Planning Commission - 05/18/1971 AGENDA £DEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 18, 1971 7:3 0 PAC, Village Hall INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL I. MINUTES OF APRIL 20, and MAY 4, 1971 H• PRESENTATIONS A. Eden Prairie Major Center . Presentation ofPreliminary Plan. III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. D.H. Gustafson Associates, Inc. PUD-71-3. Shady Oak Road Area. B. Pemtom, Inc. PUD-71-4. Area Between Mitchell Lake and County Road 4. C. Residential Side Yard Requirements. Review of Prorosed Change From 15 to 10 Feet. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Stan Thorp. 13480 Pioneer Trail Plat 56727 Parcel 7030 EroRerty Division B. Clifford Barta. 10065 Pioneer Trail. Plat 56725 Parcel 6830 Ptooerty, Division. U- I13UTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Tuesday, May 19, 1971 7:3.0 P.M. , Village Hall Members present were Chairman LaGrow, Nesbitt, Fosnocht, and Schee. Also present was Village Manager, George C. Hite. I. MINUTES OF APRIL 20, and MAY 4, 1971 The minutes of May 4 and April, 20, 1971, were approved without correction. II. PRESENTATIONS A. Eden Prairie Major Center. Presentation of Preliminary Plan. The Village Manager and representatives of Howard Needles presented a preliminary draft plan for the Village's projected "Major Center" develop- ment around the 494-212-5-169 interchange area. The plan was cited as one of the initial products of the "Ring Route" study commissioned by the Village and major property owners in the area last March. Following the presentation the Manager noted that the plan would be reviewed with appropriate State and metropolitan level agencies and with all individual and organized local interests. He said he hoped that the Commission might be in a position to make a recommendation on such a proposal within the next two months. III. RECOMMENDATIONS AND REPORTS A. D.H. Gustafson Associates, Inc. EU,D 71 3. Shady Oak Road Area. Mr. Gustafson presented a series of modifications or clarifications which he said had been made to their proposal in response to questions or recommendations made by the Commission at earlier meetings. He specifically noted that the size of the "public; quasi-public" had been increased to three or four acres so that it might accomodate either a public library or church at some future date. He also noted that the three pond areas would be protected by scenic easements held by the Village and that it was their intent and hope that these ponds would remain in their rXetlaral state. The revisions also included a statement that the medium density housing areas would be developed with a variety of housing types including town houses and garden apartments. The Manager noted that there were a number of possible locations for streets on the adjacent *Arittco property and that the street plans submitted for the Gustafson property was flexible enough so that they could be adapted to any future planning on.the adjacent site. He recommended that the recommendation on the PUD include an additional option for a street extension to be located along the southern side of the pond situated at about the mid point on the east property line. Planning Commission Minutes May 18, 1971 Page 2 The Commission noted and discussed the content of a letter °which member Joan Meyers had submitted. In response to one of the items mentioned in the letter, the Manager recommended that access to the highway commercial site in the northwest corner of the proposal be limited to the southwest and northeast corners of that site. Mr. LaGrow moved that the Commission recommend to the Council that it approve the Planned Unit Development Concept Plan dated May 4th subject to the following conditions. 1) That an option of locating a roadway along the south side of the pond situated at the mid point in the east property line be protected and that final determination of the most appropriate access into the area east of the PUD be determined at the time the development stage proposals are submitted. 2) That access to the highway commercial site be restricted along it's west and north frontages. 3) That the dwelling unit densities in the housing areas be subject to additional review at the time of development stage summission, particularily with regard to their traffic generating characteristics. The motion was seconded by Mr. Fosnocht. All voted aye. Motion carried. B. Pemtom, Ino. PUD-71-4_., Area Between Mitchell Lake and County Road 4. Representatives of Pemtom presented a series of slides and maps explaining the characteristics of their proposed patio home development. The slides were of similar projects in California and St. Louis. The new preliminary development plan for the patio home portion of the overall PUD represented a modification of plans previously submitted. The Manager submitted a memorandum dated May 18th in which he reviewed and made recommendations on a number of items related to the project. The memorandum recommended that the use of a portion of the "island" part of the property for town house development be considered appropriate . It also recommended that no immediate action be taken on the southern one-third of the site including the proposed patio home area until many of the un- certainities related to the use and development of the land to the south of the site are resolved. Mr. Fosnocht moved that the Planning Commission recommend to the Council that it approve the proposed Pemtom-Mitchell Lake PUD with the exception of those areas adjacent to the proposed collector street in the south one-third of the site including the land between the lake and the south property line. He suggested that action on these excepted areas be deferred until the uncertainities relating to the land to the south area somewhat resolved. Mrs. Schee seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. i Planning Commission Minutes Mai► 18, 1971 Page 3 C. Residential Side Yard Requirements. Reveiw of Proposed Change. The Commission once again reviewed the content of a memorandum received from the Manager and dated May 3, 1971. Mr. Nesbitt moved that the Commission recommend to the Council that it amend Ordinance No. 135 so that the required side yard setback for a garage in the R1-22 district be 10 feet rather than the presently required 15 feet. He noted that the recommendation would relate only to those structures that were used ex- elusively for garage purposes and would not apply to garages with living spaces above or behind them. Mr. Fosnocht seconded the motion. All voted aye. Motion carried. IV. PETITIONS, REQUESTS AND COMMUNICATIONS A. Stan Thorp. 13480 Pioneer Trail Plat 56727 Parcel 7030. Pro ert Division. Mr. Thorp presented his proposal to divide his 10.92 acre parcel into two pieces, the smallest of which would be 1.66 acres. The smaller parcel would be connected to County Road 1 through an easement. He noted that the smaller parcel would contain the existing home and that he proposed, to construct a new home on the remaining piece. The land is situated be- tween County Road 1 and Purgatory Creek and between Staring Lake and Highway 169. Mr. Nesbitt noted.that the proposed division might seriously encumber future development of land in the area and that the smaller proposed tract would P p P have neither the area nor the street frontage required by Village Ordinance for the Rural zoning district. He moved that the Commission recommend to the Council that the request be denied. Mr. LaGrow seconded. All voted aye.. Motion carried. B. Clifford Barta. 10065 Pioneer Trail Plat 56725 Parcel 6830 ProRerty. Division . Mr. Clifford Barta presented his request to divide his existing 2.5 acre parcel situated on the south side of Valley View Road be- tween Bluff Road and County Road 18. A 1.5 acre parcel would be provided for the existing home and a proposed house would be constructed on the one acre parcel. The Commission reviewed the proposal noting that the land was zoned Rural and that lot area and lot width variances would be required. The Commission also noted that the proposed division would probably represent the most logical use of�the property and that it.-would not encumber future development of this or other sites in the area. Mr. Fosnocht moved that the Commission recommend to both the Council and the Board of Appeals that the division:and necessary variances be authorized. Mrs. Schee seconded. Ail voted aye. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned at'10:55 p.m. Norma Schee, Secretary