Planning Commission - 09/13/1976 AGENDA Planning Commission *A.... .1 C . --1. - - I .•.v.. ►u� , .JV r L. -..1 u%. • i✓ , A7IV 7 : 30 PM, City Hall Invocation -- - Pledge of Allegiance - - - Roll Call I . APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 2s , 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING III . MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chsirman Don Sorensen B . Council RepresentativL- Pauly C . ' Others IV . REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A . Ziegler incorporated , request for PUD concept approval for approximately 57 acres of industrial uses and variances from the I - S District for approximately 30 acres which are zoned . The :1JU is located in the northwest quadrant of Valley View Road and Washington Avepue . PUBLIr HEARINGS : g , Flidden Oaks , The Preserve , request by Mr . Kevlin for preliminary plat approval and rezoning to R1 - 13 . 5 ( with side yard variance ) , for 34 lots within Black 4 , Lot 1 , Basswood Forest . The site is located in the southwest corner of the East/west Parkway and Basswood Road . A public hearing . C . ST-ewarf-Highland-s of Eden Prairie , request by Stewart Properties - for PUD c:oncf,pt approval , preliminary platting and rezoning of 56 lots for single family and double dwellings . T;e PUD is located on the south side of Co . Rd . 600 h mile east of Baker Road , across from 7'opview Acres Second Addition . A public hearing . V . PETITIONS AND REgJESTS VI . OLD BUSINESS VIl NEW BUSINES5 1 _ r. Il t T T rn r 1*t%i V i! I X'. ADJOURNMENT t PRELIMINARY AGENDA Planning Commission Monday, September 13, 1976 7:30 PM, City Hall Note: This agenda is sub;ect to change items may be added, f deleted , or changed . For final agenda call Jean Johnson at the City Hall , 941-2262 , Friday before the meeting. s - f Invocation --- Pledge of Alicgiance --- Roll Call i f t I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . MINUTES OF THF. AUGUST 23, 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION ?&STING t III . MEMBERS REPORTS IV. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Ziegler Incorporated, request for PUD Concept approval for approximately 58 acres of industri-a-I uses and variance from the I-5 District for approximately 30 acres which are zoned The PUD is located in the northwest quadrant of the Valley View Road and Washington Avenue inter- � section. B. Hidden Oaks, The Preserve, request by Mr. Kevl:n for preli Lary plat approval and rezoning to R1-13. 5 ( with side yard variance ) for 34 lots within Block 4 , Lot 1 , Basswood Forest, the site if located in southwest corner of the East/West Parkway and Basswood Pbad. A public hearing. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Stewart Highlands of Eden Prairie, request by Stewart Properties for PUD Cm.cept approval , preliminary platting and rezoning of 56 lots 4 for single family and double dwellings. The KAD is located on the south side of Co. Rd. 60 , � mi le east of Raker Road, across from Topview Acres Second Addition. A public hearing. 4 VI . OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINESS 0411. PLANNER'S UPORT IX. ADJOURNMM MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION .approved iiondey , September 13 , 1976 7 :30 PM City Hall COMMISSION PRESENT : Chairman Don Sorensen , Rod Suwdstrom, Dick Lynch Herb Fosnocht , Sidney Pauly, Norma Schee,W. Searman STAFF PRESENT : Dick Putnam ty I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Chairman Sorensen read a letter received September 13th addressed to the Planning Commission " Gentlemen Receipt is acknowledged of a copy of the staff report of the Eden Prairie Planning Commission relativo to the S7 . 6 acres of land in the northwest corner of the intersection of Washington Avenue South and Co . Rd . 39 in Eden Prairie . As I believe you know the conditions sought to be imposed upon Ziegler. Inc- in consideration of the granting of a building permit and necessary v"-rii- ances are not acceptable to us and we lave deter- ■ined to abandon our efforts to acquire this .; property . 40 Please remove this subject from the agenda of the Planning Commission meeting to be held this date and from the September 14th agenda of the City Council . 11 Very truly yours : N. M. Mullinix Vice President , Secretary—Treasurer Motion : *Garman moved Lynch seconded , to delete the Ziegler Inc . request for PUD approval and building permit variances from the September 13th agenda as requested by Ziegler Inc . The motion carried unan - imously . Motion : Barman moved , ',ynch seconded to __approve the agenda as corrected . _The motion carried unanimously . II . MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23 , 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING p. I , itri 111VA. 92 . , last sentence should read- plan-ned for the extension in conjunction with other projects . 2 , 3? should read- that Catepillar has throughout the country . 3*C. , Motion 1 : should read - as stated in other variance cases as there is a strong steed for the City to address the *bolt issue of setbacks and variances in the context of the *stir* city ordinances . Motion : Boorman roved , Fosnucht seconded , to approve the minutes as corrected . The notion tarried 6 : 0 : 1 with Schee abstolning . � ■ Y approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- Sept . 130 1976 r Ill . NEMBERS . REPORTS A. Ctsirman Don Sorensen . Y. . 'Sorensen continued his report to the end of the meeting . B. Council Representative Pauly . i . The City Council strengthened the Crosstown Resolution in tho areas discussed at the Planning Commission ' s last meeting concerning future improvements and land F use decisions . 2 . Area H-PUD 4 Rezoning, was approved by the Council 3. Crosstown Baptist Church was approved by the Council as per the commission ' s recommendations . E 4 . Nygren Plat 4 Rezoning , was approved by the Council . C. Others . 1 . Bearman brought-. up the jump in the Moody ' s Bond Rating for the City of Eden Prairie from Baa to a A rating . 2 . Sorensen read the news release , dated September 13 , from Pillsbury Corporation , stating its agreement - to purchase 228 acres of land in The Preserve , adja- cent to Anderson Lakes , for the development of a research center to cost approximately 45 million dollars . IV. REPORTS AND RECOM14ENDATIONS Q A. Ziegler Inc . -Withdrawn B . Hidden Oaks , The Preserve , request by Mr . Kevl-ir. for preliminary plat approval and rezoning to R1 - 13 . S (with side yard variances ) , for 34 lots within Block 4 , Lot 1 Basswood Forest . . The site is located in the southwest corner of the East/West Parkway and Basswood Road . A public hearing . ■ Larry Corituie, Carlson 4 Carlson Surveyors , presc:.tad the 34 ` lot plan and explained drainage , street configuration 4utilities . - The planner reviewed the staff report of September 71,`L . - Mrs . Retterath and Mrs . Sakella , residents of the Preserve , questioned the naming of the plat "Bidden Oaks" in that it tight be more appropriate named Basswood Forest similar to the existing plat . fir. . Corituie explained that the owner � did not wish to name the plat the same as the previous plat and believes Hidden Oaks is appropriate . Sorensen questioned the configuration of some of the lots and if they would require further setback variances as the pro- perties are developed . Mr . Corituie explained that they have looked at the options have walked the site , and they feel the lots , as proposed would be buildable without further variance requests . •M • approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- Sept . 13 , 1974 s• Sorensen asked if all lots were at least 138S00 square feet and would a 90 foot setback variance from the provisions of the Subdivision Ordinance be required . Mr . Corituie responded the two lots are undar the 13, S00 size, but front on the lake and park , and that all lots at the building setback line would be 90 foot minimums . Motion 1 : ' Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded , to close the public hearing considering the preliminary plat of Hidden Oaks . The motion carried unanimously. Notion 2 : Bearman moved , Lynch seconded , to .recommend to the City Council development stage approval for the Hidden Dak3 single family development in The Preserve PUD, rezoning from Rural to . Rl - 13 . S for the. 34 lets on 17+acres , and preliminary plat approval with • setback variances fo•r side yards as follows : S feet 1 story garage 10 feet 1 story house 15 feet Z story house Discussion : Considerable discussion followed concerning appropriateness of variances for large lo~ single family subdivisions . Vote : A role call vote was requested . The motion carried Lynch , 8earman , Sundstrom, Pauly voted aye) . Fosnocht stated he objected to the plat because the S/10/ 1S . ariances requested were unnecessary for such expensive homes . Sorensen objected to the variances as he interpreted the intent of such variances would . be to provide for low and moderate Income single family housing and not simply applicable to all large scale developments . He did not feel the plat met the intent of the Zoning Ordinance and that there weretoo many variances . The planner read the previsions of Ordinance 135 , Section tl , Planned Unit Developments . He stared it was within the c029i33ion ' s right to find that the project was consistent with the intent of the PUD provisions because it specifically encourages the granting of variances if creative site planning , etc . , result . The planner then informed the propcnant that a letter requesting a public hearing before the City. Council should be addressed to the City Manager when they desire to appear before the - Council . 7 A nr -.,c ..+�a'S.'. --g -s♦ ..t .�?,..":`• ''• . 1w• ►�r.r - - -approved Planning Counission Minute -4- Sept . IS. lfii r C. Stewart Hi elands of Eden Prairie, request by Stewart Properties for PUD Concept. approril , preliminary platting and rezoning of S6 lots for single family and doable dwellings . The PUD is located on the south side of Co. ad. 60, h mile east of Baker Road , across from Topviow Acres Second Addition. A public hearing . The proponent's planners presented a lengthy discussion of tine • rationale behind thair request and the merits of tho .plaa . Mr. Seidu,H. A. Johnson Co. Inc., explained that tha original MCA intent for office/commercial antmedi■in density residsa - tial• was a good idea, but could not be implemenzea today based on the slowness of the market and the demand for double bungalow units . He felt their proposal is a good use because it iszjm ideal transition area and was marketable today . He indicated the second and third home buyer,. ages 40-50, would be the primary buyers and would live in half of the unit and rent the other half. Mr. Seida further explained that because of the utility service and development cost , that cluster type development was not feasible . He stated the plan did sot Incorporate a north/south street between Valley View Road and the new Ring Road because of a 40-SO foot drop in grade , traffi: sight visibility at Valley View Road and no assurance the road will be built . . The proponents suggested the read be located on the property west of the Stewart property and that would be better suited from a grade and land development standpoint . ' Mr. Seida than presented a schematic section through the property illustrating the spacing L tween lots which world have a 46 foot drop from the east property line to the west . He felt this would break-up the grid iron street system and would make the project morn at*tracti•ve . Mr. Seida distributed a brochure with photos, of homes similar to the duplexes proposed . The cosiaissiofi asked if the hoses la the booklet .ouli have the 10 foot between structures requested by Stewart Properties . Mr. Seida responded that only a couple of pictures would Illustrate that condtion . Sorensen questioned the alignment of Gerard Drive in the Topvier Acres p4at and how it would .line-up .•ith the proposed westerly - . street . Mr. Seida said the platting does not line-up . but the actual street location today dues match with the existing Gerard Drive. A question was raised about the active play space provided and whether it would be adequate for the 112 units proposed . Mr. Seida indicate'd they did not holieve the futuro residents would require active play space , but two tesysis Courts andlor swimming pool could be built is they outlet in the southwest corner of the site if desired . A Y, i approved Planning Commission Minutes -S- Sept . 130 1976 r Mr. Stewart spoke to several points which he felt made the project desirable to the City of Eden Prairie . He indicated the current water shortage , which most communities are exper- i *ncing , would be partially solved by the limited lawn space provided in the smaller double bungalow lots . Secondly , the homes would have a 40- 50 foot backyard and a 40 foot front yard to the street . He felt the gas shortage would be somewhat alleviated since there would be a limited amount of lawn to mow . He also felt that terracing would make good sense and that the commercial and office development potential of this site was not feasible in today ' s market . He indicated that many builders - have expressed interest in this size lot of ui.der 13, 500 square feet . Mr. Doug Goreski H . S . Johnson Co . Inc„ said he was instrumental. In recommending to Mr. Stewart that no north/south road between Valley View RoAd and the Ring Road be accommodated on this plat because of the 45 foot deep cuts which would be required to put the road in along the east property line . He felt this Mould be unsuitable for the developer to assume the cost of such a cut and loss of lots The planner briefly outlined the comments of the September 3rd staff report and indicated that detailed alignments for the connection between Valley View Road and the Ring Road have not been completed . But, if the commission felt the plat proposed warranted further consideration , the staff would begin those detailed studies . The planner then outlined the procedures which the proponent had discussed on numerous occasions which could be either a straight rezoning with variances requested , or a planned unit development which would provide design flexibility if -creative site planning and a better environment were created . It was the staff ' s opinion as stated in the report , that the proposed plan is a significant departure from the quality of land panning developed in Eden Prairie and in that respect it does not seem to justify the flexibility provided in Ordinance 13S for PUDs . Motion 1 : Schee moved , Bearman seconded , to close the public hearing on the preliminary plat application of Stewart Properties . The motion carried unanimously. Motion 2 . Fosnocht moved , Schee seconded , to recommend denial of the proposed Stewart Highlands PUD , rezoning from Rural to RM 6 . 5 and preliminary plat approval as the development plan :foes not properly respond to : a. north/south road connection , b. interior pedestrian system, . _ c . adequate side yard setbacks , d . creative site planning techniques , e . usable group open space , further , in applying for variances from the RM 6 . 5 District through the PUD process , variances are granted by the City if ,r- "^-�► rrsa- -:�-r!� dam. �dT'- •. - -�� - . .�r: . >�- .^y'�; ../� �'!-•q •-• - t� - : -approved Planning Commission Minutes -6- ; Sept . 139 1976 there are- mitigating effects and good reasons for the request . This proposal does not , in the Planning Commission ' s opinion respond to the basic minimum requirements of Ordinance 135 , RM 6 . 5 District , and lies not illustrate creative site planning that would allow for such variances to occur as specified in Ordinance 135 , Further : 2 . The proposal does not respond to the need for a , north/south connection between old Valley View ' Road and the MCA Ring Road . 3 . The proposal requires the vacation of an existing read right -of-way that may be needed for future connection . 4 . The proponent is requesting that this project not be include:: in the MCA for assessment reasons . E Since the density proposed is somewhat low , an well as originally planned for, this request may be rea:^nable . S . The proposed project would require variances . It does not meet side yard setbacks , minimum lot �• sizes , or the group open space requirement . 6 . The project does not respond to future needs of pedestrians and bikers as an alternative form of transportation to community facilities . 7 . The project is only 20 . 4 acres which is under the 25 acre minimum required for consideration as a PUD . However , since the MCA requires that projects be considered as PUDs , this is reasonable . Sorensen moved , Fosnocht seconded , to amend the notion to include point 1 : The proposed western road alignment and intersection with Valley View Road will be inconsistent with City E ordinances for proper spacing between road intersection points as Gerard Drive intersects Valley View Road on E the north. Andsuch an intersection combined with the road elevation would create unnecessary traffic hazards . Vote : The amendment carried 6 : 1 with Bearman voting nay. The amended notion carried unanimously. - -; �•�,�ii�iN't►* . �.. ..�� -_��.li7ri.a��1rN�....� ��rr �?vw'Ti���"'6s5`'.��'.!7 .. •��_._. r __ Y! ..ao'.e.a, 1 !approved Planning Commission Minutes -7- Sept . 13 , 1976 V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS - none IV AT n 0110TV100C Jk . V&.&I YV.I♦{IL%I�I 1 . Mr . Sherman Malkerson , Realtor with Robert Boblett Asso . , representing the Swendsejns Mr . Wally O 'deil attorney for the Swendseen ' s and Mr . Jerry Swendseen asked that they might make comments pertinent to the Ziegler Inc . proposal that was withdrawn from the agenda . Mr. Malkerson indicated that they were concerned it would be difficult to sell their property and develop their land because of the uncertainity over the Shady Oak Road and Valley View Road alignment, and that the City ' s defining exactly what they want is very important . He felt the dedication of right-of- way and the park fee are unreasonable requests to make of the landowner . He hoped there was some way that future purchasers of the property could develop within a reasonable framework . The planner indiccted dedication of :oad right- of-way andthe park fee were recommendations of the staff based on existing City policies and that if Ziegler disagreed with those policies they could certainly have discussed them with the commission ; !' and urlimately the City Council . The staff does not make city policy , but makes recommendations based on applications to the City . He also indicated the city accommodated Ziegler ' s request by scheduling meetings with the proponents and other governmental agencies and hdjacent landowners to work- out the specifics of the Ziegler plan . The City also scheduled public hearings to accommodate the time constraints of Ziegler . The planner felt there were many reasons for Ziegler ' s withdrawal.. 2 . Bloomington Ferry Bridge Resolution , Issac Walton League . Lynch moved , Schee seconded , to recommend to the City Council that they endorse the draft resolution concerning the Blooming- ton Ferry Bridge , Res . 76- 89 , ' as the bridge would bean assest to retain as a pedestrian , non-vehicular . crossing . The motion carried 5 : 0 : 1 with Fosnocht abstaining . ( Pauly had left t;te meeting) . III . MEMBERS REPORTS . Continued A. Chairman Don Sorensen . Sorensln brought uo the Metro Planning Bill and felt it was important the City take a very active role in working with the Metro Council to make sure items of local interest are being considered. He indicated the importance of understanding the parameters of the Act and that the feelings and needs of local government should be takin. into consideration . • -- _.ter... ,rrw.y +.�,a. a: "• �` es`�=., �c,;y...N.. .^ ,+ s+ Y _. * �.✓.� r � •.- � _ _ ..fF.sLk. �- i.- �ioa�,�.:i�:'��c.�,t,.mom:.-x-�.ix�.. �u�s- y , .:Yte3'ie�'` ...,ea�� � :.�t_8�,+w_•:, A+ayey�. .Y��b.�s. ,.:.�� - — - approved Planning Commission Minutes -8- Sept . 139 1976 The planner indicated that on October 1s a j o4 nt Edina/ Bloomington/Eden Prairie meeting would be heldwith John _ Boland of the Metro Council to discuss the Metro Planning Bill . The meeting is to be held at 7 : 30 PM at the Eden Prairie City Hall . He also indicated the City staff has been working closely with the Metro Council staff in developing our City Comprehensive Guide Plan outline and those require- ments of the Metro Manning Act . VII1 . PLANNER' S REPORT The planner briefly sammariied the South Hennepin Route Ridership Transit Study by BRW and the MTC . He indicated Eden Prairie was suggested as a demonstration site for new concepts in transit service . he indicated he had informed the MTC staff, that based on previous experiences , the city would be very interested in participating . The consensus of the commission was that a massive demon- . stration project may not be appropriate rather a moderate TF pr;)j ect may be more appropriate . r. IX. A.,JOURNMENT The meeting adjourned at 11 : 00 PM Respoc:fully Submitted ; Dick Putnae , Planning Director (Acting Secretary) •