Planning Commission - 04/26/1976 s A G E N D A Eden Prairie Planning Commission 'Wiluay , April 40, IV/0 7:30 PM City Hall Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call I. APPROVAL X AGENDA II. MINUTES OF THE APRIL 12, 1976 PLANNING CGWISSICN HEFTING III . MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Don Sorensen B. Council Representative Sidney Pauly C. Others IV. REPORTS AND RECOWENDATIONS. A. Forest Knolls 2nd, by Donald Peterson and Wilbur Gjersv;k. Request for preliminary plat approval for 14 lots and rezoning from RI -•22 to R1-13. 5. The plat is located south of Mariann Drive and east of Forest iill. Road. A continued public hearing. B. Cash in Lieu of Land ©edleation Policies. C. Crosstown Extension, from Shady Oak Road to I-494. Revised plan illustrating access to Beach Road and Minnetonka Industrial Park. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS. A. Gelco Rezoning, request to rezone approximately 9 acres from I-5 Park and Public to Office for the construction of a parking lot. The site is located west of the Gelc:) Office Building within Area A of The Preserve Commercial Plan. B. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan, public hearing request by The Preserve to preliminary plat area H into 2 lots and to rezone the property to C-Regional Service. The site is located in the southwest quadrant of Schooner Boulevard & U.S. 169. C. Edengate, request for PUD Development Plan approval for 120 apartments and 120 townhouse units , and 79. 97 acres open space. The site is located east of the Lochanburr, Subdivision and north of Duck lake Trail. VI. NEW BUSINESS. Vi I. PLANNERS REPORT. , V I I I. AWOURNAENT. ; E � ,' : '�ie�3# Y"ddfyYs7r7[^.i a�d��_,eb�.� .;•. .. � -. �fi� i�'x �� Z43 F K'¢ _ � _t�•e...r_ _�Sr_._ — — ���46'a4fY1�F. :t�'Cyr �7�`�r�r �s��'�+Lrl���s��++�`IL �' � _'!r_�'_ .� - M I N U T F S EDEN PRAIRIE FLANNTNG C%S1ISSIGN approved Monday, April 26, 1976 7 :30 PM City Hall MFMBE16 PRESENT: Chairman Don Sorensen , Norma Scnee, William Bearman , Rod Sundstrom, Richard Lynch, Sidney Pacily, Herb Fosnocht MI:FIBERS ABSENT: none 7 STAFF FRFSENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson 1 . APPROVAL CIF AGENDA The agenda was approved as submitted, ;a II. MINUTES OF 'liar APRIL 12 , 197o PLkNNING CO,%tk11`SIGN A:;E3,'DA 1 P. 1 , IV.^A. P should read-Fosnocht asked 'now t1le Fden Prairie Shopping Center management reached the conclusion that the Twin City Federal sign met the criteria submitted to the Panning Coninission. Mr. Henk responded they 1 believe it does met the criteria. P.4,B. , 2? should read- and techniques employers uy other communities . P. 5,V. ,A. ,7R should read-Sorensen stated he is not present as an attorney for �- the city and _ does not issue legal opinionL , and the commission sends recomm,enaations to the city council where final incisions are made and the city attorney attends council meetings . P. 6,31', should read -Frank Fourre , # ` Lynch moved Fosneoht seconded to approve the minutes as published and corrected. t� L s � PP P ' ��- The motion carried unanimously. III , MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Don Sorensen Sorensen mated Mayor Penzel was present this evening to answer questions t the commission may have. Mayor Penzel informed the commission, the rezoning agreement for Condon/Naegele � has been drafted and the council would like the commission's responses by next Monday. the commission moved farther discussion to NEW BUSINESS B. Council Representative Paul;*. Pauly reported the Council adopted a resulation relative to Purgatory Creek. C. Lynch j Lynch inquired why the Sign Ordinance staff report `-,d not been c:omyleted and placed on the agenda. The planner stated the staff has been busy with the Guide Plan, FAU funding, other projects , etc. , and has not had the time to do a thorough report. Sorensen suggested the City Manager inform the Council of the staff s time constraints as the 4S day response tine has lapsed. IV. REPORTS AND RECOZIENDATIONS A. Forest Knolls 2nd , by Donald Peterson and Wilbur Gjersvik. Request for j. preliminary plat approval for 14 lots and rezoning from RI-22 to R1 -13.5 40 ' The plat is located south of Mariann Drive and east of Forest Hill Road. A continued public hearing. i The planner stated the staff believes the plat will accoacnodate any future road alignment to Baker Road and is recording approval of the preliminary plat and rezoning to RI-iS.5 i t approved Planning Planning Comeission Minutes -2- April 260 1976 Mr. Peterson said he and Mr. Gjersvik, because of concerns raised by the corm ssion f 7 4 and residents, decided to drop 2 lots ( 1 on either side of Forest Hill Road ) ,soaking i the plat a total of 12 lots not 14. Peterson then stated he is opposed to extending u Mariann Drive to Prairie View Drive. Schee asked how man; lots were below R1-22 and the size of the smallest lot . J Mr. Peterson estimated the smallest lot to be 126'x134; and stated 10 of the 12 z lots are below R1-22 size. Sorer.se:: believed the intent of zoning district R1-22 is not more than 2 lots !I per acre, and this plat is not comprised of some large ,lots but small lots in a large tract. Pauly asked what would prevent further division of thcplat. Peterson stated } site constraints and access would make further division difficult. Sorensen questioned if the utility service plans, as discussed on the last para- graph of page 3 of the engineer's report, should be solved prior to action on the plat. { The planner felt the utility service would be no problem and such plans would be prepared prior to Council action. i t Sorensen asked if any members in the audience had questions or coauaents. No i questions or comments were raised. rk Motion 1 - Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to close the public hearing on the Forest knolls 2nd Addition The Motion carried unanimously. Motion 2: Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to reconrnend to the City Council approval of the rezoning request from R1-22 to R1-13. 5 per the preliminary plat dated 4-20-76 = for the 12 lot plat. The motion carried 6: 1 With Sorensen abstaining. blot i-,n 3 Lyn hchnoved,. Fosnocht seconded , to recommend to th(• City Council approval of the preliminary plat for Forest Knolls 2nd Addition daicd 4-20-76 as pzr the engineer's report slat^d 4-21 -76 and a variance from the norc-al 2 lots / acre. Further recommend that the developer's agreement contain aprovision that lots 1 & 2 in = Block 1 will not he further divided. The motion carried 5:2 with Sorensen and Befernan voting nay. �. Cash in Licu of Land Dedication Poliefcc. 'rho' item way continued to the following because Mr, lessen had not had tine to prepare responses to the questions raised at the last Planning Commissican meeting. E s approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- April 26, 1976 C. Crosstown Extensio,i, from Shady-.Oak Road to I-494 Revised plan illustrating access to Beach Road wad Minnetonka Industrial Park. The planner informed the commission the county is requesting city approval on the revised Crosstown 62 extensio• . Dave Schimdt, Hennepin County Public Works Department , stated access would be provided to residents of Bryant Lake and to the Minnetonka Industrial Park with signals at Beath Road. Sorensen asked if improvements to Baker Road were part of the project. The planner said the staff has correspondence relatave to the agreed improvements. Fosnocht asked if Baker Road would have a signal or be a four-way stop. Mr. Schindt stated Baker. Road would have a signal. The planner believed the city would have to make land use decisions at the time they make the access decisions. Fosnocht asked if it was possible to have Beach Road go under the Crosstown. Mr. Schmidt said it was possible , but it would not provide access to the Crosstown for Beach Road traffic. u„t; on Schee movzd, Bearman seconded, to continue the item and asked the staff for further research and dialogue on the alternatives , and to gain input from the residents and landowners. The motion carried unaninious:y. V. PETITIONS AND REQUESTS. A. Gelco Rezoning, request to rezone approximately 9 acres from I-S Park and Public to Office for the construction of a parking lot. The site is located west of the Gelco Office Building within Area A of the Preserve CommercialPlan. ?"ne planner informed the commission the survey Gelco is presenting tonight shows a change in the southern boundary from the plan the staff reviewed in the staff report. Mr. Greenberg, Gelco, stated their request is for rezoning to Office for the immediate use of a parking lot and future use of an office building. The planner stated the staff is recommending approval of the request and suggest:, the change bA part of the Gelco PUD. The staff further recommends the future building plans be submitted tc the City for Planning Commission and Council review prior to the issuance of a building permit. Cf1T�►TfCAlf tf<'{rA� if r...1n., {+w.i t.•i . .1 Awe w..w! •.wwi. �•.. ♦� �...! 3 . .... �L i ... - ----w •IYM �A%w%* v►rra �/VVAd*, WCAteJ , ENV• , LV AZLAgrv%, Ets8<1 parking problem. Mr. Greenberg replied they have tried car pools, and subsidized vans , but at this time they do not have enough employees to make such systems feasible. The planner informed the commission * tho council -in approving the Gelco Office rezoning stipulated thet future parking- be accommodated by ramps over the existing parking or by additional land acquisition. _ - a +.^''..•'Cs:r;:!K!K" /a" r?7o.T.'ri•.:.'ty: =.•r.- [;^ 7 Rom,':;`• r.' ..,... . Y�"- .* _; it'��' .Plilrk 71++. •sec►�9'tc+'05f�lffs1EF`tF•�•llocoeo/eLta=cc•:a. erra-. Planning Commission Minutes -4- April 26, 1976 Mr. Norm Rogers, representing Mrs. Durheim ( owner of 1 of the 2 single family homes adjacent to the size ) , asked if the rezoning would affect the taxes of the single family- properti.as. 'ft,e planner responde►., the single family properties are presetnly- zoned Rural and assessed as resi- dential non-homestead, and the rezoning should not affect their property values at this time. Mr, Rogers then suggested Gelco instal: a barrier cal �%.. G sJ"% ai: west sides of the two single family properties to prevent snow from being pushed onto their property and to discourage trespassers. Mr. Connolly, owner of the other single famiiv lot , spoke in favor of the barrier and questioned .ghat liability he would have if a trespasser were injured on his property. If Mr. Greenberg felt they could erect a barrier on the south and west sides of the 2 single family properties . Sorensen asked if the proponents were fariliarwith the DNR Rules and Regulations which may affect their future building site coverage. Mr. Greenberg's counsel stated they were aware and felt they could comply . Motion: Schee moved, Dearman seconded, to recommend to the City Council arprcval of the rezoning request from I-5 Park and Public to Office for the construction of a parking area as per: the document submitted by Parker Klein Associates, the certificate of suivey, and the staff report dated 4-22-76 amended on page 4 as follows- 4. The Planning Commission recommends Gelco provide adequate screening to the existing residential properties to minimize casual trespassing with review and approval of the screen by the staff,,- The motiva carried unanimously. a. S. A.-ea !1 of The Preserve Commercial Plan, public hearing rc t by The Preserve to preliminary plat Area H into 2 'Lots and to rezone thy, r_upefty to C--Regional Service. The site is lccated in the srnithwest quadrant of Schooner Boulevard and U. S. 169. Mr. :Ness reviewed the site locction and outlined the 2 lots, x in the floodplain and 1 a building pa;i for cluster auto dealerships. Mr. Hess stated The Preserve does not believe that floodplain designation has- to preclude proper development by private or public con cerrns,thereby making the land tax producing instead of a liability. He then summarized the tax impact of the project. Mr. Sorensen questioned how much the city would expend for services to serve the site. Mr. Hess said more may be spent on services to the site than the tax derived from the site. - Mr. Lynch said the floodplain encroachment was of concern to him. Mot i on l : Schee moved , Sundst�om %Pconded, to refer the item to the staff for a report and recommendations. The moiion carried Lmani"usly. Motion2 : Vjn ch moved, Fosnocht seconded , to continue the public hearing to the May loth meeting. The motion carried un�fnimotss l y. ■ u u i� a Planning Commission Minutes -S- April 26, 1976 C. Eder. ate, request for. PUD Development Plan approval for 120 apartments and 120 townhouse units, and 79.97 acres open sp3cc. The site is located east of the Lochanburn Subdivision and north of Duck Lake Trail. f The planner stated the proponent is not requesting rezoning or preliminary platting, f just pud development Plan approval. Mr. Jim Dorsey, attorney .for the proponent , said it was their understanding Zhat the site has concept approval from the 1970 approval which is equivalent to rezoning. He further stated that the intent of his letter was that the proponent was informed he would be on the April 1.2th agenda and was not notified in due time that he were removed from the agenda. The planner stated that he corresponded with Mr. Berg, engineer for the project , that the staff was discussing the request with the city attorney and informed W- . Berg well in advance that the project may be delayed. He stated that. the commission 'ins,through Zoning Ordinance 13S sixty days to make a recomsenda- tion to the Council. Mr. Berg stated the project is similar to the 1970 concept plan approved by the Council . Development would be on 38 acres and the remaining land would be dedicated. Jerry Catt 18600 Duck Lake Trail, said ',►e was not familar with the 1970 plan and would like to see it . Mr. Berg handed his a copy of the recent submission. Mr. Dorsey stated one reason for the Councils denial of the last plan was that it did not conform to the 1970 PUD C::ncept approval, so this plan should meet ' with their approval. Sorensen asked if the plan was a serious proposal or a technical ploy in the lawsuit Mr. Dorsey said it- is a valid proposal and the proponent is trying to propose something the Council will fined acceptable. Sorensen then asked which project they would build if the lawsuit is settled in their favor. Mr. Dorsey responded that they feel the 180unit proposal is the better of the two. Ernest Booth 6781 Tartan Curve, asked how the, city could consider the proposal during the court litigation and if there would be another access to the area for the increase in traffic ,4e project would bring. Mr. Dorsey said an alternate proposal is possible during a court litigation. tine planner stated Duck Lake Trail would be the only exit for 5-10 years. Terry &-auchane , 6861 Ticonderoga Tr- , expressed the concern that if the project is approved,other projects may follow with even *:ore traffic. Because of the interest expressed by the me.-mberi in the audience, Mr. Berg briefly reviewed the plan in the .3-18--76 submission _ ti W f IY t 1 Planning Commission Minutes -6- April 26, 1976- :4r. Feerick, past Planning Commission member and Eden Prairie resident , stated the :'ormer proposal seemed reasonable and it is consistent with the Guide Plan. He felt the proponent has :Wade every effort to accommodate the concerns of the city and residents. He believed the plan for 180 units would be better than the new submission. Surensen suggested the proponent and their counsel and the City attorney meet to determine the intent of the application r^quest . Mr. Pautz stated they have met with the City attorney and do not feel they can agree. Sorensen believed it appeared from the request the proponents desire a reaffirb„a- tion of the pud concept approved in 1970, and if they wish to have rezoning anu and preliminary plat approval such a request should be made. Mr. Berg stated no formal final plat is Needed on the project 5-ince a transfer of deed is not required. Motion : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, tc refer the item to the staff for a report and place the item on the following agenda. The motion carried unanimously. (Pauly did not vote as she excused herself prior to the motion ) . VI. NEW BUSINESS Sorensen informed the commission a report on the effects of fiscal disparities will be forthcoming. VII . PULN!FRF REPORT 0 he planner informed the commission the 1st Neighborhood Forum for the Guide Plan Update would be held May 6th at Prairie View School and a host is needed. The commission suggested the planner contact Mrs. Pauly, and if she was unable to host then Mrs. Schee would host the meeting. VIII. ADJOURNMENT Fosnccht moved, Lynch seconded, to adjourn at 11 :35 PM. The motion carried. --Mr. Fosnocht informed tHn commission he would be unable to attend the flay loth meeting-- Respectfully Submitted Jean Johnson