Planning Commission - 06/26/1989 AGENDA EDEN PRAIRIE PLANNING COMMISSION 40 Monday, June 26, 1989 7:30 p.m. COMMISSION MEMBERS: Chairperson Julianne Bye, Richard Anderson, Christine Dodge, Doug Fell , Robert Hallett, Charles Ruebling, Douglas Sandstad STAFF MEMBERS: Chris Enger, Director of Planning; Michael Franzen, Senior Planner; Don Uram, Assistant Planner; Deb Edlund, Recording Secretary Pledge of Allegiance -- Roll Call I. APPROVAL OF AGENDA II. MEMBERS REPORTS III. DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS *NOTE: THE TIMES LISTED BELOW ARE TENTATIVE, AND MAY BE SIGNIFICANTLY EARLIER, OR LATER THAN LISTED. (7:35) A. EDENVALE CROSSINGS, by Marcor Properties, Inc. Request for Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Commercial to Community Commercial on 7.5 acres, Planned Unit Development Concept Amendment and Planned Unit Development District Review on 21 acres with waivers, Zoning District Amendment within the C-Com Zoning District on 7.5 acres, Site Plan Review, and Preliminary Plat of 7.5 acres into 1 lot for construction of 38,056 square feet of commercial uses. Location: East of Mitchell Road, southeast of Martin Drive, Mitchell Road intersection. A continued public hearing. (8:05) B. GUILLE ADDITION, by David and Linda Guille. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to R1-13.5 on 1.47 acres, and Preliminary Plat of 1.47 acres into three single family lots and road right-of-way. Location: Southeast corner of Starrwood Circle and Mitchell Road. A public hearing. (8:20) C. EDEN PRAIRIE FUNERAL HOME, by Marcus Corporation. Request for Guide Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial on 0.95 acres, Zoning District Change from RM-2.5 to Community Commercial on 0.95 acres with variances to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals, and Preliminary Plat of 0.95 acres into 1 lot for the construction of a funeral home. Location: Southwest corner of Terrey Pine Drive and County Road #4. A public hearing. (9:00) D. SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW. Request for amending Sub- division 6A, Section 11.03, Chapter 11, requiring site plan and architectural design review prior to building permit issuance in all districts and with respect to allowing for extension of approval . A public hearing. IV. OLD BUSINESS Is V. NEW BUSINESS VI. PLANNER'S REPORT VII. ADJOURNMENT PLANNING COMMISSION -APPROVED MINUTES MONDAY, JUNE 26, 1969 7:30 PM CITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7600 Executive Drive COMMISSION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairperson Julianne Bye, Richard Anderson, Christine Dodge, Doug Fell COMMISSION MEMBERS ABSENT: Robert Hallett, Charles Ruebling STAFF MEMBERS : Michael Franzen, Senior Planner; Deb Edlund, Recording Secretary PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL: I , APPROVAL OF AGENDA MOTION• Sandstad moved, seconded by Fell to approve the Agenda as published . Motion carried 4-0. II . MEMBERS REPORTS • III . DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS A. EDENVALE CROSSINGS, by Marcor Properties, Inc. Request for Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Commercial to Community Commercial on 21 acres, Planned Unit Development Concept Amendment and Planned Unit Development District Review on 21 acres with waivers, Zoning District Amendment within the C-Coin Zoning District on 7 .5 acres, Site Plan Review, and Preliminary Plat of 7.5 acres into 1 lot for construction of 38,056 square feet of commercial uses . Location: East of Mitchell Road, southeast of Martin Drive, Mitchell Road intersection. A continued public hearing. Anderson arrived at 7 :35 PM. Richard Martens, representing the proponent, stated that all the revisions requested by Staff and the Planning Commission at the last meeting had been made . Martens stated that the proponent was prepared to adhere to all Staff recommendations . Exterior building material samples would be available at the City Council review. Six parking stalls had been deleted from the original plan. Construction phasing for the new road would take place • overnight, during off business hours . Martens noted that cash park fees would not be required for this project as per conversations with City Planner Mike Franzen. Planning Commission Minutes 2 June 26, 1989 Franzen reported that staff recommended approval of the project based on the recommendations outlined in the Staff Report dated ,Tune 9 and June 23, 1989 . Faye asked why the cash parr: fee would not apply to this project . Franzen replied that in Edenvale land for the golf course was in lieu of cash park fees. Franzen added the staff Report would be amended to delete the recommendation prior to City Council review. Fell asked if the police department had reviewed this plan. Franzen replied the police department had not reviewed the plan; however, it would be appropriate and could be done prior to City Council review. Fell noted that per conversations with the police department, it had been indicated that it would like to review this type of plan. Franzen stated that Staff had recommended that the proponent consult with the police department regarding road construction phasing. MOTION 1; Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to close the public hearing. Motion carried 5-0. MOTION 2 ' • Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of Marcor Properties, Inc. , for Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment from Neighborhood Commercial to Community Commercial on 21 acres for construction of a 38, 056 square foot commercial development to be known as Edenvale Crossings, revised based on plans dated June 21, 1989, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Reports dated ,Tune 9 and 23, 1989 with the deletion of recommendation 3.A regarding the Cash Park Fee and replacing that recommendation with the following: 3 .A Provide plan for review by the police department. Motion carried 5-0. MOTION 3' Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of Marcor Properties, Inc. , for Planned Unit Development Concept Amendment to the overall Edenvale Planned Unite Development on 21 acres, for construction of a 38,056 square foot commercial development to be known as Edenvale Crossings, based on revised plans dated June 21, 1989, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Reports dated June 9 and 23, 1989 with the deletion of recommendation 3 .A regarding the • Planning Commission Minutes 3 June 26, 1989 cash nark ne and fr_:pIacj.ng that recoitllmridat iorl with the following: 3 .A Provide plan for review by the police department . Motion carried 5-0 . MOTION 4: Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of Marcor Properties, Inc. , for Planned Unit Development District Review on 21 acres, with waivers, and zoning District Amendment within the Community Commercial District on 7. 5 acres, for construction of a 38, 956 square foot commercial development to be known as Edenvale Crossing, based on revised plans dated June 21, 1989, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Reports dated June 9 and 23, 1989 with the deletion of recommendation 3 .A regarding the Cash Park Fee and replacing that recommendation with the following: 3 .A Provide plan for review by the police department. Motion carried 5-0. MOTION 5 Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of Marcor Properties, Inc. for Preliminary Plat of 7 . 5 acres into one lot for • construction of a 38, 056 square foot commercial development to be known as Edenvale Crossings, based on revised plans dated June 21, 1989, subject to the recommendations of the Staff Report dated June 9 and 23, 1989, with the deletion of recommendation 3 .A regarding the Cash Park Fee and replacing that recommendation with the following: 3 .A Provide plan for review by the police department. Motion carried 5-0 . H. GUILLE ADDITION, by David and Linda Cuille. Request for Zoning District Change from Rural to R1-13. 5 on 1.47 acres, and Preliminary Plat of 1. 47 acres into three single family lots and road right-of-way. Location: Southeast corner of Starrwood Circle and Mitchell Road . A public hearing. Frank Cardarelle, representing the proponents, presented the plans for a 3 lot subdivision. The proponent concurred with the Staff recommendations . The garage would be moved and a new garage constructed. The grading would not take place until the houses were constructed. The cash park fee would be paid . The homes would be connected to City sewer and water when available. Franzen reported that Staff recommended approval of the project based on the recommendations outlined in the Staff • Report dated June 23, 1989 . Planning Commission Minutes 4 June 26, 1989 • Sandstad asked if recommendation No. 1 of the Staff Report was applicable due to the small size of the project. Franzen replied that this was standard procedure for any size project. MOTION 1: Dodge moved, seconded by Fell to close the public hearing. Motion carried 5-0 . MOTION 2: Dodge moved, seconded by Fell to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of David and Linda Guille for Zoning District change from Rural to R1-13. 5 on 1. 47 acres for the Guille Addition, based on plans dated June 20f 1989, subject to the recommendations of the staff Report dated Julie 23, 1989 . motion carried 5-0-0 . MOTION 3 ` Dodge moved, seconded by Sandstad to recommend to the City Council approval of the request of David and Linda, Guille for Preliminary Plat of 1.47 acres into three single family lots and road right-of-way for the Guille Addition, based on plans dated June 20, 1989, subject to the . recommendations of the Staff Report dated June 23, 1989 . Motion carried 5-0-0 . C, EDEN_ FRAIRIE FUNERAL HOME, by Marcus corporation. Request for Guide Plan Amendment from Low Density Residential to Community Commercial on 0.95 acres, Zoning District Change from RM-2 .5 to Community Commercial on 0 .95 acres with variances to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals, and Preliminary Plat of 0 .95 acres into 1 lot for the construction of a funeral horde. Location: southwest corner of Terrey Pine Drive and County Road 44 . A public hearing. Franzen rioted that a detailed Staff Report was not available at this time . The proponent was requesting a two week continuance, but wished to make preliminary statements to the Planning Commission this evening. Mark Senn, representing the proponent, stated that after the proponent had found a negative rental situation for the home on the site, redevelopment of the property had been looked at, with the proposed funeral home providing a good transitional use between residential and commercial uses . Two neighborhood meetings had been held with mainly positive response, with the exception of Elim Shores, • which had stated opposition. The proponent islet earlier this weep with Elim Shores representatives and had a second meeting scheduled with them on June 28, 1989 . Senn Planning Commission Minutes 5 June 26, 1989 nett:@d that timing was critical . H@ t-dif-M- that if th@ project was continued for more than the two weeks requested it would delay the proposed opening from December 1989 to the late Spring of 1990. Senn believed a six month delay would be detrimental to the project. Sandstad asked if the proponent had investigated other possible sites for the funeral home . Senn replied that the other sites which were available were in the middle of commercial developments, which was not the typical location for funeral homes . He added that typically funeral homes are located on the border or in residential areas . Eden Prairie was the location preferred by the operators of the funeral home and the funeral home would also provide a service which did neat currently exist in Eden Prairie. Fell asked if the parking area was adequate. Franzen replied that based on the information from other communities the parking area would be adequate and he added that the parking space provided was within city Code. Fell then asked if traffic and stacking distances had been addressed. Franzen replied that a traffic study had been done, which had raised a concern regarding the upgrade of the intersection at county Road #4 and Highway • #5; however, it was determined that peak hour traffic would not be affected . Franzen added that the stacking distance had not been addressed at this time . Senn replied that the proponent had looked at the traffic and stacking distance thoroughly. Senn concurred that peak hour traffic would be minimal . Senn stated that the stacking distance for the family cars and the transportation vehicles had been addressed in the design of the parking area. Senn noted that the majority of processionals did not originate from the funeral home, but rather from the churches. Senn added that the funeral home was used mainly for reviewals . Fell was concerned that this might not be the appropriate location for the funeral home . Dodge asked when the improvements for County Road 44 and Highway 95 were to be completed. Franzen replied that the projects were to be bid and started this Fall. Senn replied that the proponent had contacted MnDot and had been told that County Road #4 would be completed this Fall with only minor grading and landscaping to be done in the Spring of 1990. Sandstad was concerned about the architecture of the facility. He believed the plan as currently designed appeared as a 30-year old home with an addition on it. Sandstad added that the architecture would be important to accomplish the transition. Senn concurred that the transition was important and added that extensive berming Planning Commission Minutes G ,Tune 26, 1989 . would occur to the south and the west of the facility. Senn stated that the majority of the neighbors preferred the funeral home use to other possibilities . Senn believed that the natural elevations would take care of the view of the facility from the south and added that additional sight-line data was being prepared. Senn stated that the House would be striped and molded in with the structure. The facility would actually have three fronts . Senn noted that the architecture would appear more residential than commercial . Bye asked if the signage had been addressed and added that she believed it was important for the funeral home to be well narked. Bye was concerned about only allowing two weeks for a continuance. Senn noted that the proponent anticipated no opposition from the neighborhood and believed that the issues could be addressed in two weeks . Bye then asked Staff when the plan would be before the City Council . Franzen replied that if the plan received approval at the July 10, 1989 meeting it would appear on the August 1, 1989 City Council Agenda. Bye then recommended that the proposal be presented at the July 24, 1989 Planning Commission meeting and published for the August 1, 1989 City Council meeting. Senn stated that this would be acceptable. MOTION: Dodge moved, seconded by Sandstad to continue the Eden Prairie Funeral Home item to the July 24, 1989 Planning Commission meeting and direct Staff to publish this item for the August 1, 1989 City Council Agenda. Motion carried 5-0-0. D. SITE PLAN AND ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN REVIEW. Request for amending Sub-division 8A, Section 11.08, Chapter 11, requiring site plan and architectural design review prior to building permit issuance in all districts and with respect to allowing for extension of approval . A public hearing. Franzen reported that the Site Plata and Architectural Design Review had been reviewed by the City Attorney, with the changes as noted in the Staff Report, which required a public hearing. The Commission members all concurred that the changes were appropriate. MOTION: . Sandstad moved, seconded by stodge to close the public hearing. Motion carried 5-0-0 . Planning Commission Minutes 7 June 26, 1989 MOT#+_Ni Sandstad moved, seconded by Dodge to recommend to the City Council adoption of the proposed amendments to the Site Plan Ordinance. Motion carried 5-0-0 . IV. OLD BUSINESS Chairperson Bye recommended that due to the expected length of the next meeting that the time be changed to 7:00 PM. MOTION: Dodge moved, seconded by Fell to change the time for the Planning Commission meeting to be held July 10, 1989 . Motion carried 5-0-0. V. NEW BUSINESS VI , PLANNER' S REPORT VII . ADJOURNMENT MOTION: Fell moved, seconded by Anderson to adjourn the meeting at 8 :15 PM. Motion carried 5-0-0 .