Planning Commission - 06/21/1976 approved Planning %ommission Minutes -7- June 21, 19?6 Motion: '�Qchee moved, Bearman seconded, to recomleend to the City Council approval of the 94 unit Neill Lake Apartment project as contained in the revised plan ai June 14, 1976, with t tite petitions received and staff report of May 20, 1976, forwarded to the Council . The Planning Commission further recommends the Council review the Preserve original PUD plan and the original plan approved for this site, and recommend a one ( 1 ) year k time liwi_t be placed on the acquisition of the project 's building permit. Discussion: SchF-e. stated she tias listened to all the comments and has read all of the na:erial submitted by the residents, but with her understanding of the Planning Comoissicn's ' function(forwarding recommendations on land use to the Council) , and due to the pre- viously approved zoning, believes this plan is better for the site. She felt perhaps an alternative use could be proposed, but the zoning has been committed to and the original plan could by built wnit;h . in her opinion, would be inferior as to access, berming, coverage, etc. She believed the rental vs. ownership issue , although the commission is aware of it, is a decision to be handled by the City Council . Vote: The motion carried 4:0:2 with L)nich and Pauly abstaining, Pauly abstained because she was not ready to vote tonight, but would be handling the item tomorrow night on the Council °s agenda. S Lynch basically agreed with the ^_ommissicn, but abstained because lie was not fully familiar with the revised plan. f *Scrensen expressed the concern that the Neill Lake item was not an issue the commission ; could review normally because the previous action by the City limits the commission's review and action . He believes The Preserve has represented itself very well in the past, although,the last 6 years has produced many market changes said pe?-haps a reeveluatian is in order, He expressed another concern that this particular plan alters the traffic pattern and building mass from the original approval . -------- Pauly was excused for another meeting - --------- _ _ D. Condon/Naegele Development Plan, discussion of revised site plan. 'ihe planner• informed the commission the council approved the first reading of the E MR Rezoning Agreement , continued the second ,eading to July 6th, and referred the revised plan to the commission. r The planner then outlined the previous plan and the revised plan. Changes had been made to the nccrac : arrsinoPnPvitc are v_intiAr way for arn, i4tition of they C ecres necessary for right-of-way to the Eden Prairie Center and U.S. 169(instead of costly condemna- tion precedures) , the amount of right-.of-way necessary has been r ,.tired, and the floodplain encroachw. nt is now approximately 3-SV. lie further stated the grading- on the western ^ide is necessary because of the freeway ramp system. He then informed the commission the eastern edge of the site is being considered for alternative uses, } rather than another aut3. dealership. Sorensent asked if the identification pylon had 'peen removed. The plannor replied 4 affirmative. r I Sorensen stated he still has concern with the floodplain encroacliftnt. iY � IW :c approved Planning Commission Minutes -6- June 21, 1976, Votech 7 :OOPM =s Continued from .June 14, 19" } Planning Commission Present : Chairman Don Sorensen, Norma 'l-chee_ Rod Sundstrox, Bill Bearman, Richard Lynch; Sidney Pauly Planning Commission Absent : Herb Fosnocht r Staff Members Present : Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson M TY.C. Neill Lake Apartments, rontinued Chairman Don Sorensen announced that the meeting has to be adjourned at 10 :00 PM and stated the meeting would begin where it was adjourned June 14th,with the audience 's discussion of Neill Lake Apartments. Mr. Bach restated his and other resident 's reliance on The Preserve that the site would be owner occupied. He felt the present proposal is improper use of the site and the city should support the feelings of the majority of residents . Mr. Mars hoped the Planning Commission was aware that the majority of High Point resi- dents do not favor the rental project . Mr. Sorensen replied they ere cognizant of the resident 's concerns through the petitions received and discussions at meetings. Sorensen asked the planner if the land in question was zoned RM 2 .S , or if it had concept plan approval . The planner responded the land is zoned RM 2.5. Sorensen asked the planner if the rezoning to RM 2 . 5 was contingent on the original plan being constructed. The planner believed it was . 0 Mr. Bach suggested 'rhe Preserve investigate the alternative of using the land for single formily attached which, in his opinion, would not be detrimental to Iiigh Point or the environment . Mr. Bearman asked who presently owns the site . Mr. Hess replied The Preserve. Bearman asked Mr. Bach if a neighbor' s house wasx nted if it would bother him. Mr. Bach responded that if a nimber of rentals appeared in a neighborhood he would not purchase a home . Mr. Solonan Managing Agent for Land Tech, stated most persons at some time in their lives are • renters, and Land Tech does not intend to manage are undesi.rab7P rental project . !fir. Ao-::ph LOtanc , 106,(O Lake Fall Drive, stated tie would have never purchased his hcrme dad he been aware of the rental project , and the V reservc was sware of his feelings . E He lv.lieved the apartment rental project should be located i-n another area of'The Preserr., Mrs. Anderson stated she is for growth in The Preserve. , and was aware of the site' s zani_nf, but teeis the intendcu use has c.:%jngej el'lu s o"Ad- ram: '%c ark-ev-d- Mr. R,7ttcrath fcl t further study and information will he fort.heor. ing when the F1S is, eoarl eted, arc' licl i eveci the unit breakdown contai ncd in the F1S differs from The Preserve concept and asked that The Prese,-ve o;;iline the change,.- ' Planning Commission Minutes -S- approved , June 21, 1976 h The planner stated the MCA Report envisions some encroachment and suggests that sites be treated sensitively. He believed this alternative plan was a more sensitive approach to developing the site. ;Sorensen asked if the rezoning could be tied to the development plan proposed. The Planner said he would check with the city attorney. Dearman asked if the proponent still intended to connect the internal road to the cast end of the site. ime planner replied negative. Schee asked if the parking on the east end was level to 494. The planner replied affirmative. Schee stated she, would prefer orientation to the access road, not 494. Lynch stated his immediate reaction to the revised plan bras that it is better than the previous plan. Dave Dorl.ey , Sun Newspaper, asked if the proponent had considered alternative uses of the land. The planner responded affirmative giving the- example that a cprporate office site had been considered. Sorensen stated he still has concerns about the particular use on this particular site. It was the consensus of the commission that room for improvement and a. number of sub- stantial concerns still exist . E. Area H, The preserve, continued public hearing. Request to preliminary plat Arta H into 2 lots and to rezone one lot to C-Regional Service. The site is located in the southwest . quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and US 169. The planner stated the Parks , Recieation and Natural Resources Commission has not taken action on the item and no staff report has been completed. Mr. Hess was asked if he objected to a continuation of the public hearing. • ± Mr. Hess replied he would not object to a continuation. Motion : Schee moved , Sundsrrom seconded, to continue the public hearing to the June 28th meeting. The motion carried unanimously. F. Eden Prairie Family Recreational Center Signage Program. The planner reported that a condition of the ' __proposed rezoning agreement is that the signage plan receive appr-vai from the commission. - Peterson outlined the signage proposal as 2 freestanding signs at the south end of the site ( 1 for the known riser McDonalds , the other unknown ) , and simple signs on the sides of the remaining buildings . He noted the site plan changes of access to- the eastcr n property and a possibility of 3 uses at the south eW of the site. fie also state! Edenvale is requesting approval or an insert to their PUD Identification sign Jn arder to call attention to a project currently underway. Dearman asked how large the McDonald sign w6u1.3 he. Mr. Peterson estimated 84 square feet. Sorensen :asked for the exact dimension of the, sign. No one was able to provide the exact djmcnsions. _ Sorensen believed more documentation should be provided before the commission can cvsl- uate the signage program. �I The planner stated Edenvale' s problem is that they only have McDonalds as a known user and the other users , therefore the signs , are unknown . I Y , appE0Yed W anning Commission Minutes -9- t June 21 . 1976 Schee believed the revised site plan should be a separate issue,with more information supplied, for the commission's approval . Peterson replied that the request was for rezonA.ng ,not for planned unit development. Sorensen inquired if 3 pylons would be requested if three buildings are constructed along T.H. S Peterson stated it is not anticipated. Sorensen believed the freestanding individual use signs are in direct conflict with the previous approval and provide no benefit to the City. Motion. Bearman moved, Lynch seconded, to approve the Eder. Prairie FamUl - Recreational Signage Program as outlined this evening with the removal of the large pylon sign originally shown and replacing it with 3 freestanding identification signs for the 2 fast food restaurants, simple signs to be located on the sides of the remaining buildings $ approval of the change to EdenvaleIs Identification sign to allow for a changeable insert to announce a project. The motion failed 2 :3 ( Sorensen, Sundstrom & Schee voted nay ) . G. Homeowner' s Associations. Due to the time limit this item was continued to the June 28th meeting. VAKETITIONS AND RE4UESTS. A. Consideration of Planned Study areas in Southwestern Eden Prairie. Due to the time limit this item was continued to the June 28th meeting. VI . OLD BUSINESS. I i A. Crosstown Extension. Continued as stated above. VII. NEW BUSINESS. VI I I . PLANNER'S ,U'FORT. IX. ADJOURNMENT.. SunOstrom moved, Schee seconded, to adjourn at 10:00 PM. The motion carried. j - - Respectfully Submitted f{ Jean Johnson:, Planning Secretary _ ..�<,{C', :-e`^T7F ,..:`_lS--^it•�MA-^.' 'f1 iCtT<^•ut oa+a.ewsa�2..e-s�.........��J,.��., tea...__ _� June 8, 1976 Mr. Don Sorensen 7121 Willow Creek Road Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mr. Sorensen: I purchased my home at 10561 Lake Fall Drive in December of 1973- I inquired as to the land. use of the surrounding property, including the site of the proposo.4 Neill Lake Apartments, and was assured by The Preserve that the Eiden Prairie Planning Commission had approved the site in question for ow,r.er occupied units. I realize the zoning is the same - multiple dwelling - for owner occupied condominiums and rental apartments -- BUT -- the difference in the use of Each, is very drasticIL I do not know if you were or were not a member of the Planning Commission that voted to approve the use of this site for owner occupied units. The point as I see it, is this; the developer conceived the best land use as exner occupied, the Eden Prairie Planning Commission concurred and approved for corner occupied use, and I, as a homeowner believed the site to be »sed for owr•er occuparcye Now, I find it difficult to understand how this same Eden Prairie approving body can possibly consider voting for such a drastic change in use . after soar of us "pioneers" have invested our money on the basis of these promises or assurances. OSometimes some of the most desirable property in a project is not developed at tre outset and this Tray be possible in this case. The site in question is beputifult ' It is on a hill overlooking Neill Lake with a long row of beautiful. large old trees. From t1:e sake of beauty, I cannot think of anything less desirable than a structure rese-mbling a barracks. • If you can spare a few minutes of time, please drive out to The Pre&e: tie .,;.I Fet out of your car and ?ook over the property where the building is propczzed. You will be .rewarded with a breathtaking view. To be sure, I am looking for +south in lie Prey,—rve. `io c-.er, I do not feel that rental property on this site is a stabla me4hod to achieve the desirable growth. The question that I ask you to ask of }our:elf. is t►,is : Would I want this to be happening to me?" I believe your answer world have to be, "No". I ask for your "No" vote on Monday, June 14th. Yours very truly, - '7) f J 1050'1 Lake Fall Drive Tden Prairie, Minnesota 553143 •Y1111 �•I. W .. Y I W .. Yw ..'.. - .rr r .:w.1iNl - W r J .. IiL. Y I1 /f� • Q�yt •S �v N� $' /9 76 ,D. • s z 44a� A/vor.a eV AhAY& NP;Z L.Alke A ro L lq,,o,4xr m.*^rs wcIfc rn -6t CVAIYr/?vt ra OOV t�c Vo4CfXwcs sick o•r Nei, L LAke -Z woV/Ce ^•or .4Ave /ov�c/r%g1 y Aome- ArvV LocAra AT 9030 N/i.A54"r cam. �ec.41L//y to/a' 4�y XnIZ. Cya r e e` J t�./leov was L We,ei N' fo/L i4 SiTeJ 1hAs f�ty t�.JOu/(� OwNp� 4CCu�i� CoNdo,."i�vu:".I. Fv��/jtA=1 Ave t/e L /TeXoqrvxG /vow toe/;vl disrfridv7� �v f/� /, Aovd A q llfO 4AIG Chi Ay AT f-A Aoerc4sc cc vtpe de sc,4J e 4eNTAL m /-A t441vS/fwr f-ewvd vT s !4/rQ NOT f/4L "t AS owNell ocay!zo by 1-;,ray srkercfi o ic -t rs �rlarj -Feelf AveAAS Ze AN 15/vdc oivT/ivv e-r Tb 4 2 /I t�'�e5t/�T.�TION o-r i-A St o f 4 ,4%1 Lr+nvd , f AA! Al A �it'l�i9r T v N lor/- PrI7`� l//4L�1/Q� /4 Ql rn�5✓l�t Ti3,6/L/ T y /N t A l r1� zosT /-r/So Pxce,,40,r;PA- c.�/•fiS S evci'/� ST�s: irlei.r.�S i,-j to S T off 12f,,bRT 76) -rjFcm . '1�• CA er.f /Iv 4�/f�F� "�ci✓/�� i!4/ ' CC T A r ''C A;f l fAeO �r �i ro t�c 6col-,,f-o6^3p sAov/YNo-r �P TA v! ft-or ^Y r—r;o dcc,K � l,rf- .0/t y 4c)oSanr Z Loc .4r pi 9030 � o rev j ,4 "d lookel%fj� 'aT 406T /os✓ /?f onioL / t %J m o sr c-ex%A;N/ c, 'P c T/o^iA6/�'. TIC EN V /r!ON��QN)•�U S��A•r STfii P�►aNT CE S� /vow �t/iv7 11 vol s r,*Tel f h n f // !r 9 t,.�,•// �e e% s t.e�r�,�-e) y e r Aix.x. X. V.0 iv ye f S It IV e.• f c//Y ,"•9 /ie <e f er e,vice -ro Sv/�C YFi�t /�v c/ �i9��i�v y• -rt A&,eA,es ro .?x 71-/ 4,0 t/ Q/esc 0 of to Ale;G C /to J t o /off v;aV to y u O L ,o v r a/f%c A -they 6,4.f e rl OX;-S AI Q V/%AVAIr e-< cors�l�y!/TT/�le�� is Ivor AT /q /� f�e S IM*- ,0�.�/O/ S+07 - Qe •F of cNce ,OA a 3/ remS- �t C•o ov yei(S�vA owm eA ) eCV410e-d' L,OAOplrOO*I;N/v.,rfr TO /CE'NT�4 ��/4� r'/')'►CN �S 11 4071 ;hT MAAOe Sl/V/t 7D /tea . EN 'P� p +� r -I- Af if A /V eccA,00., liC GoNS;.AeArlDA 4,vd It ctoej /veT h4 7-O L I v,e w/ -A +A 4 e !v L r . rA I-IZAN/V;N v' Cvey�iyl/SS/6� 1 A f�a C T`/ CouNS� �- /I YA-A 4efldemrf oynr((C i r/2ewf O f� A5we/V �Q ill ) ,v o r f e c o iv�o.:Pii c oo,,' P v e%e/L A Act Tecf. X you To v v Te A /'. I o rGeS1 49,v rAc+ X Arid Qw r r e o t l elt 4eS1;1ewrr ^lie ro 14r1'e-oVY -/A /�l R/vr>�q C��iir�i� rtr�rii✓9► o •�+ Jc�.v? / 4) / 17l r 6 t ,ve uuItASe your oAO,6; r1 ate r o f lit 'dAv a rA L • •v`a oee/Y Yvv,<sJ •�• .0 ear,<AO» T N ��so.•� 9030 �Irg A00oo:.y-f SS3 ¢ .3 tior-r : Ole/n re a vcc .r-e 44e hAovo(wa1 rre^) co#y. .r d'fW tiaT f1Avt �C�E'Sl m A r>p/4E w/r i i?X .6v r 0(,rV w^#vr ro vcie a „a y p�jJ t�T/a,•�� ro �_Et - ••�Y i- -+'. I•Ja1R� �J _"'xC f -'�y* r a„�.'. Mr. Don Sorensen 7121 Willow Creek Road •' ' Edan Prairie, Mi«nesota 55343 Dear Mr. Sorensen: This letter is in regard to the proposed Neill Lake Road apartment complex which has been and still is before the Planning Commission. As you may know, I personally presenVed my objections to this proposal at the last Flaming Commission meeting and I would like to res1.ate that I am totally opposed to a rental apartment. complex on this property. N� objections to the plan are: 1) le.1hen I purc'::3--Jed my property in the High Point section, I was first told that this particular parcel would be developed into avrner-occi pied condominiums. As recently as one year ago J was told by the developers that :nce the Ri.igewood Condominiums were not moving, that this parcel would be plotted into single family plots. While I recognize that my cbjections on this point may be more civil in nature, I nevertheless feel that you should be aware of this fact. 2) Despite the promises of the proposed developers that berms , plantings , etc . ui 11 make this an attractive development, I cordially invite you to visit r!*r property and other adjacent High point properties to get a first nand pictwre of exactly what the proposal would do to the arious views of Al?igh Point residences , and 1ost parLi cularly the proposed black top parking space that is to be provi aed. 3) The original condominiums' parking entrance and exits were to be at the approximate location of the present Ridgewood entrance rand c�:it so that traffic could flow to and from the East-Hest Parkway . rvvw the entrance has been looted in front of Mr "F ­ebrov" and more lately at the intersection of Lakef'all Drive and Neill Lake Road. 4) In furtherance- of the above mentioned items (3) i . e. , entrance and exits --Neill i,ake Road is a narrow residential-type street on a .300-grade level that certainly wcald jccrardize the general welfare of the mwW, many children_ that catch their buses to the Eden Prairie schools . w _2_ Y 5) Because of the inherent problems associated with rentFols , certainly, to say the least, it is most undesirable to have such complex in th` immediate proximity of such expensive , well developed, sin,-,l a family residences from a property value point of view. Had I been aware that this is what would be across the street of may home, I certainly would not have invested the thousands of dollars that I did and I suspect that if You were living where we do, you *'=_ would be of the same opinion. � There are probably a number of other reasons that I could set for,,h that would support my asking you to vote "no" , but since they would be somewhat redundant, let me say that you, as a member of the Planning Ccmmission, have to make a decision relative to this proposal in light of all the circumstances ani since I bel4 eve tbat you have some responsibility to reflect the feel.i-iLA -s and/or opinions of the resident taxpayers in this immediate area, I am confident that you or the developers , were you standing in our shoes , would be totally opposed to this proposal . I , therefore, once again ask you to vote "no" . Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs . Robert J. Carlson 9061 Neill Lake Road Eden PrAi:ie, Minnesota 55343 k id 9051 Neill Lake Road t Eden Prairie, MN 55343 June 8, 1976 Mr. Don Sorensen 7121 Willow Creek Road Eden Prairie, MN 55343 Dear Mr. Sorensen: = I am writing to you with regard to the propo^Pd apartment complex on Neill Lake Road, presently before L:ie Planning Commission. As a resident who has invested a substantial amount of money in a single family detached home which would look directly on to this rental apartment complex, I would like to state that I am totally opposed to a rental and/or multi-fami-ly complex going in across the street from my home. My objec- tions to the plan are as follows : 1 . There are manv children in our residential neighb:,rhood between the - ages of 3 and 13 including my two daughters ages 9 and 1 . I believe that this type of rental apart- ment building wriuld create a substantial amount of traffic on our residentiai- street , thusly jeopardizing the general welf.- . -e of our children . 2. The plan, is a change in the original proposed use of the land, which was owner-occupied condominiums , to rental apartments . 3 . The rental apartment complex with the substantial amount of blacktopped parking area and the large massing of one structure wou?_d create a tre►nendot:s a-rotint of potential pollution to the lake and the ground water system. T"nere has beer no environmental impact study done spo�ci fi.cally for this project with regard to the lake and wild Hie that this particular apartment complex would je,.'Tardize . Also, to my knowledp the Department ,....,A F'--oz;rr-S has noL &Ludled Lne matter and given tf:eir opinion. 4. I nave discussed with real estate firms what this type of development would do to my property values : The consensus Is that I would lose approximately 10%. to 15% of- my initial purchase price. Mr. Don Sorensen June 82 1976 Page Two 5. 1 would also like you to take into consideration the misrepresentations by The Preserve to myself and various other residents with regard to the use of this property and to the development in general . 6. 1 would suggest_ that you talk to people who live in single family detached homes where there are multi-family rental apartment complexes adjacent to their property and see what their opinions are with regard to living next door to or across the street from rental apartment complexes . Since the developer and the various builders have many months to plan and organize their presentation and have the financial resources to produce the documents that would support their position, and the Planning Commission has the staff of Eden Prairie to evaluate the developer ' s and builders ' plans and give their analysis and opinions to the Commission, you must see the inequity that exists here. The residents -- being a fragmented group are only aware of projects of this type in their final stages and not having any financial resources available to them as an organization because no organization exists , they must first organize themselves to levy the membership of the organization for a pooling of financial resources and then hire somebody to analyze the documents that were produced by the staff of Eden Prairie and the developer and builders , fotznulate their objections in presentation form, and then present these in an articulate concise manner to the Planning Commission . This takes a great deal of time and effort on the part of the residents , and we feel that we should have as much time as the developer, builders , exid staff of Eden Prairie have had to produce their case. Since the above is rarely possible, the citizens must look to their elected and appointed officials to exercise their own - good judgment in not only protecting the environment and stimulating growth in the community, but also in representing their constituents , t would ask that you apply the "prudent Person rule" to your decision with regard to voting "yes" or 'no" on the Neill Lake Road rental apartment~ complex, By using this rule, you would have to put yourself in the position IF of tare resiuent who has purchased a dome directly across the street from the proposed project, and who has invested well over $70,000. If you were that individual , would -you then vote "yes" for a rental apartment complex across the street from your home? Or would ,your vote more likely be "no"? A s Mr. Don Sorensen June 8, 1976 Page Three We are asking for your "no" vote on the proposed rental apartments on Neill Lake Road at the Planning Commission meeting on Tune 14 . S ' cerely yours , _ m B TB :ab i Y �q I June 1, 1976 Mr. Don Sorensen chairman city planning commission Eden Prairie, Minnesota 55343 Dear Mr. Sorensen: In regard to the Neill Lake Apartments, the following observations are made : 1. The construction appears to be in contrast to the $60K- $8q(homes across the street from it. The exterior has no brick work. This could eventually lead to a "shabby wood fort" type building for Eden Prairie. 2 . The tot lot would be used if it were of the same quality as the tot lot across the street and up the hill . if not, the youngsters would cr^ss Neill ll rake Road frequently and use the one on the hilt , thus creating a potential hazard. 3 . Neill Lake Road sauth of Lake Fall Drive drops 3own ( 15-20% grade approx. ) and turns towards Neill Take, hence, the entrance (or possible exit) would be dangerous . Recomne:id eliminating entrance at Lake Fall or straightening Neill Lake Road north of Lake Fall and make apartment entrance a one car wide drive. 4 . The apartments are very limited for storage and small . 5 . The enclosed .article shows a potential problem. �oes the city have any way of preventing- or handling unmaS.ntained • apartment buildings? * :n kdatlY/rb,�c�::-�1'��ea�"i� .MeYf •ns,.,rd.....�,._....___..�..� -=....=- � �Y yii rrl�1�C.+,.r+�"vld.�r, .i�_.,dil,.- _°-._ti"��-��-,� 'i ' � �• .+ Mr. Don Sorensen -2- June 1, 1976 6 . As an alternative, build this unit on the Cast Vest Parkway apartment ' s site and make Neill Lake into a single family area. 7 . Would it be safe to say the traffic on Neill Lake Road would be about 300 vehicles a day? Is it designed for this voliLme? S. Many times I hear buffering from the single family areas by a 6 - 8 foot dirt pile with trees . Needless to say, one must be very gullible to call a dirt pile a physical or socialogical buffer . 9. Class action or legal action not relevant at this point . Also, the bus stop at Neill Lake and Lake Fall is already a known fact. In conclusion, I hope these points express the views of the local residents and give Eden Prairie a Neill Lake Road and not a Lake Street like in Minnpaoolis . Yours truly, John Retterath JCR :k la Enclosure ` '1�-�'' w T:+'Y iY•ram '!' _ 's.. vi' ��•�wr�.`w .,,..�erYVJ1Q swi�iyrr.� ..W'n Z* 1 otreet A E s a " orthmark 2 Northmark p7'j0 �w�' � 2 tnoo� $ $ 3 � '� � � � rQ►� �13u f urewoao CM�C�� �� �}S wE w ^ rr w = A f " ^ ^ X • , WWI ins 0414 _ i - - - OU J _— ` \�/ �.• �� e : : : w•� l Anderson 4 Yy w \ �w w Nfs , ?� ep A, � »Iva Lakes \� �I�' s°n ���tiJ �: ►� School- Park Site 4 ✓O y i Imo, a •, '►w J I Y � �{ h�� � •�pS ,, cc cc - e , Y'� : ' •i1T ' Church Fore = �,t�° �•,' a +, Site �• ,e o • . wrc!s3ope ABasswoods .� •e I'�o •� i partments rs•� Basswoc*rs !, •� a�Iz Apartrrtants I A Chsslor Corxio.niniums o Hordes � V V • y East West p ,t'4h► Ba_gswoods Ar t ms'` �j, c7 Townhouses �. e ;The r � O ! I-oft Anders •st, Lakes - RldW ood torso toso• < 46 Ib Ntl!! Lake '•,�-rb i' I I g `% i w �O O BALL H h t e ?bT ""st .�' •tts o! City P: 4 •ilp� tits ro 'r •»s � %& Th e Preczwve The Trans Towrtho =" „E 8920 Fran{o Poad Eden Prairie. Minnesota 55343 ROAp TY�11.5 A sI D a ! 16121 9st-?001 <t ..erg. -..- - - -- _ - . r , .A 4 A Minneapolis TNbuM �t!�;.•w•a•• ;,«I�:,�^^*�++a with Incomes of 3700 or less are inrr@A,- uttrg d ho suh,61,rs nroth• Men.,May 10,1t7R P r''� •� in the same positron because of in- er fnn,.t of as�istsnre in Rake ado• ..,�.���.. �•' flation. quare rental hnu,..nj 0,vrdshle to 1' • Y more people. t ! ! r •� i Rent i Harris also erit.'Ared public and ! ij s private plans to built hljh-rise, On one coot ril ia' hm.'Indlssur 1 �, •�.., i •vw n ' luxury housufg complexes ir. the — gnat of rem Lon,ru! • -thetaal ' s' -, I �,!. city, calhn ►Lem "rentasteb" that(ou;Rued fen of papa IA )', g tnrce tti(ik no form+I n.iron,ant .14 .1 •r r,' ". ] r r • a, do not meet t a cis $ basiC h0us• r _ • ` r +• ""i + 'r'i t,► t 4!!� tap�Nn Y the vial repc+rl i, ';Lc.) tint tO ht h 'I. ((` t , ,• tr R t •. 1.:: L r1 j �+t• ,� housing a%ail ibility Is dropping." �� ing needs +nti would regwro rent the .runic•i. foi geld a;a Rsl n n I i' i rc Z y r C ► ' �,, �h: !(f "r�'i .Atli;a afr levels het and the means of all but conlrot. 'I he li it a, the rent con ` ,.1• Most efforts toward rehabill• IS to 20 perctnt of thecity'srent• trot question at)lie-irs to he ailindi i1i. i l ►•: •''' :1, .,t+,' !•1t �F-�-� talin; older wusins have cincen• -, offs - cation tmat wlit'.e the tack to,,, v !''r.-.. tl'.••.• '• .�.�..� ! ( "•. •- ,:..w-• •• �'' �- tv:ed on single•:amlly d.vtilinp, •t memlirrs -- rrp,rs+•ntine dtve•s. ►i• -- &!though renal housing is more in "ECUldl ho r _r Is absolutely fall. groups Anil Inttrcatt—cuu'+laprr "' �' "• -�-•• f + need of repa r. The r sull ISacon• r in In the my u untapoT(s on mrfry of '►•e probatms, the; r •, ,!fir f,nued dechit to her r 000a / ants said. r, ,..., ti \ � l ►i -%� ; ;. � ,� �-.,- could rot reach total agreement of �•4• (''I : TM . a e+e o (r iirtment Tiu'1(f0'r- k there needs to be some very com• posaihle solutions. i •� i �redom list*. a cuy a outing +� I prchertsive and t u n d a m e n t a 1 ` L N I al ei(w li e�ag•s more than 55years / changes is the way the system Task force men her Jack Cann, !`' r Ire- old arid `is If;ically rejuiring more t ( wo.kt," tenant•rn hIt atri.sl, amid the rec ,, scl riore maintenance %rain thots on,inend.tions "have w-me useful ;t tre •esi able to maintain it t 1"Ittal Major recommendations made by elemi but by-:u-d•lar,e,they'r: trope ny than over before." Pay Harris the task farce include pretty wlshy•waahy." '" ;;,,i+• , - `' a In ;LrrtLincone•n t lawt are t"We're rapidly app-oaching the •Creation of asamipuhichousing He Said that mmiy of the problem-i �•�',� { i t•�r�• f ',if _!tug!.n•r ta�?�i ,i1e;a rec point where the local awnrrswon't body that would coordiiale public idento rd by the tack forts arena• i , I• (• f�;i• ,.r ,•, •j' L ►ae • . ,' I 1t:31t'.11'12cS�rLgn-1 Sri• be %ble to continue 11 own unless and private rlams to preserve and liunal ;n scupe and that the cl,yr rr`` l ' 1 . '+ i�,fir, ;, I ,ir: • it 1" 1Q4rra;,e rrpr•ard ma Men&,:! ws make some imprcve-nems and enlarge the supply of rental hoot- linnied in the k,ndt urpru�eamt1 1'.i i' l i *t'• li 'f' a r ^F!"t t rltuat of the tits <Ifcl er ins dt pre�>! a heeler job witA :he entire i'if: and Se.�e as a rundi a for pub- (Art iniu.te to rase he reswil ttoua• L�li�'.•_t ;+ �"• ` •```Tye ('latlQ, hlnefla th7�'Ctn I�e(trTr;r�Q''�e' huusivA rrecee4." Ile and private funds or in•'est• inn; pruhlem. .k r(w.Cunlrol pro• ' L . _ _ , _ •.r,.,' w^^T. meat In cousin Such an entit • • r••r ` ''' . ' ' u (+ T ji elf6. f: Y, gr•+m that would N Inw lAndlurds,n ,. the report Slates, &houdd bet by i It rr„Ia unlc lit Ail In k(cp �, •,n Less than � err of the city'► f rental property owners now control housing developers,cont,imr•t and i,p with actual rice, in operating ,`'. ,1 Ray titer s. lufrm�n of the ask y public officials and he shle to otvn, cost,. Cann said, Is one of Ile'icw ' force said last week that the t:aste _a thit'i nt iI. Gr.htut rental untr., problem is a familiar one "a wid. a repon NAtet Wit:, ,,.,�ntn mansger and sell houtin= •- all contra a actt(>,t, the shy could ". emns gap Detsreenwhat pecplecan of ownership will C;minu`e to row with the goal of providuig "better lake. ` t afford to pay end wh.:the average, unless ways can be found to make housing at■f ordable prices." Y "it's aMolutely necessary," CRIIn soon. well property has to ownership by smeller managers ti• Encouraging c a in in u m I I y And said. "There's rent-gotorlinv an a have." nancially viable,it say&, netghbrirhood owner•oh,p of rental fairly IArge scale and a lot of "Ci I •. 7, ' ! properties to Increase the voice of smalLtune sptculatort are making ar t The report, tfh-t said,"scares at be- Harris, + ho rw s areal estate sales rsidcOts in management aeckions a.t hi• a hm k at ,•.,ible b, &site '� ' 'f'• i' ' ' 1 ! t' � + • cause the ttYnd indicates that big s d management firm, said the aril lira%ide incentives to preserve the who!. ti�um , iallm-, apart �d'l "i' s i f `t ! financial list fusions and pension rertlal pinch testes low income pen• "decent livin;,e n v i r o n of n I s" '1'0 (ail 10 deal ill Ili, that :1.1 i, :u con• � 1 ,r I � ':+ !:. d � j�'-;r �� T,�; V i i funds that &rem t et on bleat could pet and timilles the rnost. In 1970, &nr,wtimet lacking in properties done rem•I;ougirg .tnd speculation is e• .t ( t c ;�,!"t `., end up t iinrn N more t in Zr90 percent of the cit)'s households owned by ahtcntee landlord+. Fad- and is unt•onsciorahle" „ t of Our hou%inL People c MI—rd with irtcmes under SS.t100 were oral block•grrnl funds. the report ( rental encreas es slid moat rental pay:ng JS percent or more of their stigpesft, could he used to help Other numbers of the laid: fnhc, housing in th a city is a marginal in. income for rental housing.The re- neighherhood and resident cmiretra• however, leavild that resit control eestmentnow. port says that in 1976,bouseliti tivetto own and menagehousing. might have ninre liarniful rtfrcls L� .. . r yt on rental housing by desrouraging iwlf hhelo uy f{;Cn:ud U!:vniva �• � -. �. • ■Edahlishing a housing court, new toe+slr ult:tnt and i f n+t I i It A t,ith adequSte staffing and p:dpes mainlenanty on older buildings. Back porehss an an oldie rental apartment building at %I/. Franklin Av, Lebanon knowledgeable Ili the held, to un- And the apart s t"a it m;(inrily and 9ryant Ad. S. tangle the prese it legal lahyrinth, agreed that rent vanlrol"Mould nut F!E I4ti. 1.AK err �q ��5 ContiouedtsonpaplA make enfmrtemitnt moreconsistenr tnlvc" the h,tic nrn-btcmofaff�rd• • • "Reprilless o1 Indications to the and mediate hou-mig disp::tr: be- abii:ty of rental hiwany;, ah!..Otlgh this sauattrui p.+s.i••fy.!cscriural —not dnii;A nylhing will make the f wounded in .lashes that had to contra it is cerl�in we are mov- tween landlords and tenants Ilmder it night ehmu•ate sonic r•nl-^nog• t'ut i,r slit down amp try to maitr a proh'rm+ wcrte and bring thitls in pored off in IN morning. �• the present system,the repoiI a>ys. I,Ig prat.ficrt• wr,re det.i'led anahsit sir wn..t is ownersh and in who can afford to " frig steadily Inward a settlement." line housing Iii prntlem can and e Special U.S. alivel L. Dean Brown said leftist spaketurtam. "We are r• r� too tit sly lie ,o 1 i,ith 0hen.rile live where. y often does gentr,rle .ive or tt,law• n timilAr dispute m•er the nnM for rrnb!(•m,. 1\c need a cOn:prnhcn• cor•fereed wit, Presideitelect Etas woai nclarify t gestate rod Sarkis suits with lour t,•pes of proceed- and efficaci'of rent control erupte•eT ;,ve sl,alcyV. We cart to It over- "Our primary purpuse wa l0 Head fry dot i to & A t the+Lvit warbe- riling cs.tiodeA reforms, ir?,in three c0urtt. on the Lim (nuns it IS month•agn nigh,, but the Imiger we wait, the file pi+.l,lcm and :hen to make re• titms regarding when a rec(contir,l proposal wit Norse it will get," Lmmn.e al,ttior.I. Everyliody a a y a f 1ween NILlAims and Christians.Few and security plans acid status of the ■Adoption and ditsemrnalann of a killed. Thal di-.pule led indirectly Iherr ni;. tic a ` deta is were aiailable, but sources Palestinian resistance movement clef, precise hnus'.ng pulley for the to the creation of the talk force. a problem. m thus r v . for whiLh we havt secriliced so Atl! Bcli.!cr, another task force has us he A :um�tl:monl made to said ..town su,�^esitd a nation.,re- city that lays Aown housing-dre,• wember, ,laid he Ow':R't i few the Achim it Our r( t, is a etarNn concilatnon p.ocean to he shear- much•" ,ion guidelines, sett mac goale for But ,here i, general itirenrr int on problem "as a tawt' ism ticu „•ul point nr.d a ch,:llerge to the city t headed a ed by e Sat is.The o of d Outgoing ChHslia•►President Sulei•two Man g R types of housing and pnulstinrt p the tank forlt:—and a!,npe teat the Wl ever tomorrow, but if we ;urt enunril find the community to d0 mix ant. allows decisions to beat• city coencd Mill also -„rei—that let if grind an and no—cccry Any aornrllung, the desired extort of (he U S.con• itoatinncerhiiielt is resignationexcted week•to on- fected an_ en h• the citp's i ensal housin- supply it we delay means it will take two or t r t b u t t o a n rebuild Lebanon's newspapers uted hie son Ton as concerned with housing;. an irnpursant A„ct tt:,t needs three times lunycr to turn It "If that hAppen,," Aetiler Bald, economy;'the sources added. q y steel-.thrning And preserving, around." "we've ;iuccceded. But If we Just' r $.lying. Is Expenditure of substantiallyy in• Fit it Ili" furor and Aix weeks lter I Leftists irdicaett they tni;ht be creAlli sums of money from fl at, Jame,; l.emley, n iazk force mtm• Het:.ltr, a (fc,elnl.i•r wiltStuckiK Lvrr)iNrt; pull )sir report on the wtlhns to sup,art Sark:a i.'poliucr.l Sarkis, Sl, also a Christian, de- state and federal governments,raid her who Is risn an official of the rNisociaics, said, "evrn if uur rec• shelf ■nt! it's dead—the.4we'll have and economic reform. progr.:ms jiv clared in a etleviston statement his ire private Lector pit well, to pro- Lily's Hnusmg and R.•development ommcn(iat►ons are gut,tan►ially in ;ailed." fnl; the Must in majority more pow• unheidted adhaenet tadetaoCtacy, vide ,or the hy's boozing neMs, t uthonty, s:,td, ""there'$ gut to ix , or were initiated quickly, equality and reronstrucCion.' Also needed, ne report says. Am a conctrn in any u(y not to take error—whirl: ss h many poaawle [ ��•� w . . .wig + .. ... • T .aealtanellsiaar iaina>d■.,..•.�—