Planning Commission - 03/26/1984 AGENDA Monday, March 26, 1984 School Board Meeting Room 7:30 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William Bearman, Virginia Gartner, Robert Hallett, Stan Johannes, Dennis Marhula, Ed Schuck, Hakon Torjesen STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning; Michael D. Franzen, Senior Planner; Kate Karnas, Recording Secretary Pledge of Allegiance--Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. MEMBERS REPORTS III. MINUTES IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS (7:45) A. CITY WEST CONVENTION CENTER, by Hospitality Growth Services. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to Commercial Regional Service (with variances to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals) and Preliminary Plat of 5.5 acres for a Hotel- Convention Center. Location: Northeast quadrant of City West Parkway and County Road 61. A public hearing. (8:45) . B. O'NEILL OFFICE BUILDING. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to Office with variances to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals), and Preliminary Plat of 1 .70 acres for an office building. Location: Northeast quadrant of City West Parkway and County Road #61 . A public hearing. (9:30) C. LEE DATA EXPANSION, by Opus Corporation/Lee Data. Request for Planned Unit Development District, Zoning and Site Plan Amendment to add 72,000 sq. ft. of Office use to existing Lee Data building. Location: Southeast quadrant of 70th Street and Flying Cloud Drive. A public hearing. (10:30) D. PRESERVE COMMERCIAL PARK NORTH ADDITION, Eden Prairie Car Care Center. Request for Preliminary Plat of 2.8 acres (with variances to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals) for Car Care Center. Location: Northwest quadrant of Prairie Center Drive and Highway #169. A public hearing. V. NEW BUSINESS VI. OLD BUSINESS VII. PLANNER'S REPORT VIII. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, March 26, 1984 School Board Meeting Room 8100 School Road MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Bearman, Robert Hallett, Stan Johannes, Dennis Marhula, Ed Schuck, Hakon Torjesen MEMBER ABSENT: Virginia Gartner STAFF PRESENT: Chris Enger, Director of Planning; Michael D. Franzen, Senior Planner; Kate Karnas, Recording Secretary Pledge of Allegiance--Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Motion was made by Hallett, seconded by Marhula, to adopt the agenda as printed. Motion carried--6-0-0 II. MEMBERS REPORTS None. III. MINUTES MOTION: Motion was made by Schuck, seconded by Torjesen, to approve the minutes of the March 12, 1984, Planning Commission meeting as printed. Motion carried--4-0-2 (Johannes and Marhula abstained) IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. CITY WEST CONVENTION CENTER, by Hospitality Growth Services. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to Commercial Regional Service, with variances, and Preliminary Plat of 5.5 acres for a Hotel-Convention Center. Location: Northeast quadrant of City West Parkway and County Road 61. A public hearing. Planner Enger stated that the proponent would be making a partial presentation of the project this evening. The project would be amended by the proponent before the Planning Commission would be Planning Commission Minutes 2 March 26, 1984 asked for their recommendations to the Council . Mr. Chuck Engles, architect for proponent, stated that they would be working to bring the project into compliance with the recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984. Mr. Engles stated that they had met with Staff, and would be meeting with Staff, again, to work out some of the details of the amendments to the project. He added that they would be prepared for the Planning Commission meeting four weeks from this date. Mr. Engles reviewed the Staff Report recommendations and the intentions of the proponents to mitigate the problems with the project. He also displayed the elevations of the site and reviewed the characteristics of the surrounding area with the Commission. Mr. Engles explained the other uses in the hotel building including the ballroom, restaurants, pool, and other facilities that would be available to people using the hotel . Planner Enger reviewed the recommendations of the Staff Report. He reviewed in detail the parking situation as proposed by the proponents. Planner Enger pointed out that the comparisons of parking spaces available to those required were based on the parking study done for the Sheraton Inn, which had been based on a study of thirteen suburban hotels within the surrounding communities. Planner Enger'pointed out that the average number of parking spaces per room was 2.22 spaces. This had been based on different emphasis for various functions, such as restaurants, within the different hotels examined by the study. Planner Enger discussed with the Commisssion alternatives for mitigating the parking situation. He suggested that parking, or other functions such as laundry facilities, kitchen facilities, etc., for the hotel could be placed on a lower level under the building. This would add to the space available at grade for additional parking spaces on the lot. Johannes asked if there were any plans for shuttle services or other mass transit arrangements which had been made for the hotel. Mr. Engles responded that, other than anticipated service from the airport, no other mass transit had been planned for the hotel . Mr. Jim Eastman, Kahler Hotel Companies, stated that such arrangements would be made in a more definitive manner after the hotel was in operation. He stated that tour transportation would, of course, be made available to hotel guests in the future. Johannes stated that two other hotels were currently in process within the City. He asked if proponents had taken into account the fact that these hotels would be existing at the time theirs would be opened in terms of marketing studies. Mr. Eastman stated that the two hotels had been taken into account. Chairman Bearman asked if structured parking had been considered for the site. Mr. Engles responded that it had been considered; Planning Commission Minutes 3 March 26, 1984 however, it was quite costly, in their opinion and had not been planned as an alternative at this point in time. Torjesen stated that based upon the study done for the suburban hotels, he felt that the 470 spaces would be required as a minimum for the site. He stated that it would be incumbent upon the proponent to present a case for anything less than 470 spaces. Torjesen asked if the twelve-foot wide bay for hotel rooms was common. He stated that his experience was that most rooms were 14 to 15 feet in width. Mr. Eastman responded that a twelve-foot wide hotel room was an industry standard and had been used in many of the hotels that they had built in the past several years. Marhula stated that the original Planned Unit Development for this site had allowed for a 12.5-acre hotel site in the adopted plan. He added that it had been a 300 room hotel, which would be appr6ximately 24 rooms per acre for the 12.5 acres. By comparison, this hotel site on 5.5 acres with 228 rooms calculated out to be 42 rooms per acre. Marhula stated that he felt this was a significant deviation from the original Planned Unit Development. He stated that he felt it would the proponent's responsibility to justify this variation from the plan. Marhula asked what had happened to the other seven acres designated for hotel use in the original Planned Unit Development. Chairman Bearman asked what the traffic impacts would be for this size of hotel on this size of site. Planner Enger explained that hotel peak hours were different than those of office and other types of uses within this vicinity. Marhula stated that it appeared as though this may be a significant change in the originally approved Planned Unit Development in that the amount of traffic would be changed from a twelve-acre site to a five-acre site. He questioned the advisibility of intensifying this hotel use by compacting it onto a smaller site, and, therefore, the amount of traffic which it would generate, considering the site was now 5.5 acres, not 12.5 acres. Torjesen stated that he, too, was uncomfortable with what he considered to be a significant change in the originally approved Planned Unit Development. He asked whether this constituted a significant change in the overall Planned Unit Development. Planner Enger responded that the intensity of use was still in compliance with that of the originally approved Planned Unit Development. He pointed out that the original Planned Unit Development had designated this site for Regional Commercial use, which would include a hotel use. Chairman Bearman stated that he was not as concerned about the reduction in the size of the site as he was about the amount of traffic. He stated that he felt careful consideration should be given to adequate ingress and egress for the site. Planning Commission Minutes 4 March 26, 1984 Chairman Bearman asked for comments and questions from members of the audience. There were none. MOTION: Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Johannes, to continue the public hearing for the City West Hotel Convention Center to the May 7, 1984, special Planning Commission meeting to allow proponent opportunity to amend the plans to be in conformance with City Code requirements. Motion carried--6-0-0 B. O'NEILL OFFICE BUILDING. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to Office, and Preliminary Plat of 1.70 acres for an office building. Location: Northeast quadrant of City West Parkway and County Road #61 . A public hearing. Mr. Len Lampert, architect for the proponent, reviewed the site characteristics and site plan features with the Commission. Planner Enger reviewed the recommendations and findings of the Staff Report of March 23, 1984. He stated that the point of access from City West Parkway for this site and the hotel site to the north was shared access at the north boundary line of this project. Planner Enger stated that it would be necessary for the hotel site to coordinate with this site in terms of several matters including grading, driveway access, and shared parking arrangements. Planner Enger stated that, for example, the driveway lane for the office building was located 50 feet from the right-of-way of City West Parkway, while the driveway lane for the hotel was located 35 feet back from the right-of-way for City West Parkway. In order to provide a smooth joint access situation for shared parking, it would be necessary for one or the other of the sites to adjust the driveway lanes to match the other site. This would be necessary to avoid jogging of the driving lane, which would create a hazardous driving situation for guests using the office building parking lot for hotel patronage. If the office building were to relocate it's driveway lane to match that of the hotel, there would be a loss of approximately nine to ten parking spaces for the office site in this location. The spaces could possibly be made up in another portion of the site. Torjesen asked Staff to review three uses which had been approved for that area along the east side of City West Parkway in terms of their intensity and consistency with the overall Planned Unit Development. Staff reviewed the three uses, Primetech, the City West Convention Hotel, and the O'Neill Office Building site in terms of their floor area ratios, traffic, and consistency with the Planned Unit Development. Staff pointed out that, in their opinion, these uses were all consistent with those approved in the original Planned Unit Development. Torjesen stated that he felt it would be appropriate to require that Planning Commission Minutes 5 March 26, 1984 the parking to be shared by the three facilities be coordinated by the individual proponents. Marhula asked if the adjacent sites had been platted at this time. Mr. Scott Anderson, Anderson Development, Inc., explained the various ownerships within the vicinity. Mr. Anderson stated that they intended to work with Staff to coordinate the parking situations between Primetech, the hotel, and the O'Neill Office Building. Marhula questioned whether it would be appropriate to deal with a preliminary plat for the office building, if it became necessary to add land to the hotel site in order that adequate parking be available for the hotel site. Planner Enger pointed out that alternatives were still available, other than adding land to the site, for mitigation of the hotel parking problems. Hallett stated that he felt this site for the office building should be dealt with based upon it's own merits, and not be based on review of another site. Chairman Bearman asked for comments and questions from members of the audience. There were none. Torjesen asked how much flexibility was available to the Staff for dealing with the parking situation for the office building itself, with respect to the realignment of the driveways required for the joint access situation with the hotel . Staff stated that if the change was insignificant, such as three to five spaces, they would be able to deal with situation at a Staff level . If not, Staff would ask the proponent to return to the Planning Commission for review. Marhula asked Staff to explain the condition in the Staff Report regarding Shady Oak Road assessments. Planner Enger responded that, based upon the study done for feasibility of upgrading of Shady Oak Road, it had been determined that the sites within the City West Planned Unit Development would all benefit from the upgrading of Shady Oak Road. Therefore, it had been Council 's decision that, at such time as it became necessary to upgrade Shady Oak Road, the assessments would be spread to all benefitting properties, which would include those within the City West Planned Unit Development. MOTION 1 : Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Johannes, to close the public hearing. Motion carried--6-0-0 MOTION 2: Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Torjesen, to recommend to Planning Commission Minutes 6 March 26, 1984 the City Council approval of the request for zoning district change from Rural to Office, for the O'Neill Office Building, based on plans dated February 22, and revised March 2, 1984, and written materials dated March 5, 1984, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984. Motion carried--6-0-0 MOTION 3: Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Schuck, to recommend to the City Council approval of the request for preliminary plat of 1 .7 acres for the O'Neill Office Building, based on plans dated February 22, and revised March 2, 1984, and written materials dated March 5, 1984, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984. Motion carried--6-0-0 C. LEE DATA EXPANSION, by Opus Corporation/Lee Data. Request for Planned Unit Development District, Zoning and Site Plan Amendment to add 72,000 sq. ft. of Office use to existing Lee Data building. Location: Southeast quadrant of W. 70th Street and Flying Cloud Drive. A public hearing. Mr. Bob Worthington, Director of Planning and Governmental Affairs of Opus Corporation, reviewed the history of the Lee Data project, as well as the plans for expansion proposed for the use. Mr. John McKenzie, Opus Corporation, reviewed the site characteristics and elevations of the proposed expansion plan for Lee Data. Planner Enger reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984. He pointed out that, while the original plan had shown the building nestled between a northeasterly and southwesterly knoll , it had been the intention of the proponent to remove a portion of the northeast knoll for the extension of W. 70th Street to provide access for the north portion of the site in the future at the time of expansion. This would eliminate approximately one-half of the knoll at the northeast corner of the site. Hallett asked how much of the building was being used at this time. Mr. Worthington responded that approximately 90-95% of the building was currently in use. He pointed out that approximately 80 parking spaces of those currently provided for the site were not in use. Mr. Worthington stated that, based on their information regarding large buildings of this type, employing large numbers of people, there was a time at which the building parking needs became less as employees began carpooling and using other means of mass transportation. This, in his opinion, explained the 80 vacant spaces on the site currently. Planner Enger stated that, while this may be true, Staff preferred that the proponent show proof of parking availability on the site, should it be needed in the future. Planning Commission Minutes 7 March 26, 1984 Torjesen asked why a Planned Unit Development Concept Amendment was necessary for this site. Planner Enger stated that the original Planned Unit Development did not show a 72,000 square foot office addition. Therefore, it was necessary for Lee Data to appear before the Commission and the Council for review of this expansion as proposed and that it would be required to be an amendment to the original Planned Unit Development Concept. Torjesen stated that he felt a berm, as proposed in the northeast corner of the site, which would replace a portion of the existing knoll, would appear artificial . He questioned the need for removal of half of the knoll. He stated that area for proof of parking had been shown on an adjacent lot which, while under the current ownership of Lee Data, was, in his opinion, inappropriate. Torjesen stated that he felt the Lee Data plans for expansion should be shown, which would include the entire parcel to the north, as well as the land on which the current building was located. He stated that by showing only a portion of the expansion at this time, knowing that there would be need for expansion in the future, Lee Data was taking a piecemeal planning approach. He asked whether an overall plan was available at this time. Staff responded that an overall plan had been shown to the Staff, but had not been available for distribution to the Planning Commission. Mr. Worthington stated that in the original Planned Unit Development, W. 70th Street had been shown in the location which would require elimination of half of the knoll at the northeast corner of the site. He stated that this was consistent with the approval of the overall plan in 1982. Torjesen stated that he felt it was important for the Planning Commission to understand the plans for future expansion of the Lee Data site. He stated that he felt approving the plans for expansion on a piece by piece basis was inappropriate, and that he felt, even if the plans for expansion changed, the Planning Commission would be able to deal with one solid concept and any changes that may occur to the solid concept, as opposed to an unknown situation. Johannes stated that he felt the Commission could act on the project as presented. He stated that he was not concerned about thb removal of a portion of the knoll at the northeast corner of the site, since it had already been approved for extension of W. 70th Street by the original Planned Unit Development. Johannes added that he felt the recommendations included in the Staff Report were sufficient to cover City concerns regarding the extension of W. 70th Street, and it's possible relocation, as well as requirement for future plans to show proposed expansion of the Lee Data facility. He stated that he did not feel it was necessary to see these plans at this time for the expansion of the 72,000 square foot office building. Hallett stated that he felt proponents had planned well by purchase of the Hanson site to the north. He added that while he, too, was concerned about future plans, he was not concerned about those plans at this time for purposes of expansion of the current office Planning Commission Minutes 8 March 26, 1984 facility. Hallett asked proponents if the plans for expansion had been solidified. Mr. Worthington responded that the plans were not solidified, and in fact, had been changed several times already. Schuck stated that he agreed with other Commissioners regarding the lack of necessity of seeing future plans at this time. He stated that he felt the Commission could act on the expansion plans for the office portion of the existing facility now, and review future expansion plans at a time when Lee Data plans were more conclusive. Chairman Bearman stated that the parking area proposed for the expansion was at least 900 feet from the main building entrance. He also expressed concern for the large amount of blacktop which would be visible from adjacent sites. Chairman Bearman asked proponents if they had considered structured parking for the site. Mr. Worthington responded that the plans for the office building incorporated an additional entrance to the building for better access to the expansion area of the parking lot. Chairman Bearman stated that he felt additional landscaping within the existing parking lot would add greatly to the visual impact of this large hard-surfaced area. He suggested that parking islands, which would be landscaped, be added to the site as it existed. Mr. Worthington responded that he felt Lee Data would be willing to work with the City in this matter, however, they would not want to compromise their expansion needs. Johannes stated that he had agreed with Chairman Bearman regarding upgrading of the existing blacktop area with landscaping. He also suggested that, as with other buildings that had been reviewed by the City, some method of breaking up the long, linear nature of the building from vision along #169 should be considered. Mr. McKenzie stated that the proponents were working with Staff to revise the landscaping plans, particularly in front of the tennis courts and ballfield, at this time. Mr. McKenzie stated that this had been a concern of the City in the past and would aid to mitigate the view of the recreation area and, therefore, the parking area, from vision along Highway #169. Torjesen reiterated concern for the lack of an overall plan for proposed and future expansion of the Lee Data site. MOTION 1 : Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Hallett, to close the public hearing. Motion carried--5-1-0 (Torjesen against) MOTION 2: Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Hallett, to recommend to the Planning Commission Minutes 9 March 26, 1984 City Council, approval of the request of Lee Data for Planned Unit Development District and zoning and site plan amendment for expansion of the office portion of their building by 72,000 sq. ft., based on plans dated March 22, 1984, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984, with the following added condition: "Proponents shall provide the City with proof of ownership for the parcel upon which the future parking is proposed for the expansion of the office portion of the existing Lee Data facility and prior to consideration of relocation of W. 70th Street." The Commission agreed that, in the Staff review of the landscape plan, Staff should take into consideration landscaping methods and materials which would providing for breaking up of the long, linear nature of the face of the building, and which would break up the massive nature of the hard-surfaced parking lot. Planting islands were recommended in the existing parking lot. Staff stated that they would follow through with these recommendations in review of the landscape plan. Motion carried--4-2-0 (Chairman Bearman and Torjesen against) D. PRESERVE COMMERCIAL PARK NORTH ADDITION, Eden Prairie Car Care Center. Request for Preliminary Plat of 2.8 acres for Car Care Center. Location: Northwest quadrant of Prairie Center Drive and Highway #169. A public hearing. Mr. Ed Flaherty, proponent, reviewed the site plan and site characteristics with the Commission. Planner Enger reviewed the findings and recommendations of the Staff Report of March 23, 1984. Chairman Bearman asked if the user of the superette site had been identified at this time. Mr. Flaherty responded that no user had yet been identified. Chairman Bearman asked if the superette would have sale of gasoline available to customers. Mr. Flaherty responded that it would. Hallett asked if there would be pedestrian access from this site across Highway #169 to the Eden Prairie Center in the future. Staff responded that there would be. Chairman Bearman asked for comments and questions from members of the audience. There were none. MOTION 1 : Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Schuck, to close the public hearing. Motion carried--6-0-0 Planning Commission Minutes 10 March 26, 1984 MOTION 2: Motion was made by Marhula, seconded by Schuck, to recommend to the City Council, approval of the request of the Preserve of Eden Prairie for preliminary plat of 2.8 acres for a car care center, based on plans dated November, 1983, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Report dated March 23, 1984. V. NEW BUSINESS None. VI. OLD BUSINESS None. VII. PLANNER'S REPORT None. VIII. ADJOURNMENT MOTION TO ADJOURN was made by Schuck, seconded by Torjesen. Chairman Bearman adjourned the meeting at 11 :30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kate Karnas Recording Secretary