Planning Commission - 08/27/1979 AGENDA � - PLANN I NG COIN I SS I ON MaNDAY, AUGUST 27, 1979 7:30 PN* CITY HALL COWISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William Bearman, Liz Retteratn, Oke Martinson, Matthew Levitt, Virginia Gartner, Hakon Toriesen', and George Bent3py STAFF NEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jean Johnson, Assistant Planner Donna Stanley, Planning Secretary KEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ROLL CALL I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF AUGUST 13, 1979 III. MEMBERS REPORTS IV. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. OVERLOOK PLACE request by Hustsd Development Corp. and Zachman Homes to rezone from Rural to RM 6.5 and preliminary plat 28 lots for 14 duplexes. A rontimsed public haaring. B. HIDDEN GLEN, request by Zachman Wres for PUD Concept approval of single fahmffly attached and detached on approximately 125 acres. A A continued public hearing. C. SHADY OAK PUD2 REZONING AND PLATTING request by Richard Anderson for PUD Concept approval of approximately 100 acres of industrial uses : re- zoning from Rural and I-5 to I-2 Park for Shady Oak Industrial Park; Shady Oak Industrial Park 3rd Addition; Shady Oak Industrial Park 5th Addition; preliminary platting of the industrial additions ; and approval of an Envirornnental Assessment Worksheet. A continued public hearing. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. "YEA ,9 PUD, request- for PUQ Cohcep�t approval for• 37 acres for - :;cs, - - - -- - ----- --- - -- -- --- ' _ �der�x housing , 4fffces , and restaurant uses, a Continued public hearing. Propunent has requested continuant@ until Uftt. in. . - VI. OLD BUSINESS V I I I . PLANNER' S REPORT Jr. AQJtlR,,, ENT � � W )MOUSSION MUM _ approved NMW9 AUGUST 279 19" 700 Pl+, ;M EALL 3ISSIM MR43MS E ti $ uhafrrnn 11lia& Beaman, George Bentley latthew Levitt, Hakon TorJese% Virginia Gartner, Lis Retterath and Dice 1artinsm GCMaS3?ON $T P "Ts Cb ris Edger, Director of Planning Donna Stanley, Plannin4- 3ecretexT PLEM OF A LMIA M - RML !ALL le APP_MVAI, Cr AGF1�A MMIONz Retterath moved to approve the Agenda as published, m1th the modification - of& Consideration of II, C?_IM" to be done after We fft S AAA R~% ���.I�'AA _ Gertm r seconded, =lion carried unanimouvUe e RLPOitTS Bone. NAM request by 'rustad Develewzent lore. and Zabhzaa s to rezone from Racal to RM 6.5 and preliminary Plat 28 lots for let duplexes. A contimed rntblis hearing, Me Planner vLnmrized the action of the PZannlug :om ission fro& the forcer meeting, ox-aa4"-411a,,,7 the ooncerns expressed and the -pro poaeuts' efforts to - meet these ooncernse I►'�c. dick Putnam, Enstad Development Corp., explained the r"st ssrd its relationship to the Yorkshire : oint devel.or=ent and lreek-vvo4, devel c,-.:�.ent. They were in eg reerent Ath the staff report w!rizes•tion tm. 9, pad if this Fro ject were arproved, busted Would submit a s4le family proposal for the = • project to the east rfter the drainage Frobl®a is solved vitL the :►itv. ,Ai. stick Seythre, Associates, Inc., presented the Mapoaed E changes to the cul-de-sac area, explaining that by wing drive-woys dm a E to nine feet Pt the curb line, they can- mate green since at avrb hare. _ he rest onded to Staff concerns about Oe proposed mitt fftating oaft :malty- Bond 1, explaining that busted Would leave therW 4 unite to ?VU*t A W►-11.1 oustLy It�d 1 is tr"I i wed. r Ar. Steve Rgan, Zachman Homes, responded to questions of the appearance of the units and the variety of styles that would be inoorQoratede we r. e*lzined -that 4 styles vcmld be used# and the v;�rietj of wnye the styles vM24beused •� could aaa=plWtk 9 different appearanoes. Putn= en-1nir.Ed t^e 6 alternatives possible on the co structi. or. of a tot , lot ~ droi rim; 2 units f-or. the CUI-do-n-le !•ren -ind b0l.;In • 42:k tot lot t•, 4ity stn_ndnrds in that areae or construct the tot lot ;19 11r1tv ously i mlvw-de approved Flaming Commission Minutes •. 2 .. Aug. 27, 191M, ., ,;ontinued zublic heGrinr (continued) Me Planner P m- l ainpA the efaff nP ♦14e s♦nPP ws......4 .4%. %# .. ..a the importance of dropping unit 1 on Figure 1 bc;;ause of the everity of land alter ions neeessnry to accoaodste the double unit. He explained that no definite deci-ion hvs been rMde .,,bout the ^.rk yet, --nd that the nc;-rYbors to the east rave been ; ror-.isc:: 3 tot lot "or several years. The cjs' T-ark fee monies could be used by the City to construct a tot lot for Yorkr-Iiire Point r: nd Overlook Flece; and a tct lot for the Creek-:.00d area. There was discussion on the variety of styles of homes proposed, and what m3k es them marketable. Ryan e.. p 1QYned how the styles could be used to achieve a variety of house 4tylea, and how the_ra are design constraints involved in bui.lcing :,50,C:0 homes. Retterath questioned the size of the units. Ry,-2a -respcnded 8641 main floor per unit, Gartner C-- sxed ghat ages the tot lot serves. The Planner explained that the tot lot is the .stuucture itself, and serves small children anywhere tip to the age of 9 end sometimes over. Mr. William Terriquez, 9533 Woodridge Drive, expressed the following concernss He felt that absentee landlords was a strong possibility here, and. that, the buildings would tend to deteriorate under such conditions; he oue sti oned. uhat would happen to the single family homes t'aat would lie at the bottom aj the 30 degree slope and subsequent erosion problems; he felt the ares Was _nor a suited for single family homes becruse of the large oak trees etc. ; and was also concerned 0 , with the density and the need for more services for that .density. '11.ere ims discussion en density of the Fro ject.. -pith the Planner referrin-- to the staff report figures of 3.2 units per acre as the proposed density. Mrs. Kosehinakn, 9379 CNeekvood Drive, l uired Whether the residents of Yorl-'.ire Point had beer, notified of tl:e public hc3rino; end also i :etii(r t<rere :could be any covenants between the proponenta and residenis as far as naintenanre #jtc.. ;}:e planner e.-,rinincd tr,.st the moiling lists used for notifies-ition were co---miled fro:.. Lomesteade3 property information, and tbat notices :here sent to resident3 thst Lad filed for homestead, which was about two to sic residents. Ryan res;ondeo to the question on covenants by explaining that none has been ,;greed upon at this tinep and that they have .nov. agreed to but the property.- X.oschinska inouired whether the City prohibits rental property. The Planner res- ponded that there 1.3 no ordinance Frohibiti.t g people frost rent.k their house, either single family or multiple housLV. He added that duplexes are looted upon as twin horns. - 8oschinska expressed concerns about the Proposed perk and vho would Mintain it; and also questioned the cost of homes that would net be appropriate as walk outs. �a approved . • Plannin'° jo=ission M=tes — 3 — Aug. 279 1979 aontinaed ry Yic hearing (continued) .� Boschinslca, spenkinr for rany of the Creeir ood residents, expressed the vie-dPoint of the residents= the Dick of cormmication be en Funt Ap R►d themselves add the neiohbors' declared refusal to accept tf s state of a airs in the future; end listed rrevious couaerns expressed regarding their opinica of the proposed development. MairLan 2carman suggested the residents meet Ath the proponent to talk out their grievances and to try to come to an understanding. irr. Roland l eterson, 9507 �reekrrood Drive, expressed concern with the unresolu. tion of the perk situation for ratty years. Levitt responded ti:at we are looki,ag at a potential of 2 pr..r!:s, a tot lot taken out of Overlcok Place, ami a 1;ty perk in the six acre triangle. he asked how =ch of the 'Wity park vas usable for active play? The Planner explained Uiat very little coup be used as active play area such as ballfields, and there is no land to buy for such use, and rointed out- the 32 acre park dedicated by the hustad Developers and trail alokr: Home lard kills Road. ?etterath, in response to the aoncern of the residents that the units :Auld be rental, pointed out that they would have to rent at 0550 and up, and that would cut down ronsiderebly the chance that they 1,vulc be rentals. Terri uez R;dred 1:bether the houses could be built an conaininiums or town houses to solve tt:e mmeketing rr+oblmn. Putnam e-,.-+13ined that one of Vie re:,song that Zvc?^=n i- proposing that the units be mrl:eted on a "for sale" basis is that they are a sitr� that they :Yi13, se'_1 IL-he sane as townhouses. Petersor. �uestiared uhy the cast Iz =dintained at the -ror.osed level, as the hones :n 3reekuood are rise errensivr. Ryan res; onded there are two reasons the rark6t for es; eQs=v: t;tin :zdnes is not substantial, and they have bccii buildino, rodest coat housing sn' do not plan to change. r^utnem exr.la ined t -.at the rro::inity to the eirr-,ort zone a I: n, ighi.*ny 169 elir-inates building exncn^Ave sin-le fw:.ily homes. i:cs -,insr.$ m:c.�tionEe �rhetrcr this was b� st use for the lend and recucste d that Bust-Ad fu-Lish aie names of residents of Yorkshire Point before t_-e Zouncil. -cub- 1 is hf arise; so they ea 41sn be w ti.1,7icC. Putnam az;meed to furnish the zu c s, C.-_. lainin:- that :-.any co-le -rere in the :roceis of turchas4kr rr. =.oule T.rescntly be living in anther c =Amity. tar. sett Stark, 0.3~8 �reckuood Drive, Nis orposed to the traffic th;t w.,uld be l;enera tcd in this arez bcczizse o: tkc scrfoua. :.t�'.;-;ay 16�. arc -sink rrobl e�: and evest:.oned that it be a, rrovad before the ;.rcq owed jxmrovement. 'take pl.aae. tars. Att^Q MMrs, 9539 �reek-aod Drive pointed out ti:at if UA3 eevelc;-fnt is bein • uwd as a transition botwoon :ork:* irc Joint an.? Jreek--, vod, the fact that the Torkar ire Fa;nt homes also cost about M.300 didn't bear ;.i:ot out. Lsritt inquircd Vnether anybody was r.rezent fron Yorkshire Point, and ^Jan A-.ether a 1-nd drImIc ::cnt si�a his been ; oMted. _'pare usere no _7ork tUre : .tint res!dcrts ; vtn-z rc tx'c+.d 'I.A c 3i,n had been I o:7ted. --e . •� . :� i n'.`o-- c �. r -uc ir nar, ti-o 1, tho :o- ^�; -12' _, rcv; r. r t€an ten' ••�,1 '!,-",. s �•:_-;a;,:..;, .,� •,, . .' r.- . rcce... . �x r • :'+C - ed :fiatA ICI no to U. Zt ;0- 1ja^!ca. . %pproved Planning 3omission i:inutes - 5 Aug. ??, 1979 FlXr-O GUEN . . a continued mb i„c head", (confiaued) The Planner noted that Lhe traffic issue was a major concern on this project, and elcr.lained the reasons for his reeonmendations - 3/4 of this aevrinp ent will ultim{rtely access off of Highway 101. he suggested additional Jtu(-:t• of Dell Road, 6,Z wted that the Gufde Plan does not indicate an : zoniin�; anyl.ahere but the Lden. !,to F-roposal. Some cr the ,;oi.;dssJoners e>mressed reservation on the renucst for tt.e 76 -:allcr lots of 9,007 sq. ft. NC ION& Levitt moved to continue the iublic nearing on Hidden Glen to t::e meeting of Se -tember 10, 1979. Gartner seconded, motion carried ?-0. 1.1r. Robert Kruell, 67W Tartan Curve, requested thats the -iropooeat and the 31ty kee in mind th:e l i:mited mount and ty-Np of nodes 3; we are being evelnred by the developers, rather than the :ouneil acci Start'; he eoneurr3 ?ith the -proi-onEnt'n view of the east/wc3t al i--rmcat end ♦t ev favor the B-2 alignment. he sue stioncd the tour proro.1-ci by Za chL.:an roses, and requested it be discussed es a tart of this project. Ryan resocndrd that citizens are invited on the tour also. The Planner explained that Kruell was referring to the open meeting law, nnc au -csted that since these rro jects are ea3y to find, t�ze Oo:.r W.oners end res;- oents revie-•r then Pt their leisure, snd that the developer have information avail- able to hand out. SI,_X C&I U,_,_;E`t;I�.� ,; Ii1G, renuc st by Riddh^rw An erson z ar FM n3c- tt arr„:-vol -)f :r--ro _'.: ^tc-' ; 1"`) acres of in:::u3trirl u7_s; rczonln-- '_'~c:- _"al �&3 I-r ..a to I-2 lark or hady k IndustriO Fork, ..._ I... u_,t_ i�.. F-rk 3r3 11_1aition; 3h d.,! C3k- Industrial F'rrk 5th Addition; Frelinin••ry Flatting of the in-'ustriel adciticns; .:u' :; nrovcl of an Environmental 'ssessnent •:orkrk4cct. A continued public heering. :�E i lanner a;:Fly_.ace the the L.d. :. *has not yet c omi•lcte, sad saQul�: be continue::: to the next meeting. hr. :licbar Anderson, developer, presented t1je l roi o sa3,exfla inin�: t::P background of t::e site r Wj !,-hat they have dale with it. U.-t een builUng 3ites have been sold or spoken for. hie briefly outlined the v.-rioas ahcnZes trey have rode, srceifically that the outsi a stora ge request has been ell.-Innted. Anderson cx- ilained that they arb revucatinb the zone aange from I-5 to I-2 so they can nave r-rhi.n;; -rithin 501 fro:.. 690 Street, he noted that both :43 son :.esrninF- and G.A. :lark eonpani.c s were 302 from 69,a. Bentley inquired vheticr the ,.ro oncnt has considered .esidentirl ires a3 avt- lincc in c:a it,nfl' rel-ort. Anderson respordeZ taffir:ative, expInLni.n- he did not savor residential uses next to the Pink ysrd. 71.e Planner presented color sli::es of the prcp*sed developixnt from vnrious flirection3. he _-o:l. entcd on -the 5tr addition is relmtion totl c Smtana 'itudy, f-:}l�' nir. • V.:�t it be hcneflein] "or in-re :n wW c:•rc i:i of tr;!f2io tri- a i;cncratcd ti:,^.t V.r«v ;••c �in�.x:-c.r i,^.( �st,rinl rove out to approved Flaming C;o=1ssion Iawtes •• 7 - Aug. 27, 1979 ,A• MUM- Mo . . . . . coG�ainuedr lid hearin (oont;nupc) M-TIC:70t Bentley moved to reconmernd that the request rezoninG on Shady Onk 1nd.ustrial Fork 3rd Addition, 5th Addition, and i:reli inary plat requcsts related to these additions be continued to the September 10, 1SI9 meetinr, in order to ccntinue study of whether there is a P.U.L. involved hers; and to continue consideration of the Lnvironmental Aasess=cnt ::orkzbeet. ERIN Torjesen seconded, motion carried 5..1, Bearman voting "nayp. V. MITICIiS r '\✓ ♦ ..� 's A. M, Newest for PU,; Concept approval nor 37 acres for c-uplexes, eld©rly hous;n-%-, offices, and restaurant uses. A continued public- hearing. t. Bearmen orwounced the t the proponent has requested a continuance until the September 10, 1979 meeting. vie g :) -3y4 :;ASS There vas discussion on limiting length of meetings. II. A„ I''�•l„ �'� . 261 Ih..:a'L ''ES�,ST 11, 7 Pg. 2, pars. 7, insert "in the Fast" after "0ity :ouncil"; insert "to developments take place" P*'ter "access". Pg. 2, last Tara. , add '"Gartner sccon,ed, Motion cc rri ed 5-00. Pg. 4, para. 4, add after lazt sentence "Putortz resi^onded none". rg. 4, last pare., sent. 5, delete "lots.", add "potential home owners"; and add at the end of reragraph "and', rroximity to the landfill." Pg. 5, par&. a, revise sentencz to read "Bentley requested +.hat blueprints of potential monitoring wells for rethene gas adjacent to the landfill be znde available to amity wouncil sat tre tine o4 their consideration of this project. Pg. 4, pare. 7; delete Ninder", add 'over". Pg. 3, para. 4, sentence 2, delete wrvaponded this was arrived at by the devc:loper, anti". F�. 3, F^ra. 4, add "seraretion of " 3fter"for", add "drive-v^ys." ifter"duple-c", delete "t!�io", aid "connectcd". Fg. 90 pnro. b, add ":,.:rtner seconded, motion carried 5-0"• PC. 9, para. 13, add "but still without garages". i g. ll, Tnm. 1, delete "a riC;llt-of-%.,:v", add "an eagment." PCo 11, rare. 29 delete "Extent", add "intent". IC. Up Iara. 59 delete "buildinLs", add "trees"; delete "no favorable access to", ac %: visibility from". - Pg. 12, pr.ra. 2, adQS "Bentley se Bonded, :action carried 4-0". Ii,. ice, auk c+fter 4th 1.O IU1, "tom. Anderson stated he uaa not prepared to discuss the P.U.L. IV.ItI•:= TorIcsen noved to nd'opt tide :..mutes of AuCiust -33, IM as i:ub1is3:fd and amended. Levitt seconded, ,potion c: ri-led 5-0-21, :tetteratt. rnd ;•�xrtlnson nbstainin". .,one Tv. "._ ,� _ IC:;: Tor jesen roved to adjourn at IsI5 A.t�:., :.caon 'ed 'Dy : ccnt3 e;; Notion cnrriod un-nirru^ly FF P ri W. i LQ1 W_1 Cam 1Oki" IW- approved Planning :o=.3ssion Kinutes - 4 - Aug. 27a 1979 S. C. 'JA : PTA .ems,. .continued runlig hop„J, " (continued) tss. Pat '.alcuists 9500 '.00dridr a Drive, orposed the added traffic that :.}ould occur from the develormcnt, in addition to the almady established uv r 3 !U- L on i+uiilli.;j u�wci 1. *:CMOIIt Ben-"'le:- rotted to_c?coe tl a iblic hcnring on OverlookP1 ce. :brtterath seconded, motion carried un ii.ousi y. r 'IG::: i'entley :.^rc% to recur end +o t!:e City :cuncil the ;.prov..1 of the re. zoning from gal to : �.5 0 : ;he ori,-in::1 r1rns dated July 16, lwq; m- difientions of the rite Flan for Outlot A (Cutlot A Detail P-an dated Au,-ust 8/27/79 and s'katch plan resented by i:ustad toni-ht of Outlot A pro. sed tit ivt rc riaiun alto dated 8/2?J�79 ; ::ernepin County Dej rtznent cif :'ransr�ortation letter dated 9/2/79; I3mi1csota Derart ent of Transportation letter dated .august a, 1c79; and staff report of August �'; o►yo ..�`� +��.�^ i'ollol.-f1w additions= (11.) I p- st C;.ty to install tot lot in North M,rrion of rrea eiiih cansh park fees -enerated from this r..ro ject, 12.) Notification of residents of Yorkshire :oiat lrior -o City 3ouncil public hearing, (3_3.) Request rroponent provide varied styles of structtir:s to submit to the colty ouncil before Council rublic hearitga. Gartner seconded, notion carried, 6-12 Rettesath voing "nay". '.ar jesen asked f;;. :..� at of c3erification on whether this plat approved the 4 units ia�'icated es Cutlot A, frith contin ent; that they not be vuUt until the rea117,nnent of 3ounty Road 1, The Plawwr resro:zded aff f-rnat�ve. 1�C"_'I�O;;: 3entley moved to recommend to the City Council a proval cf the ;reli.T.iin rlat &ted July 16, 1;'79, -.pith modifications and ad itions i revi ously stated in abovo :�]CTION, specifically thrit this r:-elirin r; 1-Lz t designate Outlot A and con-- tafn tue contingency that the units not be built until Vie reali.-,anent of County Road 1 has been completed. Gartner seconded, notion carried 6-19 3etterath voting "may" B. u ;Ll request by Za&mnn homes for : L 'Concept approval of single tar-ily attached and detached on approximately 125 ecres. A oontinued public hcaring. The P=anner explained tint this request was continued, and briefly -iscu used the communication received from the 3ity of Ydnnetonka and fro= henrepin -:ounty t Department of Transportation, He also srmmrized the recommendations of .the Staff report* x Mr. Don Less explained treat it is their intention to cone beck to the neat meeting, and presented a letter of invitation to the PlarninZ Co:riission for a tour of various homes built by Zachran in Eden Prairie. Ee exi ressed concern with the traffic situation relating to Ligknray 101 and its relationship to Phase 1 of their pro jeat. How much capacity presently exits? J Bess captained the points that they were not in agreement ws.th of the Staff 1 relport, t:hich weres os. 4 and 5 (they h-,d oriCinaily : lanned their project �:�it;: tl.e3e 3ug ;fstions, but -pas dr^ d bemuse the:: ..id not -•-rt to c?j prat r durc l m L.,- nt. n f. "!I r, 1, ' it no• 6 (1001;C'y C td nC1t. f.'lvar :0 i nt_: ,hr.�u'i. V--cir "-evc!oT,-: :i nt); location of rmaller lots at the so ended "daoru.:y to !ten Irairie" (Y.c felt In.n =a::n: in --n.: -:dd;tiorml. ber-in coul:: :.iti- r:te tt c :-ie:,r n' the Coi.7:unity of trnvel z rs alor, , I:i r+-.:ay 101% * Trcy :-'ere in ;rerzcral srreement frith the rerminder of .be rccor."".cndntbns approved Planning, 3ormis3iola ilinutes - 6 - Aug. 2?„ 19W ^ M "D" - L'D continued rublia hearing- (continued) Senrra.r. noted 4 roads on the plan that do not `o an3r.rhere on--' a skcd Vi:ether the m00%-miss;.on should be looking at road Tian for the entire area. The 1 lanner respon�ed there are actually 5 of those tyres of roads, and felt these rands could be coanccted. :ith co=_unicat on between Anderson .-ind I r. 'Mayne .1cld, ad J P cent property of mcr. 11r. Gregg Lemonceau, :ter.brandt bnterrrises, Inc., co=.-,cntcd w=rt retch of the :'iscuss;on brought ur, by the Planner has been discussed over the lest several years. Speaking for the Fields, he explained that this is q tr-rsVionni ar^a where light industrial use can be tied in to residential, and thr t the nature of the sine, •!ith its topography anc character, demands medium or hip-r density type of use. Illey t:roul= like another acce3s to the rroterty, but it {o-s in. volve cooperation of other land owners in the area. He felt tint serious con- sideration shoul be Given to part of the 5th Addition as residential cr open s-ace and joining ..rith 3riarfield Estates. They reuain open to the :loaner's eoments on tLe road system. Anderson comented that they are able to live 1:►ith the road system as it is, and vvu12 like to see 70th Street ge, through, but can live without it. Tor jesen' asked whether the frontage road along Fib-tiwas 169 ,ms still a viab3 e concept. Denonceau responded negrative, because of the poor soil. Abe I-5 and I-2 zoning districts were discussed, ead Anderson was questioned on his rationale for requesting the I.-2 zoning. Ee responded that he was completely surround by 'the I-2 zoning, and that the iAirther away they get from 6i,tn Street, the poorer the soil becomes. The Planner explained that to the e-,st and, north of this project is I-5 zoning, but he ;.foes agree -Tith tti e rationale of Cho req u-7 st because of the poor soil. Anderson t :s in agrecment ::,ith waiting for the developm-ent of the 5th Addition, one he does not; feel he should be renalized by !.-siting for neiriiborin - 3�nd�-�ncrs, TorJesen exrressed concern that we qqight be allowing too crowdec: a look • in this area. Bentley felt that in oonsiderin- the 1-2 zonin` here because of -soil conditions., we h^ve to also consider that cost efflciency is not Ve_re fot' any other t;r..e of :1evelorment e:tccpt iu:ustrial, sn:: in enforcin-: 1EI.e 75 ' setback the .:ity could end ur.� ai.th no project mere. 4.?he 5th Addition was discussed further., on,? the Planner explu fined ne eras not :':.reco= redid ta- the Addition because of transrortion. fie would like to see row -_- these buildlA. nCs would work out in relation to buildin;s to the west. i•ZTIOM Levitt moved to close the rubhlie hearing on 3h^dy Onk Industrial P-rk Torjc sea seconded, motion ea*rried 7-0. 1A.& .:T�: Lcvitt :loved to recc:r:cne' re-7-,ni n of 'Amoy Cn!: In'untr .. F• r;: � zt) A+d.1; tton fron I-5 to I-29 with ae Vn1'ianc.--3 fro:: f1c L.-din"nce. .rtnf r stcondc::, motion crvrricc 6-1. orJesen voting "any".