Planning Commission - 07/26/1976 PRELIMINARY AGENDA Planning Commission Monday, July 26 , 1976 7:3u ri•i, %i ty Hall Note : This agenda is subject to change , items may be added , deleted , or changed. For final agenda tali Jean Johrson at the City Hall , 941-2262 , Friday before the meeting. J Invocation. ---- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . MINUTES -OF -THE JULY 129 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING - i III. MEMBERS REPORTS ; A. Chairman Don Sorensen r R, rn,inri l Rnrrccontatj%ja Paul � C. Others ! IV. REPORTS AND RECOKMENDATIONS � A. Area H of The ''reserve Com-rerci a l Plan, continued public hearing. _. Request to pre i .,i nary plat. Area H into 2 lots and to rezone one s lot to C-Realona1 Service. The site is located in the southwest i quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and U.S. 169. B. Municipal Liq!!or V. PETITIONS ANID REQUESTS A. Cross-town Baptist Church , request for rezoning for approximately 9 acres fr•om Rura] to Public. The site is located at 6500 Baker Road, East of t Baker Road and South of St. John Woods . PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Creekwood Double Bungalow and Single Family Detached, by Hustad. Request for preliminary platting 9 lots and rezoning to RM 6. 5. The site is located North of Pioneer Trail , West of Creek IGioll Road and South of Purgatory Creek ( approx. 3.5 acres within the Hustad Office PUD ) . O. Robert kyuren, request for preliminary platting and rezoning to RI-13. 5 for 8 lots. The site is located South of Hidden Ponds on Valley View Road , between Park View Lane and the east plat boundary of Hidden Fonds . VI. ^ OLD BUSINESS : VII. NEW BUSINESS � VIII . PLANNER'S REPORT } . f I X. ADJ OU RNPIF NT t i A G E N D A Planning Commission Mnndav _ .lit 1 v 2F . 147E . .._._.J - ' ./ - 7:30 PM, City Hall Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . MINUTES OF THE JULY 12 , 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING III . MEMBERS REPCRTS A. Chairman Dons Sorensen B. Council Representative Pauly C. Others IV. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan , continued public hearing. Request to preliminary plat Area H into 2 lots and to rezone one lot to C-Regional Service. The site is located in the southwest quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and U . S. 169. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS A. Crossjgwn Baptist Church , request for rezoning for approximately c acres from Rural to Public. The site is located at 6500 Baker Road, East of Baker Road and South of St. John Wcods . PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Creekwood Double Bian,Qalow and Single Family Detached, by Hustad. Request for preliminary platting 9 lots and rezoning to RM 6.5. The site is located North of Pioneer Trail , West of Creek Knoll Road and South of Purgatory Creek ( approx. 3. 5 acres within the Hustad Office PUD ) . C. Robert Nygren, request for preliminary platting and rezoning to R1-13. 5 for 8 lots . The site is located South of Hidden Ponds on Valley View Road , between Park View Lane and the east plat boundary of Hidden Ponds . VI . OLD BUSINESS VII . NEW BUSINESS _ VIII. PLANNER'S REPORT IX. ADJOURNME�T MINUTES EDEN PR.,ir IE PLANNING COMMISSION FETING .approved MoLday, July 26, 1975 7:30 PM City Hall CONW!_ISSION PRESENT: Chairman Don Sorensen, Nbrma Schee, Rod Sundstrom, Richard Lynch, Herb Fosnocht COMMISSION ABSENT_: Sidney Pauly, William Bearman STAFF PRESENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to approve the agenda as submitted. The motion carried unanimously. II. MINUTES OF THE JULY 12, 1976 PLANNINC COrN:SSIOK MEETING Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to spprove the minutes as submitted. The motion carried 4 :0: 1 with Fosnocht abstaining. III. MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Sorensen-none. B. Council Representative Pauly-absent . C. Others-none. IV. REPORTS AND RECO�*;ENDATIONS A. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan, continued public hearing. Request to preliminary plat Area H into 2 'Lots and to rezone une lot to C-Reg-Ser. The site is located in the southwest quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and US 169. The planner referred the commission to the staff report, dated June, 1976, and reviewed the open space issues and site plan options contained in the report. He stated the plan is consistent with the MCA,and a question the staff has raised is if the land adjacent to the floodplain should be used for housing instead of commercial . The Preserve is requesting rezoning to C-Reg-Ser and wo-ald return for site plan approval when definite plans are known prior to issuance of building permits. Special espects of lighting, pathways, etc. , woull be discussed when definite uses are known. Sorensen felt the MCA has substantial amounts of commercial/industrial property, and if this hDmsing site is approved fur commercial it Mould further increase the commercial acreage in the MCA. The planner said The Preserve believes, and he would agree, the present market situations are better for commercial than multiple. He added that placing multiple behind commercial without adequate buffers would be less desirable than commercial. Sorensen questioned if The Preserve has not already received considerable benefits from the City due to the MCA PUG approvals for higher densities then was originally anticipated. The planner was not prepared to answer specifically on the question. Sorensen stated with no pud or MCA ordinances, he questions how the City can justify their action on such requests based on the lack of action on the City's part. He felt the City should establish ordinances whereby requests can be evaluated and legally acted upon. Schee agreed with Sorensen. .-_"s.�l r -.�Fa+f.e �. ��.�• .r.i:%.�. :a ':.-+e } ',e w s "ems ,f s'r�rt- '.,; _ ��: -aii..,wr•� s�� approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- July 26, 1976 Vote on Motion 2 : The motion carried 4 :0: 1 with Sorensen abs=aining because although he generally favored the .notion1he had reservations on the nature and extent of the encroachment and future imnlicatior.s in this area . ana vac-enra*in"a on the staff' s recommendation that the floodplain area be purchased rather than dedicated as tradeoff, or by granting of an easement to the City . Motion 3 : Lynch moved, Sundstrom seconded, to recommend to the Council the re-ioning from Rural to C-Reg-Ser for Area H be denii ,d based on the opinions expressed in the minutes of the Planning Commission (4-26-76,5-10-76 ,7-12 & 26-76 ) . The motion carried unanimously. Motion 4: Fosnocht moved, Sundstrom seconded, to close the public hearing on Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan. The moticncarried un animo-usly. Motion 5 : Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to recommend to the Council approval of the preliminary plat of Area 45da ed 3-1-76,on page 13 of the brochure- The motion failed 1 :4 with Fosnocht voting aye. Motion G: Sorensen relinquished the chair to Vice Chairperson Schee Sorensen moved, Lynch seconded, to recommend approval of a modified preliminary plat of the 3-1-76 plat with removal fr,.m lot 2 and inclusion in lot 1 the northern area of 'lot 2 which lies within the Purgatory Creek Watershed District floadplain. Discussion: Mr. Fosnocht did not feel it is the Planning Commission' s business to develop a preliminary plat for commission approval, and should instead reserve action on the plat submitted by the proponent. Sorensen withdrew his motion with the consent of the seconder. Vice chairperson Schee discontinued discussion on the item as action had been taken. Sorensen resumed the chair. V. PETITICNS AND REQUESTS A. Crosstown Baptist. Church, requc ;t for rezoning for approixaately' 9 acres from Rural to Public. The site is- located@6500 Baker Road, east of Balser- Road and South of St. Jobn Woods. The planner referred the commission to the staff report and the brochure submitted by the church, Pastor Corneliu% outlined the history- of the church as an independent bible church, incorporated in 1971, with a growing congregation. The church decided to move to the western suburbs a- W the congregation voted ,unanimously to purchase this site without contingency on rezoning. They desire to meet the moral, spiritual , social , and recreational needs of the community. ' Their decision to purchase the property was based on the Guide Plan, its close proximity to the schccl, and its location within a growing residential commOnity. Mark Putman, Robert Engstrom & Asso. , sutlined the plans for the site, the proiosed Cmmty realigroent of Baker Road, parking lots, and recreational uses. He stated the parking is 20 ' from the existing road, but could be 20' from the future goad right-of-way as desired by the city staff. r� r approved Planning Commission Minutes -S_ ,duly 26, 1976 Lynch questioned the necessity of the 4 lots with 45' frontages off the eyebrow. Bonner stated such platting takes better advantage of the slopes and trees. Sorensen suggested limiting those lots to single drives. Bonner felt it would be possible. Schee asked if Wistad's would be building the lots. Bonner responded they would be building some and selling some. Ekmer stated the request is for RM 6. 5 so duplexes could be possible, and suggested dividing the proposed lots at this time to make selling the -lots in the future more convenient. The planner and commission foresaw problems , and suggested Hustad's have their attorney investigate. Bonner added that they would be requesting 5-10 foot variances, and the Parks, �= Recreation aid Natural Resources Commission has recommended the approval of the. pro,j ect . Notion : Fosnocht moved, Schee seconded , to continue the public hearing to the August 9th Meeting. The notion carried unanimously. C. Robert Nygren, request for preliminary platting and rezoning to R1-13.5 for 8 lots. The site is incated south of Hidden. Ponds on Valley View Road. between • Park View Lane and the east plat boundary of Hidden Ponds. The planner referred the commission to the staff re ort and stated the project F P is straight forward and the staff recommends approval . Mr. Nygren stated he will be selling the lots. Sorensen questioned the advisability of the offset streets. The planner stated the street situatic.i is unavoidable because of the existing platting. Bob Cole, 71.60 Park View Lane, asked when and how Valley View Road would be improved . The planner said Valley View would be improved to a four lane road , perhaps in about five years. Lynch asked if super .and water were available to the project . The -planner replied a f f irmative. Motion 1 : - - - Lynch moved, Surdstrom seconded , to close the public hearing. TFke motion carried mnanimously. - Mot i ors 2 : _ Lynch wryved, Schce seconded, to recoNvaend to the Council approval of the request for rezcmina from Rural to RI -13. 5 for S tots on 4. 4 acres and approve the preliminary plat dated 7-9-76 contingent on the recommendations of the staff report dated 7-22-76. The rasa i om carried unanimously. . - approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- July 26, 1976 The planner believed the City is committed to the rapid development of the land in the MCA and must act on the requests submitted prior to final adoption of ordinar Lynch asked W. Hess if he had reviewed the staff report. VW. .Ness stated he basically agrees with the staff report, but the draft agreement attached at the end should be excluded from the Area H request and handled separately. He said they would like to keep the option open for housing, would accept the planner' s suggestion of no parking in the floodplain , and presently have no prefer- ences on plan options. He felt The Preserve and City coul-' negotiate a purchase agreement if such is forthcoming, and the Preserve is not tied to the $300 figure. He believed fair appraisals should be received to determine the property' s value. Also, the draft agreement does not need to he part of Area H's approval , shc:uld not be acted upon , or forwarded to the Council prior to The Preserve and City further working out details. Sundstrom asked if the commission could take action or, lot 2 alone. The planner replied affirmative, and added be believes lot 2 should be replatted to exclude the floodplain area at the north end. Mr. Hess saw no reason to exclude the floodplain from lot 2 if The Preserve agrees to no parking in the floodplain. He stated the area in question provides access to the property to the north. Hess informed the commission sewer and water are available, and Schooner Boulevard is roughed-in to the property' s northern boundary. Notion 1 : Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to recommend the Council consider the draft agreement regarding park and Preserve open space and decide whether it desires to instruct the staff and/or this body, and/'or the Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission to proceed with recommendations with the view that t',te agreement be in final form before the second reading of the ordinance, or other action, on Area H. The motion carried unanimously. Motion 2 : Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to recommend to Council approval of the Preserve Concept Plan for Area H, amending PUD74-12 of the Preserve Commercial Plan, based on the staff report dated June, 1976, with the following modified recommedations on page 10,and exclusion of Appendix A: I. The floodplain encroachment is consistent with past city policies, approvals, and assessments . The fill area and configuration proposed is reasonable based upon site conditions and city policy. 2. The floodplain land uses should allow open space or recreational types and not those required by urban development. Specifically farming, golf course, etc. , are reasonable uses, however, parking lots for adjacent urban uses are not good open space uses. 3. No floodplain areas should be zoned to C-Reg-Ser use. 4. C-Reg-Ser use illustrated in the Area H booklet (page ? ) are reasonable uses for the NiCA. S. Utilize the entire non-floodplain site fcr commercial uses as proposed or reserve the area adjacent to the floodplain and west of the tree line for high density residential . 6. Traffic access should provide one or more future connections to the property south along TH 169. 7. The Parks, Recreation and Natural Pesources Commission should speak to the question of public vs. private ownership of the FP area and take ste s to ceomplish the public recreational aspects of PP use in this section of the creek as ecommended by the Purgatory Creak J.S. Study. approved Planning Commission Minutes -4- July 26, 1976 Schee questioned how many spaces would be available during the first phase. Mark Putman responded 47, and outlined the location as per the brochure. Sorensen inquired if the city had accepted the Baiter Rubs realignment as shown on the plans. The planner stated no formal acceptance has been given. Sorensen questioned how much of the 9 acres needed to be rezoned as the City would. .lose the revenue from whatever is zoned to Public. The planner believed the Crosstown Church request was reasonable, and felt they would work with the city for mutu--1 benefits of the recreational uses and the building. Schee stated she felt the church use was appropriate at this site as it would give relief from the intense development of St . John woods. She added she would like to see the city and church work together for joint use of the facilities. Barb O' Grady, 6316 St . .Johns Drive, stated she would like to see some single family around St. Johns instead of industrial or commercial . E Linda Knutson, 6374 St. johns Drive , inquired if the City had any control over what would be constructed on the commercial property across Baker Road. The planner stated the present zoning is commercial ( having lapsed from Planner Study ) , and perhaps the site will be considered for rezoning during the Guide Plan updating. Barb O'Grady asked if the church would have buses And If they would be stored within a garage. Cornelius said the church presently has 2 buses;, ( being kept =r► individual 's yards ) , and may acquire more in the future. Mr. Mark . u:man felt the site was unsuitable for the storage of buses. Motion: Lynch moved, Fosnocht. seconded, to recom end to the Council approval of the Crosstown Baptist Church request for rezoning from Rural to Public as per the staff report of 7-16-76, items 1-5, and # 6 to read: 6. 6us storage is not to be allowed onsite without adequate screening to be approved by the City staff. Vote: The motion carried 4 :0: 1 with Sorensen abstaining because he was net personally able to decide what , if any steps, should be taken in consideration of this particular property. PUBLIC HEARINGS B. Creekwood Double Bungalow and Single Family Detached, by Hustad. Request for preliminary platting of 9 lots and rezoning to RM 6.5 The site is located North of Pioneer Trail, West of Creek Knoll Road, and South of Purgatory Creek ( approx. 3.5 acres within t;.,, "h,--tad Office PUD. A continued public hearing. Bill Bonner, Hustads, stated he has met with the Creekwood residents and no opposition has been expressed against the project, although some residents have concern over the cul-de-sating of Creek Knoll Road. He did n%t want the approval of the project contielgent on the cul-de-sating. Schee inquired what procedure would he followed for the road vacation. The planner said a petition would be submitted to the city, processed through the Engineering Department, and a hearing held before the Cotmcil . Sorensen suggested the staff investigate the possibility of Creek Knoll Road being a one-w;;,T a reet. approved Planning Commission Minutes -6- July 26, 1976 VI. OLD BUSINESS Sorensen relayed written notes from Searmarc regarding recent articles on municipal liquor as to gross sales/inventories an4 financial problems ir, some communities, and suggested a Metro Council staff person appear before the commission to appraise the coamission of the Metro Council' s powers . Lynch stated the workers at the MPL site are experiencing difficulty crossing US 169 to enter the site. He believed the traffic problems now, and certainly in the future , warrant a signal. VI1 . NEW BUSINESS VI I I. PLANNER'S REPORT 1. The r.' anner reported the 1976 Planning Budget would be out to the commission soon. 2. The planner sported Ziegler Inc. , will be in soon for a PUD on approximately 58 acres in the Smetana Lake Area. They will bz requesting outside storage in I-5 District. IX. WOUR'N.NIENT Fosnocht moved, Lynch seconded, to adjourn the meeting at 12 :10 AM. Respectfully Submitted Jean Johnson