Planning Commission - 10/27/1980 j AGENDA Eden Prairie Planning Commission _ Monday, October 27, 1980 7:30 PM, City Hall COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William Bearman , George Bentley, Liz Retterath, Virginia Gartner, Hakon Torjesen, Matthew Lev :t tt, Grant Slitl i ff STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning; Jean Johnson, Assistant Planner; Sue Schulz, P)anni ng Secretary Pledge of Allegiance-moll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 14, 1980 MINUTES III. MEMBERS REPORTS IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. MENARD ADDITION REPLAT, by Menard Inc. Request to replat Outlots D, E, b F. Menard Addition. A continued public hearing. B. EDENGATE SINGLE FAMILY, by Catco, Inc, Request to rezone approximately 40 acres from RM 6. 5 to R1-13. 5, preliminary plat approval for 83 single family lots , and approval of an Environmental Assessment Werksheet. Located North of Duck Lake Trail and West of new Dell Road. A public hearing. C. FAIRWAY WOODS AMENDMENT, by ! aukka b Associates . Request orDeve opment Plan Amendment to construct 124 units (4-plcx and 8-piex Condominium buildirt,$) upon 15. 3 acres zoned RM 2. 5. Located Northwest of existing Fairway Drive and South of Valley View* Road. A public hearing. D. BELVEDERE INTECIM USE AMENDMENT... by On-Belay. Request to change dentalo ce nter m use at 8490 Franco Road to an adolescent treatment center to be called "Prairie House" . V. OLD BUSINESS Y I. NEW WNESS _VI1. PLANNER'S REPORT VI II. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES €DEN PRAIkIE PLANNING COMMISSION approved Monday, October 27, 1980 7:30 PM9 City Hall MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Bearman, Virginia Gartner, Grant Sutliff, Matthew Levitt, Hakon Torjesen, George Bentley MEMBERS ABSENT: Liz Retterath STAFF PRESENT: Chris Enger, Director of Planning; Sue Schulz. Planning Secretary I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA The Planner stated that Mr. Bentley would be arriving at approximately 8:00 and that he had requested the Commission defer approval of the minutes. Torjesen moved to approve the agenda placing approval of minuteg_ gnder BusihesS : Levitt seconded , ft ion carried 3-0-. II . APPROVAL OF OCTOBER 14, 1980 MINUUS Moved to Oldhsiness. III. MEMBERS REPORTS Levitt submitted an article on Eden Prairie from the Coldwell Banker's "Trends in Twin Cities Real Estate". IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. MENARD ADDITION REPLAT, by Menard' s Inc. Request to replat ut ots nerd Addition. A continued publi^ hearing. Bearman read the letter from Menard' s dated 10/21/80 requesting cont ;nuance until November 10, 1980 and asked the Planner if there has been any additional information submitted. The Planner replied that Menard' s is working on a revised plan and will be ready November 10, 1980. Gartner asked if the berm that ha. been taken down in front of Menard's is in conformance with Manard's 6"greaxnt. The Planner rep i ied that the berm has been placed as a surcharge on bad soils, not as a screening element and is now being refmoved. Torjesen stated that tot. was concerned for residents that ;gave been coming to the t+teetings, each time finding them continued. John Reed,. 7252 Gordan Drives stated that he is interested in the proposal and. he had been attending each meeting on Menard's but would not be able to attend November 10. .approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- October 27, 1980 Levitt stated that the continuances have been made a.. Menard s request for their convenience, and felt that the same- courtesy should be extinded to interested citizens. NOTION or esen moved to continue the Menard Addition Replat to the November 24, 1980 meeting, Gartner seccondeed, motion carried 5-0. B. EDENGATE SINGLE FAMILY, by Catco, Inc. Request to rezone approximately 40aacres from RM 6.5 to R1-13.5, preliminary plat approval for 83 single family lots, and approval of an Environmental Assessment Worksheet. Located North of Duck Lake Trail .and West of new Dell Road. A public hearing. The Planner introduced Mr. Gregg Gustafson one of the owners of the land. Gustafson stated that, the site's total acreage is 120 with 40 acres buildable and 80 which will be contributed to the City for parks. He reviewed the past history of the property. He father stated that he was in agreement with the staff report, except he felt the central cul-de-sac should be allowed to remain as planned rather than modified to a loop road. The Planner reviewed the staff report dated October 24, 1980, the problems with new Dell Road, grading, and traffic on the roads. Torjesen asked Oat because of the grading required, if this is an appropriate land use. The Planner replied that there is a substantial aviount of grading that has to be done and also stated that becuase of downhill and uphill lots the pads should be graded at this tir.�e. He felt, however, that this amount of grading was not extraordinary for single family development and was a proper land use. Levitt asked where k1 l Road goes when leaving Edengate. The Planner replied it goes north tb Townline Road which it would intersect 14 mile east of T.N. 101. Levitt asked if there is an encroachment in the floodplain. The Planner replied no. Levitt asked where the closest neighborhood park is. The Planner replied it is planned appror.imately 1000 ft. to the north. Hidden Ponds wm1J be 2/3 of a smile south. Levitt asked if there will be. a walkway along Deli Road. The Planner raplied Tres. Eearman asked what the timwframe for the f i ni nh f ng �f now De t 2 ft* , M Planner replic-c that Dell Road would proceed north concurrent.with development end cantirtue south of Duck Lake Trail within a year. Bearman asked if there are any plans for the 80 acres dedicated to the City. The Planner replied that Parks , RQcreation and Natural Resources npparrtmenl, his 9~ally considered this area for natural open space. Bearnman asked what the average number of daily trips was from the proposed develop wit. The Planner replied about 800. approved Planning Commission Minutes -3- October 27 , 1980 Gary Nissen, 6721 Tartan Curve was concerned with the traffic that he believed would travel Harrogate Drive. Bentley arrived at 8:26 PM. Thomas Collins , 6641 Tartan Curve, was concerned that there would be a road up against his property. The Planner replied that he would have a lot against the property. Cienn Keller, 6721 Lochanburn Road, was concerned with the increased amount of traffic and felt that Harrogate Drive should not be continued through. Gartner asked if the cul -de-sac at Harrogate could be there temporarily until Dell Road is extended to the north. The Planner replied that it woS technically po,.sible, but if cul-de-saced, Harrogate Drive, as a practical matter would probably always remain. Levitt asked if the central cul-de-sac was extended would there De a loop road created. The Planner replied yes. Gustafson stated that the proponent would prefer to retain the central cul -de-sac. William Neilson, 6761 Tartan Curve asked what effect this development would have on the property between Duck Lake Trail and Purgatory Creek. Gustafson replied that Catco Inc. only owns the land to the north. The Planner asked who owni the property to the south. Gustafson replied Edina Building. P Pe y 9 Joseph Mischel , 6631 Tartan Curve, asked how much of Vie donated land the children can play on. The Planner replied that the City could improve the land for active park use, if the Park and Recreation and Natural Resources Commission so recommends. Mischel also explanined that he was concerned with the grading that is already being carried on thQ site. He also felt that the lots adjb hint Lochanburn should match 1 for 1 with existing lots. Kevin Di sse, :,951 Sugar Hill Circle, asked if the telephone lines will be underground. The Planner replied yes. Robert Kruell , 6780 Tartan Curve, stated that he wanted the developer to comment on the type of homes to be put in Edengate. Gustafson replied that the developer sells the land to the contractor or the people who want to buy the land and also stated that it is up to them as to what kind of house they want to build. Bentley asked if the drainage swale along the properties western boundary is on the lot line. The Planner re;1lied that it could be graded so it could occur any place, but the current plan did not depict it properly. Glenn Keller, 6721 Lochanburn Road, explained that many of the residents go hiking or cross country skiing and asked if a walkway through the development to the flood- plain could be made. The Planner replied that the Parks , Recreation and Katunal Resources Commission would reivew that mwre specifically. Torjesen asked if the City is within it's legal ri,lh is to be grading on this site for new Dell Road prior to are approved development plan. The Planner replied that the City bad .entered into a rontrart tis «tread p Read me nary+ wf the previous •• ••� ...... M Vbb MCI a .vw.+ ..►.r ... b v. development. i approved Planning Commission Minutes �4- October 27 , 1980 Lewis Asklund, 18219 Gi navale Lane, felt that the City should requite a bond on the developer. The Planner replied that Dell Road is a City project. MOTION 1 -e:, .tt moo ed to close %ne public nearing. Torjesen seconded, motion carried 6-0. MOTION 2 evitt Roved to recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning from RM 6. 5 to R1-13. 5 as per the plans dated 9/26/80 and the 1C/24/80 staff report with the following addition: 1. That the connection to Harrogate Drive be deleted and the new road cul -de-saced. Gartner seconded. DISCUSSION Bentley asked if the accesses to Bell Road outlined in the staff report are included. Levitt replied yes , and also stated that he would call special attention to review of totlots and a pathway by;•the Parks , Recreation and Natural Resources Commission. Motion carried 4-2. Bearman and Bentley voted no. MOTION 3 Levitt moved to recommend to the City Council approval of the preliminary plat dated 9/26/80 based upon the 10/24/80 staff report with the following addition : 1. That the connection to Harrogate Drive be deleted and the new road cui -de-saced. Gartner seconded, motion carried 5-1. Bearman voted no. C. FAIRWAY WOODS AMENDMENT, by Laukka & Associates. Request for PUD Development an Amendment to construct 124 units (4-plex and 8-plex condominium buildings) upon 15. 3 acres zoned RM 2. 5. Lcodted North- west of existing Fairway Drive and South of Valley View Road. A public hearing. Bearman stated that the propopent had withdrawn, therefore no motion was made. D. BELVEDERE INTERIM USE AMENDMENT, by On-Belay. Request to 1 c ange dental office interim use at 8480 Franlo Road to adolescent treatment centelrf two be called "Prairie House" . -. - _.�._ .. �. -.✓. —. _ ..�'.- .. .iIl'r. �IISh' -- Y�.n_._.,.. •�T'..�.��"^.wV.'ti'a� P�wi..��,7OAlOA�� �.1'..w TY11A"n'rr.fP•�.o.�w+�'•..I..I.I�✓t .' R..•.•........ The Planner introduced John Curran representing 0n-Belay, and stated that the property is owned by Dr. Bdl vedere. Curran reviewed the neighbor' s concerns, safety, property values , noise, parking, and the reason they chose Eden Prairie for their next treatment center and also passed out letters of support and a brochure. The Planner reviewed the staff report dated October 23, 1980. Sutliff asked what licensing is required by the City. The Planner replied health, sanitation, and building. Sutliff asked what type of security is required. Curran replied that the house would have an alarm on the back door with someone awake at all times. He also stated that if someone leaves, the staff calls the police. approved Planning Commission Minutes -5- October 27, i980 Sutliff asked how long the average individual stays and what the cure rate was. Curran replied the average individual stays 6 to 8 weeks and stated that approximately 30% are cured with 70% of those on an aftercare program. Sutliff asked how many staff are needed and if thara i c any omornor�-, --aM^ �.eNN.... • .J . . ,....vJ v... . . vY1 I ull replied that 5 or 6 staff are on hand at most times with a RN nurse working 40 hours a week. Gartner asked if the proponent anticipates any parking problems during the family hours and if this proposal was before the Human Rights Commission. Curran replied that they do not anticipate any parking problems and that this was before the Human Rights Commission and was approved. The Planner stated that he attended the meeting and told the commission about the Belvedere site and the commission agreed that it was a better 1-ration , than the P. D. Q. site at Mitchell and Valley View as originally proposed. Gartner asked the cost for keeping someone at the center. Curran replied that there are insurance agencies that pick up most of it and that the cost is $85.00 per day with a $200. 00 admission fee. Levitt asked where the patients come from. Curran replied from schools , police, local churches , doctors , out-patient prkgrams , etc. Bentley asked if this proposal has been reviewed by the Metropolitan Council . Curran replied it was not necessary and further stated that he feels there is a need for this type of treatment center in Eden Prairie. �. . Sutliff asked if this is similar to Alcohol Anonymous . Curran replied at Alcohol Anonymous the individuals with problems do not live in the treatment center, how- ever, some of the treatment philosophy was the same. He also stated that many people are referred to Narcanon of AA for aftercare. Tony Westerhaus , 8470 Franlo Road was concerned with the sewer and water. He also stated that he is against the proposal , because of potential problems for the neighborhood. Levitt asked if private sewer and water is possible. The Planner replied that a new septic system would have to be put in. Bob Affeldt, representing Robert Bouten of the Normandale Dental Lab asked if the individuals come voluntarily. Curran replied that there are some that have a choice however, there are no criminal cases admitted. Dr. Belvedere stated that he had the same reservations as the residents originally but he now approves of the. use and feels that it will be more compatible with the neighborhood than short term renters. He had trouble in the past with large parties . Torjesen asked 'pow long the project has been before Eden Prairie. The Planner replied it had been to the Human Rights and Services Commission twice, so about 4 weeks. LOTION ofi jesen moved to recommend to the City Council approval of the Prairie House Interim Use as per the material dated 10 16 80 and the 10 23 80 staff report with the contin- gencies as listed in the staff report. Levitt seconded, motion carridd 3:2:1. Bearman and Bentley voted no and t1iff abstained. approved Planning Coa fission Minutes -o- October 27, 1980 V. OLD BUSINESS A. Appi ova i ui Lhe minutes of October 14, 1980. P. 1, item IV. A, para . #2 , delete IBentley notices that the decible was used for noise levels of construction equipment and asked why this r:ac needed' .W.. i^;ert 'Sentley questioned the necessity of dividing the decible level readings for construction equipment between the different types of Equipment, rather than just giving an overall decible reading. P. 1, item IV. A. para. #3, delete' Bentley asked who prepares the EAW'and insert 'Bentley asked what the source was for the information in the EAW! P. 2 , add between para. nos . 6 & 7 , Bentley asked how far this project is from Anderson Lakes . Petdrson replied that the 1000 foot line from Anderson Lakes runs through the middle of the PUD. P. 3, para. # 2, add'exiting' and existing. P. 3, para. #4, Hubert should be Herbert. P. 3, para. #14, delete the word "what" and addlhow large. Also in the same para. first line, between blanace and would be, add of the building . P. 4, para. #1 , last line, last word, delete "s" . P. 4 add'Gartner stated that she would like the single tree to remain. ' MOTIbN Gartner moved to approve the minutes as amended. Torjesen seconded, . motion carried 6-0. VI . NEW BUSINESS None PLANNER S MLi`UK'i VIII . ADJOURNMENT Torjesen moved to adjourn the meeting at 11 :10 PM. Levitt seconded, motion carried 6-0. i