Planning Commission - 02/09/1976 N G E N D A41D ' Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday, February 4, 1976 7:30 PM City Hall Invocation --- Pledge of Allegiance --- Roll Call COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman Don Sorensen, Norma Schee, Richard Lynch, Rod Sundstrom William Beaman, Sidney Pauly, Herbert Fosnocht STAFF MEMBERS: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson, Chris Enger I. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 269 1976 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING. II . MEMBERS REPORTS. Chairman Don Sorensen. 7. Council Representative Pauly a. council actions 3. Mr. Fosnocht . a. Hennepin County Transportation System Study-draft report. 4. Other members. III. REPORTS AND REC01 M ENDATI CNS. A T.K. S and Co. Md. 4 Planned Study (PS) Rezoning, consideration of properties in the northeast, southeast and southwest quadrants of the 4/5 intersection. B. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan, request for PUD concept plan consideration for automobile dealerships and related commercial uses. C. Discussion of Eder. Prairie Sign Ordinance 4261 review of the Lhamber of Cnmaerce Committee's suggestions . D. Park dedication and cash in lieu of land requirements, discussion of staff and Parks, Recreation an3 Natural Resources Commission's recommendations. E. Edenvale Ilth Addition,- by Edanvale Incorporated , request for rezoning to 0-13.5 iiith lots size variances and preliminary plat approval for approximately 22 lots on 6 acres. The site is located north of the intersection of Woodhill Trail and Edenvale Boulevard. A continued public heari,ig. F. Preliminary road alignment for area west of Baker Road and north vi Valley View Road. IV. PLANNER'S REPORT. A. Comprehensiv.- Guide Plan Update . P. Swendseen Gravel Permit Application,furure land uses. C. 1976 ComAunity Development Block Grant . i D. F.A.U. app3.ication. E. Planning Commission Bylaws. V. ADJOURNMENT. _ E �.lry .`.K ^.'�: r„+. .. .Y•r••n. .-;s+. ,� ..�. ..^. ivy. :R' .•.ty^'. t -,r••.. _-.fir n+`• }y t _ .. - .. . --. �� -' ....,aJ^� ^4 _tiW.`f"t=lam.. .* J' -'9 +.:�•1•aT•-.-► 4 _..,.w. MINUTES i EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING CGVIISSION approved SMonday, February 9 , 1976 7 :30 PM City Hall NEMBERS PRESENT: Lion Sorensen, Norma Schee, Rod Sundstrom, William Bearman, Richard Lynch, Sidney Pauly, Herb Fosnucht MEMBERS ABSENT: none i STAFF PRESENT: Dick Putnam, Jean Johnson 1 i I. MINUTES OF THE JANUARY 26, 1976 PLANNING CCWTSSION MEETING. I . P. 8 , last P s;iould read- 50 for the proposal, 107 -against. ' P. 3, #6, sp. of necessary and the sentence should read . . .investigated and, if ' necessary, criteria be developed . . . . I ,"The motion carried unanimously. '! should be a separate paragraph. P. 4, 4P, should read . . develop piioritiEs and investigptc . P. S, 8P, end sentence after temporarily. PETITIONS AND A. ,3P should read- should be a public one and that concepts, not the spec)-V c project, should be discussed. Sorensen asked to be exc.ised because of a health problem. Fosnocht moved, Bearman seconded, to approve the minutes as written and corrected. The motion carried 5 :0: 1 with Schee abstaining ( Sundstrom arrived later ) . 1 r II . 14EMBERS REPORTS. t 1. Chairman 'von Soo ensen. A. Smoking. Sorensen informed the Commission he had received a letter from Mrs. Pauly ! regarding prohibiting smoking during public meetings. Sorensen proposed the following 3 steps as a fv:mat to follow; 1 . If a large group is present or anticipated smoking would be prohibited and smoking breaks would be taken. 2. If a large group is not present then smoking would be allowed in a design.%t_ed part of the room with ventilation considered. S. If a large group is not present or anticipated a section of the Planning Commission table will be designated as a smoking area. Schee and Lynch felt the proposal was acceptable. Schee suggested adding R 4 to read " The discretion of the chairperson should be used to determine whether or riot a large group is present . Motion : Fosrncht moved, Schee seconded that the farmaL listed 1-4 be the smoking policy of the I'!anning Commission subject to review. The motion carried. B. Oath of Office Sorensen directed the planner to contact the City Attorney to estab:ish how the oath of office should be given prior to any business at the Planning Comission' s next meeting. 2. Council Representative Pauly. Pauly reported the Council moved to allow the remodeling of the Skelly station in its present zoning -of I-2 Park but did not include t e restaurant use. She also reported the Maple teaf .Acres plat and rezoning was approved and many residents surrounding the development were in favor of the proposal . She reported the Council approved the concept plan for the Comercial Highway Part of the Condon/Nnegele Proposal , referred the eastern part of the PUD back to the Commission for review, and approved the first reading of the ordinance for the 4 auto dealerships . approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- February 9, 1976 101 REPORTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS. LtA. Th.H. S and Co. Rd. 4 Planned Study (PS) RezonivR s consideration of properties in the northeast, southeast and southwest qua ra�i�ts of the 4/S intersection. The planner reported the Council directed that properties in Planned Study should be considered as the ne*d arisen and it is believed the 4/5 Area situation warrants consideration. The planner ir,formed the commission that the Gonyea representatives would lire the City to react to their previous plan. Michael Thompson, representing Q Petroleum, asked if their property is under consideration for rezoning to PS. The planner replied affirmative. Mrs. Ann Kispert asked if their property would be affected by the rezoning. The planner pointed out that her property is adjacent to the properties being considered but not included. Mot i o:I: Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to rece maend the Council consider holding a public hearing on the possible rezoning of the parcels indicated in the January 29, 1976 letter to property owners ( including Q Petroleum ) to Planned Study District for I yeRr with the option to renew if necessary. The motion carried unanimously ( Sorensen voted aye with reservations that the rezoning .of the Q Petroleum site is necessary ) . B. Area H of The Preserve Commercial Plan, request for PUC Concept Plan consideration for automobile dealerships and related coo rcial use. Don Hess presented diagrams of possible development concepts and design alternatives for the 4 or S auto dealerships and 1 sma' 1 cownercial site in Area H. lie stated they intend to fill to them limit containe-0 in the Flocdplain Ordinance, they do have plans for a driving range in the floodplain, and that the floodplain area would not be dedicated. Mr. Hess believed the Area H auto dealership concept is more sensitive than the dealership along I-494. He asked that the Coomission make a recommendation on the concept plan to the Council. Schee questioned whether more information should be submitted before the item is referred to the Council . asked ti:c Planner what is,ues tit felt were iavulved? The planner -- -- - .felt the issues at hand were the encroachment into the floodplain, no public open space dedication, and if the site location is appropriate. Sandstrom asked if a trail would be constructed Mr. Hess stag- ' a trail coul& be placcd along the cast slope of the floodplain. Mr. Suoxistres felt a trail , so near an automobile dealership parking lot would be incovgmtibie. ti - - Pauly excused herself from tha. meetine - - r, approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- February 9, 1976 •= '` Sundstrom arrived. "Y .14 Pauly mentiorea :.he Council in their deliberation considered the tax impact o; the proposal and the viability of the MCA. Fosriocht asked if the Council received an economic analysis of the Condon/ Naevel e. nrnnnAa 1 Pa»1 v rAC"A"#4PA nPoat i vP Bearman asked what credence is given to the Planning Commission and Parks, Recreation & Natural Resources Commissions ' recommendations. Pauly stated the Council does not go against such recommendations lightly, but it was felt Brauer responded well to the concerns expressed by the Commissions. Dearman stated he received a copy of the Kostecka' s letter addressed to the Council which sta' �d the CNR proposal had adverse impact on their property. Dearman asked if the Council had received the letter. Pauly was unsure of receiving the letter. Lynch felt that if pertinent information such as Mr. Brauer's letter is supplied to the Council public hearings thzt the Com. nission is not supplied with he would hope the Council would refer the item and new information back to the Commission for review. Sorensen expressed concern that if fiscal impact was of concern to the Council impact data should be sought. Sorensen felt because of the Fiscal Disparities Law, the proposal may riot be e benefit but a detriment. He believed residents need jobs, shopping and services, however the question of how much it will cost and how much the taxpayers will have to carry- should be carefully considered. Sorensen did not believe the Brauer letter submitted to the Council dissuaded the concerns outlined by the Commission and did not correctly represent the racts. Sorensen referring to the Skelly decision by the Council to allow substantial remodeling of the station, although it is a nonconforming use not allowed by ordinance , believed the City may have a difficult time preventing gas stations locating in residential areas because of the interpretation basis r of the ordinance used. T Sorensen reported that Mayor Penzel requested a joint meeting and inquired if the Commission would like another joint meeting with the Council. The Commission was in favor of meeting with the Council . Sorensen then directed the staff to contact the Mayor and City Council to establish a date within the next month. R He asked that agenda items be submitted in advance to the staff so an agenda could be drafted. It was believed b-, the Commission that the joint meeting would require F more than. 1-11i hoeirs so a separate meeting would be preferred. 3. Mr. Fosnocht . Hennepin County Transportation System Study-draft report. Mr. Fosnocht reviewed the study and informed the Commission that reading of the Objectiveg is very important to understanding the report. _ Sorensen requested the staff report on the draft report. . 4. Other Members. L Schee staters she would like to attend the Planning and Zoning Institute to be held Feb. 25 $ 26 in Bloomington and asked that the staff request an agenda. Mr. Sundstrom also expressed interest in attending the program. approved , Planning Commission Minutes -4- February 9, 1976 Motion : Schee moved, Bearman seconded, to recommend The Preserve auto plaza concept shown tonight (2-9-76) , be presented to the City Council at the earliest opportunity so that the Council can evaluate the auto plaza concept on the Area H site nri or tn anti nn n" rho so..—A l C �L -- - ., _..._ �.._...&,./& GL I-Ate l.�/lLUVtI/ 1�1dC�C . 1C neai Ly auto dealership area adjacent to I-494 and that the following 4 concerns be considered; I . Investigation of the development ' s encroachment into the floodplain. 2. Private use of the floodplain vs . public dedication or acquisition. 3. Is this plan in keeping with the MCA objectives and intents ? 4. Is the auto plaza concept appropriate for this parcel ? Discussion : 4 Fosnocht felt the Council should be asking the Commission such questions . E Sorensen agreed, but felt this would give the Council a chance to give the Commission some feedback. He stated he is very concerned about the CNR ! proposal and that the Council should be aware of th-� Area H plan prior to � the second reading of the CNR ordinance. Vote : The motion carried 6:0 ; Pauly had excused herself from the meeting prior to the motion being made ) . C. Discussion of Eden Prairie Sign Ordinance 1 261 , review of the Chamber of �I Commerce Committee' s suggestions . Mr. Lynch summarized the concerns of the Chamber of Commerce in the le-..ter dated January 1S, 1976. E Because the Commission had received the letter that evening the Commission directed the staff to develop alternatives to the Chamber's Concerns in a staff report . Virginia Gardner asked that consideration be given to allowing political signs to be a standard size of 16 square feet instead of the present 15 square feet contained in Ordinance 261 . D. Park Dedication and Cash in Lieu of land requirements , discussion of staff & Parks, Recreation and Natural Resources Commission ' s recommendations. Continued. E. Edenvale llth Addition, by Edenvale Incorporated, request for rezoning to R1-13. 5 with lot size variances A preliminary plat approval for approximately 22 lots on 6 acres. The site is located north of the intersection of Woodhill Trail and Edenvale Boulevard. A continued public hearing. The planner reported the revised plat was received last Thursday and no staff report had been completed on the revised plan but one could be completed by the next meeting. Mr. Peterson explained that pathways of limestone would be constructed along the north and east sides , that no 10' lot line garages would be required, and that a 20 foot front setback is desirable. Sorensen asked if the pathways would be constructed to the Hikeway/Bikeway Report standards. Peterson responded negative and said blacktop paths are too expensive _ and most residents of Edenvale prefer natural paths. _approved Planning Commission Minutes -5- February 9, 1976 Notion 1 : Bearman moved, Schee seconded, to continue the public hearing to the February 23rd meeting. The motion carried unanimously. Motion 2 : Schee moved, Fosnocht seconded, to recommend a public hearing before the Council be set at the earliest convenience. The motion carried unanimously. F. Prelimir_ary road alignment for area west of Baker Road and north of Valley View Road. The planner referred the Commission to the January 23rd staff report from the City Engineer in which alternate A is recommended . The Commission discussed the alternatives and the grades involved, and then referred it to the staff for a staff report. IV. PLANNER'S REPORT. A. Com rehensive Guide Plan Update. The planner reported Brauer will be back with his comments on the Forum held Feb. Sth and a tentative contract . Sorensen and Lynch discussed their views of the Forum with the other members. B. Swendseen Gravel Permit ikpplicaticn. future land uses. The planner referred the Commission to the February Sth memo. Motion : Lynch moved , Schee seconded, to recommend to the City Council that the Smetana Lake Sector Plan be substituted in the approvals of the Swendseen gravel application in lieu of figure 2, Plan: Possible Development P=an, prepared by G. M. Sunde, consulting engineer. The motion carried 3:2 : 1 ' Bearman Fosnocht voted nay, Sorensen abstained because of his . reservationson the Smetana Lake Sector Study . C. 1976 Community Development Block Grant .- '!'he planner read Resolution No. 1091 . D. F.A.U. l2plication. The planner reported the staff is working on the application. E. Planning Commission Bylaws. ' Bylaws were not covered clue to the late hour. F. Village Woods I1 . The planner informed the Commission the original approval called for the construction c1 the east / west street at this time but presently Mr. Zachman does not have control over the property and he would like to finish the remaining 13 lets before constructing the street . Sorensen suggested the variance in the approval should be transmitted to the surrounding residents. Sorensen then suggested the staff notify the surrounding residents and prepare a staff report . V. ADJOURNMENT. Lynch moved, Bearman seconded, to adjourn at 12 :30 AM The motion carried. Respectfully Submitted, Jean Johnson