Planning Commission - 12/13/1976 ON W A G E N D A Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday, December 13, 1976 7:30 PM, City Hall COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Sorensen , Norma Schee, William RAC, a.., 0-el Richard Lynch, Herb Fosnocht, Sidney Pauly' y•• STAFF MEMBERS: Dick Putnam, Chris Enger, Jean Johnson Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. MINUTES A. Minutes of the Joint PRNR F Planning Commission Meeting of Nov. 22 , 1976 B. Minutes of the November 22, 1976 Planning Commission Meeting. III . MEMBERS REPOK,"O" A. Chairman Sorensen B. Council Representative Pauly C. Others IV. REPORTS AND RECOMl►ENDAi IONS A. 1977 Community Uevelo ment Block Grant, joint application for approximately T48, 500 of Federal funds to be used for eligible co ::ity Yrcjccts . Gener- al discussion of program and suggested projects for 1977. • B. Eden Prairie Industrial Park Rezoning,by water Products and Kibbey Engineering Companies, requesting rezoning from I-2 Park to I-General for approximately 26 acres. The site is located northwest of the Chicago and NW Railroad and east and south of Fuller Road. PUBLIC HEARING C. Edenvale Plaza Replat, by Edenvale Inc. , request to replat the Edanvale Plaza Shopping Center into B lots. The site , presently zor ,Ar rd fmPrc-ial , is located south of the Mitchell Road and Valley View Road intersection. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Miley' s Sprinkler Systems Rezoning, by Mr. Miley J. Gjertsen. Request to rezone from Rural to Industrial 3 .64 acres located at 13430 Pioneer Trail for the purpose of constructing a shop/warehouse for an irrigation company. B. Condon/Naegele Office Sip,. Request . VI . OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS VIII. PLANNER'S REPORT IX. ADJOURNMENT i_ � .P f' L1�h� y/ ',! 2"'. �'sy_. .. �`'L �✓ .. :.g y� r -...rY - ':. µ �.._�Y:�'}�y�1! ,��e'+.k ` `�' h'Y ,22��ef�`.� e`s1!'r'ir.�l� �•_= �iy����ri.�i'f.�'■r�i.�a'�e PRELIMINARY AGENDA Eden Prairie Planning CoMmission Monday, December 13, 1976 7:30 PM, City Nall - .• :•,.. .uL..W . %.ita.Lkalmi aorensen, Schee, Sundstrom, Bearman, Lynch , Fosnocht, Pauly STAFF MEMBERS: Dick Putnam, .lean Johnson _ Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA I1. MINUTES OF THE, JOINT PRNR & PLANNING COMMISSTON IEFTTNG OF NOV. '22 1976 MINUTES OF THE NOVEMBER 22, 1976 PLANNNING COMMISSION MEETING. III. MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman •B. Council Representative ' C. Others IV. REPORTS AND CMT-NDATIONS 1 A. «E envale Plaza Replat , by Edenvaie Inc. , request to replat the Eden- vale Plaza Shopping Center int-0 8 lots. The site, presently -oned Commercial, is located south of the Mitchell Road and Valley View Road intersection. A public hearing B. Eden Prairie Industrial Park Rezoning_, by Water Products and Kihbey Engineering Companies, requesting rezoning from I-2 Park to !-General for approximately 26 acres. The site is located northwest of the Chicago & NW Railroad and east and south of Fuller Road. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Miley' s Sprinkler Systems Rezoning, by Mr. Miley .i. C4ertse». Request to rezone from Rural to Industrial 3.64 acres located at 13480 Pioneer frail for the purpose of constructing a shop/warehouse for an irrigation company. B. Condon/Naegele Office Building Sign Request. VI . OLD BUSINESS V11. NEW BUSINESS VTTT PLANNFRt S pr.»nOM IX. ADJOURNMENT 1 MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLA4NI;%"G COMMISSION approved Monday, December 13, 1976 1:30 PM, City Hall MEMBE"S PRESENT: Chairman Sorensen, Bearman, Sundstrom, Lynch, Fosnocht , 11.,L RS ABSENT: Pauly, Sch ee STAFF PRESENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Lynch moved, Bearman seconded, to add to item V. , item C."Tenan R. L.S.;' the motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES A. Minutes of the Joint FRNR & Planning Commission meeting of Nov. 229 1976. Motion: Lynch moved, Bearman seconded, to approve the minutes as .submitted. The motion carried 4:0 :1 with Fosnocht abstaining. B. Minutes of the NOyeWee.- 22, 1976 Planning Ccmission Meeting . Motion: P.3,V_.A. ,8th t, should read- specific plan because of the lack of . detail. P.4,VII,1. , should read- Residents Group and the November 16; 1976 letter from Joel Harding. Motion: should read- the above described letters. Motion: Lynch moved, Bearman seconded, to approve the minutes as submitted and corrected. The motion carried 4:0:1 with Fosnocht abstaining. III. MEMBERS REFORTS A. Chairman Sorensen la. Sorensen inquired if the existing Sign Ordinance prohibited banners, fliers, etc. .. The planner replied 'banners, etc. , are allowed during grand openings for approximately 2 weeks. lb. Referring to sage ordinance, Sorensen asked if window signage is restricted. The planner stated 10% wind . signage is allowed, during the grand opening time. 2. Sorensen believed the resolution regarding Covenant Living Centers, Inc. , should be corrected to delete the statement that a representative of the proponent had made a presentati.n to the Planning Commission, as they had not. The planner stated he would see to the correction. B. Council Representative Pauly. The planner, in Pauly's bsence, informed the commission the council had approved the Stewart and Condon/Naegele requests, and continued the E/M Apartments and Area G requests. C. Others 1. Sundstrom reported he attended the Community Based Services Woe&shop Dec. 4, 1976, and another meeting mould oe held in January to complete business not covered during the saturday meeting. i approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- Dec , 13, 1976 IV. REPORTS AND RECOAENDATIONS A. 1977 CommunitY Development Block Grant, joint application for approximately 45,800 of Federal funds to be used fol- eligible community projects. General dlsLussiu,i of program and suggested projects for 1977. The planner reported the $19,000 fundT from 1975 were approved for the Valley View bikeway and the $40,000 from 1976 was approved for bikeway construction along Co. Rd. #E4, but due to the enormous paper work, plan details and objections from abutting property owners the projects have not been started. De stated orly 10% of the communities receiving funds have completed their projects . He reported last year the city mailed out a survey to homesteaded properties to gain input , but a very low return was received. This year opinions have been asked of Eden Prairie organ- izations, associations, etc. , and notices published in the EP News. Lynch inquired if the funds from 1975-76 could be combined with the 1977 funds and used for a different project, i .e, , Dutch Elm Disease control or replacement trees. The planner felt the money could be applied to another project, but the overriding objective of the funding is to yrovide services for the low and moderate income families and he doubted if a Dutch Elm Disrzse project lends itself to that objec- tive more so than the approved bikeway projects. Sorensen remarked that if the program is changed, the city Mould lose matching FAU funds received for the bike--,ay construction. Bearman suggested the staff investigate if the funds could be diverted to another project, i.e. Dutch Elm Disease or gar': acquisition. Tom Bartel , EP News, asked if the FAU funds were strongly tied to the bikeway project. The planner replied affirmative. Chairman Sorensen asked if the audience had further questions or convents. No questions cr comments were raised. B. Eden Prairie Industrial Park Rezoning, by rater Products and Ribbey Engineering Companies requesting rezoning from I-2 Park to I-General for approximately 26 acres. fhe site is located northwest of the Chicago and NN railroad and east and south of Fuller Road. The planner backgrounded the site's previous zoning of W 2 which petaitted outside storage and stated :the rezoning request is for rezoning from I-2 Park to I-Cwiwral to again allow outside storage. He then referred the commission to the staff report and stated the staff is recommending Altemat:4e #31, a pla Led unit development approach jointly between the city and property owners. He further stated Water Products would appreciate knowing if their rezoning request is feasible. Mr. !Morehouse asked the commission to give a recotmendation on the slater Product's request this evening then discussion an the pud approach could follow. Lynch inquired if Mr. Morehouse had read the report. W. Morehouse replied affirmative and stated he concurs with the conclusions of the report but is concerned about the time a pud approach may tape. Mr. Andrew Justus, owner of 1S acres, s'Lated he had -read the report and would prefer rezoning to I-General for the entire �6 acres, but is willing to participate in a pud. _- - approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- Dec. i3, 1976 =. Jack Eide, Roll Tank, stated they presently bane outside storage on their site,but the other lot they awn does not, amd they dasixis I L ___L ,C.1 L.;_. _--;?t outside storage. He stateA No- wu.ta sl an in a pud. Larry Johnson, Kibbey Engineering, stated he concur3 with the other landowners and _ is willing to participate in the pud and desires to have outside storage. Mr. Holtz, Water Products, stated their time table is somewhat flexible , but urge a favorable decision in the reasonable near future. Glen Reed, Water Products, stated he is apprehensive about the time required for the pud approach as it could take until naxt Summer. Notion 1 : Fosnocht moved, Lynch seconded, to recoarend the City Council respond to the request from Kibbey Engineering and Water Products Company for rezoning of the Eden Prairie Industrial Park by establishing a planned unit development to be administered jointly by the City of Eden Prairie and the interested landowners of the property as recom- mended in Alternative a3 in the staff report dated 12-9-76, page 7 as follows : 03. The co=ission recommends the industrial proposal of 29.6 acres be considered in the framework of a pud providing a variety of industrial uses and standards within that area. Certain sites might: best be suited for industrial park with no outside storage because of their proximity to TH S, limited size or connection with residential araas. Such a pud plan would accomodate the • needs of the existing businesses which have outside storage and could develop screening and appropriate landscaping while providing new sites for businesses requiring outside storage with proximity to the railroad cad other I-General uses. The area around the Legion Club and southwest portion of the project might be best suited for industrio. park uses or developa:nt restrictions on any outsid. storage as viewed from Co. Rd. 4 and Lincolnwood Addition. The lud approach would allow the city and landowners the flexibility to develop the most efficient and aesthetically pleasing 'industrial development within tight site limitations. Under such a plan access for the industrial lots to TH S and Co. Rd.4 need to be worked out with the industries and landowners in the area. Also, the zoning of specific lots and development standards for those lots must be arranged along with a tiwing/phasing plan. Lastly, the actual zoning of the property would be the result of rezoning agree- . _ ments drafted which describe development restric*Ions and opportunities for ewh. of the sites. The motion carried unanimously. Notion 2 : tyawkracrved, Fosnocht seconded, that the City Council give this request immediate emsidnwtion if possible. The motion carried unanimously. approved Planning Comission Minutes -4- Dec. 13, 1976 PUBLIC HEARING C. Edenvale Plaza Replat, by Edenvale Inc. , request to replat the Edenvale Plaza Shopping Center into 8 lots. The site, presently zoned Commercial, is located south of the Mitchell Road and Valley View Road intersection. Notion: moved, Sundstrau seconded, to continue the public hearing on the Edenvale Plaza Replat to the December 27th meeting. The notion carried unanin,--asly. V. PETITIONS MD REQUESTS A. Mi�ley's Sprinkler Systems Rezoning, by Mr. Miley J. Gjertsen. Request to rezone from Rural to IndustrW 3.64 acres located at 13480 Pioneer Trial for the purpose of constructing a shop/warehouse for an irrigation company. The planner illustrated the site's location and referred the commission to the staff report. Mr. Darkenwald, representing Mr. Miley , stated they are in agreement with the report and desire prompt action on the rezoning. Sorensen asked if the city owns the land an either side of the site. The planner responded affirmative. ' Mr. Leo Kurtz, 13420 Pioneer Trail , state) he is not opposed to the kezoning unless it would increase his taxes. Sorensen responded taxes would not increase based - solely upon the Gjertsen rezoning approval. The planner statod Mr. Gjertsen may elect to dedicate the slope area as shown in the report to the city or pay the parkland dedicatiun fee. Fosnocht stated he has no objections to the industrial zoning for this site, but questions the adv13ibility of a public/private pud if all lan3owners are not an favor of it. Fosnocht then asked to what use the facility would be put . Mr. Darkenwald stated the building would be used for light industrial and no outside storage would be required. Sorensen questioned the bay doors opening onto the public road. Mr. Gjertsen responded he believes that would be better than facing toward the parkland. The planner added that the doors' orientation may change -if in the future a new road is constructed. Darkenwald stated Mr. Gjertsen would like an answer from the city by January 1st and to build by Feb. 1st. The planner stated such a timetable could not be net as the council could not set a Public hearing prior to some time in Aid-January. Motionl : osnoc t moved, Sundstrom seconded,to recommend the City Council -respond to the request of Miley Sprinkler Systems and establish a city administered planned unit development jointly by the City of Eden Prairie and the property owners for the. entire 2S acres located in the norzrwest corner of US 269 and Co. Rd. 1 as recommended in Alternate #3 In the staff report dated Dec• 8, 1976: 13. Recommend spproval of the entire 2S t acre area as planned unit development with park, industrial end multiple family residential land uses and rezone first pha:.e Gjertsen property to I.2 Park. approved PlRming Commission WnL ,.::s -5- Dec. 13, 1976 Notion 1 carried 4:0:1 with Lynch abstaining. Notion 2 : Bearman moved, Sundstrom seconded, to recommend the City Council consider setting a Public hearing:. for the Miley Sprinkler Systems request for a meeting in Jmuary, 1977. The notion carried unanimously. B. Condon/Haegele Office SI gn Request The planner inforaed the commission W. Geisler is presenting the request for Condon/ Naegele. Mr . Geisler referred the commission to the Dec . 1st letter and the scale model outlining the request. He stated the sign would have a single pole support, be hand painted not poster panel Pnd 70 - feet to the top. The planner stated the staff is recommending denial of the zoning as it is inconsistent with City Ordinance iS2 in-various categories as listed in the staff report. Bearman asked if Mr. Geisler had read the report and Ordinance 152. Geisler replied affirmative. Notion• ems o ht moved, Sundstrcm seconded, to recommend the request for rezoning 'of the property at the southwest corner of 494 and Co. Rd. 60 as requested by Condon/ Naegele to permit a painted poster be denied because the site is noc located in l a Sign Zone and based upon the recommendations contained in the staff report, pp. 3-4, dated 12-9-76, with the following change to page 3, e. The height of the proposed sign is 70 feet from grade and approximately 7S and 90 feet above the grede of adjacent roadways 1rhe notion carried unanimously. C. Teman RLS The planner explained the - request as outlined in the engin_egri.ng report dated Dec. 10 , 1976. Notion: Sundstrom moved, Bearman seconded, to recommmend approval of the Yemen RLS as per the Engineering Report dated December 10, 1976, contingent upon the property East `of Eden Road, South of the proposed road said Northwest of US 169 be Jointly developed as -per the agreement between the property owners and city, that a total of i0 feet on the north side of the proposed road ( 4 feet additional) , be dedicated for right- of-way at the time of rezoning and that the usual parkland dedication fee be paid at the time of tezoning. The notion carried unanimously. Y�;r a• z tic r r y w -w ... approved Planning Comission Minutes • 6- Dec. 13, 1976 VI. OLD BUSINESS none VII. NEW BUSINESS none VI I I. PLANNER'S REPORT � 1. Pillsbury e planner reported the staff has not with Pillsbury representatives. The project may be in to the city Jan.-Feb. 1977 consisting of a 3-4 story building an 228 acres. WWI Metran 'die planner reported the EIS is nearly caapleted, and the request say be to the city soon. 3. Metropolitan S stem Statement e planner referred the commission to the above report for their information. IX. ADJOURN)Mf Bearman moved, Fosnocht seconded, to adjourn. at 10:20 PM, the motion ,carried. t � Respectfully omitted, Jean Johnson x 41 Y.. y. ti '. mow..�.',., _ �� v.1'w .t� ':A�� � �-. ',y,-•r�S',�� .� �'r'�S'�'M!N'o 4 r.-. .,-.' ,. -•.- ti'._. '`K'� ,� 7,_:..� .n.. - 3,.G . �"3itC5..€ ji1 �'T�' �,. i..r1�"*1��+.ti �-:a 'L+`, ,,• i ar- y ,r .< -u-...t.t•.,.-..�.•