Planning Commission - 02/23/1976 r A G E N D A Eden Prairie Planning Commission M1onday, February 23, 1976 7:30 PM City Hall Invocatiun --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roil Call I. OATH OF OFFICE, administered by John Frane City Clerk. il. MINUTES OF THE F'EBRUARY 9, 1976 PLANNING CO MISSION MEETING. III . MEMBERS REPORTS. A. Chairman. B. Council Representative . C. Others. IV. PETITICNS AND REQUESTS. A. Minnesota Protective Life Insurance Company, request for PUD Concept and Development Stage approvals and rezoning from Rural to Office District. The 5.42 acre site is located north of Leona Road and east of TH169 in the MCA. B. Homart Development Compaz •, Twin City Federal & Suburban National Bank, request for additional signing for the Eden Prairie Center. C. Vim Woods 2nd Addition, by Zachman Homes, Inc. , requesting revision of the terms of the rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 to allow construction of 13 additional homes. V. REPORTS AND RECO►WNDATIONS. A. Park Dedication and Cash in Lieu of Lard Policies, presentation of Parks , Recreation and Natural Resources Commission's recommendations and discussion with Mr. Jessen Community Services Director, B. Edenvale filth Addition, by Zachman Homes and Ldenvale Corp , requesting revision of the previously approved rezoning and preliminary plat. The proponents are requesting rezoning from RM 6. 5 to R1-13.5 for construction of 22 single fsm:ly homes and preliminary plat approval . C. Road Alignments of Area West of Bak�.,..r Road, discussion of alternatives outlined in Engineering Report . VI . PLANNERS REPORT. A, Progress Rego rt on Staff Work on Council $ Commission Requests. 1 . Sign Ordinance. 2. Hennepin County Transportation Study. 3. Small Commercial Outlets. 4. CNR Rezoning Agreement and Site Plan review. S. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan. - - 6. City Policies for Lard Development. 7. Fiscal Analysis of land development types. 8. FAU Applications : _ a. too. Rd. i Trai1 . b. Schooner boulevard. ( Ring Road ) . B. Planning Commission Bylaws. VII . NEW BUSINESS. /III. ADJOJRNWNT. i ;�7'- •,a"J.'1Rt?rs.+�t+-.�j�.....q.�;y4•• f-...;.�...-�J,t,rT., :� � ..s.� .� • - . ? �4� '"�Iw ..7PR'IIt�W�NiMe■..^.�,a-za+-acre�..�e:�....,...,... f M I N U T E S EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMA ISSICN MEETINGS approved Monday, February 2S, 1976 E:00 PN City Hall 14EMBE RS PRESENT: Chairman Don Sorensen, Norma Schee, Red Sundst Richard Lynch, Herb Fosnocht WNBERS ABSENT: William Bearman, Sidney Pauly STAFF PRESENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson , John Frsne I. OATH OF OFFICE, administered by John. Franey City Clerk. City Clerk Join Frane administered the oath of office to Commission aembers Soreasem, Schee, Sundstrom, Lynch and Fosnocht. 11. MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 9, 1976 PLANNING CCMMISSI CN FETING. P. 1, I. , P. 3, #6 "The motion carried unanimously." should be a separate paragraph. II. ,2P, should read " The discretion of the chairperson should be used to determine if a large group is present or not. p. 2, St, should read . . Lynch felt that if pertinent information such as Mr. Brauer's letter is supplied . . . 6P, should read . . . tc, the Council impact data should be sought . New P,- Sorensen felt because of the Fiscal Disparities Law, the proposal . Add on last sentence " and did not correctly represent the facts. 7F, should read . . . to allow substantial remodeling . . . Delete the the words- which and even. Add at the end of the P, "because of the interpretation basis of the ordinance used. SP, should read . . . Sorensen reported that Mayor Penzel requested a joint meeting and inquired if the . . . . Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to approve the minutes as written and corrected. The notion carried unanimously. III . ?EWERS REPORTS. Sorensen suggested moving the item after Reports and Recousendations. The Ca insion members agreed. IV. PETITIONS AND PEQUESTS. A. Minnesota Protective Life Insurance CLx pa y, request for PUP Concept and Development Stage approvals and rezoning from Rural to Office District. The 5.42 acre site is located north of itona Road and east of T.H. 169 in the W.A. The planner informed the Commission that on Friday evening a neighborhood meeting was held by the proponent at the Presbyterian Church. Herb Baldwin, Landscape Architect , presented a slide presentation of the site location, zoning, building plan, utility plan, utility location, proposed parkin= _ and drive-in bank facility, and lighting plan. The planner listed soae concerns expressed by residents at the Friday Meeting as; use .of lAma Road, screening of building & parking lot, the view of the parking lot from 494, lighting, elevation of the parking lot, etc . Mr. Stan Koehler said concerns of his in addition to those listed by the plaemer, are the location of the building approximately 0 feet frm the backyard line � of the residential area.. and the screening of the building from the residsntial hmes. p •'y, - -• 'fF4e:9'i�at+lti:eoE�3- a.-e,�a.asoz+,as�-..�... �........._--_�..�.`r'— - approved K Planning Commission Minutes -2- February 23, 1976 Lynch asked why 169 was not used for access. Mr. Baldwin explained that the la,ie adjacent to the site is a deceleration lane for 494 and would be usable only for cars desiring to enter 494 East. Sorensen inquired if the building could be turned WI hereb;• 4.-lbLdnce between it and the residential area. Mr. Baldrin responded that the internal function of the building would make it difficult . Sorensen asked if plans for the proposed parking ramp are prepared. Mr. Husta(' , Hustad-Pontinen Architects, Inc. ,stated no definite plans are prepared because they are unsure of the tuture total square footage of the building. Sorensen asked if the proponent Mould be willing to a¢ree to t ;al.ti.no st-ictions, i.e. time and intensity of lighting. The proponents agreed. Lynch suggested a signage program be submitted for review. Motion: Schee moved, Sundstrom seconded, to continue the Minnesota Protective Life Insurance Company request to the March Sth meeting and direct the staff and proponents to review the concerns discussed this evening. B. Homart Development Company, Twin City Federal $ Suburban National Bank, -request for additional signing for the Eden Prairie Center. Jan Porter, Hobart, stated Homart, Powers and Sears have approves the signs for TCF and Suburban National bank. Mr. Terwilliger, Suburban National Bank, said he definitely feels the banks need an exterior sign to tell people the bank is in the Center and show people where it is. He then stated the sign's character could be changed to meet the City's desires. Robert Evans, TCF Marketing Director, , believed an exterior sign is necessary to invite banking business because there is no freeway visibility, few residents in the City& few tenants in the Center. He said the sign would also be a public service as it provides the time and temperature. Fosnocht asked how the accuracy of the time and temperature is maintained. Evans stated the signs are viewed daily by employees and by a patrol bi-weekly. Sundstrom asked if signs would be on the inside. Evans replied there would be internal signs but not at the major entrance. Terwilliger stated exterior signs will assist people in finding the most conven- ient entrance to the bank. The planner referred to the staff report and said the signage request should be denied and Homart asked to provide research and definite signage plans for future uses. Jan Porter did not feel Dayton Hudson 's methods of operating should have bearing on how Homart operates. He felt unable to list future tenants and what signs they may request. approved Planning rommissioil Minutes -3- February 23, 1576 Liz Re: terath preserve resident, said she worked and shopped in a center in Milwaukee and was unaware that 2 banks existed within the center be'7ause they had no exterior signs. Joan Dudley, Preserve resident , stated she would not ¢o to a nh> rmaa rPntt-r to !ncate a bank unless she knew one existed in a center. Don Peterson, Eden Prairie resident , said he would rather see a healthy bank with a sign than one withoilt a good future because of no sign. He believed s�6r.s are important to banks, . Evans said if the bank is successful they would Rove to a sep4:ate location and the exterior sign on the center would no longer be needed. Mr. :Terwilliger said Suburban 'rational tank will remain in the Centec as the main office or branch and the exterior sign will be removed when the maicr tenant occupies that portion of the Center. Motion: Lynch moved, Fosnocht seconded, to approve the Homart Development Company, Twin City Federal , and Suburban National Bank exterior signage requests for 2 signs«Vn the exterior of the mall as indicated on the plans submitted and appr,3% - 1n concept the future restaurant signage. The motion failed 2 :3 with Fosr,. :.. "nd Lyr.=h voting aye. C. Village Woods 2nd Addition, by 2achman Homes, Inc. , requesting revision of the terms of the rezoning from Rural to R1-13.5 to allow construction of 13 additional homes. The planner read the following letter from Russ and Sandra StephLns- ■ lle e--e the crrer.s of Lot 2, ?lock 1, Bipr's Mitchell Heipa-ts, Second Acaition, on eia corner of piatatl a anal r nvnc- Avenues. 'w?-en we totlght thie lot two years ego, it nos rit:n the !:nde--,tr.n-?inr, that tic corst-ucSion of the Reuder-Zachnan dev-'_onnent to the £hut'. of us r.uld no; inereAre tI,e traffic on T?iaMetha A-r-n•ie. we r^re told T-• city hall thet traffic we-ild to -^o-.itel do-n Vitchcll Road to the Bedrock East-'Zest Collector. So fa-, tiro-cam-, +his haA not haprened. i'ha construction of the developuent wiihout `fie col'_ecto_- has er_ iss-I t�:rea chances in tie traffic on Hiawatha. First, the tra rci c '-,as increased in ancunt due to the increased ruml er of reciderts u�,ir.& t�?e rc�Fd. Second, '-he t-a'fic hAs ircreased in speed due to the extension of 'he road into the d•.t►clo^Me nt past r•he+t used to 1`e a fiend encl. Mviously, ever: -it), *tie rol'.ecto-, city hall cesmot control t}e -oads reF' ' . use to :rer.ch their hones. Put it can nrke an effort to control tine creed with e,�:ich they do it. Patrollinr of the area will show t'tat ca­s are traveling too frat, ezpecicily around the corner , which tu--r.s into the developrsent. T i--d, th t tra,'fic has chaneed in type from &utemol~iles to large trucko and construction rtbicles. Even after the sites rere rooted last year to re-oute construction traffic, trucks contirue:l to travel re,cralarly dorn }Tiaravia and at a speed which i 1 endanp*-ed the lives of the children in the area. We and our neigh'•orc i a22erted both the police and city tall lest year of the violatior.e, and we did nee patrol cr.-s in the a-ea, 1-at the trucks cantinuci. pot even Oe aat►sorities seeped able to control t}-, situation. N4 also witnessed i anot er vA.0ation lest f;'11- . A cBtCtri illar "i v'' 'i'.;l's on it d-ovC out of j the itee3er-3a&man develo-,meet and traveled doR•,i :'eather Avenue into the '•; Nipr's develoc-'.:ent. t For +�@3e rea$CnS s2 are fitrC!1f 1„, aJ'r.;t"i$t sr�y filwthe'r .^onstrucNon in the *teede'+--Zschanh developon?nt imtil the Redrocy i:ast-'hest Collector has -- _.- i been co:nplete:i or until auti.o-itics are able to control the tr_:ffie � violations occurring on Ria.watha Avenue. Since ire are unal,le to present these ca-mentc at Ow among »s/ hsninR, we would app-eciate it if you could do so for us, mail also lot as kwaer the re,---,Its of tee weeti_ri,_. approved Planning Commission Minutes -4- FEbruary 23, 1976 Mr. Zachman stated he tried to police the situation but at that time other developers were rlso working in the Rrea. Mr. Myk:ebust , 8330 Heather Ave, said the 13 additional homes is a rPa%onahle request but the promised construction traffic road .;juld be built and used. Zachman said construction traffic could use a construction road a-:ceps in cases of extremely wet weather and there would not be as much traffic as in previous years. Motion: Lynch moved, Surdstrom seconded, to recommend approval of the request by Zachman Homes for construction of the additional 13 lots and recommend that the City Council hold a public hearing to rezone the remaining lots in the 2nd addition ( other than the 13 lots ) frem R1-13.5 to Rural if the 13 lot request is granted. Amendment 1 : Sorensen moved, Schee seconded, to amend the approvals on the condition that the developer design and provide an alternate constructioi; road and use his best efforts to restrict traffic over the Hiawatha Avenue access . The amendment carried unanimously. Amendment 2 : Sorensen moved, Schee seconded., to amend the motion and recommend the Council consider a public hearing to rezone the remaining lots in Village woods II Addition from R1-13.5 to Rurali to repeal the approval of the balance of the concept approval of the Village Woods PUD and other concept approvals granted thereto other than the existing built lots and the proposed 13 lots. 'The amendment carried unanimously. sVote on Motion Amended: The motion as amended carried unanimously. V. REPORTS AND RECONWNDATIONS. A. Park Dedication and Cash in Lieu of Land Policies, presentation of Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission' s recommendations and discussion with Mr. Jessen,Community Services Director. Continued to the March 8, 1976 meeting. R. Edenvale llth Addition, by Zachman Homes and Edenvale Corp. , requesting revision of the previously approved rezoning and preliminary plat . The proponents are requesting rezoning from RA 6.5 to R1-13.5 for construction of 22 single family homes and preliminary plat approval . Mr. Peterson did not think it possible to provide a recreation area as noted in recomendation A 1 of the Feb. 19th staff report, but a play area for children could be located outside of the plat either on the northeast or northwest corner. Mr. Peterson said Edenvale pathway location plans are developed but nothing is strictly committed to as of yet. Sorensen asked what type of paths would be constructed. Peterson responded they mould be of natural construction. Ctrs. Dudley and Mrs. Retterath said they prefer asphalt paths as their are easier for children to bike and walk on , -Gretchen Shaw Golfview, stated joggers do not like asphalt and some people do not like the look of asphalt. is .t approved Planning Commission Minutes -S- February 23, 1976 Motion: Lynch moved, Schee seconded, to close the public nearing and recommend to the City Council approval of the Edenvale llth rezoning and preliminary plat request as nPr the recommendations in the staff report dated 2-19-76 and the engineer' s IL report of 2-18-76. The motion carried 3 :1 : 1 ( Fosnocht voted nay, Sorensen abstained) . C. Road Alignments of Area West of. Baker Read, discussion of alternnatives nabA in Engineering Report. The Commission discussed the alternatives, the grades and the engineer's recommendation. Motion: Schee moved, Lynch seconded, to recommend the City Council seriously consider Alternate A. The motion carried 3:2 ( Sorensen preferred Alt . D, Sundstrom preferred A:t B ) . ------- III. IENERS REPORTS. A. Chairman pion Sorensen. 1. Sorensen reported a meeting would soon be held on the Fiscal Disparities Law and asked the commission if they would like him io submit concerns. The commission suggested that the report coming from the City Financial Director snoultAl be submitted. B. Council Representative. absent C. Fosnocht.-- Mr. Fosnocht .reported the Hennepin County Transportation System Study meeting woul3 be March 4 th and he would be unable to attend. n Mr. Sundstrom said he would plan on attending the meeting. 1. P L N KER ' S REPORT. A. rt>sress Report on Staff Mork on Council and C�mission Requests. 1. Sig* Ordinance. no discussion 2. Hennepin C.-)unty Transportation Study. no discussion. 3. Small Commercial Outicts. no discussion. 4. 04R Rezoning Agreement and Site Plan review. The planner read the Council motion to the Planning Commission. S. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan. The planner -i°eported no further information has been submitted by the developer. 6. City Policies for Land Development . The planner asked the Comission to submit their concerns on the item. 7. Fiscal Analysis of land development types. The planner reported a report would be forthcoming. S. FAU Applications : Co. Rd. 4 trail. b. Schooner Boulevard. The planner reported the application for FAU designation of Schooner Boulevard is being considered and appears favorable. B. Planning Commission Bylaws. no discussion. VII. MEN BUSINESS. Sorensen suggested this item be located after Member's Reports on following agerALus. The Commission agreed. VIII. ADJOURNMOT. Z ncriWV~d, Fosnocht seconded, to adjourn at 12 midnight, the notion esrrled. Respectfully Submitted Jean Johnson i A G E N D A Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday, March 8, 1976 7:3^ r, , C!Ly iidi 1 Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- !toll Call KIM rrF-% I. A. Minutes of the Joint Council/Plannin- Commission Meeting February 23, 1976. B. Minutes a -the Pl=ning Commission Meeting February 23, 1976. 11. MEMBL RS REPORTS A. Chairman Don Sorensen S. Council Representative Sidney Pauly C. Others III. NEW BUSINESS IV. REPORTS AND RECO19MVIDATHNS. A. Minnesota Protective Life Insurance request for PUU Concept and Development Stage approvals and rezoning from Rural to Office District. The 5.42 acre site is located north of Leona Road and east of TH 169 in the W.A. B. Park Dedication and Cash in Lieu of Land Policies, presentation of Parks, Recreation and Nrtural Resources Commission's recommendations and discussion with Mr. lesson Community Services Director. C, Condon / Nay ele Auto Dealerships, discussion of items for consideration in the rezoning agreesent. Discussion of Council requests and staff report dealing with site plan. V. PETITI(NS AND REQUESTS. A. Identification Sign for South Caapus, Hennepin Technical Center. VI . PLANNER'S REPORT. A. Upcoming projects. V1 I. ADJOURNMWr. C A N C E LLED -- NO QUORUM