Planning Commission - 02/11/1980 M 13 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION MONDAY, FEBRUARY 11, 1980 7: 30 PM, CITY HALL PLANNING COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William 3earman, Liz Retterath, Oke Marti.. �on, Matthew Levitt, Virginia Gartner, and. r:,vris Danticy STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jeanie Ohnsorg, Planning Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ROLL CALL I. APPROVAL OF A6EF9A II. APPROVAL OF JOINT MEETING MINUTES OF JANUARY 21, 1980 III . APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1990 IV. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 28 I980 VI. MEMBERS REPORTS VII. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. SUNSET TRAIL, by Countryside Investments Inc. Request to rezone 9 acres from Rural to Ri-13. 5 and preliminary Plat 18 lots for single family homes. Located west of Duck Lake Road and north of Sunset Ridge and Valley Knolls Addition. A continued public hearing. B. NORSEMAN INDUSTRIAI, PARK 4th ADDITION, by Herleiv Helle . Request to preliminary plat 1 lot and rezone 4. 89 acres from Rural to I-2 Park. Located North cif West 74th Street, 94S feet west or Washington Avenue South. A continued public hearing. C. TIMBER CREEK, by B-T Land Company. Request for Planned Unit Development approval on 150 acres for 136 single family, 120 quadraminiur, units, 48 eigbtplexe :nits, and a 2.3 acre conwnity commercial site. A public hearing. D. RYMARLAND CAMP 2nd ADDITION , by Milton Quom. Request to rezone 23 acres from Rural to R1-13.S and RM 6.S and prelimi- nary plat 13 single family lots and 56 lots for duplexes. A public hearing. VIII. OLD BUSINESS IX. NEWBUSINESS XI. PLANNER'S REPORT REVIEW OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD for consiste cy with the Compre- hensive Guide Plac:. XII. ADJOURNMENT MINUTES EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, February 11 , 1980 approved 7 : 30 PM City Hall COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: George Bentley, Matthew Levitt , Virginia Gartner, and Liz Retterath COMMISSTON MEMBERS ABSENT: Chaitman Willaim Becrman and Oke Martinson COkLMISSIO'� MMEMBERS ON LEAVE OF ABSENCE : Haken Turjesen STAFF MEMBERS PRESENT: Chris Enger, Directoi of Planning Jeanie Ohnscrg, Planning Secretary I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: BeTitley moved, Gartner seconded to approve the agenda as submitted. Motion carried 4 -- 0. II . APPROVAL OF JOINT MF.E'T;NG MINUTES nF JANUARY 21 , 1980 Corrections: Page 1, paragraph 2, Pauly should be added after the name Roger. III . APPROVAL Or THE MINUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1980 Corrections: Page 6, paragraph 8, line 3, thy: word "iste" should be "site". Same page, paragraph 10, line 2 the word "levle" should be "level" . Same page, paragraph 12, (motion) , sentences 2 Fs 3 should read "We strongly encourage minimum site dislocation during building pad excavation and construction. Additional site Plans should incorr:- orate fire marshal recommendations from both Eden Prairie and Minne- tonka. NW. ION: Bentley moved, Gartner seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried 4 - 0. IV. APPROVAL OF THE MTNU1'ES OF JANUARY 28 . Corrections: Page 1 , Liz Retterath was absent. Same page, paragcaph 3 under Development Proposals, line 4 the word "explain" should be `explained". Page 2, paragraph 4, the word "charitble" should be "charitable". Same page paragraph 8, the word "maimum" should be I'maximud' . Page 4, paragraph 6, the name Lance should be changed to Mr. Norderhus. MOTION. Gartner moved, Levitt seconded to approve the minutes as corrected. Motion carried 3 - 0- 1. (Retterath abstained" approved Planning Commission Minutes -2- February 11, 1980 V. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. S_MISET _TRAILS, by Countryside Investments Inc. Request to rezone 9 acres from Rural to RI-13. 5 and preliminary plat 18 lots for single family homes. Located crest of Duck Lake Road • and north of Sunset Ridge and Valley Knolls Addition. A con- tinued public hearing. Mr. Lloyd Erickson, representative for Countryside Investements, Save a brief summary of the project. He explained the storm sewer systems and the drainage systems panned for this site. He also stated that in changing from townhouses to single family homes they have come up with the possibility of earth sheltered homes. W. Messer , New Dissension Builders, gave a presentation on earth sheltered homes. He explained how the homes are con- structed, how they are insulated and the methods used for water proofing. The Planner reviewed the recommendations on the staff report dated 2/7/80. Bentley inquired how outlot "A" would be conveyed to the City. The Planner replied that the City, according to ordinance, is only ;ntitled to approximately 2 acres of land but are sug- gesting that the developer convey the outlot "A'• to the City and cl+eck with the City' s Park and Recreation Department as to how it should be conveyed. Bentley ings?ired urhat type of background the New Dimension Builders have in the construction industry. Messer replied that their covpany is backed by two companies, W being ibe Hater Construction, and the other being a con- sulting firm with whoa they have been working for 15 yeats . Bentley inquired ; f the New Dimension guilders have any existing homes at this time. Messer replied that they have a home that is under construction in Ed;"-z and that they do not have any completed homes in exis- te>4ce. Bentley inquired if tht City has any ordinances regarding the exterior design of homes. The Planner replied no. ' kmtltey inquired what type of bonding does a developer need if he moped Not hrve building experience in Eden Prairie. The Planner replied that any contractor planning to build a resi- 4kpt i3: topst,ruction in Eden Prairie must re herded forl25,nRR. Levitt 1"ui red who wmsld hold the responsibility of upgrading. -back Lake Road. approved Planning Commission Minutes - 3- T'ebruary 11 , 1980 The Planner replied that the road is presently being upgraded as a part of a City bTrovement which was petitioned by Country- side Investments and Marvin Anderson Construction. Levitt stated that the whole site area is stAep and inquired -how much grading would have to be done. Messer replied that they will-H-WAL tiCCu to do much grading. The land will be excavated and buiSt, then the dirt will be put back; around the building. Levitt inquired what type of erosion control was planned. Messer replied that the developer is planning on building one lot at a time and to develop erosion control on each lot separately. Levitt. inquired about the sidewalk. The Planner replied that at the time When LHigh Trails Estates was before the Commission there was a requires►ent that they build a sidewalk along Duck Lake Road and that this would be suffi- cient . Since that time Marvin Anderson construction has come ir. with 10 lots south of this plat and the City Council required them to put a sidewalk on that side of Duck Lake road also. It is the Park Recreatr.on & Natural Resource COMM. ssion'5 feeling 'that this sidewalk sgicxild be coninued tla-ough the inset Trail s decal onment. Levitt inquire about the proposed lift station. The Planner replied that there are lots in 'lieh Trails Estates, Ecklund-swedlund's areas , and this proposed pmiect which needed a lift station and that the lift station that will he put in will be adequate to serve all of these areas. Erickson stated that by developing this lift station they could phase out the one near Coach Light Manor. Jim Bast, 17704 West 66th St. , inquired about the amount of fill nc-eded, , if the storm sewer system was going through the existing park and exactly what type of concept approval the developer is requesting. The Planner replied that the request at this time is rezoning and preliminary plat of 18 lots. fie stated that the storm surer has been installed within the park land because at the time of construction -this was the only land available for exten- -sion of the storm sewer from High Trails F%tatoo An,4 Ore stir- - rounding area, and that the fill in the wetland was limited to a very small area. Mrs. J. Ihlrnfeld, 17240 West 66th St Circle, inquired about the park and what land would be dedicated as a park. Erickson stated th;it they are pl:nning to trade one acre of lard to the City for which the City will assume the responsibility approved P_la ming Commission Minutes -4- February 11 , 198o of building the totlot on theer development , High Trails, located across the street. They have talked to Bob Lambert about this trade ar_d it has his approval. He alsu stated that the plan pp Y to donate the remaining 12 acres to the City, providing tax laws permit then to use the donation for tax purposes. They are also hoping the City will waive the cash park fee on these eighteen lots. MOTION: Gartner moved, Levitt seconded to close the public hearing. :Metier. carried 4 - 4. MOTION: Gartner moved, Levitt seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City council approval of the rezoning from Rural to RI-13. S according to the plat dated February 1980, per the staff report dated 2-7-80 and the Countryside Invest- ment 'letter dated 2-11-80. Motion carried 4 - 0. LOTION: Gartner moved , Levitt seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council approval of the prelimi- nary platting of 18 lots according to the plat dated February 1980, per the staff report dated 2_7-Rn, and the ralintxyside Investment letter dated 2-11-80. Motion carried 4 - 0, S. ?:ORSEMAN INDUSTRAIL PARK 4th AUDITION, by Herleiv Helle. Request to preliminary plat I lot and rezone 4. 89 acres from Mural to I-2 Park. Located north of west 74th Street , 945 feet west of Washington Avenue South. A continued public hearing. , George Hoff, . ropresenting Mr. Helle gave a brief presentation explaining that Mr. Helle is asking for rezoning to I-2 Park avid preliminary plat approval and that no variances will be needed. He stated that the major improvements were the extension of Nest 74th Street and the solution to the storm sewer problem. The Planner went over the recom-endations of the staff report dated February 3, 193f). Bentley inquired exactly what was planned for the storm Newer. The Planner went over the statements made under the topic of storm sewer system in the staff report dated February 8, 1980. He stated: that this -system is planned to be a permanent solu- tion. Levitt stated that there is a large slope in the northern por- tion if this site. He inquired how much of this hill will be graded. Hoff replied that they are not planning to grade any part of that area. Levitt inquired if there were any erosion problems pre..ionitl_y and if any erosion control efforts are planned. Hoff sYatrd that there have tot been any erosion problems in this area, and that if there were any tyre of erosion problems they w-xtld actually be improved by the development of this land, approved Planning Coaamission Minutes -S- February 11 , 1980 Levitt inyu'red exact iy what the City was proposing Mr. Helve do in regards to t1•v extension of West 74th Street . The Planner replied that the staff feels that Mr. Helve should extend best 74th Street to the 4th addition western boundary. Bentley inquired wino would obtain- the responsibility of the maintenance of the sedimentation pond. The Planner replied that this responsibility would be the City's. MOTION: Levitt moved , Gartner seconded to close the public hearing. Motion. carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Levitt moved, Gartner seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning from Rural to I-2 Park according to the plat dated 12-19-79 and per the staff report dated 2-8-80. Notion carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Levitt mo•✓ed, Gartner seconded that the Planning Coa- mission recommend to the City Council approval of tl,e prelimi- nary platting of 1 lore according to the plat dated 12-19-79 and per the staff report dated 2-8-8C. Motion carried 4 - 0. C. T' MBER :REEK, by B-T Land Company. Request for Planned Unit Development approval on 150 acres for 136 single family, Y20 quadraminiums units, 43 eightplex tmits, and a 2. 3 Pcre com- munity ecamercial site. A public hearing. The Planner gave a brief sumary of the i7evelopers request . Peter Jarvis. From B,R.W. Engineers , gave a brief presentation stating that this type of development (PUD) was approves in 1972 but that because of some complication it was not followed through. Nd,explained the number and type of units Dror_oced for this site and stated That they tried to set up a meeting with the concerned neighboring residents but that the residents felt that a meeting at this time was unnecessary, Jack Lynch vlti e a brief presentation explaining the location of the site and its various characteristics. He +explained the drainage systems and utilities proposed. lie then explained the site plans and what -Was planned for the park area. Gr60 Beauvais, IS724 Park Terrace Drive irqui.-aed about the con- venienc:e store and the amount of traffic impact it would have. on County Road 4. Jim Cardinal , IS701 Kest 62nd Street -,tated that he feels that Eden Prairie does not have enough through strcr:rs, and that this development simply connects two reads that are already th migh streets. Ile then inquired what :aunt of trig€fic impact this development will have on Townline Read. approved Planning Commissicn Minutes -5- February 11 , 1980 Levitt inquired exactly what the City was proposing Mr. Nelle do in regards to the extension of West 74th Street . The Planner replied that the staff feels that Mr. Helle should extend West 74th Street to the 4th addition western boundary. Bentley inquired w o would obtain the responsibility of the maintenance of the sedimentation pond. -- - - --The Planner replied that this responsibility would be the City's . MOTION: Levitt moved, Gartner seconded to close the public- hearing. Motion carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Levitt moved, Gartner seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council approval of the rezoning from Rural to 1-2 park according to the piaL cap:- :Z` -79 and per the staff report dated 2-8-80. Motion carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Levitt moved, Gartner seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council approval of the prelimi- nary platting of 1 lot according to the plat dated 12-19-79 and per the staff report dated 2-8-80. Motion .:ariied 4 -- 0. C. TIMBER CREEK, by B-T Land Company. Request for Planned Unit Development approval on ISO acres for 136 single family, 120 quadram;niums units, 43 eightplex units, and a 2. 3 acre com- munity commercial site. A public hearing. The Planner gave a brief summary of the developers request. Peter Jarvis, From B.R.W. Engineers , gave a brief presentation stating that this type of development (PUD) was approved in 1972 but that because of some complication it was not followed through. He•explained the number and type of units proposed for this site and stated that they tried to set up a meetir-g with the concerned neighboring residents but that the residents felt that a meeting at this time was unnecessary. Jack Lynch gave a brief presentation explaining the location of the site and its various characteristics. He explained the • drainage systems and utilities proposed. tie then explained the site plans and what was planned for the park area. Greg Beauvais, 15724 Park Terrace Drive inquired about the con- venience store and the amount of traffic - impact it would have on County Road 4. Jim Cardinal, 15701 West 52nd Street stated that he feels that Eden Prairie does not have enough through streets, and that this development simply connects two roads that are already_through streets. lie then inquired what :mount of development will have on Townline Road. C :approved _ Planning Commission Minutes -6- February 11, 1980 � 1 - Mike k.eutter, 6602 Rainbow Drive, inquired if the developer is proposing any type of road improvements for County Road 4 . lie then stated that this development is for 150 acres 50 of which is flood plain and inquired what type of impact this develop- ment would have on the flood plain. Gary Osullivan , 16690 Baywood Terrace, stated that he does not. feel that it is necessary to have a convenience store on this development and inquired what the lot size was for the homes planned for the northern part of this site. Bentley inquired if there v.-re any plans for improvement of County Road 4 in this area. Levitt inquired if the developer had any plans for improve- ment of Townline Road. The Planner replied that these items would be addressee: in a staff report Paul Choiniere, 15819 North Eden Drive, stated that he does not feel that any type of development should go on this site. He stated that he was at the Planning Commission meetings in 1972 and the reason that this development was not continued was because the Barr Engineering study was incomplete. He stated that in doing this study they found that the type of soil density on the slopes would not hold this type of development. He also stated that a great deal of lots back yard exposure rest into the high flood plain ,area. He stated that Townli;a .Road is not designed in a way that it could handle too much more traffic. The area the developer has recognized for a park is a glacial pond. He inquired jf this development is consistent with D.N. R and what the County is planning for a Crosstown road. John Price, 16680 Honeysuckle Lane, stated that he feels there Fhould be better transition in this development, that he lives in a single family hom-- and that the developer is planning to build quadraminiums on the land next to his home. Paul Brown, 17100 Duck Lake Trail, Jerry Gorder 6717 168 Ave W. , Elenor McKewan, 16730 Baywood Terrace, D. Stucki , IS417 West 62nd Street, also stated that they are concerned with the traffic im- pact, the amount and type of units proposed, and that they are against any type of commercial on this site. Knnne +burg, 159r0 tyost 62nd Street, inquired if the resi- dence along Towr-ji-le Rig l w•- -el hA (I Fir +. h� ._. •�,- �ystems proposed. Gayle Clark, 2 1509 Wcst 6nd "Street, stated that there is large amount of wildlife and trees on this land and inquired if any type of preservation would be done. lie also stated that where the developer is planning the convenience center there is an old barn that he would like to see m&ide into _=ome type of recreational facility nether than to torn down. � .��...��as r s�wrY.4F.�R•<<TR Lam"Y�.�.•dii►E1CZ�Y._Ltti Y-.y'.ir. ...,.i-y...._�._ ^.'Y.vi_' .. .n approved Planning Commission Minutes -7- February 11 , 1980 Retterath inquired about the amount of grading that would have to be dons:. Gartner stated that she also is concerned about the intersection of Townline Road and Duck ' ..Ke 'frail and that she died not feel there was a need for a commercial site in this development . Jack Lynch , B. R.W. Engineering, gave a brief explanation of the site and briefly addressed some of the concerns of the residents . Bentlev stated that he felt the following items should be addressed before the next planning meei:i*"g: 1 . The infringement on the flood plain. 2. The traffic impact on Townlire Road and County Road 4. 3: If shoreland management requirements are met. 4. An Environmental Assessment Worksheet . S. Freservation for the wildlife. 6. The size and number of cut-de-sacs . 7. The amount of usable park land . 8. The necessity of a convenience center 9. Eensity of the project. MOTION: Bentley moved, Gartner seconded to continue the public hta-ring on Timber Creek to the February 25, 1980 meeting. Motion carried 4 - 0. D. RYMARLAND CA:klP 2nd ADDITION, by Milt. Quam. Request to rezone 23 acres from Rural to R1 f3.5 and RM 6.5 and preliminary plat 13 single family, lots and 56 lots for duplexes. A public rearing. Tom Burqquist , Fngi.neer for Milt Quam gave a brief presentation explaining what type of units are proposed and the recreational facilities provided . The Planner stated that the Planning Staff recommends denial of this project and went over the staff report dated rabruary 7, 1980. Levitt asked the pruponent about their sanitary sewer systems 3urggiiist replied that sanitary sewer system is brought into this site through Hidden Ponds and that it is his understanding that it is designed to handle the number of units proposed . :he Planner stated that the City Engineering Department felt that the existing sanitary sewer system north of this project is currantly at capacity. Levitt inquired about the number of housing units on a single 1 g g cul-ds-sac. app:oiled Planning Commission Minutes -8- February 11 , 1980 The Planner stated that the problem with the frontnaAe is that some of them are down arounJ 40' or SO' and that the City has hail problems with allowing 4 single family homes on one cul -de- sac. He stated that the problem is that there is no 'on street ' nark i n a ,nd nn rn^m f..« • as ,...... - snow storage. Levitt inquired what type of industrial is to the south of this site. Burqquist stated that this land is in Chanhassen and they have zoned it as industrial . Levitt inquired if this site is surrounded by single family homes. The Planner replied yes. Bev B;;hlmer, 18920 Pheasant Circle, stated that Highway 101 where this development obtains its access is very hilly and would have a blind entrance. She feels this would be an unsafe entrance for the drivers and children that play near that area. Cliff Patterson, 7330 Green Ridge Drive, stated that Green Ridge Drive is a very windy road and has many blind c _-ners and with this type of development could become very dangerous for small. children. •� John Jansson, 19130 Homestead Circle, stated that he feels that the construction of Dell Road is far into the future and the development of this type on this site would cause a large amount of traffic to go through I!idden Ponds Second: which is a residen- tial area. Milt Ellison, 18925 Pheasant Circle, also stated that he is con- cerned about the traffic generated by this development. Bev Behlmer, 18920 Pheasant Circle, inquired about the amount of grading that: would be done. Burgquist stated that the developer does not plan to do much grading. He said that the grading and removal of trees would be done by each individual buyer of the property. Ault Ellison, 1892S inquired if the surrounding neighborhoods would benefit by the swim. ;ng pool that would be provided. Burgquist stated that this pool would be privately owned by the residents of this developmment. .he Planner stated that it has been the City's experience that a swimming pool and a tennis court :s a heo y burden for such a small homeowner' s association. Planning Comission Minutes -9- February 11, 1980 - Cliff Patterson, 7330 Green Ridge Drive stated that he would like to see single family in this area and inquired what the present zoning is on this site. The Planner stated that this site is presently zoned rura; . Cartner inquired what happens to the recreational facilities in the event that the residents cannot handle its maintenance. The Planner .replied that they would be legaiiy responsible and liable for the ultimate disposition of the pool. Levitt asked the proponent why he felt this development should be approved. Burqquist stated reasonE set forth in the development brochure. WrION: Bentley moved, Gartner seconded to close the public hearing. Motion carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Bentley moved, Levitt seconded that the Planning Com- rd ssion recommend to the City Council denial of the request by Milton Quam to rezone from Rural to RI-13. 5 and RIB 6.5. Motion carried 4 - 0. MOTION: Bentley moved, Levitt seconded that the Planning Com- mission recommend to the City Council denial of the request by Milt Quam to preliminary plat 13 single family lots and S6 lots for duplexes for the Rymarland Camp 2nd Addition project . VT . OLD BUSINESS NONE VII. NEW BUSINESS NONE - -- - - - VII. PLANNER'S REPORT Rr:VTFW OF VALLEY VIEW ROAD for consistency with, the Corprchensive e Plan. Levitt stated that when making this motion the Planning Commis- sion Is not stating that they are in fill agreement with this alignment of Valley View road but that it is cor-sistant with the 1979 Guide Plan. 110?ION: Levitt moved. Gartner seconded that the Commission finds ss follcws ; the proposed capital improvement for Valley View - goad 1 % consistent with the 1079 Comprehensive Guide Plan. Motion carried 4 - A. - V 11 I . AMI(X1R.'iMENT - *f'?TIaY: Rent ley moved, Gartner seconded to ail journ the meeting at 11 : 20. liot i on carried 4 - 0.