Planning Commission - 08/23/1976 YI 1 WI AGENDA Eden Prairie Planning Camoission lKonday, August 23, 1976 7:30 PM, City Hall Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call COMMISSION ME14BERS: Chairman Don Sorensen, Norma Schee, Richard Lynch,William Bearman , Rod Sundstroo, Herb Fosnocnt, Sidney Pauly I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 9, 1976 PLANNING COW9SSION MEETING III . MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Don Sorensen B. Council Representative Pauly C. Others IV. PETITIONS AND i.EQItESTS. A. Ziegler Incorporated, preliminary discussion on Ziegler's proposed pud of approximately S8 acres of industrial and commercial uscs. The site is located in the northwest quadrant of Washington Avenue and Valley View Road. B. Minnesota Miri-Storage, by Bruce Hubbard. Request for revised site plan approval . Tire site is located at 6574 Flying Cloud Drive. C. Hustad Develcgnent Corp- -ation, requests for side yard variances in Prairie East Es-rates and Prairie East Second Addition. V. OLD BUSINESS. VI . NEW BUSINESS. li I I . PLANNER'S REPORT. A. Housing Chapter of Metropolitan Development Guidc. 8. Metropolitan Significance Regulations. VI I I . AWOURNMN'i. PRELIMINARY AGENDA Planning Commission Monday, August 23, 1976 7 :30 PM City Hall Note: This agenda is subject to change, items may be added, deleted , or changed. For final a enda call Jean _ Johnson at the City Hall, 941-2262, Fri ay before the meeting. — Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I . APPROVAL, OF AGENDA II. MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 90 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION FETING III . MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Don Sorensen B. Council Representative Pauly C. Others IV. REPORTS AND RECOM14ENDATIONS A. Minnesota Mini-Storage, by Bruce Hubbard. Request for revised site plan approval . The site is located at 6574 Flying Cloud Drive. B. Housing Chapter of Metropolitan Development Guide. C. Metropolitan Siqnficance Regulations . V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS. V1. OLD BUSINESS VII. NEW BUSINES3 VITI . PLANNER'S REPORT I X. WOURNMW - _ r MINUTES FnFN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION approved Monday, August 23, 1976 7:30 PM City Hall r(MMISSION PRESENT: Chairman Don Sorensen, William Bearman, Rod Sundstrom, Richard Lynch, Herb Fosnocht . Sidney Pauly. COMMISSION ABSENT: Norma Schee STAFF PRESENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson Lynch chaired meeting until Sorensen's arrival I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Bearman moved, Sundstrom seconded, to approve the agenda as submitted. The motion carried unanimously. II . MINUTES OF THE AUCUST 9, 1976 P.."",*:.*':":';, COMMISSION I&c"TING Bearman moved, Sundstrom seconded, to approve the minutes as written. The motion carried 4 :0:1 with Pauly abstaining. III . MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Sorensen- arrived a little late B. Pauly. Crosstown Extension. 1 . Pauly reported the staff had drafted a resolution at the council 's request and such resolution would be considered at the Council 's August 24th meeting. She then reported the city attorney does feel the city does have the power to control the land uses in the area around the Crosstown. Lynch suggested members submit any concerns, ideas, etc. , to Pauly prior to the meeting. Sorensen arrived. A. Chairman Sorensen. 1. Sorensen inquired what action the Council. took on the Welter request . Mrs. Pauly reported Mr. Welter had procured S acres thereby making any action on the Council ' s part unnecessary. 2. Sorensen asked the planner his commn:nts on the proposed Crosstown resolution. The planner reported the staff had suggested to the County that access be provided to Minnetonka , but not to Eden Prairie, but the County said it would be unacceptable. The planner said the staff believes because of past commitments and agreements, it is difficult to back out of the extension now as Minnetonka and OwCuunty have plannedfor the extension in conjunc- tion with other projects . IV. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Ziegler Incorporated, preliminary discussion on Ziegler's proposed pud of approximately 58 acres of industrial and comercial uses. The site is located in the northwest quadrant of Washington Avenue and Valley View Road. The planner outlined the location of the proposed 58 acre pud and road alignments within the Smetana Lake Sector. He reported utilities are it and available. The plsnner then reviewed the processes Ziegler could foll-ovo, 1 . Zoning variance request before board of Appeals and Adjustments with appeal possible to- the CGuncii . 2. PUD request before Planning Commission and Council with possible ZoningI to waiving the 80 acre minion) . _ -• ;�= ?!Q.•31;.}rl�+v� ��#vr;`.,.R'tiesF 'f R..r.�;, :-c:r.^��yc _ `rI!q„7� jAKg _ +�2:��IfiiK76T Wfi�." approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- August 23, 1976 Mr. Bettis, Vice President Ziegler, stated they would like to present the proposal to the commission, receive their suggestions on which process to follow, and than return in two weeks for the next commission meeting. He stated the initial building phase would be a 50,000-60,000 square foot building for the sale and support of catepillar products and would not look like their property at 94th Street and 35W. It is expected that 941% of the equipment storage will he inside, but it is possible to have 1-3 trucks stored outside at one time. He said they intend to be good neighbors , display the machinery in an attractive manner and screen and fence the necessary areas. He reported they have had meetings with Hennepin County in relation to the roads and the county has -Uasically accepted their plan. Lynch questioned if the testing of the equipment would present a noise problem. Mr. Bettis replied they will be using industrial silencers . Pauly inquired if the acoustics of the btv'lding would also alleviate noise. Mr. Cording,- architect for the project, stated the heavy concrete or block type building the; intend to build serves in itself as a sound barrier. :Nr. Cording then distributed photos of buildings of similar caist:uctiom that Catepillar has throughout the country . Mr. Bearman asked if Ziegler presently owns the S8 acres. Mr. Rtttis stated the purchase is contingent on rezoning and approval of the pud. Sorensen asked if Ziegler would be using the 17 acres to the west Mr. Bettis replied negative. E Sundstrom asked how many trailors would be parked in the southwest corner of the site. Mr. Bettis replied 90% of the tractors coring in for service Loati without trailors, but it is possible to have 3-4 trailors on the lot at one time. E John Retterath, 9011 High Point Circle, inquired if Ziegler would be testing equipment on public roads or on their site. Mr. Bettis replied the testing would be done within tr,A building. ` Lynch inquired if Ziegler intended to expand their repair to iteas other than engines. Bettis replied they say repair transmi-ssions in the future. ' E The planner asked what proceles -:the comission would suggest Ziegler follow. Bearman and Lynch preferwdth�: gud process with variances request from the I-S District. Sorensen directed the staff to prepare a report for the next meeting if Ziegler requests to be on the agenda. - B. Minnesota Mini-Storage , by Bruce tkibbard. Request -for revise' site plan approval .The site is located at 6S74 Flying Cloud Drive.- The planner reviewed the previously approved site pian and the proposer plan. the changes are one building is lower by 10' , another is 2 stories instead of one story, and the apartmentioffice is detached instead of attached. He reported = Chris Enger, planning staff member, has reviewed the new plan relative to the � site views from U.S. 212 and believes a 16' born may be needed to properly, screen the building. approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- August 23, 1976 Mr. Hubbard stated the original plan was approved three years ago and he has had to wait until recently for city utilities . He stated the revised plan will require less fill, save a number of trees and the detached storage building of 30, is to meet the demand 4or the storage of motor homes. He YJJulIry �ii3 :..'/uW115=i�ii 11V Would ww-k with the staff on the berming and sc.eening and aL nas more *_hpr adequate fill onsite for the berm construction. Sorensen asked if the percent ofimpervious coverage has increased from the - original plan to the revised plan. Mr. Hubbard estimated the coverage has increased 10%. The planner believed the watershed district should review the revised plan and stated the st-aff would forward the plan to the district for their comments . Motion Lynch moved, Bearman seconded, to recommend approval of the Bruce Hubbard revise: plan for the Minnesota Mini-Storage proposal as per his letter of August 12, 1976 with the stipulation the property is bermed and landscaped in compliance with the intent of the original approval. The motion carried unanimously. C. Hustad Development Corporation, requests for side yard variances in Prairie East Estates and Prairie East SeconA Addition. The pla:,iner referred the commission to the letters submitted by Hustad(8-19-76) and Windsor Corporation(8-18-76) , which outlines their requests . NP stated the staff is recommending approval of the variances . Mr. Woodland, President of Windsor Development Corporation , stated prospective buyers prefer the larger home designs and fireplaces making the variances necessary. Sorensen questioned the reference in one of the letters that previously fireplaces were not censi 'ered encroachments . Mr. Woodland said the city building inspector checked with the city attorney, and the attorney suggested, to be on the safe side, varainces be requested. It was the consensus of the commission the issue of setbacks be addressed by the city in the upcoming revised zoning ordinance and pud ordinance. Motion 1 : Bearman moved, Lynch seconded, to recumend approval of the setback variances for Prairie East Estates as follows : 5 feet . . single story 10 feet. . single to 1'-1 stories 15 feet. . 2 stories or higher The motion carried 3 :2 with Sorensen and Fo.snocht voting nay. Sorensen's nay vote was for the same reasons as stated in other variance cases as there is a strong need for the city to address the whole issue of setbacks and variances in the context of the entire city ordinances . Hot ion 2 : Sundstrom moved, Beaman seconded, to recommzend the 2 foot encroachment variance into sideyards for Prairie East Second Addition to be restricted only to fireplaces. The motion carried 3:2 with Sorensen and Fosnocht voting nay. Sorensen's nay vote was foy the same reasons stated under Motion 1 . s approved Eden Prairie Planning Commission -4- August 23, 1976 V. OLD BUSINESS Lynch informed the cemnission the Sign Ordinance Study Committee is expecting to have a preliminary draft completed by January 1 , A 77. VI . NEW BUSINESS None VII . PLANNER'S REPORTS A. Housing Chapter of Metropolitan Development Guide. The planner reported a brier summary- on housing policies plans would be distributed when it is finali7ad B. Metropolitan Significance Regulations. The planner inforrued the :=ommission he has the document explaining what are significant matters and they should contact him if they wish to have parts or all of the report trade available. C. Guide Plan Update. The planner reported neighborhood forum meetings would commence again in October. VIII . ADJOURNMENT Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to adjourn at 10:25 PM. Respectfully Submitted: Jean Johnson