Planning Commission - 07/26/1971 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, July 26 , 1971 7:30 P.M., Village Hall INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, ROLL CALL I. MINUTES OF JULY 6 , 1971 II. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Eden Land Corporation . Presentation of Preliminary Development Plans for Portions of Edenvale. Ill. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Eden Prairie Major Center. Review of Preliminary Report & Plan B. Proposed Eden Prairie Demonstration Housing Development Project. Presentation by Manager. C. Crosstown Highway Extension. Shady Oak to 494. Proposed Alignment Resolution. D. Review of Contract for Planning Services. MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, July 26, 1971 7:30 P. M. , Village Hall Members present were: Nesbitt, Fosnocht, Schee, Meyers, and Emerson. Also present was Village Manager, George C. Hite. Mr. Nesbitt was acting Chairman . I. MINUTES OF JULY 6 , 1971 The minutes of July 6th were approved without correction. II. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Eden Land Corporation. Presentation of Preliminary Development Plans for Portions of Edenvale. Mr. Don Peterson presented preliminary road plans for the portion of Edenvale west of the railroad. The plans projected locations for major roads and suggested alternative development plans for the blocks of land established by the roads. Mr. Peterson said they would like to develop about half the road system in 1971 and the remainder in 1972 . Mr. Peterson also presented preliminary plans for a 105 unit condominium townhouse project on about 9 .3 acres of land situated on the west side of Mitchell Road just north of Purgatory Creek. A third proposal projected a small commercial center and a church at the intersection of relocated Valley View Road and Mitchell Road. The Commission received the proposals for review and asked that preliminary staff reports be prepared for the August 16th meeting. III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. Eden Prairie- Major Center. Review of Preliminary Report & Plan. The Manager presented and explained the June draft of the preliminary report and plan for the Eden Prairie Major Center. The Commission discussed the procedure for reviewing the proposals and the methods by which the final report recommendation might be implemented. B. Proposed Eden Prairie Demonstration Housing Development_ Project. Presentation by Manager. The Manager recommended in a memo dated July 23rd that the Village and the Metro Council jointly engage in a study of housing needs and potentials in Eden Prairie. The Commission decided it would be advisable to meet with the Council and other advisory commissions to discuss the proposal. Planning Commission Minutes July 26, 1971 Page 2 C . Crosstown Highway Extension. Shady Oak to 494. Proposed Alignment Resolution. The Commission reviewed a draft of a proposed resolution approving the southerly alignment of the highway extension subject to certain conditions set forth in the resolution. The Manager reviewed the alternative proposals and reported that the City of Minnetonka had the same resolution under consideration. Mr. Emerson moved that the Commission recommend to the Council that the proposed resolution be adopted. Mrs. Schee seconded. Motion carried unanimously. D. Review of Contract for Planning Services. The Manager stated that both he and Don Brauer were recommending that the Village terminate its general planning service contract with Brauer and Associates. The Manager said he would propose to utilize the Brauer firm for specific planning studies but that he felt it would be more appropriate for the Village staff to handle most planning matters. He noted that the term- ination of the contract would permit Brauer & Associates to provide planning services to Eden Prairie developers. '. Mrs. Schee moved that the Commission recommend to the Council that the contract be terminated. Mr. Emerson seconded. Motion carried unanimously. E. August Meeting Date The Commission established August 16th as it's next meeting date. Meeting adjourned at 10:10 p.m. Norma Schee, Secretary