Planning Commission - 11/24/1980 f` AGENDA Eden Prairie Planning Commission Monday, November 24, 1980 7: 30 W., City Hall PLANNING LOMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William Bearman , Liz Retterath , George Bentley, Virginia Gartner, Matthew Levitt, Haken Torjesen , Grant Sutliff STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning ; Jean Johnson, Assistant Pla6ner; Sue Schulz, Planning Secretary Pledge of Allegiance - Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II . APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 109 1980 MINUTES III . MEMBERS REPORTS IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. MENARD ADDITION REPI.AT, by Menard , Inc. Request to rep at utlots D. E, & F, Menard Addition. A continued public hearing. V. OLD BUSINESS VI . NEW BUSINESS VII . PLANNE-R' S REPORT VIII . ADJOURNMENT { r� MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMIKATS.ZiUN ahnrnorl 2Y , 11OU 7: 30 PM, City Hall k MEMBERS PRESENT. Chairman William Bearman, Virginia Gartner, Grant Sutliff, George Bentley, Liz Retterath , Hakon Torjesen MEMBERS ABSENT: Matthew Levitt STAFF PRESENT: Jean Johnson , Assistant Planner; Sue Schulz, P1 ann;ng Secretary I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA Torjesen moved to approve the agenda as submitted- Retterath seconded. motion carried 6-0. II . APPROVAL OF NOVEMBER 109 1980 MINUTES P. 39 Item VI , last line, delete 'seemed to indicate that we did not have adequate safe guards ' and insert , ' did not contain r information they were not already aware of, and then requested Staff to ask the City Attorney what, other safe guards could be incorporated to Tore effectively insure compliance, i .e. , penalties , etc. It was suggested by the Commission that a meeting with the City Attorney would be he ifu l . ' Bentley moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Retterath seconded, motion carried 5-0-1. Torjesen abstained. III. MEMBERS REPORTS Gartner stated that the 212 mapping Task Force would like the Me r-o - Council and Cities to approve an official U.S. 212 map and also stated that the Task Force is having a special meeting, December 10, 1980, for the new Council Members and stated that anyone can attend. Bentley stated that he will not be able to attend because of another meeting. Oentley suggested the meeting regarr'--a 1912 be rescheduled as it conflicts with.. apsg.ther meeting some Counci I people Kill be attending. ._ .,rn.�'• - ..... /l RN •LC — .`.�.<._�., ,..,.: .• .- -•_ •_ + . .... _�.•wr. -__�—... .. �.�.�.._—_yt•MIq�\yx...^.. ttip'^-• �n R:.. .v .. -.....-1...- �_ •.a.ly�►•• �.+q::x.+.rf«.et�w. .. 1t" lfE�.�MENT P��SAl.S A. MENARD ADDITION REPLAT, by Menard, Inc. Request to replat Outlots b F, Menard Addition. A continued public hearing. The Assistant Planner stated that this proposal has been continued many times and also stated that there is a staff report dated 11/21/80 regarding the plans dated 11/17/aD. She also stated that Mr. Mary Prochaska, representing Menard'.% w- s present and Mr. Dan Johnson, of Suburban Engineerin% was alee, present: Den Johnson reviewed the plan and staked that the proponent wants to reilion Plaza Drive to intersect with Sctooner Boulevard. He also reviewed tM replat, the plan, the sight lines, the s&ijaa f:, "-also �'Oe�` t�"t _ . . .._�......_. Outlot r will raemin residential T_....,rr.,. ._nyrMiwi¢7F1n"»'i.Rr�•.s�..aTer.+'••�.f...:: r..tn�s...1►u....-awa.•...-.�.,e.e1 -. -.�..q,a.—+.-_.....�r.... ..r.....•x.-.+...mac•�-•'• Yi.+,}!+li'..'�.�'64r L t I approved Pianning Commission Minutes -2- November 24 , 1980 The Assistant Planner reviewed the staff report dated 11/21/80. icetteratn askew when it is anticipated that Schooner Blvd. will be connected to Plaza Drive and Valley View Road terminated. The assistant Planner replied that construction could begin next year and be finished in 2 years . Beaman asked if the proponent has discussed with the County the plans for Valley View Road' s termination. Johnson replied that they believed that the City was going to take over the road. He also stated that the plan is bases+ upon the termination of Valley View Road as located on the plan. Beaman asked what the height of the buildings would be. Johnson replied 40 ft. Beaman then asked if the buildings can be made higher than 40 ft. The Assistant Planner replied yes. Beaiiman asked if the proponent has any plans fcr Outlots D b E. Prochaska replied no. Torjesen asked if any grading has been done assuming this proposal is approved. Prochaska replied no. Bentley asked if there will be significant grade changes. Johnson replied yes. Retterath asked how much of a grade change. Johnsa, replied 7 ft. Bentley asked if there was screening planned at the time of the original proposal . Dan Johnson replied that the buildings were to be used as screening . Bearnan stated that he did not recall from the original proposal that the buildings would be used as screening. Bentley felt: that Outlet f will have w) be screened to screen the residents to the north of the site from the property. Bearman asked zf commercial buildings have mechanical equipment on the top. The Assistant Planner replied yes. Torjesen asked if the eaba nkwent is stable. Johnson replied yes. Sutliff asked if sewer interceptor is a •probiem. Prochaska stated with the areal i gned Plaza Drive there is no problem. Jim Dugan, 12771 Vina Lane, stated that he does not feel that his view of the top of the Menard's building can be screened. John Reedy, 7262 Gordon Drive stated that he was concerned with -the vacation;! -of Valley View Road ;ecause some driveways descend onto that road. Bentley stated that as he understood it. Schooner Blvd. has to meet grade require- ments and there is a grade problem to complete Valley View Road. He further stated that there would also be an intersection problem. Prochaska stated that at the time of the original proposal , it was agreed to cul-de-sac Valley View Road and tthze residents warted it to be terminated because of traffic problems. Bearman stated that he recalls that point. "he Assistant Planner stated tMt the City E sneer's office agrees with Uw sd location of terminating Valley View � 1 .approved Planning Cocwission Minutes -3- November 24, 1980 i Reedy stated that he felt that it would be wrong for the Co�mission to assume that Valley View Road would be terminated. Bill Verkuilen, 12650 Valley View Road stated that ►fe approves of the termination Y of Valley View Road and believed the revised plan screens his viers of the site. Reedy stated that he was concerned with the intersection of Plaza Drive and Schooner Blvd. MOTION 1: Bentley moved to close the public hearing on Menard Addition Replat. Retterath seconded, motion carried 6-0. NOTION 2: nt ey moved to recommend to the City Council approval of the replat based upon the ammos dated 11/21/80 and 8/5/80 and the material dated 11/17/80 and 8/20/80 with the fo i l owi ng recomneradati ons : 1. That a citizen's group be forted to work with the developer to insure screening that meets the rrauirements of the neighborhood. 2. That a performance bond, a cash escrow, or a let.-ter of credit be posted for at least 150% cf the estimated improvement cost. 3. That the developer present a workable screening plan on Ntlot C to screen existing housing to the north from development on this site. 4. That mature 1 andscap i i.g plant material be used. 5. That final grading plant for Outlots C, Ds E, b F. be approved to the City prior to site alteration. 6. Further mass grating of building sites, for Outlots C, D, E, 6 F, without rezoning and platting approval will not be permitted. 7. That approval to this plan be contingent upon agreement with Hennepin County concerning the vacation of existing Valley View Road east of Topview Road. 8. Reaffirm re=idenial uses on Outlot C. Gartner seconded,, motion carried 5-1. Retterith vottd no. V1 . NEW BUSINESS Vt! . S QfPORT The Assistant anner stated that Fairway Woods ., MTS/MCC. Sentec Office Re- zwi"g s.td Edenvaie Apartments will be coming up at the next meeting. fill W or ems+► fflo to adjourn the mting at 9: 10 PM. Gartner seconded., motion cmrr i ed 6-0. .?''•s-