Planning Commission - 09/27/1976 .Lyk . .0 • We , u I A4F AGEN CAA Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday , September 27 , 1976 7 : 30 PM, City Hall COMMISSION MEMBERS : Chairman Don_ Sorensen , Norma Schec , Richard Lynch , William Bearman , Rod Sundstrom , Herb Fosnocht , Sidney Pauly Invocation - - - Pledge of Allegiance - - - Roll Call I . APPPOVAL OF AGENDA 11 . MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 13 , 1976 PLANNINSC. COMMIISSION NfEETINC, III . MEMBERS REPORTTS A. Chairman Don Soreis sen 1 . Holiday- fir3t Planning Commission meeting of October , Monday , 11th . B . Council Rep: esentative Panly . C. Others . Iv . REPORTS !AND RECOMMENDATIO; S A. Edenvale PUD Sign Re uest , request for charge in the Edennvale PUD .Sign . V. PETI flONS AND REQUfi " T S A . Cis 2 , Raucnhorst Cor2oration , presentation of Onus 2 , nha ` e 1 Request and further information on rezoning of Block 1 , Lot 1 , to Offi - e tc be :. oT,sieered at un:. omiric, meetin . Phase ] is approximately 5 acres and lr,cated in the Nib quadrant of Co . Rd . IS and Crosstown 62 . B . Fetz ConstTaction , request to rezone approximptely . S acres from Rural - o Office for use as a►i office and ws-chnu.e . The site is located at 8855 Flying Clecd Drive (old Ph4,enix Gan Station) . `E.SS A. . ;?'% t MINUTES EVEN PRAIRIE 'P•LANNING COMMMISSION approved Monday, September 27, 1976 .7 :30 FN, City Hall COMMISSION PRESENT : Chairman Don Sorensen , William Beaman, Rod . Sundstroa, Richard Lynch COMMISSION ABSENT : Norma Schee , Herb. Fosnocht STAFF PRESENT : Dyck Putnam, Jean Johnson I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA - Dearman moved , Sundstrom seconded , to approve the agenda as sub- mitted The motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 139 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING P. , III . C . , 1 , should read From a Boa to a A rat .ng . P. 3 ,Motion 3 : , should read . on 17+ acres , . P. 6, Vote : should read , The amendwe'nt carried 6 : 1 (.Bearuan voted nay) . The amended motion carried unanimously . P . '7 , # 1 should read . . . Mr. Wally O ' Deil , attorney . . . Boorman moved, Lynch seconded, to approve the minutes as corrected and written . The notion carried .unanimously . . III . MEMBERS REPORTS . • thairman Don Sorensen . ' 1 . Sorensen inquired as :o the Mature of the administrative - E subdivision approved at the 8 - 10- 76 Council meeting . The planner .stated it merely was a shifting of lot lines , 2 lots to 2 lots with different boundaries . 2 . Sorensen asked for clarification of the 5-24-76 Couaci'l • Minutes regarding city commissions' roles. Pau-ly replied it came about after a Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Comission member suggested a resolution regarding the deer corridor be forwarded to the EQC . ;--his was prior to any council consideraticn . _ 3 . The C0=0133icn discussed possible dates , times and place . to hold the next Planning Commission •eeting . Notion : _ ync p+oved , Searean seconded , to reschedule the next regular Plann"Ing- Commission meeting from Monday , ` October 11 ( Columbus Day ) , to Thursday , October 14 , 1976 . The. meeting to be held at the City Hall , 7 : 30 PM. The motion carried unanimously. B. `'at�ly , Cos..^.ci : �tasp;eseentative . _ 1 . The planned study areas in southwestern Eden Prairie were rezoned back to Planned Study for a period of one year . 2 . The Council approved an extension of the Basswood 41 coning for one year . C. Others . E 1 . Boorman extended an invitation to all to attend the various neighborhood coffee parties with school staff, _ school board members , etc . , where the upcoming School Bond Referendum will be explained and discussed . ' approved • Planning Commission Minutes -2- Sept . 270 1976 IV. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Edenvale PUD Sign Request , request for change in the Edenvale PUD Sign . The planner referred the commission to the letter and sketch submitted by Edenvale . Dan Peterson , Edenvale Inc . , stated 2 signs had previously been approved and . will be removed . They desire a single sign - on the north side of T . H. S , (on the knob west of the creek) , on property which Is available for lease and/or sale . He stated the sign is needed to identify future model homes in Edenvale . The sign would be 121x24 ' and read something to the effect, "Edenvale Model Homes" , • "turn right at Mitchell" ,. and have the PUD tree logo . The planner stated the problem is that non-accessory or advertising signs off-premises are inconsistent with the Sign Ordinance . Sorensen asked if the request would conflict with the Advertising Sign Ordinance : The planner did not believe it would . Sorensen asked Mr. Peterson if Edenvale intended to purchase the site . Peterson replied a partnership is in the process of purchasing it and. a member of that partnership is employed by Edenvale . }'Sorensen then asked if Peterson would agree to a time limit with a . renewable option Peterson estimated the sign would be needed • at the proposed site for about S years and he would agree to a 3 year agreement with renew option . Motion : ' Bearman moved , Lynch seconded , to approve the Edenvale Inc . PUD request • for a substitution of one sign to be located at the location shown as (a) for two approved billboard locations approved in their original plan and shown as (b) , all illustrated on the play. attached to the letter dated 9- 16- 76 . The proposed sign is not tu exceed 121x24 ' and is to replace one 181x36 ' and one 121x24 ' previously approved . Further, with the provision said location to be legally owned by Edenvale Incorporated . Amendment : • _ 3orens�en suggested amending the motion to read "The signage is to be restricted to the purpose of advertising Edenvale / Woodland area . of Edenvs 1 e PUD and term of this PUD sign amendment is not to exceed 3 yips. , with proviso Edenvale may retuto for approval of -an extension . Dearman aw•.A- L;n oc • accepted the •M .•r • Vote : The motion us - amended carried :unanimously .. c`! • r W u approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- Sept . 270 1976 W. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS �. 0 ws 2 Rauenhorst Corporation , presentation of Opus 2 , Phase 1 . - Request and further information on rezoning of Block 10, Lot 1 , to Office to be considered at upcoming ' meeting. Phase i is -approximately S acres and located _ in the Northwest quadrant of Co. Rd . 18 and Crosstown 62 . , a The planner informed thi Commission the item is on for presentation at this time, as the. proponents have further work before clarifying their requests . Mr. - Worthington baclgrounded the proposal as having received PUD and preliminary plat approval , and an extension of the approvals were. gained when the timalimit lapsed . He stated utilities appear most feasible extended from Minnetonka . As work is still underway N with prospective clients , he said they are not yet prepared to present specific site and building plans , but did want to familiarize the city with- plans todate . John Alberts, architect for the project , reviewed the topography, vegetation and other existing site conditions . Worthington stated they have attempted to work with the contours and trees , therefore , a cluster building development 2ppears best . He said they do not anticipate exceeding . 3 stories in height . He then reviewed the 77S parki "i spaces , -1SS ,000 square feet of buildings and other specifics contained in the brochure . Lynch asked if fire , police protection , etc . , bave been negotiated with Minnetonka . The planner stated talks have taken place , but no formal agreements have been reached . Sorr,.nsen inquired if the parking ramp would be concurrent with the first building . Worthington replied it would be subsequent to the firtt building . Sorensen inquired about the ownership of the 2 parcels west of the Opus i property . Worthiugton responded they are owned by others . The planner stated a staff report would be prepared for Lbe following meeting if Rauenhorst is ready with specifte requests . `S Notion : un strom moved , 6earwan seconded , to coatinue the Opus 2 item to the -following meeting and refer it to the developer and staff, for farther detsiis and report , The notion carried ue,nimously . 8. Fetz Construction , request to rezone approximately . S 3cres rom Rural to Office for use as an office And warehouse . The site is located at 885S . Flying Cloud Drive told Phoenix station`, . The planner referred +Cho . :maisslon to the Flans submitted by Pet : � • lotter of opposition from Mr . Peterson ; EO*nva-le Incorporated . V' .a,�q..t�.!:•aa�e",-........ •w,+tY�e�,ir,ns..,beKr.. .............ae.�^L ..� .�.�.�.....___._..�-._� approved Planning Commission Minutes -4- Sept . -27 , 1976 Tony Chr13tensaik Fetz Const . , stated they are requesting rezoning to use the existing building ( some remodeling ) , for a construction/ corporate office with outside storage of vehicles and t:aterial ,. at 'the rear of the site . Bearman inquired what would be stored outside . Mr. Christenson replied scaffolding and trucks . Lynch asked how high the proposed fence around the site would be . Christenson replied six feet . The planner stated many requests are received on this site and all inquirers are made aware of the Guide Plan amendment (U . S . 169 ; Mini-Sector Study) , for this site and the Zoning Ordinance require- ments . He said the staff finds this request inconsistent with City plans , the Guide Plan and surrounding uses . Motion : Lynch moved , Sundstrom seconded , to recommend denial of the Fetz Construction Company request to rezone from Rural to Office the nacre site East of U . S . 169 , ( old Phoenix station stte) , as it is inconsistent with. the U . S . 169 Mini -Sector Study and Ordinance 13S . The notion carried 4 : 0 : 1 with Bearman abstaining . VI . OLD BUSINESS The commission questioned the status of the Stewart Highland project . The planner stated the item was withdrawn Friday , and the proponents desire more time to decide on the request they will be submitting. VII . NEW BUSINESS The commission briefly discussed the Metropolitan Council Land Planning Act . Motion : Lynch moved , Sundstrom seconded , to recommend the City Manager Roger Ulstad, or his designate , be the representative to the Metro Council . ' The notion carried unanimously . - ` V I I I . PLANNER' S REPORT The planner referred the commission to the draft PUD, Platting and . Zoning Procedures . Sorensen inquired if the staff is preparing a draft MCA Ordinance . The planner stated it would be done , but the others were considered :o be of priority . IX. ADJOURNMENT Lynch moved , Bearman seconded , to adjourn at 9 : 21 PM. The notion carried unanimously . • Respectfully Submitted, Jean Johnson