Inc. , Round Lake Estates, a proposed single family development located West and South of Round Lilco Park is requesting P.U.D. concept plan approval , rezoning to R1-13.5 and preliminary plat approval of first phase single family areas. Staff review and recommendations: • The Planner gave a brief review of the staff report dated September 1, 1972 for Round Lake Estates. The report discussed the background of the project which began as a conventional grid iron single family plat. Evaluation of the open space, auto/pedestrian circulation, proposed land use relationship with the guide plan and projected population were discussed. The general evaluation of the project was favorable with special emphasis on the open spare and.will p;^ovide an excellent low density residential environment. In the review, Putnam noted the concern that Heritage Road not be used for more than the first phase 27 lots and that as Phase II develops, access to Co. Rd. 4 be provided using the Round Lake Parkway. He also expressed conco rn about the legal arrangement for the easements guaranteeing pathways through tide project and the provision of maintenance for these areas. Co--mmissioner Fosnocht asked that the finalized plan for easements and of the quasi-public open space be approved by the Village prior to final plat approval . dr. Hermers, a resident of Heritage Park, asked what the cost of the homes would be adjacent to Heritage Park. ,•fir. Olson, Engineer on the project, said that they would be of comparable value to those in Heritage Park, being in the $40,000+ price range. Wr. Helmers asked if there was any possibility of extending the proposed Round Lake road being Parkway from Co. Rd. 4 to this project, to provide alternate access for the homes being built. The Planner responded that "a chicken and egg relationship" existed in terms of extending the parkway. The second phase of the project would require extension of the street. Also the Village does not clearly own the land East of Eiliasons at • this time, since the matter is in court. He also mentioned that the park planning indicates that the road will be of a high priority in the develop- ment of Round Lake Park. i4r. Helmers also suggested that perhaps a turn lane: might possibly be added on T. H. #5 coming from the east into Heritage Park to make the turning movements off of #5 safer. PLANNING CO"IMI5SION MINUTES September 5, 1972 • Page 2 Mr. Putnam felt that this would be an excellent idea and that it should be investigatdd with'the Highway Department. l4 s. Dunston, resident of Heritage Park, asked if there was any way to curtail the amount of construction equipment that would be using Heritage Road during the building of the homes for Round Lake Estates. Also, if the utility construction in the area might close off the streets. Mr. Olson assured her that the construction would not in ;act block the streets and that alternate access into Heritage Park would be provided. The Planner pointed out that only a few homes are built at a time. Action Taken Moved by Fosnocht and seconded by Nesbitt that the Commission recommend to W - Village Council approval of the P.U.D. concept plan and the following recom�T.endations ,in the staff report da•:ed September 1, 1972. 1.u Approval of the P.J.D. concept plan as submitted �%xopt for t s spoci f i c lot sizes, proposed in Round Lake Circle cui-de-sac until de is t+:1d des i cn :.as been "completed. 2. Strongly endorse the attempt to achieve diversity in housing cost, styles • and appearance in the Round Lake Estates development. 3. Approve the rezoning to RI 13.5 of the single family lets in ;Phases I and 11 based upon the plan submitted in the P.W.D. submission, 4. Vxcl ude from any rezoning the Round Lake Circle lots --and i ng dc:;ai l ed " design. 5. Roquire alternate entrances/exits to the development before arppro°,.i'll of- i.he Phase 11 preliminary plat. This will require Village ex i:Erit.for of Round Lake Parkway. 6. Approve the Preliminary Plat for Phase I, 27 lot section that is servic- abl e by existing sewer and water as proposed in P.H.D. 3,Ubm i,; oon. 7. Final Plat approval will not be granted until the physical and 'legal methods of handling the quase-public spaces is acceptable to the Village. S. All public lands for park and streets must be conveyed prior to final plat approval of Phase I. D. Approval of later preliminary plats must have these lots served by sanitary sewer and water. B. Jonathan Housing. Corporation 30 hnit townhouse project located north of Neill Lake in The Preserve. Request rezoning to RM 6.5 on the 5 acre— site and preliminary plat approval for the 30 proposed units. Bill Bonner, Planner for the Preserve, briefly discussed the changes JHC's proposal required by detailed soil borings on the site. He explained that PLANNING CONHISSION MINUTES • September 5, 1972 Page 3 the land is lots and there are areas with poor soils and a high water table. The original plan which had the "spine" street with units backing in it was found to be unworkable given the soil conditions. Also, the questions raised by the Planning Commission about the poor circulation pattern with the driveway and turn around space for garages being the ame was examined and the new plan would solve that problem. Paul Bierman from Dailey & Associates, site planners, worked on the changes and felt that the new proposal answers the problems of the site and the suggestions by the Commission. He apologized for not having more information available at this time but the time between receiving the detailed soil boring and the meeting was short. Hr. Joe Dennis, representing Jonathan Housing Corporation, apologized for the shake up in plan and Village procedures that they had hoped to foilot,�, "3u the soil information dictated a major change. lie asked to submit more detailed information before the next Planning Commission wieeting and that the Council Public Bearing scheduled for the September 12 Council meeting possibly be rocTtinued to September 26th. P,cti on Taken The Commission concurred that they could not take action at this time with • the information submitted and asked that the Council Public Hearing fo,, September 12th be continued by the Council until September 26yh, and Formal Application be resubmitted for the new plan with enough time for the staff to make a report before the next Planning Commission Mleeting. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Fiark Z. Jones Associates, Shadotj Breen, proposed a rental apartment and convenience center located in Edenvaie on Valley View Road and Baker Road., First presentation to Commission by the developer. Don Peterson, President of Eden Land Corporation, located and br•in-fly Identified the site by using aerial photographs. He Explained •11.hat on the south site there are scattered major trees and a heavily wooded area overlooking the golf course., The convenient center site, at the inter- %r=ctl on of Va i l ey View and Baker Roads, has been graded and •fhore arc f=w tv"ees. Only a sumac mound to the south. The northern to has a Mw trees along the westerly boundary next to the driving range with a rolling and open character overlooking the golf course. ria-k Jones, President of Mark Z. Jones Associates, gave a brief introduc- tion to his company. He said that the corporate information presented for ihe aloori ng presentation in the Preserve documented.' his corporation and ;V�a;ther explanation was not needed. Dick Schwartz, Project Architect, described the relative merits of each of the three sites. The north multiple site has a double load of corridor, underground parking building form, while the southerly apartment site uses a less intense structure and ramped parking. The convenience center site has little tree coverage and is flat which was ideally suited for commercial use. Mr. Schwartz said that the north site planned to accomndate about 212 units. The goal was to get as many units fronting out onto the amenity or the golf course. The proposal has two'thirds of the units front away from the auto courts which Mr. Schwartz noted was heavily landscaped. The parking has one PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES • September 5, 1972 Page 4 enclosed space/unit under the buildings with the reinai n i ng parking on grade in the center court, areu. i, recreation bui i ding with offices, Poo: and tennis court would be provided adjacent to the driving range. The buildings on the north site would be of the double loaded corridor type e'lev«tor a:d a unique apartment s�tyl` using two story units. These aiaart- ments would have interior stairways to the second leve"i and would be one and two bedroom units. The rentals anticipated in the north building woizl d range from $200-$400. The south site which is planned to have 180 units would utilize a building that 'is more individual in character. The bui16-HnqZ viould be Wu and tiirea stories high with through bui l d i;tog units, These units would :;ap i tal i i'e ^n the vaettiis over the golf ,our�,o and would fit the woo:',ed 'ter"rsirr, , iile 1 imi .;ng tl-e e: pcsure to the auto ramip parising adjat-44 t to Va- i ley View *;h;., convenience center will include a small grocery. &-y clea,.ner ,z l.c-r ber :shop and will function wit , ap auto servi c.e s i;a ti on with two garage stalls, (gas pumps) and car wash. The desIgn approach was ,:o iiatttra'l?y screen the center fr°oro Valley VieiAJ and 111i t;cl.P11 Roaes with -arch berms and vegetation, as well as screening ;Ja 11 s on the building. The st:parat.i on of auto circulation between the auto service i=urtr.L,on • ;,nd the shopping function produces a structure located between two au.`l.o rr u ia'ti on routes with a pedes tr-i an connection -to t-h;� apar 1 rien't complex to the sough. u'itr ;robin, Project Landscape P,rchitei:t, briefly discussed tree tyE aS and vegetation that, exists on the site. l-la po"I t-ed out `ilie large numbcr i;,`i mature trc-es that were on the site today. tie emphasized that the major concern in selecting building types was geared to pro-bect•i on and `l nhance- ►iiont or this mature vegetati m, The proposal for- the north sit:; would iic?ude hea 'landscaping treatment, particularly in the Pat-king court :.real. The Commission and staff expressed concern about the density or ntensi ly of the use of the northern sate. It appeared that much at the laiif' was hni ng used for building or parking. Another concern: was that w i tl, attention to detail, such a project was very important. The trea`bnel,ct of the building exteriors, the landscape treatment, and other detailed design elements were ext.remely critical to success or failure of this Project. Mr. Jones amplified this by saying that one of his {primary E.oncerns in developing an apartment complex anywhere i s the m i cro.- nv i ronment in the project. He noted examples of vat~i ous projec is wiie: e ,,-,hey have had to pro vide-substantial amenities to ri;uke the project :�rori<able. Along the same lines, Scott Godin, of Barks Z. Jones Associates, pointed out how the quality and type of environment built by developers, in the last few years has greatly improved because of the demand by • renters for more amenity and better development. Action Taken "r,joved by Fosnocht, seconded by Shce, to refer the i-larks Z. Jones "Shadow Green" proposal to the staff for review and recommendation at its next .,iceti ng, Motion carried. PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES September 5, 1972 • Page 5 , B. Edenvale Fifth Edition Single Family Plat, located west of Edenvale Boulevard adjacent to Purgatory Creek in the Edenvale PUD. Requesting preliminary plat approval and rezoning to RM 6..5 based upon the single family plat submitted. Don Peterson briefly reviewed the proposal for the Edenvale Fifth Ad- dition single family plat just across Purgatory Creek from Hillcrest Courts. The proposal is for 16 single family lots and two outiots that would be open space adjacent to Edenvale Boulevard. The area is identified on the Edenvale Concept Plan as a low density multiple site. In reviewing the site and the market today, it was felt by Eden Land Corporation that expensive single family would be most appropriate at this time. Mir. Peterson's slides of the site indicate the heavily wooded character and the existing easement that corresponds to the road location. The lot sizes will vary from 11 ,000 square feet to 21 ,000 square feet. The slides indicated the sanitary sewer easement along Purgatory Creek where the Village has indicated a public open space corridor. Approval of the revised Edenvale Concept Plan of August, 1972, for this site was to be examined by the Village staff and the Edenvale people to agree upon a location for the public open space pathway corridor. fir'. Peterson and the Village staff will work out an agreement on the actual width of Park Corridor along Purgatory Creek. Mr. Peterson said that the lots will be • priced so homes will be upwards of $50,000. Ile also noted the outiots A and B, adjacent to Edenvale Boulevard,will be left natural as recrea- tion areas for the project and buffers from the street. The lots would be sold as single lots, and possibly, a few to builders. Action Taken: l4oved by Nesbitt, seconded by Fosnocht, to refer the Edenvale Fifth Addition, single family plat to the staff for review and recommendation at its next meeting. Also to ask that a Oublic hearing date be set for the next available council agenda. Motion Carried., C. Preserve Addition II of its "High Point"Sin le Family Plat, located near Neil Lake in the Preserve. Requesting rezoning to RM 6.5 and pre- liminary plat approval of the 15 lots with two outiots. Addition II Plat was presented by Mr. Johnson from The Preserve. He said that the plat was merely an extension of the High point single family plat. The plat has two short cul-de-sacs off Neil Lake Road and two small out- lots used as ponding areas for storm drainage. The .land is. relatively level and the lots adjacent to the Parkway have been oversized to give a greater set hack from the E.W. Parkway. . Action Taken: Fosnocht moved and` Nesbitt seconded to refer the Addition II of "High Point" single family plat to the staff for review and recommendation at its next meeting, and to. set a public hearing date at the earliest council date. Meeting Adjourned, 10:45 P.M. Respectively submitted, Roger Boerger, substituting for Wayne Brown, Secretary