Planning Commission - 11/26/1979 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION IMONDAY, NOVEMBER 269 1979 1:30 P;M, CITY ►ALL PLANNING C"ATSS10N MEMBERS: Chairman William Bearmar., Liz Retterath, Oke Martinson, !Matthew Levitt, Virginnia Gartner, Hakon Torjesen, George Bentley STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jean Johnson, Assistant Planner Jeanie Ohnsorg, Planning Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ROLL CALL I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA - II . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF NOVEMBER 13, 1979 III . MEMBERS REPORTS IV. PirBLIC HEARING ON COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FIMD-S FOR R . (continued fran RoN. 1 , 1 9 V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS: A. COR INVESTiyENTS OFFICE, by COR Investments, Inc. Request to rezone X acres from luraT to Office. Located south of TH S and West of - SA Station. A public hearing. To be continued to Dec. 10- 1979. B. MICHELANGELO GARDENS, by Rembrandt Enterprises. Request to rezone 6. 3 acres rom Rura to RM 2.5, preliminary plat approval for 7 lots and approval of an Environmental Assessment Norksheet. A continued public hearing. C. DISCUSSxON OF HIDDEN GLEN PROPOSAL. VI . OLD BUSINESS VII . NEW BUSINESS - VI I I . P!A14PERI S REPORT IX. ADJOURNMENT 1 MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING CO1 lISSION Monday, November 26, 1979 7:30 PM City Hall C"ISS_ON MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William 3earman, George Bentley, ftttvw Levitt, Hakon Torjesen, Virginia Gartner• COMMISSION MEMBEkS ABSENT: Lit Retterath, Oke Martinson STAFF PRESENT: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jeanie Ohnsorg, Planning Secretary. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE --- ROLL CALL I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Torjesen moved, Bentley seconded, to approve the aeaeerda as presented. Motion carried 4 - 0 - 1 . (Gartner abstained) II. APPROVAL, OF THE MINUTES OF THE„NOVEMBER 13, 1979 MEETING Considered under old business, III . MEMBERS REPORT Beaman stated that there are 6 items on the agenda for the Decem r 10, 1979 meeting, He asked if the Commission would prefer a resched- uling of the of the December 24, 1979 meeting. Planner replied that most of the projects that will be before the Commission cn the December 10, 1979 meeting are iteaa that have been continued from previous mieetingrs, and that there are very few which are entirely new projects. Commi s s i o<< decided not to reschedu 1 e the December 24, 1979 meet i no. Ili. PUBLIC HEARING ON C t XITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS FOR YEAR _YI The Planner stated that a few ambers if the -human Rights and Services Commission are present. He then vave a brief spry of the three i•-ear C.O.S.G. furwi ray plan . *hat Eden Prairie has adopted and what den Prairie has done with this fmdtng in the past. Torjesen Inquired if this rehabilitation money was available to — everyone. _ The Planner replied that this funding is available to families of 4 making $16,000. or less and for a one person irxsehald n&kinq $11 *00O. or less. • Levitt irquired if Eden Praire had to adopt- a - thme year pv*9rala because it had a less then an acceptable prefomame in obtaining its goals. -• . r iAl .tl 'v Wllii IY .JG. Cll ..rl . MlY . d WIC iW ■W L iP3f�lohi u .'Y .I Oil O(siw 111 14 JA KIWI y�� ■�. ill �■ 11 . aynJi . Sr i���R��� .: approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- November 26, 1979 The Planner replied that Eden Prairie was not required to adopt a three year program because of nor.-acceptable preformance last vea r. but was required to adopted a three year program because Eden Prairie would not be able to complete the goals nee( -d for C.D.B.C. fund;ng in 1974 & 1975. Levitt inquired how Eden Prairie measures up overall in regards to meeting their goals. Also how do they determine who should get C.D.B.G. funding and how much each co.m. unity shnul d get. The Planner replied that there are basically two ways in which N.U.a determine if a community should receive funding. Gne is by a reouest which then feel is acceptable and your ability to spend the funding given to ycu• The other is on your housing performance. He continued to say' that overall. Eden Prairie looks very good and that Eden Prairie is in the top few to have meet its housing goals. We must at this time though try to concentrate on elderly housing. Levitt inquired if Eden Prairie is allotted funding ' rriding to its estimated population of the 1970 census. = The Planner replied affirmative. Bentley inquired if Eden Prairie requested a sum of money for a certain type of project, but did not use the entire amount, would the remainder of that funding be allocated for the same type of project for which it was requested. The Planner replied that that funding would be able to revert to funding needed for another type of project. Bentley inquired who determined when the grant money should be spent. The Planner replied that it is determined by a recommendation of the Planning Commission and approval by the City Council Bearman inquired if any members of the Commission or the audience had suggestions on how this money should be spent other than rehabili- tat i on. r Duanne Pi dcock inquired if all the conni ss i ons were involved in the determination of which projects would get fundinq. } The Planner replied that because the part of the three year plan that has not been completed deals with housing , recommendations should come from the Human Rights & Services Commission and the Planning and Zoning Commission. t , +.I. f` �► IrW II .. .IY . �` • W u i IY rr Jhh L n r A I. is u.W IY ■I i. IL Y' . id a ni_u.Y W Planning Commission Minutes -3- Novembere?5, 1979 Mrs. Dysinger, Chairwoman for Human Rights and services Conniission, inquired what developments would be allowed funding. Bearman relied that the funding could be given to proponents nlev u� c ucVU1VV1i:y c :.ci ly IIV1Aj0i1y Ia U111 anu vijulu lout, UC dUle i.0 finance their development without assistance. Gartner inquired if Tudor Oaks was an elderly housing project. Bearman replied that this was an elderly housing project but was not intended for low and moderate income elderly. Levitt inquired if the City should spend money to provide some type of handicapped accessibility. The Planner replied that the City already has a program whereby improvements can be made to the residence of handicaps and that the City' s population of handicapped is not significant. Levitt stated that he feels that the people of Eden Prairie should be given some type of incentive to come up with a new idea for their C.D.B.G. three year funding plan. Torjesen suggested that a major emphasis should be placed on retaining the restoring of existing structures within the city and wished to put this forth as on the the City's primary policies . The Planner suggested that what Mr. Torjesen was proposing was much more comprehensive in terns of formulating a major City policy then might be appropriate within the context of the C.D.B.G. pro- gram. Ae therefore suggested that this could be an item of discus- sion between the Commission and the City Council in their upcoming Joint meeting. MOTION: Levitt moved, Gartner seconded to close the Dublic hearing. Motion carried 5 - 0. MOTION: Levitt moved , Bentley seconded that the Commission recom- mend to the City Council continuance of the 1978 three year plan for 166 elderly housing units through either rehabilitation of existing homes or the development of new housing through the banking of Community Development Block Grant fund money. Motion carried a - 0. MOTION: Levitt moved, Torjesen seconded that the Corianission recom- mend to the City Council a possible long ranee study into the area of finding new ideas for the next three year plan for the Community Development Block Grant fund money. Motion carried 5 - 0. V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS: ®; A. COR„Investments Office. by COR Investments , Inc. Request to rezone 4 acres from Rural to Office. Located south of TH 5 and west of SA Station. The proponent asked that this item be continued to the December 10, 'i 979 meeting. p�, �e ._r. .. � 12;Y�� 2.•' ! Idi. .'�"bR1�t"�W/ .. �"�.- .'isiC X- . - Y t ^f, • �� approved Planning Commission Minutes 4- November 26, 1979 • B. Michelangelo Gardens , by Rembrandt Enterprises. Request to rezone 36. 6 acres from Rural to RM 2. 5, prel iminary plat approval for 7 lots and approval of an Environmental Assessment - - Workchppt. Gregg du'Monceaux , representative of Rembrandt Enterprises , gave an updated presentation of the project illustrating areas of the site plan that have been modified to correspond with staff and commission recommendations such rs the public road and setbacks . He went on to explain that they are working with the property owner to the south in order to determine a def i r,i to through road alignment and that they hope to have a final presentation in time for staff review for the December 10, 1979 Planning Commission meeting. Beaman inquired if the only problem with this project was the alignment of the road. The Planner replied that Mr. du'Monceaux has up to this point revised his plans to conform with all of the requests of the staff and Commission with the exception of the road. However he is at the present time looking into a solution. Levitt inquired ;f the Planner had seen a site plan which illus- trates the setbacks , grades , and a pedestrian system. The Planner replied that the site plans Mr, du'Moneaux is pre- senting tonight has eliminated one building that rPQuireu severe grading. He also stated that he will be evaluating a more detailed grading plan which they are preparing and that the • pedestrian system probably has not yet been address . These points are things which the proponent will have to have completed prior to the next meeting. Levitt inquired if there wis any consideration of the dedication of the flocdplain and open space to the City. The Planner replied that it had been the Planning Department's thought that perhaps this could be a neighborhood park for the area and that the Park and Recreation Commission did see possibility of this to remain private. Levitt inquired if the proponent had any Objections to having this land dedicated for a park. du'Monceaux replied that there are some very strong feeling that this area rema sn private recreational area at this point. MOTION: Gartner moved; Levitt seconded to continue Michelangelo Gardens public hearing to the December 10= 1979 .meeting. Motion carried 5 - 0. C. Discussion of Hidden Glen Proposal . The Planner explained that this item was being returned to the commission by request .of the City Council for additional recom- mendation from the Planning Staff and the Commission regarding; approved Planning Commission Minutes 405- November 26, 1979 1 , the placement of Dell Road; 2, density transfer calculation; 3, request for no garages on some of the units . The Planner suggested that the commission divide the recommPndAtions i.,to two parts . One being, the approval of the over all P.U.D. The second being , the request for no garages as an option. The Planner explained that with,-tut detailed soil tests that the exact alignment of Dell Road could not be determined. However , at this stage, the develo!?er had maximum flexibility of the loca- tion of Dell Road. The Planner recommended that prior to rezoning of phase 1 a feasibility study for the location of Deli Road be ordered by the City. He dated- that he felt that the overall mixture of lot _n of recreational open space in the P.U.C. con- cep,- was gow and reccm?.ended that the 10 acre neighborhood park site be dedicated with phase 1 as the park dedication requirement for the subdivision and that the balance of the land be available for the density transfer of up to 2 units Der acre based upon this subdivision design. The Planner reiterated the original staff recommendations for garages as an option in the northern 42 lot area only. the remainder of the subdivision would have garages as a requirement. The Commission had general discussion regarding the provision of garages withir the subdivision. Mr. Ryan, representative from Zachman homes , presented informa- tion illustrating the cost of a 'hum per month with F.H.A. financing with a maximum mortgage with and without garages. Levitt questioned whether there was a real savings to tine ;uye:= by not placing the g;.q rage as a part of the 30 year mortgage. Bearmen questioned why any^ne able to afford $700. per month house pament couldn't save enough for a down payment inclucing a garage, Levitt stated that he was not convinced by the figures presented by the proponent that not building a garage intially was a savings to the hone buyer. Janet Buttler, 6741 Lochanburn Road, stated that if people movinq into these homes do net have garages they would have no place _ to store things .and their yards would end up looking like "Ma and* Pa Kett?e.N -�•-••• :: - - "rive stated that she fel t that u.c Brenda kra , `r":2 'Hz . .,,- Le D g homes should have garages. The Commission had further discussion and tools audience cc�m�ner�., : r•:.z: =trt3 the pl aCemeRt of Dell Road. - Janet Buttler, 6741 Lochanburn Road, inquired how the City can make a decision on the planning of this subdivision :vhen they are nat sure of the alignment of Dell Road,, E TorJesen asked the Planner how the City could be assured that the road would hp bW l t. ''� i�fpr0lfed -- Planning Coami ss i on Minutes -6- ftmmrber 26, 1979 The Planner replied that the proponent, in discussion with the City Engineering Department had agreed to provide bonding for 9 9 P 5 P 9 Dell Road with each phase. Torjesen commented that he believed a feasibility study for the cost and alignment of Dell Road should be done prior to any rezoning. Robert Kruell , 6780 Tartan Curve, suggested that there should be a moratorium placed on all development north of Duck Lake Trail and west of Duck Lake Road until the City had comprehensively planned every square foot of land area. The Planner replied that the city had recently completed the Comprehensive Guide Plan and that this development was a , P.U.D. consistent with that Guide Plan and offered the City the most specific plan review of 125 acres of land. Stan Riegert, 06611 Lochanburn Road, inquired if homes without garages were going to have footings for gar&ges. Steve Ryan, representative from Zachman homes, answered that the homes would be built with footings and block up to a sill plate for an attached 2 car garage. Sandy Collins, 6641 Tartan Curve, inquired what the footage was for the small lots and how many small lots. The Planner replied that the footage of these lots is a minimum of 9,000 feet and that there are 72 small lots , 42 of which will not save garages. Bonnie Riegert, 06611 Lochanburn (toad, stated that she feels that the homes should have garages because this site is the front door to Eden Prairie and not having garages would only cause more of a problem of thievery creating more work for the City Public Safety Department. MOTION: Bent';ey moved, Gartner seconded to closing the public hearing and Council approval of the P.U.D. concept according to the staff report �ated September 21 . 19?9 with ;he addition of a seventh item which Mould re&d "that a feasibility study be done as to the alignment of Dell Road, and item eight be added to reao that a proportionate area of neighborhood park be dedicated with phase + . ' Notion carried 5 - 0. MTION: Gartner moved. Torjesen seconded to recommend .o the City Council that the northern area to be limited to 42 lots of phase one be approved with garages as an option. Motion carried 3 - 2. (Gartner, Torjesen b Bentley voting aye) (Levitt, and karmn voting nay) II J&D, 3USIRESS IHnutes of Mo r 13 1979. Pa 2 second sentence ormi t the "ed" vea�be . _ at the end of the word %econdedn. Page 6, paragraph 9 the word approved Planning Commission Minutes -7- November 26 , 1979 "type" should be omitted. Page o, paragraph 9, line 2 the word "are" should be omitted. Page S, motion 2. Bearman should be in place of Bentley under voting nay. Page 9, paragraph 5, the word "property" should be added of ter Hanson Auto. Page 9, paragraph 10, line 2 the word "of" should be changed to "to" . On page 8, under the first motion there should be Commission comments added to read as follows: Levitt stated that he feels it is too early to grant a concept to any type of commercial development on this piece of property until there is some resolution to -what is already a bad intersection. He also stated that the traffic study shows that almost any add- itional impact of traffic is going to be intolerable. Retterath stated that she is in basic agreement with Mr. Levitt and that she does not feel comfortable with allowing development on this site before traffic improvements are made. Bearman stated that he also does not feel that there should be any type of development on this site until improvements are made. He continued to say that he doesn ' t feel that just omitting the Burger King Restaurant is fair because any type of restaurant is going to add to the traffic problem. Torjesen stated that he feels that the proponent"has worked arm too solve the prubl ems and has revised his plans to the..recommendations of the staff. He continued to say that if the proponent has definite plans of hew he will help improve the inter- section of TH 5 and County Road 4 at the time of rezoning . this PUD concept should be approved. VII . NEW BUSINESS NONE WIII. PLANNER' S REPORT WNE IX.- ADJOURNMENT NQTt(t!• Rpntlpy mnved, Levitt seconded to adjourn the meetinq at 10:30. Motion carried 5 - 0. _.-. ., _`s..:• , .. _ _ ,.xri-• - ..•' w irs sa.a�rr•rx.a,--x. ,•,..