Planning Commission - 11/08/1976 i PRELIMINARY AGENDA Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday., November 8, 1976 ' 7:30 PM, City Hall - Invocation Pledge of Allegiance----Roll Call 3. -APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 2S, 1976 MEETING III. MgMBERS REPORTS IV. REPORTS AND RECCA.MNDATIONS A. Land Development Procedures 1. PUD Procedures 2. Zoning Procedures S. Platting Procedures B. Condon/Naegele Office Building, request for rezoning from Rural to Office for approximately 3 acres. The site is located in the southeast corner of the Co. Rd. 60 and I-494 entrance ramp. Area G of The Preserve Commercial Plan, request for approval of ® development standards , rezoning from Rural to C-Ragional Service and preliminary plat approval . The site is located in the northeast quadrant of Schooners Boulevard and US 169/212 intersection. A continued public hearing. Stewart Highlands, by Stewart Properties, r q::est to preliminary plat and rr?=e Topview Acres lst Addition from Rural to RM 6 .S for single family anal/or double bungalow dwellings. A continued public hearing . East/Nest Apartments, The Preserve request for rezoning from Rural to RM 2.S on 8. 98 acres for 129 rental apartment units . The site is located west of The Preserve Center. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS - A. Opus II , by Rauenhorst Corporation, request for rezoning approval of approximately S acres from Rural to Office. The site is located in southwest quadrannt of CSAH 62 and Co. Rd. 18 VI . OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS PL,INNER IS REPORT IX. ADJOURNMNT AGENDA - Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday, November 8, 1976 7;30 PM, City Hall • Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call COMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Don Sorensen, Schee, Beaman, Si ndstrom, Lynch, Pauly, Fosnocht STAFF MEMBERS: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson I. APPROVAL CF AGENDA. II. MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, I976 MEETING. 1II. MEMBERS REPORTS A. (.'hnirmsr. Sorensen B. Council Representative Pauly C. Others IV. •REPORTS AND RECOIMIENDATIONS A. Land Development-Procedures 1 . PUD Procedures 2. Zoning Procedures 3. Platting Procedures B. Condon/Naegele Office Building, request for rezoning from Rural to Office for approximately 3 acres . The site is located in the southeast cerner of the Co. Rd. 60 and I-494 entrance ramp. C. Area G of The Preserve Commercial Plan, request for approval of development standards rezoning from Rural to C-Regional Service and preliminary plat approval . The site is located in the northeast quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and US 169/212 intersection. A continued . public hearing. ' D . Steuart tli hlands, by Stewart Properties , request to preliminary plat w an rezone Topview Acres 1st Addition from Rural to RI. 6.S for single family and/or 'double bungalow dwellings. A continued public hearing. F . East/West Apartments, The Preserve saquest for rezoning from Rural to �.:•: :.S 3.VS 8Ci•es for 129 -rental apartment units. The site is. located crest of Th• Preserve Center. - V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS • • A. us Irby ltauenhorst Corporation, request fog rf:oning approval of _ epproximately S acres from Rural to Office. The site is located in � southwest quadront of CSA.11 62 and Co. Rd. 18 • V1. OLD BUSINESS VII. MEN BUSINESS -VI II. PI.NNNER IS Rfa'CW% IX. AUJa1MMENT . - ... - _ w,.s._.. _.3S^�w• ""7Mw�Zi"."�"'�n.c:'.xFD•...�`.`.SS`iL..A __..1`RE•+' -. .. •�."pf!5�;' :..r�.-� � ....N _.. _ .. r..3�'.�•w l_ . • p. �,-,may,���r���. t. L ��G3 EO+E�t PRAIRIE PLANNING COMISSION approved ts 'Monday, November 8, 1976 7:30 PM City Hall COWISSICH MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Sorensen, Schee , Dearman, Sundstrow , Pauly CW3SSION FRS ABSFNT: Fosnocht, Lynch STAFF PRESENT: Putnam, John-son INVOCATION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE HALL CALL I. APPROyAL OF AGFWDA Schee moved, Dearman seconded, to approve the agenda as submitted. The sotion carried unanimously. If. MINUTES OF THE OCi'OBER 25, 1976 FETING P.1,111.A. ,3t should read- Beaman and Sorensen were requested to represent. . P.2,IV. A. ,2P should read- ( estimated be 1/2 the size . . , j !lotion: chiee moved, &nW st.ron seconded, to approve the minutes as written and cox roctei. The motion carried 3:0:1 with Bearman abstaining. III. HERS REPORTS A. Chairman Sorensen 1. Sorensen inquired as to the status of the CKR water assessment appal. The planner stated the appeal is in regards to the cost of =tear watu . service. 3. Sorensen inquired about the siltation pond for the Highway N wimtwAme Facility Building . The planner stated a siltation pond Mould be pron►tdrsd Old the item is being discussed with the watershed district. Sorensen suggested protection against erosion be givw to the bill being graded to the creek. B. Counci 1 Representative Pauly , arrived later. C. Others I . §Wee inquired when the Purgatory Creek tour would be rescho6i led. The planner �iuggestsd the week of Novorber 22nd for a joint on-tiug with the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission to di3ccsa Purgatory Creek. Motion Schee iayed. Dearman seconded to hold a joint rooting at 7:00 PM at - lhe City Nall on November 22nd with the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission. Wividual reetinga of the two commissions Mould j Ctti■�41►9as et 8.3n pw - NC�'i �jr . i,1 V. L 2� 19%b. 2. Bearwew inquired if a city staff person would be attending the Metro Council hearing on lower cost single family housing. The piann*r was unsure. He suggested the ccmmmission read the report free the *stro Coimci 1 distributed that seven ing and submit their recommendations to the City Council as tommments can be submitted to the Metro Courmi l 20 days after the hearing date. s. S—ouMci-.-l_ Re resertative PauIZ I. Mrs. Pauly repwrted the ci1 has sclmduled public hearings for Pets Construction wW Poolside Apartments for Nnvamber 23, 1976. 2. Pauly so rt ed Mr. 3uback *w ld be ragnest ing a liquor 1 icemse at the u _ Counci l's Not. 23rd meetint. s - .' .'+_.^'1" T!'c*^'_ sxY;.�-' trSiL,j.�rwi ,.► wwT.i:`t r .e .:wR•S y` •..e !w �y � �v!w.. .G':." ,iw:;yt'f�,Y,114`, YR. �,r 1., - .. _ , approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- Nov . 8, 1976 IV. REPORTS AND RECC*MNDATIONS A. Land Development Procedures 1 . PUD Procedures �.. L.Viit%l� r 1 tK.Ct�LLl C� 3. Platting Procedures The planner stated he feels the procedures will be of assistance to the city now and can be review,3 if necessary after the Guide Plan Update. He said the draft procedures attempt to make the review process more workable and readable. Sorensen asked if the City Attorney had reviewed the drafts . The planner replied the attorney has had sore preliminary responses and would be reviewing them in detai-1 when the cmncil considers the items. Schee inquired if the procedures need be officially adopted, or if they could be accepted as procedures. Sorensen felt they should be adopted by a resolution or more legal form as they define the obligations of the city and developer. Dearman questioned if a public hearing format should be included. Discussion followed regarding the necessity and value of a format Sundstrom suggested ; changes on the following pages: P.3,D."motional Submission of Concept and Development Stage Plaus" , should be P.S,I.Ecarisuggest it read PUD Concept and/or Development Stage . . . Motion: Dearman moved, Schee seconded, to recommend to the City Council consideration of approving the 3 draft procedures ( PUD, Zoning, Platting ) , with the recom,aerda- tions made by the cosission this evening. - B, Condon[Naegele Office Building, request for rezoning from Mural to Office for approximately 3 acres. The site is located in the southeast corner of Co. Rd. 60 and 1-494 ramp. The planner reviewed the building location .utd size. He stated the 2 issues before the city are the office rezoning and approval' of the on-site billboard. He suggested the commission recommend approval of the rezoning and delay recom endation on the billboard request until further detailed information is supplied. Sorensen asked if an engineering report is being prepared. The planner replied the City Engineer has asked FKM for preliminary work on Schooner Boulevard prior C to a city engineer report on this project. C Mr. Geisler, architect, stated he concurs with the report and the future access entrance suggested by the planner. Bearman inquired if Condon/Naegele would refrain from building if the sign request is denied. Mr. Geisler was linable to answer. r I ID Sorensen inquired if the future entrance could be built at the time of initial construction to alleviate additional costs to the builder. The planner felt that until the preliminary engineering work is completed by HM, the future road could not be constructed. •�/.�.1.iRA:.�S.NYi.''.Lti�.J.i `. �.M.Gi.vYNi9iiKl .G'? .J��'^��7RV.. �r�C�Yt 'n� � �SS .. approved � P?anning Commission Minutes -3- Nov. 8, 1976 ` :40tion 1 : IISchee moved Sundstrom seconded, to recommend to the City Council that the poster panel application be considered as a separate issue and not as part of the rezoning application. The action carried unanimously. Motion 2 : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to recommend to the City Council rezoning of the Condon/Poegele Office building from Rural to .Office District located at the intersection of Co. Rd. 60 and 494 with the recommendations of page 3 of the November 2nd staff report Ps follows : 1. ''delete" 2. That the site be rezoned from Rural to Ofc District within the MCA as submitted in the PUD Develor- aent Stage brochure dated Oct. 2i, 1976. 3. That if a building permit is not obtained within 18 months from the date of the 2nd reading of the ordinance, the owners will not oppose the rezoning of the property back to Rural. 4. That Condon/ Naegele will submit for approval plans for he entrance road to Co. Rd. 60 to the staff. S. That approval of the rezoning be contingent upon the recommendations of the engineering report with particular attention to the storm water runoff. The motion carried unanimously. * Sorensen inquired if the Stewart Highlands project should be considered prior to Area G as not all of the proponents from The Preserve were present. Notion: Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to consider the Stewart Highland Project prior to Area G. The motion carried unanimously. D. Stewart Highlands, .�y Stewart Prcperties, request to preliminary plat and rezone Topview Acres 1st Addition from Rural to RM 6.S for single family and/or doable bungalow dwellings. A continued pulilic hearing. The planner reviewed the staff report and noted the project meets all. of the requirements of city ordinances. Pauly believed the project is also consistent with the MCA Report. She read from page 81 of the report: "Within Zone 4, the most sensitive area is located north of the Ring Route between old Valley View Road and the community park. This triangular shaped area is approximately 40 acres, with the high point at Valley View (toad dropping SO feet to the Ring Road at the base of the hill. l'he relationship with Topview single family residential area will require a blend of residential unit types on site with lower density use adjacent to Valley View Road and medium density residential or freestanding office use adjacent to the Ring Route. Great care in site planning, utilizing the slopes to integrate the office and residential uses with those of the existing neighborhood will be required." •7� M T�a �.is_-'~y��,y •Y.. I G ~�i.. eerzwi E. " G t approved . Planning Comotission Minutes -4- Nov. 8, 1976 Pauly expressed the concern that iliture buyers be made aware of possible future adjacent uses. Other commission members shared the concern and expressed hope that the proponents and his agents would make future Wyers aware of the nr►ceihlP a�i�s�a.:t nw.w.e..,.: Harry S. Johnson, engineer for the project, stated they do not have ar.y objections to the staff report. No comments or questions were raised from the audience. Mot i or. 1 : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to close the public hearing on the Stewart Highlardss project preliminary plat. The motion carried unanimously. Motion 2 : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to recommend to the City Council approval of the Stewart Highlands proposal for Tcpveiw 1st Additioh rezoning from Rural to RN 6. 5 and preliminary plat approval including the recommendations of the staff report , literature suumitted by Stewart Properties and that if a building permit is not obtained within 18 months, the owners will not oppose t'he rezoning of the property back to Rural . Discussion: Sundstrom questioned if the road pattern of the project was desirable for the W.A. The planner felt , without an absolute design for Schooner Boulevard, it is difficult to foresee which design will be best. Sorensen inquired if the city desired an outlet to the south. for the project. The planner stated 2 options are available, anoutlet to the south or west. Vote: The notion carried 4:1 with Bearman voting nay. C. Area G of The Preserve Commercial Plan, request for approval of development standards, rezoning from Rural to C-Regional Service and preliminary plat approval. The site is located in the northeast quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and US 169;212 intersection. A continued public hearing. The planner informed the commssion the site, grading and utilities are completed for the Area G site. The DFM ( Design Framework Manual)standards submitted by The Preserve would speed-up the development process through the use of a Design Review Committee. He then referred the commission to the staff report dated Ncv. 2nd and explained it has the staff's additions and deletions to the standards submitted by The Preserve so the commission can readily see what the staff is recommending. He stated the staff is recommending the rezoning to C-Regional Service or Office for the sites within Area G. Mr. Hess had the following changes and comments to the report : page 4 01, prefer that parking be allowed if standards are met. page S 02, should read "Street g" page 7 heading of last P should read PLAN REVIEW COMMITTEE page R last F should read "The Design and Review Committee will work . page 9 last 1 shoii.ld read "determined by the Design Review Committee. . page 10 #3 The Preserve desires a careful development of the tree slope area. . yi 1 approved Planning commission Minutes -5- Nov. 8. 1976 The commission there reviewed the report page by page and had the following comments : 2 Sorensen suggested i n�l+,d:.... '- the page !t _..b, ... ....c Uuaisiuojectives a statement referring to the DRM as an experiment in case modifications are needed. Bearman suggested the city attorney investigate the necessary measures to take to properly delegate. the powers of review. page 4 #4, Sorensen inquired why the staff had changed the 4" to 2h" . The planner replied it allows flexibility of more trees within a set budget. page 5 Bearman inquired if a provision should be included for ramp parking. t The staff was directed to include a provision providing � ramp parking within the SHAREC PARKING heading, page 6. r . page S Pauly inquired what type of setbacks would be used. The planner said the staff would investigate and propose setbacks . page 8 #4, Bearman suggested alternative material, and not limiting it to cedar or redwood. It was agreed that it should read cowpatible materials. Sorensen questioned if Area G. in figure A, would allow a or 5 freestanding fast food establishments. The planner felt it would be difficult to prohibit then as freestanding fast food places have been allowed in other parts of the City. Sorensen believed the concept of clustering is valuable and should be attempted. Discussion followed relative to the market and policy desirability of clustering. blot i on 1 : Sche:e moved, Bearman seconded, to close the public hearing an the Area G prelimi- nary plat of the Area G Preserve Commercial Plan. The action carried unanimously. Motion 2• Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning request based upon the Design Framework Manual concept including the redrafting of the staff report of November 2nd to reflect the changes, inclusions, etc. , suggested by the commission at this meeting. Discussion: Sundstrom inquired if the comaission wished to recommend a policy an Class 4 4 S restaurant clustering. Amendment : Sundstrom moved, Sorensen seconded, to recommend should there be freestanding Glass 4 4.9 restaurants ( as defined in l&e j'aea G staff report dated 7-22-7S) in the commercial along US 169, then said structures should be grouped. Discussion: Bearman believed the city would hinder dev elopment in the area if the at passed. *ied. ss stated their mould atteapt such a clustering consapt, but do not mast appro�rs to clustering. Pauly called question on the amendeent. The question carried. Vote on Ammdaent: The amendment failed 2:3 with Sorensen and Sandsts rating are. s s -approved 41" Planning Cowoission Minutes -6- Nov. e, 1976 .a Vote on Notion2: The notion arrc ed unxniaausly. Motion 3: Bearman moved, Schee seconded, to recommend the City Council consider establishing a policy statement as to the treatment of Class 4 and S restaurant clustering specifically to their grouping and location. The notion carried unanimously. Pauly excused herself. E. East / west Apt ts, by the Preserve request for rezoning from Rusal to RN 2-S for 8.98 acres for 129 rental apartment units. The site is located west of The Preserve Center. Doug Noe, architect for the project, - presented a model of the revised plan. and pointed-out the parking, siltation pond, walkways, etc. Sue Osberg, 9SS0 Timber Trail , Middle School teacher, asked for the Center's location ii relation to the apartments and how the traffic flow would be designed. Noe stated the Center is to the east, and a future road extension would ease the traffic flow. Sundstrom asked if the Lakeshore would be actively used. Noe replied the lake: Is intended for passive use and there would be trails around the lake. ® Hess stated he has no objections to the staff report.- John Retterath,901: Hig:i Point Circle, referring to the Ray Harris Survey, Minneapolis Tribune, 5-10-•76, questioned if :he devoloper of the project would be allowed to depreciate the building in 4 years and then, as in cases rated in the survey, the developer would pull-out. Mr. dearman responded that the Ray Harris survey :gas not a good cross section , only dealt with a small number of examples and a new tax law prevents such depreciation. W Hess noted that if by chance the building physically needed work , the homeowner association does have a recourse mechanism to force repairs and assess the cost back. W. Me added that there would be ont durage door to each garage building and the leer rots would Uwe tandic44p$ed eatramees. Soretrsen asked if outside storage of recreat ionat 1 vehicles would he proh ihi t ed. Peterson smpiled affirmtive. _ moved, ReaTmen scecan dod, to rrecotmsead to the City Comci 1 *;mroval of the ratening from oral to tMi 2.S for the Esst/**st Partway Apartments including the raoa actions of the staff reported datod Nov. Sth, the docun nts submitted on the project and then revisrd plan shma in the model tonight sand doted Nov. 8, 1976. to Iscluk that if a fr-ti ld3"Z parelt is wt obteimW within 18 months of the rending of the ordiomce, the ornrrs wi i l trot oppose a rezanirg of the property to oral . Tlrre motion cerriedd 3:0:1 with Sorensen abstaining. Sorensen abstained bMusast he was aotwrtaiw Astt+,sr the p"Ject could be caoidereJ in less than i year as per Seetiow it.S Ordit,► We ft.". approved Planning Commission Minutes -7- Nov. 8, 1976 V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. OOus 2, by Rauenhorst Corporation, request for rezoning approval of approximately 5 acres from Loral to Office. The site is located in the southwest quadrant of CSM 62 and Co. Rd. 18. Mr. Worthington, Rauenhorst, informed the commission they now have a new proposal for rezoning on a new site for the American .Fanily Insurance. It is a 3 story building with approximately 90,000 square feet on 6. 1 acres. Sorensen asked if the Rauenhorst Corporation would retain architectural control of the buildings in the PUD. Worthington replied affirmative. Sorensen asked the staff to address the si Itatian from the parking lot in the staff report. Sorensen then Asked if an agreement had been worked out with Minnetonka regarding water and sewer. Worthington replied it is in progress. Sorensen asked if a parking rasp would be part of the PUD. Worthington replied a park.Lng rasp is expected in phase 2 of the pud. Motion 1 : Dearman moved, Schee seconded, to continue the rezoning request of Opus 2 to the November 22nd meeting and to Airect staff to prepare a staf: report. The lotion carried unanimously. Notion 2• Schee moved, Searsan seconded, to recommend the City Council consider setting a public hearing for December 7, 1976, the motion carried unanimously. VI. OLD BUSINESS done VII. NEW BUSINESS Nome V111. PLANNER13 REPORT None IX. ADJOURNMENT Dearman moved, Schee seconded, to adjourn at 12 :10 AN , the motion carried. Respectfully Submitted ------------- --- - Jean Johnson