Planning Commission - 06/01/1971 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 1, 1971 7:30 P.M. , Village Hall INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL I. MINUTES OF MAY 18, 1971 II. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A, Regional Development Corporation. Development Proposal For Portions of Edenvale PUD. B. Sack Fecht. Property Division. Plat 56706 Parcel 4215. 18600 Duck Lake Trail. III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. A.W. Garrison & O.P. 7ohes. PUD-71-2 Southeast- Quadrant of County Road 18 and Crosstown Highway. Review of Revised Proposal. MINUTES EDFN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, June 1, 1971 7:30 P.M. , Village Hall Members present, Chairman LaGrow, Fosnocht, Meyers, Nesbitt, Emerson, Picha, Ale:.) present was Village Manager, George C. Hite. I. MINUTES OF MAY 18, 1971 The Minutes of May 18, 1971 were held til next meeting. IT. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Regional Development Corporation, Development Proposal for Portion of Edenvale PUD. Eden Land Corporation representative explained changes in boundaries on multiple residential portion in Eastern section of PUD along extended Mitchell Road and Valley View Road. Total development site includes building area, roadway, private, public, open space totals 48.3 acres. Bel Mar Builders presented slides explaining their ph"o8ophy te'card housing developments and showing completed projects.. Informational review of Eden East booklet followed, explaining proposed development for project area in detail. Site preparation for project would require large area of out at Mitchell and Valley View Roads intersection. The Site lacks usual amenities and therefore is useable as an area to allow for an economic variety in housing in Eden Prairie. The main roadway, sewer and part of water main system will be provided for Bel Mar by Eden Land Corporation. Time schedule for project is 2-3 years beginning in the fall of 1971. Mr. Hite noted planning staff has reservations on specific impacd of proposal relating to overall Edenvale PUD and will have staff review ready for next meeting. Proposal accepted for study by Commission. B. Jack Fecht. Property Division. Plat 56706. Parcel 4215. 18600 Duck Lake Trail. Property Divi:'±on of Plat 56706 Parcel 4215, 18600 Duck Lake Trail requested by JacK Fecht. Mr. Hite explained request and outlined property on map. Mr. Nesbitt moved to grant division. Mr. LaGrow seconded. All voted aye. Motion carried. III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. A. N. Garrison & O.P. Jones. PUD-71-2 Southeast Quadrant of County Road 18 and Crosstown highway. D.K. Ripple presented revised development plan and additional information as requested by Commission. New plan consists of one Y shaped 12 story building' 4 ` ; larger 4 level, 5 story garage underground and 2 story garage with parking on roof at ground level, second access to project from Flying Cloud Drive. Townhouse cluster in wooded area is eliminated. Moved by Mr. Fosnocht, Seconded by Mr. Emerson to direct planning staff to prepare final recommendation for June 15th meeting and advise Council to set public hearing following fli-it date f-;- Tided plan is passed. All voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned 9:34 Joan Meyers, Secretary