HomeMy WebLinkAboutPlanning Commission - 01/28/1980 itw AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION MM4DAY, JANUARY 28, 1980 7:30 PM, CITY HALL PLANNING CONMISSION MEMBERS: Chairman William Bear an, Liz Retterath, Oke Martinson, Matthew Levitt, Virginia Gartner, and George Bentley STAFF MENSM: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jeanie Ohnsorg, Planning Secretary. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - ROLL CALL I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. APPROVAL OF THE MMUTES OF JANUARY 14, 1980 • ' III. !EMBERS REPORTS TV. DEVEL0M W PROPOSALS: . A. SMSET 'TRAILS, by Countryside Investments Inc. Request to rezone 9 acres from Rural to R1-13.S and preliminary plat 18 lots for single family homes. Located west of Duck Lake Road and north of Sunset Ridge snd Valley Knolls Addition. A rontintied public hearing. S. NORSEMAN INDUST� PARK 4!h ADDITION, By Herleiv Helle. Request to preliminary plat 1 lot and rezone 4.89 acres from Burp: to 1-2 Park. Located North of West 740 Street, 945 feet west of Washington Avenge South. A continued public hearing. C. REVIEX OF CHRIST WnRERAN CHURCH SITE PLANS. Located North of and within Lake Trail Estates. D. REQUEST TO GIVE A PRESENTATION of up-coming Wjng Football ea! sal. V. OLD BUSTMESS . REPORT' e MINUTES �t EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION Monday, January 28, 1980 approved 7: 30 PM City Hall COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman William Bearman, George Bentley, Matthew Levitt, Oke Martinson. Virginia ,Gartner COMMtISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: STAFF MEMBER PRESENT: Chris Enger, Director of Planning Jeanie Ohnsorg, Planning Secretary I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION: Gartner moved, Bentley seconded to approve the agenda as submitted. Notion carried 5 - 0. I t. APPROVAL OF THE MINUi'ES OF JANUARY 14, 1980 MOTION: Levitt coved Gartner seconded to continue the approval of the January 14, 1980 minutes to the Febraury 11 . 1980 meeting. Motion carried 5 - 0. III. MEMBERS REPORTS NONE IV. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS: A. SUNSET TRAILS, by Countryside Investments Inc . Request to rezone 9 acres from Rural to R1-13. 5 and preliminary plat 18 lots for single family homes. Located west of fuck Lake Rcad and north of Sunset Ridge and Valley Knolls Addition. A continued public hearing. The Planner gave a sumary of the changes in this development. He explained -that the developer has decided to build single family homes on this site. - - -- -- - Cliff Stlenson, 'CountTyside Investments, stated that the- devel- oper prefereed the idea of townhouses but because of the lack of support for this idea, they have decided on single family hones. H. .h;e;; exr3a:n tl:c s::c r:::.s :o: this U8i'alawan: . Bentley inquired what amount of acreage would- be used for single family homes on this site. Swenson replied t;iat out of 21 acres, 7 acres would be used for single family homes. Bentley inquired if these lots most the 13.5 require6ent . - %nuary proved Planning Commission Minutes -2- 28, 1980 The Planner .replied that he has not yet had an opportunity to look at the developers new plat very closely, but that he would address this question in a staff report . Bentley inquired if the developer is planning any fill in of • the area that the GIB:R=: has designated as wetland. Swensen replied that there would be very limited fill_ for -a few few back yards and that they would be applying for a permit from the D.N.R. Bentley inquited what the developer is planning for the western portion of this site. Swensen replied that the a roxinace 12 acres would be conveyedT� to the City perhaps pat ta `si'-a charitable contribution. Levitt inquired if the developer was asking for any type of variances. Swensen replied no.. Levitt inquired if the developer is still planning on some type of density transfer. The Planner replied that under the 13. S cgtagory of ordinance #135 the development would be well within the 2 unit/acre maximum density- Nine acres for this nuri+ose would have tin be considered for the 18 lot development. Levitt inquired if the proposed Durango Drive would be a dead end.. Swensen replied that Ecklund and Swedlund is planning a develop- ment which would have a road which would connect to the proposed Durango Drive, on the north of this play . George Kissinger, A-601 8arberry Lane, statad that the home owners Saarroamding this proposed development site are very muc1i Sri favor of the idea of single family. homes. and support the current devel- opment. MOVON: Gartner moved, Bentley seconded to continue public-hearing on Sunsct Trails to the February il , 1980 meeting 6 direct the staff to prepare a report based upon complete infor- mnttiQR being supplied by the developer. B. NORSEMAN INDUSTRIAL PARK 4th ADDITION, by Herleiv Hell,. Re- quest to preliminary prat 1 lot and rezone 4 . 89 acres from Rural to L-2 park. Located North of West 74th Street, 94S feet wort of Washington .Avenue South. A continued public hearing. N TION.- Levitt Loved, Gartner seconded to continue this item to the PebruRry 11 , 1060 "sting. _ approved Planning Commission Minutes --3- January 28, 198n E. RE%U= OF CRUST UMIERAN CHMC I SITE PLANS. Located North or TH S and within Ike 'Trail Estates. The Planner gave a summary of the site explaining that the church has revised its plans to provide a 25' wide access easem -nt r across the front of the property and parking has been moved &my from this residential area. He also stated that the frontage road is not proposed to be built by the church. At this time the City has no assurance how and when the frontage road will be built. Levitt inquired how a project can be approved without any road access. Dave Sauer, Building Chairman for Christ Lutheran Church, stated that they have received a letter from Lance Norderhus in which hr. offered to acild a reciprocal easement, to give the right to use his parking space, aid to construct the fronts TraiiWg road. a stated that Eagle Enterprises is currently in the process of up a contract for the easement. He also stated that he is not sure of the tiling of when the road will be built, and that it is his understanding that Mr. Norderhus Ys waiting fvrthe possibility of C.D.B.G. funding for ** elderlyhousing. Bearman stated that he feels that the timing of the frontage road is a very important point in regards to this project. Levitt inquired if the Ourch was plannin g to build the road access from the Carnelian Lane enterance into the church' s first phase ?arking lot. Snuer replied aff iirmat ive. Levitt inquired how the Commission can get a guarantee that the entire road would be built. The Planner replied that a developers agreement could be drawn up to specifically state who would build the road, whe" and what the assurarce is that the road would be built. Sauer stated that they feel that the portion of the access from the Carnelian Lane eittrPrce into the church's first phase; parking lot was an adequate access. �:i�sv;� stated that he feels the p'r`per solution would be '�cr the church to put in the portion of the road that goes from the etitrance of Carnelian Lane to the churcF.'s first phase parking lot and build it -to the same standards as the frontage road so that it could he connected to the frontage road when it is con-- structed. ` approved Planning Commission Minutes -4- January 28, 1980 Sauer stated that it is important for the church to proceed becaase of the availability of funding from their parent synod. Levitt inquired if when approving the Eagle Enterpirse pro- ject there were any contingencies as to the construction of this frontage road. Tom Walters, 6780 Meadow Lane stated that he had researched the minutes regarding the Eagle Enterprise project in preparation for this meeting and felt that there were no contingencies regarding the service road. The Planner responded that Eagle Enterprises approval was made contingent upon the extension of the service road across the front of their property to the east boundary of the church. Martinson inquired if Mr. Sauer has talked to Lance Norderhus recently. --Sauer replied that they have talked to him and Mr. Norddrhus currently drawing up a document for the easement . MOTION: Bentley moved, Martinson seconded that the Commission recommend to the City Council approval of the site plan for Christ Lutheran Church dated 1/20/80, per the staf* report dated 1/25/80 specifically contingent upon an t:ltimatc agrec;- sent acceptable tc the City on the building of the service road and that -an agreement be reached on the timing and the reponsibility of this service road prior to building permit issuance. Motion carried 4 - 1. (Bearman voting nay) . Bearman stated that he felt that it was the responsibility of the church to get this road built. 0. REQUEST TO GIVE A PRESENTATION of up-coming Viking Football team proposal. Dan Brauer, planner for the Vikings, gave a brief presentation on w:iat is planned for this Viking team facility. He explained the location of this proposed site and the type of preservation and grading they have planned for the sic. Grady Alderman, Viking's project director, stated that one of the reasons this location was selected was because of the privacy it provides. He explained that they plan to construct two fullsize practice fields, ,-a 70-yard-long field of arti- ficial turf that in cold weather could be covered by an axi - _supported plastic bubble, and a building that will be an office and training facility. He explained that the building would have training facilities an the first floor and offices on the second and that the Vikings are looking into the possibility of part of the building being earth sheltered and solar heated. approved Planning Commission Minutes -S- January 28, 1980 Bentley inquired in relation to this project where the ring road was. Brauer explained that it was proposed for the western third of the Condon-Naegele piece. Bearman inaui red if the on-ramn frntn Wiachino4nm Airomia 494 would affect the proposed site. The Planner replied that MnDor had riot panned an on ramp from Washington Ave to I-494 westbound. Levitt. inquired if Washington Ave is the main access to this site. Brauer stated that Washington Avenue wil; be the main access to this site until they car. get the other through .roads built. Levitt inquired what was planned for the surrounding property. Brauer stated that for the present they are planning to leave it rural. V. OLD BUSINESS NONE VI. NEW BUSINESS NONE VII . PLANNER'S REPORT NONE V I I I. ADJOURNEMNT MOTION: Bentley moved, Gartner seconded to adjourn the meeting at 9:30. Motion carried 5 - 0.