Planning Commission - 03/22/1976 A, G E N D A - Eden Prairie Planning Commission - - Monday, March 22, 1976 7:30 PM City Hall 3stinated Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- troll Call time 7:30 1. APPROVAL OF AGENDA. 7:35 II. MINUTES. A. Minutes of the Joint Council/Planning -Commission Meeting February 23, 1976. B. Minutes of the Planning Commission Fleeting February 23, 1976. C. Minutes of the Joint Council/Planning Commission March 15, 1976. 7:45 III. MEMBERS RE-PORTS. A. Chairman [ion Sorensen. B. Council Representative Pauly. C. Others IV. REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATICNS. 8:00 A. Minnesota Protective Life Insurance, request for PUD Concept and Developawmt Stage approvals and rezoning frm Rural to Office District . The 5.42 acre site is located north of Leona Road and east of TH i69 in the MCA. 8:30 B. Guide Plan Update, discussion of proposed contract with Brauer 8 Associates. 9:15 C. Park Dedication and Cash in Lieu of Land Policies. 9:40 D. Condon/Nae eg le Auto Dealerships, discussion of items for consideration in the rezoning agreement. Discussion of Council requests avid staff report dealing with the site plan. 10: 15 E: How rt Development Company Sign Policy, discussion of March 1 letter frns Homart. V. PETITI CNS AND REQUESTS. PUBLIC HEARINGS. 10:30 A. Mitchell lake PUD, revised platting and rezoning for single fancily and multiple . The PUD is located east of Mitchell Lake and West of Co. Rd. 4 . 11 :00 B. CPrnes/Tangen platting, request to preliminary plat 6 lots and 3 outlots. The site is located north of Willow Creek Addition and east of Bryant Lake. - - - 11:15 C. Prairie East 2nd Re21at*ing, request by Hustad Development Corporation or preliminary plat approval on replatting the 64 lots of Prairie East 2nd into 60 lots. The plat is located between Franlo Road and Co. Rd. its. 11 :30 D. Identification Sign for the South CaMs, Hennepin Coanty Technical Ceuter. 11 :45 VI . NEW BUSINESS. ll :Sd VIt. PLANNERS REPORT. _ 12:00 -VI I I. ADJ Cl) MIENi. • Estimated times are provided as a guideline for consideration of agenda items. '•'�--���':�+ � -• . -:.. . ... "` ., _ _ . .. ram.:�* • -.■ii•__•r�i •• rE.a. II . ■ , . . ''iIW6&4QW Wit W u►1 :44W' w ...��I•—■ ■ YrW� „p jil•ri •n W Ww !~rm. ►' Ml r•,li1tl u .Y it u W iLICI . �•i J l r 1 1. S F.DIA PRAIRIE .approved t-nday, March 22, 1976 7 : 30 PM City Hall M-MBERS PRESENT: Chairman Don Sorensen Norma Schee William Beaman , Rod Sundstrom, Richard Lynch, Sidney Pauly, & Herb Fosnocht MEMBERS ABSENIT: none STAFF PRES£:'I:;: D.zk Putnam, Jean Johnson, Marty Jessen I . APPROlAL OF AGENDA. The commission approved the agenda as submitted. I1. MINLITES. A. Minutes of the Joint Council/Planning Connni ssinn Meeting February 23, 1976. P. 1, Sth P, should read- and the Planning Commission ;s not given reasons for the action and is left without concrete policies . Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to 4rprove the minutes as written and corrected. The motion carried 5 :0 :2 with Pauly and Bearnan abstaining. B. Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting February 23 , 1976. P. 4 , Amendment #2 should read- to Rural and to repeal' epeal the approval . Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to approve the minutes as written and corrected. The motion carried 5 :0 :2 with Pauly and Bearmin abstaining. C. Minutes of the Joint Council/Planning Commission March 15 , 1976. P. 1 last P, spelling of spoke. 3earman moved, Fosnocht seconded, to approve the minutes as written and corrected. The *notion carried 6 :C : 1 with Lynch abstaining. II f_- IBERS RI-PORTS. moved to end of agenda M RL_`.P O TS k D RE_COi•ILVIENDAT I ONS. A. ,I�r.nt�sc�ta i'rotective Life Insurance, request for PUD Concept and Development Stage :pproval and rezoning from Rural to Office District. The S. 42 acre site is located north of Leona Ro..d and cast of TH 169 in the 1►ILA. The planner referred the commission to the engineer' s and pIanner' s reports. He stated '_he project meets the intents and specifics of the MCA and the planning staff i.ould reco,mend approval of the concept and re-oning. Mr. Don Iiustad, i;ustad-Pont inen Architects, said they will comply with the staff report . Mr. Koehler, 11518 Leona Road, stated be is not opposed to !LVGIopment and appreciates the information supplied by the proporents, but he is concerned about the impact of the building on his family' s privacy. He then asked questions related to how additional parking would be handled, location of walkways and t widening of Leona Road. z The planner responded that the MPI. has purchased the single family lot directly adjacent to their site and the present ImPI. site of approximately 6 acres should r t-o- -iicient to handle present 4nd additional land woulu have to be acquired for future parking expansion needs. The planner than explained how Leona road might be widened and possible locations for walkunys. Mr. Fosnocht questioned if the church would agree to public use of the . sidewalk pasting the main extrance to the sanctuary. Lynch expressed concern that Leona Road may not be able to handle the 700-1 ,000 trips/day that are projected fo: the project. app 1*0 V�•�l " ' . i' 111E CC11!iln] : SJ (1i; �� IlijYi -�_ March .12 , 11176 'f he planner felt the State lli,;hl:ay ncpartmcnt would sign::l the intersection of Leona Road ar...1 # 169 if it is -..arranted nad did not believe the city or developer would install a light at their cost . Mr. Fosnocht suggested one-way glass may help provide pri%,acy fui Lhe 1 CSi-juiL Ial area. Lynch asked what type of fencing mould be placed along the single family uses . Mr. Hustad responded that a board fwnce with plantings could be used.,but they Will go along with the neighbors suggestions within reason. Mr. Sundstroin suggested window treatment on the east $ide of the building ray be a solution to screening views onto the single family. Mr. Koehler asked if other situations of office/commercial buildings so close to single family exists in Eden Prairie. The planner cited other situations as -Fden Road and Franlo Rbad. Mr. Sergan, Bentwood Drive, stated one-way glass only works from the direction the light comes fro(,1, therefore if a light inside a single family home was on people on the outside could see into the home. ' Sidney Pauly suggested some type of temporary architectural window treatment be exn1ored. Mr . Hustad said they would explore methods of architectural treatment foi the windows but they would not like such a condition tied to the rezoning agreement . Motion 1 Fosnocht moved , Schee seconded, to recommend to the City Council approval of the P')D Concept flan for the ;Minnesota Protective Life Insurance Company Office and commercial development as outlined in A in the 3-4- 76 staff report with first ph:isc Jcve.op;nenr of 73,000 square feet of G. F. A. , with 2nd phase expansion requiring purchase of additional acreage for a multi-level parking facility. Furt'lher i-eco�nmend that submission f second phase plains be made to the Planninj Commission and City Council prior to .issuance of a,ay building permits for the construction of additicnal floor and/or parking structures . The motion carried ulaaninous1y. Mot ion 2 : Lynch ro )vod, Sehce seconded , to recommend to vie City Council that the Minnesota Protective Life PUD development Stage revised plan be approved and that the approximate 5 . 9 acre site be rezoned from the existing zoning to Office District Per the conditions listed in the ;`larch 4 , 1976 planning staff rcpor.t and the fol l ol- i ng ; k. that the adjacent property owners be consulted and agree to the type of fence s.rccning, B. that Minnesota Protective Life Insurance Company be responsible for any signalination at Leona Road and 169, and C. that the developer be strongly Encouraged to consider architecturally screening views from the windows on the Wilding' s south side which are directed toward the residential properties off the southeast corner of the building. Tlie motion carried alnaninously. `0 0►I c c+; I'1: ttninl; Cc. . . c r !:i •: .t -3- !, r, h 22, 1976 B. CUidC. t'1 -0) '.'� _1`tt ^_, di �,ctr�.siun of rTO 0- ("1 cortract. The planner infot:ncd, the Coil .iission that the city staff ha% plot with Brauer rcgardinr, the worl. Irr•ogrx!i :ru(t cor.tract,lrit t.o(!.rtc no final document has been drafted. lie then o+ttl ined a possiirle process for the update. Pauly states' site sees the need f:. .norc detail in the kuide plan than was contained in the 1913 Plan,and suggested th.(t regular updates be part of the new Guile i'lar. Sorensen asked if norc distinct lines of zoning categories and tighter delineation of areas would be use3 in the update. Brauer responded affirmative. 111- stated that what has to be done now is to recognize what has happened and decks how to build around the existing uses. Sorensen th:.n osked if the Rural zoning Category would be a part of the new update. i Brauer stated the update process will probably determine if a Rural catcRory is necessary. Riot i on: Schce raved, Rearman secon3ed, to recc:nmend to the City Co;:ncil approval of the upd-te process presented tonight as follows: Citizen Involvement Process , I. Consultant selection. 2. Develop process, contract and study outline. 3. Staff/officials ScApar. A. Revise process, contract and study outline. S. City Council approve study design G Brauer contract. 6. ist NEIGHBOMOOD FORUMS - ( 6-7 ) to discuss the update , neighborhoo3 hroblers, recruit and stimulate GPU participation. 7. EDUCATIONAL Si MIMARS ( 4-6 ) to hroviec background inforAwation for facilitators, officials and interested citizens. 8. CONMIUNITY FOt;i!;.� ** ( 1 , 2 or 3 ) city wide interaction sessions that deal with raen Prairie' s realities and goals. 9. 1J,W%FT PL ,.' lii'D+'TF,thc st i f and advisory com Fissions will assist the consult.-int in a 1st draft plin. 10. 2i:D F-0%"';•1S "* ( 6-7 ) to A c3 ci ti zrtr understanding and ;vain local cc.-rmonts concerning the process at that point and the draft plan update. 11. CUT-11INITY I-GUM ( 1 ) city wide session which prevents the draft pLin tip date, ne-lg`thorhooJ forum inputs and relates the draft plan to Rcality 6 Goals Forums. 12. RE\'iSFD L)?'AF'f PiAN UPDATE, the consultant,with help from the <<aff and advisory corirrissions, will prepare a final draft plan update for presentation to the City Cotincil. 13. ADVISORY Cn,"NI SSI t'1q RLV 1 i:V., cop:nrent , modi f i cat ions and reco:rr endat i ens to ci ct• Council . 14. CITY CCUNCIL PU►ILIC i1F.nitlhG, formal City Council revicw, modification and/or approval 1S. AITIUVED P1_1"; UI'll,17'E, submission to review agencies for formal approval. 't The 6 to 7 Neighbei-hood F-rains depend un.;n resident participation in first 1 or 20 ic. , if no neighborOood interest,substitution of I or 2 city wide forurtts may be appropriate. ** The nunber of Coinnuni ty For►rms depend upon how well the Nci ghhoi•hood Forums Work. 1 to 3 Community Forums can be anticipated. '•• 71e 6 to 7 Neignborhood Forums where the draft plan update is discussed depends upon local hart�ic.pition. If no neight�orhood interest in �cssioaas city wide forum will be substituted. T}lc motion carri c d 6: 1 with Bearman voting Pay. -:s � �f s•-��:.ti yr�r'.�`- ---,-�"�v�� �`-d:rb•,n�YYS1[ Y�� }�.�q "'�rZP..�-t�w��tc.`���y " �:.. C. i ::) : , + c . is >, .,1, it or Policies Je,�Sc s, ] c ,port e(: f:Irt h,,-r t',or). and research is being done on the policy. Mot i on hosno(.)itSMice seconded, to continue the item to pei;nit the staff to condact further research. The notion carried unanimously. D. :':radon/'­:j,-cele Auto Dealerships, discussion of items for consideration in the rezo„i ng agreez--crt . Wscussi on of Council requests and staff' report dealing the site plan. Tl;e planner read items the Council referred to the Planning Commission . Sorensen asked if the parl;i_ng cf cars would be +v i thi n structures as suggested by the Parks, Recreation and ;;atural Resources Commission . Mr. t r auer stated the nature of the auto bt!3 Bless is such that outs] ae storage is jr, -try. Mrs. Kostecka felt an auto dealership :•rn.I., he suitc-a to an alt. cr'jat.e site in the Ci i, as this -ite is a "hinc+c: " te. the City of Eden Prairie. Lynch asked if the staff agrees with ''Ir. Bre-er' s ccnaputati: n of park ' and forr^nl n . The planner s t ate(i he had not had sufficient tine to ;turfy the formula used by Sai,e,,,sen reIinyuished t1w mohair to vice cbairrfrson Richard iynch. 0.0t ion 1 Soren c;: n,ov0d , ScliCe secondcd ,to recoj-,iWend the ci l-v rounci l nor ap-prove the c ens: r��a;l;ng of the ordin.ince re_.oning :.he 4 ^l,to dC:ilorship sites on all provio:Is stuff rC'j)i)T�S :;find t� ]"eCC: ;• :'rcl::t ::)1�`i of thic Planning Coi fission and Perk--, tion and ';;it�lral R: .•�urccc C'e, ,, �is�ion . 'me motion carried 6 : 0: 1 . th Ptauly Sc)1 :-T) 11 )'OSG,:led the chair. Mot iun ? : Lynch -;iox,cd, Pmj" Y Secondleu, Z lllat in t lle, evenit `he 1 sces fit to i s lore tilt' ! �[ 1-' �t': on, Tiic P1 ,-nniiig Com!i? -s-.1 (fin mould tl',at tht_t1' be bis oa the in Vie 3-3-76 stiff rc_.rort. ri Seiko l:,iS -:.:ii:1n5C any Ci'l �Cl'73 �. . �'�'C' � lle C'.�::1t �; iai� i3 ;+iJ l}. art+:-�C! LO the re!ol-sing for m.:;ly i,c at`,-)ns . Lynch wid Sot'ensC'n Ylol i cl e,l the Coi nc ] l has asked for a rc'cj, ',nso ;.nd '`;e ,Z aff rcl _ x,:d pre; icie gui (,eii ,les a: 3 o:,tliae pro�1lc re :hick are Vo<0 '"Tot.i or. 2 . M,A ] on 2 carfij 3: 2 :2 ( Schee FT F-wi,istrom voted n:iy) , ( Bca, gran Sorensen abst-wined } , and ( Lynch, P3111v f o r,vc}+t Voted aye ) . F F :%iJ ,ij; Coroiiission Minutes -5- 14.)rch _'Z, 1976 Homart Development ComPan Sign Policy, discussion of March : , 1976 letter Y f -um Homart. Lynch asked if Homart would only allow 6 exterior signs. Jan Porter, Homart, responded that only 6 signs would be allowed excluding the UA, Sears, Powers and two future major tenant's signs. -i Sorensen did not believe the letter from Homart clearly defined the necessary criteria to -be used by Homart. in reviewing signs. The Homart representatives felt such criteria could be submitted. Motion : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to 2ccept the policy of exterior signage for Homart to be used for the Eden Prairie Center, assuming it includes a maximum of 6 signs at this time and that particular criteria, i. e. sign location, size, . timing, etc. , be submitted to the Planning Commission for approval at the earliest convenience. Vote: The motion carried unanimously. ETITIOIS ANTD RE t;E_STS. r'U`SI.IC 1?F:�RIN(:S. A. Mitchell. lake PUD rev MW �se� lattinv and rezoning for single family and multiple. The PUD is located east of }-litchell Take and West of Co. Rd. 4 . The pl annrr reviewed the hi story of the project anti the present rociuest . Sorensen asked if he-mes could be placed on the lots without damage to the natural amenities. Mr. nMompson, Pentom, said they would '_ ake a i 1 Precautions to protect the amenities. Strrclst rom inquired what the 4i stance has from the -units on the southeast' corner of the project to the railroad. The planner estimated 250-300 feet . Schce asked if the staff report recorurendations were MCcptable to the proponent . Mr. 1/i 11 s-atcd they are in agreement with most of the rccon-mcndations and they wovil d like to further work out details on the pathways and dock facilities . Sc:renrcn r nkcd when the park Would be devc'. oiled. Mr. Thompson said tbey would try to have it complcted by this Fall , if not , then early next SPri.ng. F%-Lc-c rovtd, Fosr;ocht sc:ror&-d , to to the City C(I!Incil _.re onir.g from R,.1:•31A to Rl - 17. S for ccn�-truction of al single family detscchcd ho^^s and re.-oning to RM 6. 5 for 179 townhouse units as indicated on tlic preliminary site plat c'ated N14rch 9, 1976. to t-he following; conditions : A. Propr,c(-d site impr vcxt-nts for streets, utilities , storm- sewr.r, rr%. , roct the performance standards of the City Engineering bepartment . B. `''hnt t her *►i n i -Tsark ( -vpprox i r-:ntely 2. S-3 acres ) , be dedicated -it thr time of fi rr,t phase development to the City and improved by th^ d ve1c.1ver c,r honded for at th_ time of sale to inform:Tl field game recreation space , i . e. softball , -. NA. „ - :v r,�..�.,. !rR. .;T-..[:-.. ::�'!"• T ,•,•f✓ "� •s*n.. �•,./1M4r -'l'► "f-•� -.T••.:."' { -..►^3�:".3-'� i♦ :�1 Y".. +r_„ J' tong Cr ...:i . . loll TI't �l�.i c 5 -6- I4� 22 , 1976 x soccer, etc. Also, that an agreem-nt between the siogle family and townhouse homeo%.n,•.r associations for maintenance of this park area be included within the: homeowner's document .end/or � convenants on the land to insure .the maintenance and development of the area. C. That a scenic easement no less than 75 feet from the 878 elevation be provided to insure no urban encroachment along Mitchell Lake in the toi,mhouse section. in conjuni-tioa with Ij the scenic easement,a public trail easement be determined and constructed by Pemtom of a soft surface limestone or- wood chip surface. 7ne trail should be a minimum of six feet , in width along Mitchell Lake from the mini•-park to the southern property boundary. The. trail will be for homeowner z; and public use. * `= D. That an 8 foot hard surface patiiway be constructed along Mitchell L ske Road from Co. Rd. 4 to the southwest cul -de. sac. E. 'rhat a b foot hard surface pathway be constructed along Mitchell Lake Court -from Mitchell Lake Road to either the turn around before the island or the western intersection of Mitchell Fake Lane to Mitchell Lake Court. F, That adequate right -of-lay along Co. Rd. 4 be provided to the City for construction of Co. Rd. 4 bikeway in conformance with the Hikeway/Likcwav Report . G. That all units in the single fam4 ly and to�rnhouse phases be subject to a cash in lieu of land dedication fee consistent with the policies to be adopted by the City. - H. That prior to final plat approval, common lake access and dockage facilities be approved by the City and Watershed District . T . That Hennepin County Highway Department approve. the location of Mi_tchall Lake Road and grant 'ail entrance permit. J. That the soil erosion cont.ol and lakeshore deve;opm•.i�It standards meet titi.ith approval of the Riley Purgatory 1ti'atershed District. The motion carried unanimously. Lotion_ 2 : Sc.}iec r�o�=ed; Rearmio, seconded , that t'lze Planning Cormission close the public hearing on the preliminary plat of the Mitchell j.ake PUD cc.iipri scd of 1-9 Loon}zcuse units and 81 Sinole family deta-hod homes. The motion carried u;iani ► cusly. I-lot i on 3 : Sc}-cc _Z.—oved , Bear)iian secondl`d , to r.'L.�),'micnd to the City ('o,mc-i:l approval of the prel i r,i ►i.ary plat for the Mitchell Lake PUD subject to review and approval by the City Engineering Dclr:rtment . The motion carried unani lousi-v. Mot i on 4 : Sc)iCI MOVOcl, tic:t1•,r,an seconded, that the Planning t'or;►T,ission finds the envi ron - mental .,-;scs<mcnt provided by Pcmtom,plus the earlier ►UD submissions as suffi- cient to judge the urban devclopment impact of the ritchell Lake PUD. The motion parried unanimously. _ ..T a6..ft. ...,y • _. :f'A^w :�.;f. S Tr'-. `-- •. ..✓:Y� 4.;�~�•rt�'?'¢f"..^"n ''i' r '''�'F • T C March 22, i J76 B. Carnes/T.=n,pe:, pl :1t•ting,-(-quest to pTelirlinary plat_ 0 lots and 3 out Iots. The site is :oc.ated north of hollow Creek Addition and cast of Bryant Lame. 11he planner stated the staff is rucomnending approval of the plot as submitted as it is consistent with the previous rezoning. Sorensen stated he would not vote on the item clue to personal friendship and past business affiliations with the proponents . Motion 1 : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to close the public hearing on the Carnes/Tangen preliminary plat The motion carried 4:0:2 wit?, Sorensen and Bearman abstaining. Motion 2 : Schee moved, Lynch seconded , to recommend approval of the modified preliminary plat dated 3-•22-76. The *notion carried 4 :0:2 with Bearman and Sorensen abstaining. C. Prairie East 2nd Replatting, request by Hustad Development Corporation for preliminary plat approval to rt plat the 64 lots of Prairie East 2n3 into 60 lots. The plat is located between Franlo Road and Co. Rd. 18. The planner read the following letter from Mr. Kopesky. !larch 17, 1976 Mr. Dick Patnam Planner, City of Edea Prairie ' 6750 Eden Prairie Road Eden Prairie, M. ' Dear m r, Putnaast I talked with Bill Bonner Tuesday, March 16 about their replattiM In t!•: Prairie East area. tic exple ned the riot an' the new road alIrr�:cnt that vou,ld tersinite cm our property line now +end and would Co thrv):h our pm,,rty at some time to the future. .I don't ace wjy rrobItz uit:s this row Ik-.-gut ! the road Situation. Sincerely, Cor&on Knpesky Mr. Bonner reviewed the frontage width change, the pathway elimination between lots, .-lid the elimination of a homcowner' s association. _ Sclice asked if the plat would infringe on property other than Kopesky' s. _ The planner felt the maintenance of the park and pathways would have to be discussed wi tb the developer. Mot i on l arri �n moved, rosnocht scc,.•1ic1ed, to close the public hearing on the Prairie fas� ,(I rc•rlattinf±. ;'he inoticr carried unanimousl,. Motion 2 e Bearman moved, Fosnocht seconded, to recommend approval of the Prairie fast 2r,d Addition replatting contingent an the reso7ution of the cash in lieu of land and the handling of the park and ; -thi%.Ily w-aintenance prior to approval of the final plat in col►folmaYlee with City po: icy. The motion carried unanimously. �x�;"�4?,}�ti'�.�1';��t�' ^� --,�!`1pC'�s � '^�.'" _ a.""_'�+�.e�'E"�� "'�-�i�,'' -.`�� C; + ,�.:..... :,• ;�;�'•'`".="'R '�G'�.r! '^C'�`��.' s1'k,t•',r3 r j ap;:ro� cd C ,...,•:issiM t•iirlutV-, -Si- March 22, 1976 Identification Sign for the South Campus , Hennepin County Technical Center. Lynch asked why the i"' em was or; the commission' s agenda since it is not a PUD sign request. 'I r larner stated tl,.� use does :of con A. to the Sign Ordinance and t1iC btaCF suggested c,ie Planning Commission review the request. Sorensen suggested that the Board of Appeals and Adjustments would be the proper UP review group under the ordinance. 41 Motion Fosnocht moved, Lymch seconded , that the item be referred to the Board of .Appeals and .Adjustments with the Planning Commission' s recommendation that the request be approved.. VI. NEW BUSINIESS. none 111. MEMBERS REPORTS A. Chairman Don. Sorensen. He informed the commission that invocation at meetings is being questioned. Schee a,-,J Fosnoclit stated they are Fro invocation. Sund:stro:n stated he has no objection tn an invocation. Bearman stated he is opposed to invocation being Riven at public meetings. The commission agreed to discuss the item at the next meeting. B. Counci l Representative Sidney Pauly. Wane C. Cyt lie rs 1 . i:od Sundstroa,-Hennepin County Trsnsportat i on '•'d-et i ng. Due to the late hour the it_c;n was continued. \ V1I . P1;1\.\ RS REPORT. a. The pl;: nner informad the corsrr.ission the staff is +•corking on rczpc; r.--.e to the Chamber' s duostions and suggestions on the Sign. Ordinance. b. Tiie pl :inner explained that a retort would he `orthcc-,ring on, tac deve:opr.rnt costs in the City of Eden I'rai.ri_e. c. The plarmer inforned the co: -mission upcoming projects are f dengato and rc:est Knolls Second Addition. VI I . ADJn1'RN T_N7. Bearman r A •• d, Simd�trom cecc»�cl�d, to .�djot�rn at 12 :dp ;�,�,. The rot ion c,,rric.i, Respectfully ;SlibmitteJ Jcan Johnson --:�`'. �A4�Ee:i:s�.'�'�'71t�R9lw-�...-•a-.s.ta.ire.rs.a.e...rw......�,....�__.._ `...,._